Chapter 17
Chapter 17
"I know you want to kiss me"
The sound of the door opening along with the bell ringed caught the cashier's attention.
"Welcome to lachimolala bakery how can I help you?"
"Lachimolala? What a cute name"
"I know right, the owner was inspired by a singer's iconic line anyway, what are you looking for Miss?"
"Hmm...can you recommend something delicious for me?"
"Everything in here is delicious but for me, I like the strawberry cake, it's delicious but not too sweet"
"Then I'll have two slices of strawberry cake please" the customer gave her a warm smile.
"Coming right up!" Y/n gave her a wide smile that made the customer heart's melt, Y/n took out a box and put two slices of strawberry cake in it and seal the box with a fancy red ribbon.
"Here you go, have a great day!" She waved her hand at the customer after she give the orders to her.
Y/n started working in this bakery a week ago and the owner said that the sales went up drastically after she's worked here.
Y/n's mother was okay with her working, but it was pretty hard for her to leave on her first day of work cause Hexus started crying and won't let her go while saying "my baby grew up too fast" and "it feels like yesterday you were still learning how to walk".
Shela even went out of her cave to fly Y/n to her workplace but
Y/n's mother quickly put her back in her cave, the whole creatures in the forest watched as Y/n walk out of their home with tears in their eyes.
They adored Y/n so much so that's why they were so protective of her, they're afraid that the other humans will hurt their Y/n.
If there's still leftover cakes after the bakery's closed the boss usually gave the leftovers to the workers and after knowing that, Hexus along with the other creatures encourages Y/n to work more hours so they can get more free cakes, they usually wait for Y/n to come home and steal her cake.
" Y/n!" Y/n look to the side when she heard someone calls her name, it was Mrs.Wang.
"Yes, Mrs.Wang?"
"King Park Jimin just ordered one cherry cake and one strawberry cake and he wants you to deliver this to Jeons Palace!!" Mrs.Wang give her a box of cakes and kissed Y/n's cheek.
"You bring good luck to our bakery Y/n!"
"Thank you, now I have to go deliver this to Jeons Palace," Y/n said with a wide smile on her lips.
"Speaking of Jeons Palace" Jackson appeared out of nowhere.
"Do you need a ride cupcake?" He continues with a small smirk on his lips.
"Oh yes! That'll be quicker!! Now go, shoo!!" Mrs.Wang pushed both of them out of her bakery and shut the door on their face.
"Shall we head to the Palace now?"
Y/n rolled her eyes "I can go there by myself"
"Let's go, we don't want to make King Jimin wait don't we?" He takes her hand and leads her to where his horse is, Jackson helps Y/n to get on his horse and they ride away to Jeons Palace.
On the ride to Jeons Palace Jackson kept making jokes that make
Y/n laugh so hard, he also flirted with Y/n and she play along with him.
"I'll wait here, don't take too long Cupcake," Jackson said and pinched Y/n's cheek which she swat it away and walks into the Palace.
Y/n opened her mouth to tell why she's here but the guards already opened the gates and bowed to her, Y/n then see a nice-looking butler greeting her.
"Good morning Lady Y/n, King Jimin is already waiting for you"
Y/n was taken back by all of this, they all act like they expected her to be here but even if they are why are they treating her like an important guest? She's just here to deliver these cakes.
"Please follow me" The butler turns around to walk and Y/n followed him, Y/n starts to look around when they stepped in inside the palace, the last time she was here was when Jungkook asked to paint her for his first wish.
Speaking of Jungkook they haven't met in a long time, Y/n wondered if she will meet Jungkook again this day.
Nothing changed inside the Palace, yet she is still in awe every time she walks in here and she wished that she can live here but that's impossible.
She stopped walking when something hard bumped her knee, she look down and saw a little boy clutching his forehead in pain.
"Oh my- are you okay??" Y/n quickly go down on her knees and checked the boy's forehead, the boy somehow looks familiar to her.
"I-I'm okay..." The boy let out a little sniff and rubbed his forehead, he then looks up and widened his eyes.
"Noona?! I miss you!!" The boy hugged Y/n who is confused but she returned his hug and rubbed his back.
"Who are y-"
"Jaemin!!" The little boy look up from Y/n's shoulder and saw his brother walking towards them, Y/n turn her head around and stood up after hearing the voice she haven't heard for a long time.
(In case if you don't remember Jaemin, he's the bread boy from chapter 1)
Jimin halted his steps after he saw the beautiful face he's been longing to see, a wide smile appear on his lips and he continued to walk towards them.
"Swanie~ long time no see" Jimin hugged Y/n and nuzzled his face on the crook of her neck inhaling her sweet scent, Jimin's action send tingles to Y/n, Y/n hugged him back and awkwardly patted his back.
"L-long time no see... here are your cakes" Jimin broke the hug but still kept his hands on her arms and look down at the box in her hand.
"Ah yes! Let's go sit on the boat and eat it shall we?"
"Hey hey! I want to sit on the boat and eat the cake too!" Jaemin jumped up and down with his short arms up in the air.
"Didn't you just run away from your math teacher a while ago? It's still your lesson time, you can't sit or eat with us" Jimin glance down at his little brother.
"Now go back to your math teacher"
Jaemin sulked and stomped away from the hallway with the previous butler, leaving both Jimin and Y/n alone.
"Let's go" Jimin intertwined his fingers with hers and they start to walk somewhere.
"King Jimin I-"
Jimin cut her off "it's Jimin sweetheart"
Y/n cleared her throat and continued "Jimin I can't go with you, I have to go back to work I'm just here to deliver your orders"
"And that's why you're here, I ordered you"
"Huh? I'm not a foo-"
"I already tell your boss that I'm going to borrow you for a while, so she let you out of your working hours"
"How's that possible?"
"Did you forget that I'm a King?"
They stopped in front of a big marble white door, Jimin opens it and it reveals a field of flowers and a lake.
'Seriously? How big is this place?' Y/n thought to herself as she looks at the beautiful view in front of her.
They walk past the field of flowers and continue to walk to where the boat is, The servants kindly greeted them once they are there.
Jimin gets on the boat first then he helped Y/n to get on the boat, they then took a seat on a sofa across from each other and the boat starts moving.
(Here's what the boat looks like to help you visualize the situation ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))
(Source: Who made me a princess on Webtoon/Pinterest)
Y/n look at Jimin who is looking at the view with his palm under his chin, his new dyed black hair is styled middle part, exposing his forehead a little and they complement the navy blue robe he wears.
His chest and abs are slightly exposed because he didn't tie his robe right, Y/n's eyes traveled down from his face and to his chest but she quickly look away before he caught her checking him out.
Jimin glanced at Y/n and put his whole focus on her, he just loves everything about her that he couldn't look away from once his eyes landed on her figure.
He loves the way her skin glows under the sunlight, the way the tip of her eyelashes slightly touches her cheeks when she blinks, the way her hair moves along with the wind, and the way her soft lips are slightly parted as she looks at the view around them.
His eyes slowly traveled down to her long neck and her exposed collarbone, he gulped and tighten his grip on the sofa's arm he was tempted to paint those skin with his sinful kisses and leave marks on them.
Jimin shakes his head to erase his dirty thoughts and clear his throat that caught Y/n's attention, Jimin looks up and their eyes met, he tilted his head and gives her a small smirk.
"Let's eat the cake" Jimin took out two small plates from the cabinet under the table and set them on the table along with two silver forks beside them, he took out the cakes from the box and carefully place the cherry one on his plate and the strawberry one on Y/n's plate.
Y/n was nervous when Jimin took his first bite and she unconsciously nibbled her bottom lip.
" it delicious?"
"Amazing! Did you make this?"
His toothy smile turns into a small pout "I wish you were the one who make it for me"
"Maybe next time" Y/n took a bite of her strawberry cake and was satisfied over how it tasted in her mouth, a wide smile appeared on her lips and she took a bite again.
"What are you doing here Jimin?"
"Me and the other Kings are having a discussion"
"Who are they?"
"You know them, They are Kim Namjoon, Kim Seok Jin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Kim Taehyung, and Jeon Jungkook"
"I thought you guys didn't get along well..."
"We decide to sort out some things"
"Anyway, How is your work at Lachimolala?" Jimin continues.
"It was great...but how did you know I work there?"
Jimin chuckles "News spread in the Kingdom about a young beautiful maiden is working there, when I know it was you I call you here cause we haven't met for a long time"
"How are your customers? are they rude?"
"Sometimes...and some flirted with me"
"It was mostly guys who flirt but there's also women too, One time an old granny gave me her mansion address and winked at me" Y/n didn't notice Jimin's grip on his fork is tightened as she continues.
"But other than that, they were all nice"
"Did you go to that granny's mansion?"
They continue to talk and get to know about each other it was mostly Jimin who asks the question and Y/n answered him, they didn't realize how much time has passed cause they were too busy with each other to acknowledge their surroundings.
Y/n notice a group of swans is swimming near their boat, Y/n gripped the side of the boat to look closer to them.
"Here, you can feed them with this" Y/n looked at Jimin and saw him offering her a packet of swan food.
"Thank you" she took the packet from him and took some in her hand and throw it on the water so that the swans can eat it.
The swans ate it and swim closer to their boat as if they're asking for more food so Y/n throw some again at them, more swan starts to surround their boat, one even jump on the boat and sit on Jimin's lap.
"Quick! feed them before they peck me!" Jimin is panicking over the swan on his lap but he's too scared to shoo them away and the swan remains unbothered.
Y/n is laughing at Jimin's panicked state and after that, she helps Jimin shoo the swan away and the swan is now sitting beside Jimin but Jimin quickly runs and sits beside Y/n.
Jimin playfully pushed Y/n "How dare you to laugh at me?!" Jimin pouted and crossed his arms in front of his chest but Y/n kept laughing in front of his face.
They didn't notice the swans are getting impatient for their food so all of them start to jump on the boat, Jimin screamed and jumps on Y/n's lap then wrapped his arms around her neck
"WE'RE GOING BACK!!" Jimin hides his face on the crook of Y/n's neck while Y/n is trying to calm down the swans by throwing their food again.
"King Jimin? Lady Y/n? Are you two alright?!" The butler asks and he has a panic look on his face.
"Yup! there was a problem but we're alright!" Y/n said as he helps Jimin to get off the boat.
"One of them stole my shoe" Jimin pouts and look at the butler.
"You. Go get my shoe" Jimin said with a stern voice and pointed at the boat full of swans, the butler gulped and nodded.
Y/n was about to walk but Jimin wrapped his arms around Y/n's neck.
"What are you doing? Let's go"
"You expect me to walk bare feet back into the palace?"
Y/n rolled her eyes "Then what do you want me to do?"
"Piggyback!" without giving Y/n a chance to speak Jimin jump and wrapped his legs around Y/n's waist, Y/n immediately grabbed Jimin's thighs to support him.
"Oof! you're heavy!"
Jimin gasped "Excuse me? I'm still a skinny queen!"
Y/n groaned and began to walk to the Palace but stopped after she hear a scream from the previous butler, she turn around and saw the butler is getting attacked by the swans.
"Should him?"
"Nah, I'm sure he's fine" But that didn't convince Y/n.
"Y/nnnnn let's go~" Jimin whined while lightly swinging his legs like a child and Y/n started to walk again.
Once they are inside Y/n was about to drop Jimin off but Jimin wrapped his legs tighter around her waist.
"Get off, we're already inside"
"No, you're going to drop me off in front of my room just like when we were kids" Y/n huffed but didn't say anything and started to walk again.
When they walk into the hallway they saw Jungkook walking in the opposite direction from them, when Jungkook's eyes landed on Y/n's figure he quickly went to her.
"Y/n!....Jimin?" His smile turns into a frown when he saw Jimin, Jimin smirked and he can tell that Jungkook is jealous so he buried his face on Y/n's neck.
"Y/nie I'm cold~"
"But it's summe-"
Jungkook clears his throat and Y/n looks up at him.
"So...what were you two doing?" Jungkook asks while looking at their wrinkled clothes and their messy hair, it gave him the wrong idea.
"The swans attacked us, you should've seen Jimin's face it was so funny! Jimin was screaming like a maniac and one swan pecked him! on the lips! what a true love kiss-sssstttt" Y/n hissed when she felt Jimin bite the crook of her neck.
"That's what you get for embarrassing me" Jimin pressed his lips on the back of Y/n's ear as he whispered the words to her, Jungkook clears his throat louder which caught both Jimin and Y/n's attention.
"Why Jeon? you need a glass of water?"
Jungkook gritted his teeth "No...Namjoon is asking for your presence in his room, he wants to talk with you about the plan"
Jimin sighed and jump off from Y/n "Sorry I have to go swanie and thank you for the piggy ride!" Jimin pressed his plump lips on Y/n's right cheek which took her off guard, he stays a little longer before he pulls off.
"Bye-bye Y/n!" he waved at her before happily skipping away.
After Jimin is gone Jungkook hugged Y/n and inhaled her scent, but he couldn't smell it because Jimin's smell was all over her and it made Jungkook sick.
"Y/n I miss you!"
"I miss you too Kook! how are you?"
"I'm great what about you?" Jungkook asks as they continue to walk in the hallway.
"I'm great"
"You didn't tell me you were coming here"
"I was here to deliver Jimin's orders, I didn't plan to stay but he make me"
"Orders? What orders?"
"He ordered two cake from the bakery I worked at"
"Where did you work at?"
"At Lachimolala bakery"
"Ah! So you were the one who people keeps talking about"
"I didn't know that before Jimin told me"
Jungkook turns to face her as he starts to walk backward "Why can't you just work here? We are hiring a chef right now"
"Thank you for offering me but no, I'm already comfortable working at lachimolala"
Jungkook smiled, but it didn't seem genuine.
"I understand"
"So are you going to stay for dinner?"
"What? Dinner?"
"Yes it's 6.30 now, time for dinner"
"Shit-" Y/n silently cursed when she remembers Jackson is waiting for her outside since afternoon, Y/n starts to run but Jungkook grabs her wrist to stop her.
"Hey hey, where are you going?"
"I'm sorry but I can't stay for dinner, I just remembered my friend is waiting outside since afternoon and I couldn't make him wait for longer!"
"Him? Who's him?"
"Jackson, he's my boss's son now I'm sorry but I need to go, bye!"
Y/n's wrist slipped off from his grip and he glared at her as she run away from there.
"Follow her."
Y/n saw Jackson is sleeping on his horse and she immediately feel bad about forgetting him, she gently patted his shoulder to wake him up, Jackson's eyes slowly opened and he sits up then rubbed his eyes.
"Jackson I'm so sorry! King Jimin made me stay"
Jackson start stretching his body and yawned "Izz okay...can you ride Elsa? I'm tired" he said still half asleep, Y/n nodded and get on his horse, Jackson's head dropped on Y/n's shoulder and he lazily wrapped his arms around her waist, Elsa start running after Y/n commands her.
Jungkook closed the door and take a seat on his chair.
"Why is Jimin here before you?" Yoongi asks.
"I was looking for him, turns out he was with Y/n the whole day" Jungkook crossed his arms and glared at Jimin.
"Y/n was here?" All of them asks except for Jimin and Jungkook.
Jungkook scoffed "This fucker didn't tell you?"
"What were you doing with Y/n?" Jin asks.
"None of your business, why should I tell you?" Jimin answered and rolled his eyes
Hoseok abruptly get up from his seat and was about to fight Jimin but Namjoon grabbed his arm to stop him.
"Stop. We're here because Taehyung have something to say, Taehyung, you can start now"
Taehyung throw three big handcuffs on the table and he began to talk.
"They are made out of strong steel, and other things I'm sure we can hold the cursed sisters with these"
"You sure a plain metal could hold them? They have demons power for sake"
"Shut up Yoongi don't question my invention"
"How did you make this?" Namjoon asks.
"None of your business the point is, this can be a great use"
"What are their names again?" Jungkook asks.
"The oldest sister's name is Mara, her name means sorrow and she has the power to control people's emotion, she can also possessed someone or turn someone into a puppet, and she is the master of seduction.
The middle sister's name is Nerezza her name means darkness, and just like her name she can turn the world into complete darkness, her other powers are darkness manipulation, and she can make any weapon she wants with just a flick of her hand.
And the youngest sister's name is Morana, her name means death and she can make every living thing dead with just a touch of her fingers, she can also turn her figure into something or someone so she can trap her victims.
Now tattoo these informations in your brain and stop asking the same damn question"
"Thank you for doing the explanation, Jin" Namjoon said with a small smile on his lips.
Taehyung raised his hand "I have something to say again"
"Spill," Jimin said.
"There's this one most dangerous creature in the forbidden forest...her name is Miranda and she's Y/n's mother"
"Is she her biological mother?" Hoseok asks.
"No, Miranda found Y/n when she was a baby, and Miranda decide to take care of Y/n like her own child since then, anyway what I'm trying to say is that she's like the leader of the whole creatures in the forest meaning she's powerful as fuck and we need to look out for her cause we still don't know what he's capable of or what is her weakness"
"Is it possible to kill her with the three sister's powers?" Namjoon asks.
"I have seen what Miranda can do and the chance of killing her is fifteen percent, even with the help of the three sister's powers"
"We can focus on Miranda later and for now, we should focus on preparing for the ritual to summon the sisters" Namjoon stood up from his chair.
"Meeting dismissed"
Y/n sighed as she stepped inside the forest.
"Evening Y/n!"
She looked up and saw Hyunjin and Hexus smiling with their hands on their back.
"That looks heavy, Let me hold it for you!" He snatches the box of cake in Y/n's hand and held it up like Simba, at this point Y/n didn'care and just want to go to sleep so she walks into her home leaving Hyunjin and Hexus arguing about who's going to have the cake.
"You already are three yesterday! I didn't"
"That's because you sleep like you're dead and none of us can wake you up!" Hexus turns around to walk away from there.
Hyunjin growled and pushed Hexus into the mermaid's lake, Hyunjin quickly take the cake from Hexus and fly back to his home.
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