Chapter 26
Chapter 26
"Black, Grey, and White."
"So you're saying she's not going to wake up anytime soon?" Yoongi asked the doctor as he nibbles his bottom lip between his teeth.
"Yes, she fainted because she can't handle the shock and the stress she got."
The room goes silent and the seven Kings never leave their eyes on the fainted beauty ever since they stepped into the room, the doctor clears his throat before he stood up from the chair he was sitting on.
"If that's all then I will excuse myself." He bows to the King before walking out of the room.
"Namjoon, wake her up," Jimin said.
Namjoon was about to place his palm on Y/n's forehead but Taehyung grabs his hand to stop him.
"Let her rest. She's been through a lot." He said while still not looking away from Y/n's sleeping face.
"Taehyung's right, let's get out of here," Jin said.
The six Kings nodded and proceeds to walk out of the room, but before Yoongi left he notice that Hoseok is still on his spot with his eyes never leaving Y/n.
"Hoseok," Yoongi called his name to get his attention.
"Hm?" Hoseok replied but his eyes are still on her.
"You're coming?"
Hoseok shakes his head "Go first, I'll stay here for a bit."
Exhausted and still injured from the previous battle Yoongi decide to leave Hoseok there so he can go to his room and sleep.
The door closes and Hoseok stays in his seat for a while before he stood up and walks to the bed where Y/n is laying and sits beside her sleeping body.
He starts caressing her cheekbone with his index finger as he admires her sleeping face.
"My my...look at you."
"So pretty..." His finger goes down from her cheekbone to her jawline.
"So vulnerable..." His finger continues to go down to her neck and stops at the middle of her collarbones.
"So oblivious with everything."
"But with you being oblivious to whatever's happening I think my plan will go smoothly as I have planned for us, Lucky me." He said and boops her nose.
"Sweet dream, my love." He softly kissed her forehead before leaving the room.
That night while Y/n is still laying on her bed, the seven Kings along with some of the survived soldiers are having a party down in the ballroom celebrating their success.
The room fills with the intoxicated breath of alcohol in each person's mouth, they dance together in euphoria with their heads in the clouds, and they play games like they're all best friends when the truth is all seven of them are backstabbers.
This night they all will behave as friends but tomorrow, the real war will start.
Jungkook slowly opens his eyes after feeling a ray of sunshine shining on him, and he immediately feels immense pain in his head which makes him groan.
"Stupid hangover..."
He sat up from his sleeping position and rubs his face with both of his hands, he then notices that his clothes were scattered on the floor and he is only in his boxer, next to someone.
Jungkook looks to the side and his eyes widen when he sees Y/n sleeping beside him.
"How did I get here?" Jungkook asked himself, his eyes goes down to her body and he is disappointed that she still has her clothes on, meaning that nothing happened last night with him and Y/n.
He lay down on the bed again and wraps his arms around her waist while he rests his chin on her shoulder as he look up at her sleeping face.
"When are you going to wake up?" He asked even though he knows she's not just going to rise from her deep sleep and answer him.
He gets off the bed after he thought of an idea to waste his time instead of sleeping again, he walks to her desk and opens one of the drawers to find a piece of paper along with a pencil.
Two weeks ago he along with the six others had arranged this room for Y/n, and it would be a lie if they say they hadn't spoiled her.
Her room is the epitome of luxury, the floor were made out of the most expensive marbles from Italy , the desk and her bed were made out of the finest wood, her mattress and pillows are high quality, the ceiling and the details of the walls are carved by the most talented people in the Kingdom, the medium crystal chandelier that hung on the ceiling costs more than you can imagine along with the other things in the room.
Wait till you see her walk-in closet and her bathroom.
Jungkook finally find what he's been searching for and sat on the stool beside her bed, he carefully moves her head so it face the ceiling and he also places both of her hands on her tummy.
Jungkook starts sketching her face first, after he's done he goes to sketch the curve of her neck down to her body and his cheeks grew hot as he observes the curves of her body.
After adding the last detail of her natural long thick eyelashes Jungkook is finally done sketching her. He stares at the masterpiece he made, he makes sure he didn't miss any single detail from her (h/c) hair to her toes.
Jungkook smirks "This will go to my collection."
He rose from the stool and walks out of the room to go to his Art Room.
'Where am I?'
'Why is it so dark here?'
'Why can't I see anything?'
Suddenly, Y/n can see everything around her, it felt like her eyes were being covered but now that she can see everything she wish she didn't.
What she sees around her is fire, everything is on fire.
She hears so many voices screaming in desperation through her ears and they all are saying the same thing.
"Help us."
Y/n covers her ears with her hands to block the voices, but what she did was useless. the screaming didn't stop instead, it gets louder and louder every second.
She feels like the ground beneath her turning into something slimy, hard, and soft. She looks down and immediately regrets it.
She is standing on top of thousands of creatures' bodies like a pyramid, and she recognizes all of them.
They all are covered in blood from head to toe, their eyes are wide open but they're empty and those empty eyes are staring right at hers.
A gasp left her lips as she opens her eyes, she feels a hand brushing some of her hair back from her forehead and she quickly looks to the side to see who it is.
"Hey hey, calm down it's me..."
"Calm down...Breathe in." Y/n do as he said.
"Breathe out."
After Y/n can properly breathe Taehyung asks her while still caressing her hair.
"What happened?"
"N-nothing...just a bad dream."
'Just a bad dream right?'
'All of that was just a bad dream...they didn't die, mom is still alive.' Y/n convinces herself in her thoughts, however, Taehyung can read them.
'Poor little girl.'
Taehyung helps her to sit up and offer her a cup of tea to which she drinks it and gives the cup to Taehyung after.
Y/n looks around the room she's in, she is a little curious because she hasn't seen this room before, and she's curious as to why she is here.
"Where am I?" Y/n asked as she admires the room she's in.
"Your new room," Taehyung replied bluntly.
"How is this my new-" Y/n cut herself as another question appears in her mind, so she whips her head to face Taehyung and spill her question through her mouth.
"How did I get here?"
'How did I suddenly wake up here? I didn't remember sleeping.'
Taehyung looks at her with those sympathetic eyes.
"Don't look at me like that." Y/n firmly said while she tries to convince herself in her thoughts.
'I didn't faint, it was all just a dream it was all just a dream it was all just a dream IT WAS ALL JUST A DREAM.' She repeats the words in her thoughts as she tries to convince herself but her gut feeling says otherwise.
"Y/n listen to me..." Taehyung tries to grab her wrist but she scoots away from him.
"I wanna go home." Y/n looks around the room once again and see stwo white doors that leads to the exit.
However, before she could bolt out of the room Taehyung wraps his hands around her waist, stopping her halfway from grabbing the door handle.
Her eyes began to sting and tears start to roll down to her cheeks while she struggles to get free from his tight grip around her.
"LET ME GO!" Y/n screamed but Taehyung keep holding her without lessening his grip.
"Calm down and I'll explain everything." Taehyung softly said.
"I DON'T WANT YOU TO EXPLAIN ANYTHING, I WANT TO GO HOME!" She continues to struggle to get free but as time goes by she slowly gives up.
When she didn't struggle anymore Taehyung picks her up in a bridal style and he goes to sit on the chair beside the window and place the young maiden on his lap and he guides her head to rest on his chest.
"The six other Kings and I went for a hunt with our horses yesterday afternoon." He started slowly.
"We saw smoke coming from somewhere so we follow that smoke."
"And we saw that the forbidden forest was destroyed." He feels her body tense up against him.
"I was afraid that you were there, so I ran inside."
"And I was right, you were there. Laying on the ground with your face full of dust, I was scared because...I thought you were dead."
"The other Kings and I bring you back to the Palace and we immediately called for a doctor, the doctor said you were okay."
"Did they ask you how I was there?" Y/n asked.
"Yes...and I have no choice but to tell them, but I promise you they will not look or treat you differently."
"W-what happened to the creatures in the forest?" Taehyung takes a deep breath before he answer her.
"I'm sorry..."
More tears fall from her eyes when she heard those words, she still couldn't accept the truth.
"The moment we found you, they're all already dead."
She cries harder with Taehyung trying to comfort her by whispering sweet nothings as he caresses her hair and it took one hour for her to stop crying.
Y/n wants to cry more but she got no tears left to spill anymore, so she just sat in silence with her head on his chest while she listen to his heartbeat.
"What am I going to do now?..."
His slender fingers cup her chin and lift it so he can see her face, her puffy eyes and red nose looks so cute to Taehyung which makes him adore her more.
"Don't you worry darling, I'm going to take care of you." He said with his fingers still cupping her chin.
"After my duty in here is done, You'll be living with me in our Palace."
"But I need you to promise me that you will not say this to anyone, this is a secret between you and me only." He said with his eyes not leaving hers the whole time.
"I Promise..." Their face is a few inches away from each other, his eyes look down at her lips as he wets his own, Y/n's eyes slightly widen and she gulps when she knows what he's going to do.
His eyes not leaving her lips as he leans closer and closer, their nose grazes each other and-
*knock knock*
Before they could feel each other's lips they were interrupted by someone knocking on the door, the door opens and an unfamiliar girl wearing a maid uniform walks into the room.
The maid let out a small gasp when she sees the position they're in, Y/n quickly gets off from Taehyung's lap and stood up.
"I-I'm-" The maid was too stunned to speak and before she could find the right words Taehyung cut her.
"What are you doing here?" He asked with his pissed tone which makes the maid trembles in fear.
"I-I'm here b-because King Jimin a-assigned me to take lady Y/n for a b-bath...My apologies for i-interrupting Your Majesty..." She keeps bowing as she said those words.
Taehyung sighed in annoyance and she stands up from the chair, he forces a smile and pats Y/n's head.
"I'll be back."
The maid insisted that she will have to bathe her even though Y/n said she can do it herself, the maid said it's her job.
Y/n is now sitting inside the tub full of water with rose petals floating on the water, she is thinking about what Taehyung had said to her as the maid massages her scalp.
'What did he meant by taking care of me? We're not even that close and the last time we met we fought because he's overstepped his boundaries.'
'And what did he mean by 'our' Palace?'
But she quickly forgets about Taehyung's words and focuses on the disaster that happened in her home.
'Who dared to kill all of them?'
The more she thinks about it the more her heart hurts.
"Miss Y/n why are you crying? Did I massage your scalp too hard?!"
Y/n didn't even realize that she's crying so she quickly wipe her tears.
"I'm so sorry!" the maid panicked.
"I-It's not your fault don't worry, I just remembered something." the maid calm down after Y/n said that and continue massaging her scalp.
"What's your name?" Y/n asked.
"My name is Lana..."
After Y/n was done with her bath Lana give her a bathrobe and tell her to sit down on a stool in front of the vanity while she brush her hair.
As Lana is brushing her hair Lana keeps asking her questions to keep her mind away from those thoughts.
After Lana was done brushing her hair she goes to her closet and give her a simple dress to wear.
"Why do I have to wear this?" Y/n asked as she eyed the dress up and down.
"King Jimin asked you to wear this miss." And so Lana helps her wear the dress while her mind wanders off again.
She finds it wear that she has to wear such an expensive-looking dress, she knew it from her first glance at the dress.
She is not a royal, she's just a normal maiden. But why are they treating her like one?
The design of the room and the bathroom probably cost more than anything in this Kingdom.
And she's scared to see what's inside her closet.
"Alright, you're ready," Lana said.
"Let's go to the dining room, the Kings are waiting for you there."
"Umm...can I just eat here?" Y/n know she is being disrespectful but she just wants to be alone for the time.
"I don't know miss..." Lana said as she started to grow nervous.
"P-please? I just want to be alone right now..."
"SHE JUST WANTS TO BE ALONE?!" Jimin shouted and throw his wine glass to the ground before it shatters into pieces.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE JUST WANTS TO BE ALONE? I ASKED YOU TO BRING HER HERE!" Jimin stood up from his seat and was about to make his way to the trembling Lana but Jin grabs his elbow and pull him down to sit back on his seat.
"WHAT?!" Jimin shouted as he turned to look at Jin.
"Shut up, So I can enjoy my food." Jin simply said and goes back to eating his food.
"Just go, useless." Yoongi scoffed as he watch the maid leave the room in hurry.
"Besides the good things we did for her we also killed her loved ones, so just give her some space," Hoseok said.
Jimin continue making a fuss while the other Kings silently ate their food and ignored him, except Jin.
Jin stood up with his plate in his hands and walks out of the room leaving the six Kings wondering where he is going.
"Where is he going?" Taehyung asked.
Jungkook scoffs "Probably somewhere to enjoy his food, God knows how much he loves them."
Y/n looks down at the plate on the table, her utensils are left untouched she didn't feel like eating but she agreed so Lana can leave her alone.
Three knocks on the door snapped her out of her daze, she look up at the door and find Jin's head peaking inside, his eyes met hers, and a smile spread on his lips he walks inside and closes the door before turning to face her again.
"Hi, do you mind if I eat here with you?"
Y/n is still nervous that Jin and the others know about her secret, but Jin doesn't act differently like Taehyung said.
He goes to sit on a chair across from her and puts his plate and utensils on the table, he then looks at Y/n's plate and back at her.
"You're not eating?"
"No...not hungry."
"Hey..." Jin called out softly as he grabs her hand that is on the table.
"I'm sorry for your loss...I understand what you're going through right now." Y/n looks up as he began to tell a story.
"When my parents were dead, I was depressed and almost give up my Kingdom but everyone prevented me from it, so I spend my years in misery but I realized that I have to move on and I know that my parents don't want me to feel this way forever..."
"What I'm saying is you can be sad about the life you lost but don't give up on yourself Y/n. You still have me." His grip slightly tightened as he said the four last words.
His words didn't soothe her a bit. But Y/n still forces a smile on her lips to convince him that she takes his words.
"Now please eat before your food gets cold."
Y/n nods and takes her knife and fork to cut the meat on her plate.
They start to enjoy their dinner silently until Y/n breaks the peaceful silence.
"Why are you not eating with the rest of the Kings?"
"So I can be with you." Her cheeks turn slightly pink after hearing his short answer.
Y/n fake a cough "I'm sorry for refusing to eat with-"
"It's okay, I'm kinda glad you did."
Y/n is confused about his answer but she doesn't question it and goes back to eating her food.
I know it's late but- Happy New Year!
Written: 26/12/21
Published: 5/1/22
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