Chapter 29
Chapter 29
"A classic dark fairytale."
'Could it be magic?'
'But it couldn't be, Yoongi is just a human.'
'I swear I saw some sparks before the doors opened.'
All of these thoughts are roaming in Y/n's head as she sat on Yoongi's leather office chair, a moment ago Yoongi warns Y/n not to come out of his office before he's back, then he was gone with the guard off to somewhere else.
'Kim Namjoon is missing.'
Y/n thought back about what the guard had said, she is concerned about that as well and she hopes that Namjoon will be found soon, but how is he missing when she just saw him moments ago?
Y/n shakes her head.
'No, it was all in your head.'
She tries to memorize what happened in the maze, but Y/n herself didn't remember much of what happened while she was following the flower's scent, it was like something had taken over her body.
Y/n closes her eyes and tries to remember what happened again.
'First...I go through the entrance...I walk straight and past some pink flowers...then I turned to the left and there were some statues...'
'Then I thought I saw Hoseok and Namjoon...but it couldn't be them.'
"Namjoon can't just be swallowed by the ground..." Y/n mumbled.
"And Hoseok...can't just disappeared out of nowhere."
But after she saw Yoongi's office doors opened by themselves, she is hesitant about her previous statement.
"All of this is giving me a headache." Y/n stood up from the leather chair make her way to the doors, she pulls the handle and her eyes widen when the door won't open.
She pulls it with more power, but the door still won't open.
Meaning Min Yoongi had locked her inside.
"Hey! You can't just lock me here!" Y/n said and bangs her palms on the doors.
She knows Yoongi is furious, but he can't just lock her here like she's a dog, she continues to scream and kicks the doors in the hope someone would open them for her, but no one comes.
She doesn't understand why is he mad in the first place, she did nothing wrong and what she said was facts, as a wise and mature King, Yoongi should understand what she said.
But instead of being understanding, he invaded her personal space, claiming that she's his, almost kissed her without her permission, and now he's locking her inside his office.
Y/n's hands and feet are now sore from the banging and kicking she did on the door, she decides to rest a bit a lay herself on the comfy couch beside the bookshelf.
She is planning to sleep a bit knowing that Yoongi wouldn't come any sooner, she closes her eyes and waits for the dreamland to take over her, but as she is just about to drift into a peaceful sleep, something falls on her forehead.
Y/n hisses and rubs her sore forehead, she opens her eyes and looks at the ground where the thing fell after it hit her forehead.
"A book?" Y/n asked herself and she picks the book from the ground, the book looks old but still seems in a good condition.
"Weird, the bookshelf is not even facing me, then how is this thing could fall on my forehead?"
She looks up at the top of the bookshelf and sees a plant and some books on there, so she assumes that the book was there.
Y/n groans and lays back on the couch, she held the book in front of her face as she reads the title.
"The cursed forest..." The title reminds her of her previous home, her eyes soften as she caresses the book's hardcover and she decides to read it cause she thinks that it's just a fairytale book, although she thinks it's weird that Yoongi has this in his office, she thought he's not someone who's into something like this.
She opens the book and began to read the story, as she is reading the story, she finds a lot of similar things from the forbidden forest in the book, from the names of the creatures, some specific places in the forbidden forest, and other things.
But in this story, the creatures are described as monsters, they were written as the villains whereas the humans were the victims, the creatures are selfish, reckless, and evil, while humans are kind, loving, and innocent, which isn't true for Y/n.
She then came across a page where her mother's name was mentioned, she immediately sits up and reads the words more carefully.
Miranda, the leader of the monsters is planning to take over the humans and make them her slave, she plans on attacking the King first, then she would rule them and she would let her beloved monsters wander around the town.
The day she's been waiting for finally comes, she opens the forest's vines walls and lets all the monsters lose, she walks to the Palace with thousands of loyal army of monsters behind her.
But what she doesn't know is that the King knows what she was planning, so he reaches out for help from some other Kingdoms and they gladly help him because they also want to get rid of the monsters.
They found out what is Miranda's weakness from some sources, she is scared of anything that's made out of metal,
Y/n squints her eyes at the underlined word, the 'metal' words were underlined two times, and she finds it quite suspicious, she then continues to read to story.
They prepared their weapons and everything are made out of metal, Miranda is shocked when she sees them all ready and are carrying their metal weapons, but she doesn't want to back down, and so she commands her army to attack the humans and the King does the same.
It's an intense battle between Miranda and the King, but in the end, the good ones always win, and after a long battle the King wins and he celebrates it with his people.
The humans cheer when they hear that their King successfully execute all the monsters that have been haunting them.
Y/n is angry as she is reading the book, she can't believe someone who wrote this describes her mother and the creatures she loved as something so terrible, the writer even called them monsters when the reality is the humans who are the true monsters in this world.
Y/n flips to the next page and something falls from the book, she picks it up and it's a piece of folded paper, Y/n was about to unfold the paper to see what's inside but she hears the sound of someone unlocking the door, she quickly put the paper back into the book and hides the book under a cushion.
Y/n tries to look normal while waiting for Yoongi to come inside, but instead of Yoongi, it's Marilyn who walks inside.
"Marilyn!" Y/n is excited when she sees her friend after Marilyn puts the tray of food on the table Y/n quickly engulfs her in a bear hug.
"I missed you so much!"
Marilyn chuckles and pats her back "Miss you too dummy."
They broke the hug and went to sit on the couch.
"King Yoongi ordered me to bring something to eat for you." Marilyn said and brings the tray in front of Y/n.
"Why can't I just go eat in the dining room?"
"You can't, he told me to not let you out of his office."
Y/n rolls her eyes "What's up with him?"
Marilyn shrugs "Don't know, he seems in a bad mood and stressed when I saw him."
Marilyn continues "But that is not important, what's more important is your food."
Y/n takes the utensils and starts digging into her food as she talks to Marilyn, they ask how each other is doing, they exchange stories, and tell each other current problems, Y/n even forgets about the paper she found as she is spending lunch with Marilyn.
Y/n drinks her water and wipes her mouth with a napkin after, she then proceeds to ask her.
"So, when can I get out of here?"
"Don't ask me, how am I supposed to know? King Yoongi said you can only come out once he's here."
"And when is he coming back? I can't just stay here all day."
Marilyn looks a bit hesitant then she says "I'm sorry...but I think you have to..."
Y/n furrows her eyebrow "Hm? Why?"
"Right now the people in the Palace are freaking out due to King Namjoon's sudden disappearance, right now King Yoongi is having a meeting with the other Kings and some high counselings discussing his disappearance, they already sent some guards to search for him."
"Do they find a clue yet?" Y/n asked, worried for her dear friend.
Marilyn shakes her head "I don't know."
She then looks at the clock and gasps before quickly putting everything back on the tray.
"Hey, what's going on?"
"Lunch break is almost over and I need to go to clean the seventh-floor kitchen as soon as possible!"
Before Marilyn could walk outside the office Y/n stops her.
"Wait! Could you please call Lana here? I don't want to be alone."
Marilyn's eyes soften "I'm sorry, but it seems like King Yoongi doesn't trust her, she is not allowed to come here."
Y/n wants to ask more but she also didn't want Marilyn to be late for her next task so they both bid their goodbyes and Y/n is back locked in the office.
Y/n goes back to lay on the couch, but when her head falls on the cushion she feels something hard under it, she pulls it out and realizes that it was the cursed forest book.
She opens the previous page where she found the paper, Y/n unfolds the paper and starts reading the handwriting, which looks familiar to her.
The heart of a frog.
-Three black roses.
-One finger of the cursed sisters, each.
-Horse's eyes.
-A drop of virgin male blood.
Instructions: Mix the ingredients well in a pot full of water, after it's done, tie the sisters together inside a circle made out of cow's ashes and feed them with the potion you brewed, after the sisters throw up their black blood, you can start chanting the words.
Y/n then reads some words she couldn't understand, the paper has no title and just went straight to ingredients, but she knows that this isn't a food recipe, it's a guide of ritual.
"But what is this for?" Y/n asked herself.
Who are the three sisters? And why did someone write something like this?
"Three cursed sisters?" Y/n feels a deep nostalgia as she read the words, she feels like she heard them somewhere.
After thinking hard about where she heard the name, she unlocks her childhood memory, it was when she was five.
"Tell me a bedtime story or I refuse to sleep."
"If you're not going to sleep, then I might have to make you sleep outside."
"Mom! Please!"
"You ugly little creature...okay okay, I will read you a bedtime story then you're going to sleep, deal?" Miranda said, she offers her hand and Y/n shakes it to seal their deal.
Miranda walks up to her bookshelf and pulls a random book, she reads the title and smirks to herself.
"Found one!" Miranda said and she goes to sit on Y/n's bed.
"What's the title?"
"The tale of the three cursed sisters." She then starts reading the story for her little girl beside her.
"Once upon a time, there are three little sisters that are playing happily in the playground, the oldest and the most protective sister name is Mara, the middle sister name is Nerezza, and the last one is Morana, the youngest."
"They live a happy and peaceful life with their parents, everything was fine until they get home when they are back from the playground, they witness their parents being brutally murdered by a gangster, the leader of the gangster notices them and orders his man to take the sisters with them."
"Once they're there, they are being treated like a slave, the three of them were put inside in a small cage together and the gangster only let them out when they told them to clean their house."
"They are being tortured every day and the gangster only give them one food on the same plate once a day, because of the lack of nutrition they become skinny as skeletons, but after thirty days of hell, someone finally comes to rescue them."
"The King heard about the gangster and sent some soldiers to attack them and rescue the victims, after the three sisters are rescued the soldiers bring them to the Palace to meet the King."
"They cry and thanked the King for rescuing them, the King says that they can live in his Palace and the three sisters are happy to hear that, they thought they will finally get their happy ending."
"But no, they are being treated worse by everyone in the Palace, at first they were being nice but as days go by, their true colors slowly start revealing themselves."
"There are days when they're not allowed to eat or drink, they are being overworked by the orders of the royal family, and they didn't get anything in return from their work, the only thing they get is abuse."
"And sometimes, the King or the Prince-oh I can't say that...this book is messed up."
"Continue!" Y/n said.
"You sure darling?" Miranda asked and Y/n reply with a nod.
"Okay...One day, Nerezza successfully escapes from the Palace leaving her two sisters behind, because of Nerezza, Mara and Morana are being brutally tortured by the guards, and they almost die because of it."
"Two weeks after that, Nerezza comes back to the Palace to rescue her sisters, Mara and Morana thought it would be impossible for the three of them because they think they would get caught easily, but they are shocked when they see Nerezza kills lots of guards with just a swift of her hand."
"After they successfully escaped from the Palace, Nerezza brings her two sisters to the top of the mountain, there, Nerezza starts speaking a different language her sisters don't understand, then all of a sudden, a scary goat looking creature comes from a dark portal and the sisters, except for Nerezza, steps back and Mara was about to pull Morana for a run but the scary goat stops them."
"Do not be scared, for I'm the one who helped you escape that Palace." The goat said."
"Mara demands to know what is going on, so Nerezza tells her, before escaping the Palace, Nerezza finds a book about dark magic, and that's where she knows all of this, and she began to convince her sisters to ask for powers from the goat creature."
"Please! Don't you want revenge for those people who make us suffer?!" Nerezza asked as she shakes Morana's shoulders."
"Yes. I do want revenge. And I want everyone to know how it feels to be us!" Moran stated."
"After convincing their older sister, they agreed to asks for powers from the goat creature, the goat happily give them but in one condition."
"I will give you what you want, but in one condition, you must bring me a virgin female heart in here, every month." The sisters agrees, and so they sealed their deal with the devil.
"After they get their powers they go back to the Palace and kill everyone that's on their way, blood and bodies are scattered everywhere, and the only ones that are left are the royal family."
"They tortured them and make them feel worse than what they had gone through, the sisters take over the throne and make the whole Kingdom feel their suffering, Mara forces every woman in the Kingdom to work in the Palace, Nerezza takes all of the crops and left very little for the people in their Kingdom, Morana takes all of the colors and turns the Kingdom into a black and white, just like their previous life."
"The sisters are finally at their glory, they are living in a wealthy life, and they also do as they promised, they always sacrifice a virgin female on the same mountain where they meet the goat, they live along decades because the goat makes them immortal."
"But everything has to come to an end when there's no virgin female left in their Kingdom, they've been trying to kidnap virgin females from other Kingdoms but they failed because they already hired some great wizards to protect their Kingdoms."
"What should we do? It's almost at the end of the month and we haven't found a single virgin female!" Mara said.
"If we don't find one as soon as possible, that devil will be angry." Morana said as she nervously bites her thumbnail.
"Calm your tits sis, I found a way." Nerezza then signals the guards to bring someone in and they drag a young male into the room.
"And why is this man here?" Mara asked.
"Watch." Nerezza began to chant a spell, the young man's form slowly turns into a woman's form, making the two sisters shocked but they get what Nerezza meant, the next day, they drag the 'female' to the mountain and present him to the devil, they thought they can fool him but the devil knows what they're doing."
"The devil is angry that they underestimated him, and so he brings them to hell and locked them there forever, The end."
"You're not going to read this book again." Miranda stood up from Y/n's bed.
"Aw, why not?"
"Cause it's not suitable for children, how do you even have this in your bookshelf?" Miranda asked and Y/n reply it with a shrug.
"Can you tell me another bedtime story?"
"We had a deal, sleep." Miranda places her palm on the girl's head and soon the girl falls into a deep sleep.
No cliffhanger this time.
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