Chapter 21
Chapter 21
"Your touch is too pure, it almost burned my skin"
Y/n slowly opens her eyes and the first thing she sees is a black chandelier hanging in the air and a high ceiling with beautifully detailed carves.
She then notice she wasn't laying on the floor. instead, she is lying on the soft king-sized bed alone with midnight black silk sheets covering her.
The half-asleep maiden carefully sits up on the bed and looks around the darkroom until she spotted one male holding a quill and is writing something on his desk, the table lamp illuminates his glowing face instead of the moonlight.
The male glance up after he felt her staring at him, his eyes met hers and he smiled.
"You're awake" He set down his quill on his desk and gets up from his chair then he approaches her, he lightly caresses her cheek with his fingers while waiting for her soul to fully come back from the dreamland.
"Does your head hurts?" He asked, to which she replied with a small 'no' coming from her mouth.
"Where am I?"
"You're in my room, I caught you after you passed out on the way here Kitten"
Y/n slowly remembers what happened on the way here that made her pass out, she remembers the terrifying sight she just saw and decides to tell it to Yoongi.
"Y-Yoongi I-I saw-"
"Shhh...I know...I'm sorry you had to see that" Yoongi cuts her off before he sits down on the bed beside her and puts her head on his shoulder then he began to whisper sweet nothings to calm her down.
"W-who did t-that?" Y/n asks as she tried to hold her sobs.
"A prisoner that escaped from the dungeon, but it's okay don't worry he's back behind the bars with higher security this time"
"A guard told me that you came back running from the dungeon looking scared earlier this afternoon Kitten, are you okay? Did the prisoners hurt you? Did they threaten you?" Yoongi asks.
Y/n remembers what happened in the dungeon and debates with herself whether she should tell Yoongi or not, something inside her tells her not to tell Yoongi so she lied to him.
"Nothing happened, I just saw a big rat and I'm traumatized to go back there"
Yoongi chuckled "Then you don't have to go back there, I'll make sure of that"
"Tell me about your day Kitten, apart from the tragic event that you saw earlier"
So she began to tell him how her day went, it helps her to forget the tragic events that happened this day and it helps her to calm down too.
"Let's go back to bed baby," Yoongi said after he saw Y/n start to feel sleepy again, he tucks her back under the silk sheets and lay down beside her before wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her closer to his warmth, soon they fall into their deep slumber.
Y/n had been staring at the ceiling for about ten minutes while listening to her tummy rumbling, she woke up at about two am because she is hungry, she then remembers that she didn't have her dinner this evening.
Y/n tried to move Yoongi's hand away from her but it wouldn't budge, finally, after almost fifteen minutes she can get out of bed without waking Yoongi, she carefully sneak outside the room without making any sound.
After she closed the doors she starts walking to where the servant's kitchen is, she took a turn and is met by the previous hallway where she saw the terrifying scene.
She could still visualize how Gissele's body hanging from the chandelier, her unrecognizable destroyed face and body, and her dry blood covering her from head to toe.
Y/n feel chills running down her spine as she continues to stare at the chandelier and the hallway, she decides to turn back and walk the other way.
Once she saw the servant's kitchen doors she immediately runs and pushed the doors open but they wouldn't move, she look down and her jaw drop to the ground when she saw the door is locked.
"What?! Then how am I supposed to stop my tummy from having a concert?!" Y/n whispered to herself then she starts pulling the lock in an attempt to get the doors open but of course, it's useless.
Y/n's heard her tummy rumbles again and she crouched down while holding her tummy.
"Okay...let's try the other kitchens, maybe they're open" Y/n sucks in a deep breath before standing up and heading to the second servant's kitchen that's on the fifth floor.
"What the fu- It's locked too??!" Y/n growled and stomps to the third kitchen.
"Why is this one locked too?!!"
Y/n kicked the locked kitchen doors out of frustration and hunger and stomps her feet on the floor like a kid begging for toys.
"OI! WHO'S THERE?!" Y/n jumped and turn around to see the owner of the voice, then she recognizes him by the uniform he's wearing.
'Shit- he's a guard' Y/n quickly runs away from there before the guard can see her.
Y/n finally gives up after she sees that the sixth kitchen is locked too, she leaned her body on the wall and a brilliant idea pops into her head.
'Why don't I just come to the royal's kitchen?'
Y/n shakes her head and slaps her cheeks.
"No. That's very unprofessional of you Y/n, Marilyn strictly said not to go to the royal's kit-"
Five minutes later, Y/n found herself standing in front of the royal's kitchen.
"I mean...they hardly use the kitchen, I doubt they even know how to cook" Y/n twist the doorknob and push the doors open, she immediately steps in and closed the doors.
Y/n crouch down and carefully opened the first cabinet, she cringed when it made a tiny cracking sound.
"Shut the fuck up!!"
Her eyes sparkled when she sees different kinds of delicious snacks inside, she grabbed one packet of matcha pocky and starts eating them.
She stood up after finishing a box of pocky and opened the upper cabinet and grabbed a pack of Oreos and open them, however before she could put one oreo in her mouth she felt a strong pair of arms wrapped around her waist.
Y/n froze, she could feel the person's hot breath on her neck and his chest heaving up and down against her back, the person pressed his body to Y/n and left no space between them.
"What are you doing here little mouse?"
The person turns her body to face him and puts his hands on the counter, trapping her between his arms.
'Oh shit.'
he takes her chin and makes her look up to him, their eyes locked with each other and her eyes widened.
"Long time no see flower"
In front of her is one and only Kim Seokjin.
"K-King Jin! I'm sorry I s-shouldn't be here-" Y/n's eyes traveled down to his attire and her face flushed red, he is only wearing a silk white robe but he didn't tie the strings right making his chest exposed a little, Y/n quickly look to the side before he caught her checking him out.
"You like sneaking into forbidden places hm?" He asks as he tucked a strand of Y/n's hair behind her ear.
"I-I'm sorry..."
"Tell me, what are you doing here Y/n?" his index finger slowly tracing her jawline, down to her neck and resting on her collarbone, Y/n open her mouth and was ready to answer him but her tummy already answered his question.
*rumbling sound*
Jin looks down at her tummy and chuckled "So that's why"
"Fuck..." Y/n mumbled.
"What was that?" Jin asks as he looks back at her.
"Nothing! I-I should go..." Y/n said and tries to move away from him but his hand is on the counter, not letting her go anywhere.
"Stay, I'll make you some food" Jin said and starts looking for ingredients in the cabinets.
"Oh no! You don't have t-" Y/n's tummy starts rumbling again cutting her off.
"Your little tummy says different" Jin let out his windshield wiper laugh and Y/n awkwardly laughed along with him.
"It's decided, I'm going to make shrimp scampi, do you like that?"
Y/n nodded like a little kid that is finally getting what they want, Jin starts putting the ingredients and the equipment on the counter.
"So, what can I do?"
"You can sit there and wait for me," Jin points at the marble island table behind him.
"I insist, I want to help you"
"Fine, you wash the shrimps but be careful sweetie," he said as he's busy cutting the parsley.
"Be careful? What could go wrong?" Y/n scoffed and went to do what Jin says.
It did go wrong.
Somehow Y/n got a cut on her thumb even though she is just washing the shrimps, but despite it being a small cut Jin makes her sit on the chair and forbid her to help him.
The delicious smell of food entered Y/n's nostril and a smile made its way to her lips, Jin comes to the table and puts two plates of shrimp scampi in front of Y/n, and takes a seat across her
Y/n takes some of the pasta by twirling her fork in the pasta and putting them in her mouth before she chews on them, her face beams with joy, and a wide smile appears on her lips.
"So? How is it?"
"Amazing! Ten stars!"
"Why of course, I'm the one who made it," Jin said and proudly puffed his chest.
"If you're not a king you're probably a chef now"
"That was my dream when I was ten, but as the only heir of the throne and the only child of my family I don't have that much choice"
He then asks "What about you? What is your dream Y/n?"
Y/n shrugged "I have lots of dreams, when I was thirteen I want to be a singer, dancer, painter, writer, working in a clothing store or working as a waitress, but I never accomplish any of those dreams"
"What do you want in life?"
"Nothing much, just a simple peaceful life"
Jin's smile turns flat 'Oh you won't be getting any of that flower'
Jin stood up from his seat and goes to the cupboard, he takes two wine glasses along with a bottle of wine, he comes back and sets them down on the table.
"Wine?" Jin offered.
"Sure, but I never had it before"
"Really? Then I'm glad you have your first time with me" Jin smirks as he pours the wine into the glasses and gives one to Y/n.
Jin sipped the wine and stare at Y/n as she gulps the wine in one go and she let out a satisfied sound and they put their glass back on the table.
"That was good! Can I have more?" Jin nodded and pour some more wine into her glass.
They continue to talk as they drank their wine, Y/n finished her fifth glass of wine and is already tipsy, Jin watches her giggling and talking about something dumb while he sips his first glass of wine.
It wasn't Jin's intention to make Y/n drunk it was her who's asking for more wine and after seeing her drunk Jin thought of a brilliant idea.
"So Y/n, can you tell me where you live?"
A drunk mind speaks a sober heart, so his idea is to ask Y/n questions about what it's like being in the forbidden forest and what kinds of creatures inside, after he got his answers he's going to report them to the other Kings.
"Hehe...there's green and flowers everywhere," Y/n said with a dumb smile on her lips.
"Who do you live with?"
"I live with lots! *hiccups* of fairies~....and they dance like this!" Y/n got up from her seat and starts twirling.
" there anyone or anything else that lives with you?" Y/n didn't answer his question and keeps twirling and giggling, Jin tried asking different questions but she ignores him so Jin gives up.
"Daddy! watch me twirl~"
Jin chokes on his wine he can't believe she said that "W-what?!"
Y/n is starting to get dizzy and she stumbled before she falls on the floor, Jin quickly got up from his seat and went to help Y/n.
"Y/n! You okay?" Jin grabbed her arms and pull her up to her feet, Y/n stare at Jin's eyes before cupping his chin with both of her hands.
"Wahh, you're so handsome" Jin's face went red after he heard that compliment, usually if someone compliments his looks he will brag more about it but now he's flustered.
Y/n laughed and pat his cheek a little hard before she turns around and runs out of the kitchen.
"Hey! Where are you going?!" Jin then proceeds to follow her.
Y/n kept giggling like a little girl as she skips down the hallways, Jin thought it was adorable so he joined her giggling.
"Jinie~ do want to do something fun?" Y/n starts slowing down and turns to face Jin while walking backward.
"What kind of fun?" Jin's mind immediately filled with dirty thoughts of numerous 'fun' things he could do with Y/n.
"This!" Y/n runs up to one of the doors in the hallway and bangs her first hard against the door three times before she sprints away from there.
"OI! WHO THE FUCK BANGING ON MY DOOR AT THREE AM?!" A furious half-awake Jimin come out of the room and spotted Jin who is standing frozen in front of his door, Jimin immediately thought it was Jin who banged on his door.
"ADIOS BITCH!!" Jin quickly sprinted away before Jimin could catch him.
Y/n entered a random room and it turns out to be an art gallery, she left the door open and approached the nearest painting, it's a painting of the late general of Seoul, Y/n rolled her eyes and moved on to the next painting.
The paintings were all good but Y/n thought it was boring until she come across a blank canvas that is framed with fine pure gold, the odd thing is that the canvas is kept in a big square glass, unlike the other canvas that is hung on the walls.
Y/n walk past the glass box and spotted a brown rusty door that doesn't blend with the luxurious interior of the room, Y/n approached the door as she stumbled on her steps, and when she was about to grab the doorknob Jin runs into the room grab her hand.
"Yah! What was that? Why did you do that?!" Y/n's face was blank but soon a wide beautiful smile crept upon her lips and she laughed, seeing her this happy makes Jin hard to stay mad at her, a small smile soon made its way to his lips.
"Are you drunk Y/n?" Jin ask even though it was obvious.
Y/n frowns "I'm not"
"Are you sure?"
Her frown increased and this time she stomped her foot to the ground "No I'm not!"
"Really? Could you tell the time?"
Y/n turns to face the grandfather clock that's on the corner and point at it "I'm. not. drunk"
Jin windshield wiper laugh filled the whole room and Y/n also laughed cause she finds his laugh is so funny.
"You're already too drunk, let's go to bed" Jin went to grab Y/n but she moves away and stuck out her tongue.
"I don't want to sleep yet~"
"Flower come on, you have to" Jin tries to grab her again but she runs out of the room and starts giggling again.
Jin sighed "This girl" and he start to chase her.
"Y/n come here!" Jin says as he chases her, Y/n ignores him and starts running faster.
'Damn this girl is a fast runner' Jin thought and speeds up, Y/n look back and sees Jin is still far away from her, she stuck out her tongue again to mock Jin and she didn't notice a tall pillar in front of her, Jin notices it and starts speeding up and opens his mouth to warn Y/n.
"Y/n watch out! In front of y-"
Too late. Jin was cut off by a loud 'BAK' sound and it was the sound of Y/n's face hitting the pillar, Y/n's vision got blurry and she falls on the floor.
"Oh Gosh! Flower are you okay??" Jin fall on his knees and tucked Y/n's hair that was covering her face, he gently takes her chin and makes her look at him so he can see her face, despite the fresh red bump on her head Y/n still has that dumb smile on her lips.
"Tsk. Let's go before you injure yourself even more" Jin then proceed to carry Y/n's body but she pushed him and runs again.
"Y/n!" Jin is starting to get frustrated and pissed, he starts chasing her again and saw her running out from the palace and into the garden, worry starts to cloud his mind, it's still dark outside and he's worried that Y/n hurt herself again since she couldn't really see in the dark.
Jin runs into the garden and starts looking for Y/n cause he had lost her, he starts shouting her name and walks deeper into the garden.
"Y/n! Where are you?!"
He finally spotted her laying on the grass with her eyes closed, the moonlight gently illuminating her delicate skin like silk, she looks so peaceful but this sight didn't relieve Jin a bit, he's starting to get more worried and he runs to her and shakes her body.
"Y/n!? Love can you hear me??"
She didn't respond and her eyes are still closed despite how hard Jin is shaking her body, her breathing is soft and slow and it made Jin grow more worried.
"Flower please open your eyes!!"
"Y/n! Don't leave me please!" Jin cried.
Y/n furrowed her brows and let out a 'tsk' before she pulls Jin to lay beside her with her eyes still closed and cuddles him.
"I'm not dead you idiot"
Jin stares at Y/n's sleeping face with so much adoration, her sleeping face looks so pure and delicate that it calmed Jin by just looking at her and this makes him desire her even more.
He caresses her face gently like he's afraid to break her and wrapped his arms around her, hearing her soft breathing is like a lullaby to help him fall asleep.
"Such a shame that we have six bugs in our way flower, but after they don't have any use anymore I promise I'll get rid of them, and it'll be just the two of us" that was the promise he said to her before he falls asleep.
I'm going to go on a vacation for a few days so let's pray for me and my family's safety.
take all my love before you leave darlings❤️
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