Chapter 10
Chapter 10
"I'll be back"
I scoffed "Do you really have to go?"
"I am"
"Is it serious?"
"Not really, but mother Miranda said if I didn't find the cure I will probably die in two years"
"Did you eat something weird these days?"
"Maybe it's because you're eating too much sugar"
"Let's go to the hospital it's probably ju-"
"I'm dying Y/n."
It was silent for a couple of minutes until he clears his throat and nervously comb his hair with his fingers "Gosh that was so dramatic, I am dying but it's not that serious"
Like I will buy that shit.
He rolled his eyes "Stop looking at me like that or I'll stab your eyes"
I sighed and look down to my feet "Where do you have to find the cure?"
He shrugs " It's somewhere near a mountain, I don't know how to pronounce the name of it"
"How long will you take to find the cure?"
"I don't know, maybe two years? Or three I think"
"That's too long!! You'll be dead before you can find the cure!" I whined.
"I'll try my best to find it"
"Why can't I come with you? I can help you find the cure"
"Absolutely no, the journey is too dangerous" Mum joined the conversation.
"Why can't you just brew a potion for him then?"
"It takes twenty years to brew the potion honey"
"Just stay here piggy, I don't want you to get eaten by the bears if you come with me"
"You should go now Felix, don't waste your time" Mum said and Felix nods he then turns to look at me.
"Remember my words stubborn pig, don't go out for a few days okay" I nodded and hugged him he hugs me back and caresses my hair.
"Be safe" He nods.
"I'll be back, piggy" He smiles before his body starts to slowly disappear.
"Come on sweetie" Mum wraps her arm around my shoulder and we both walk inside our house.
It's been a week since Felix left, I began to feel bored and miss him making fun of me and his lame jokes.
I never felt so lonely before.
Felix was my very first friend, I met him when I was just five and I still remember how we met.
"HA! YOU MISSED!!" I grab some mud from the ground and throw it to Hexus and the mud successfully hit his chest, we are playing mud war with the other creatures, our original plan was to play mud war without disturbing anyone since it's already midnight.
But we did, some creatures went back to sleep while the others joined us, we began to make a separate team, the head team leader is me and the tail team leader is Hexus.
all of us continue to throw mud at each other but stopped when a voice angrily shouts at us.
All of us look to the side and see a small grumpy boy around my age in his pajamas, he looks extremely frustrated and angry his hands are bawled into a fist and his face is red.
His screaming was getting annoying so I grab some mud and throw it at him, it successfully lands on his cheek.
He paused, then his eyes slowly looked at me now he looks super angry.
"Shut up, you're annoying"
He gritted his teeth and grab some mud on the ground and throw it towards me, I try to dodge but failed, the mud hit my head and it slowly trickled down to my nose.
He joined Hexus's team and start throwing muds at me and I do the same.
—End of Flashback—
We were not on good terms at first, we used to hate each other from the bottom of our hearts, but as time goes by we get along so well and now he's my best friend slash brother.
We spent our days together as we grew up, we bake, we read, we fight, we gossip, we trained, and do stupid things together.
And now he's not here.
He said that he will come back but it'll take a long time for him to find the cure for his sickness.
It was already midnight and I was ready to sleep, but I can't. So I stood up from my bed and put on my red cloak then I quietly sneak out of the house and walk to Shela's cave.
"Hey.." she turns her head to me when she heard my voice, she rolled her eyes and ignores me.
"Come on don't be mad, I'm sorry I didn't visit you often these days..." I sit down on the ground and leaned my back on her neck.
" Have you heard? Felix's gone, he's somewhere looking for a cure for his sickness..." I feel her eyes on me as I try to hold back my tears.
I look down at my lap " No one knows when he'll be back...mum said the mountain was somewhere far away from here, and the journey was too dangerous for me to come with him" a tear fell on my cheek and I quickly wipe it.
Suddenly Shela pick me up by biting my hood and put me on her back, I gently slap her back.
"You could've at least warn me, you almost choked me" she ignores me and flies up to the sky.
"The moon is beautiful tonight" the moon and the stars are shining down at us, I lie down on her back and closed my eyes "You better not drop me this time Shela, I still hate you for that" as a response, she huffed.
The cold night is calm and silent until I feel a strong wind pass my face, my body shivered then I open my eyes and sit up.
"What was that?.." I shook my head and began to admire the view but I feel like someone is watching me, From the corner of my eyes I see a big dark shadow but when I turn to the side I didn't see anything.
I thought it was probably just my head playing with me, but I can't shake off the feeling of being watched.
I saw an owl flying towards me and the owl lands on Shela's back and stood in front of me, at first I was confused but then I recognize him.
The poor owl has so many letters with him, he dropped the letters from his mouth and I take the letter that was tied on his legs.
"Why do you have so many letters with you? Did Namjoon told you to sent me all of this?" The owl nodded and walk closer to me and hide in my cloak, there are five letters so I open the first one.
Dear Eve
It's good to hear you are doing great but didn't you miss me??
The rain stopped and I can continue the journey to my Kingdom now, although it's a little tough because of the snow.
Reply as soon as you receive this pleaseeeee :3
From: Joonie
Dear Eve
Hey, are you okay? Crabs couldn't find you so he came back without your letter this is the first time he failed to send my letter.
Anyway, I have to stop at a hotel again because of the snow it's annoying :(
From: Joonie
Dear Eve
I finally arrive at my Kingdom :))
But why are crabs still can't find you, do you live underground or something?
Eve, I'm worried :(
From: Joonie
Are you ignoring me?
I'm in Seoul, you better reply before I find you.
"Shit" I want to write back to him but my things are in the forest, so I tell Shela to go back.
"Thank you!" I jumped from her back and run towards my house with crabs and the letters in my arms, I quietly enter my house and go to my room.
I put crabs on my bed and grab my quill and a piece of paper but something is missing.
"Shoot! I ran out of ink!!" I grab my wallet and was about to run outside but I stopped myself when I remembered that mum always put a protecting spell outside of the forest when the sky is already dark, and the book store is already closed at this hour.
I sighed and let my body fall on my bed accidentally scared the poor owl, I look at crabs and pat his head.
"I guess you will have to sleep here tonight"
q: who do you think is the big dark shadow?
I'll give a shoutout to the first person who got it right in the future chapters.
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