Chapter 1
Chapter 1
I think you're made of flowers, how you bloom when there's light on your skin
It was five days before the ball, yet it was chaos everywhere, people are waiting in line in front of the boutique's the salons are fully booked people on the streets are discussing what shoes they should wear, which gloves match their dresses, which tie they should wear.
I was on my way to the fruit booth to buy my favorite fruit: strawberries.
The seller seems to be in a very good mood so she gives me three extra strawberries I thanked her and continue walking around the market.
While I was walking I saw a small boy, probably ten years old he's holding his tummy and his face looks sad, I saw him trying to take a piece of bread from a booth but because of his short legs, he couldn't reach them.
I approach the little boy and crouch down to his level.
"Hey, are you okay?"
The boy look down and shook his head, he seems shy.
"I am hungry I want to eat..."
"Well, do you like strawberries?"
He shook his head again.
'I'm offended'
"What do you want to eat then?"
He points to the bread that's on the booth so took one of them and hand it to him, he looks at me like I was crazy.
"B-but I don't have mo-"
"Hey! you have to pay for that!"
The owner of the booth shouted at us causing the poor boy to flinch and almost dropped his pieces of bread, I mouthed him "Run" he looks hesitant but when he sees the booth owner he starts to sprint.
"Hey, you little rat come here!"
The booth owner was about to chase the boy but I held him.
"Calm down, he's just a kid"
"You! you helped him don't you?!"
Because of his loud voice, the people around us start to look at us.
"Yes! I helped him because he's starving"
"But that's my bread! and you're not paying it means you're stealing them!"
"Calm down old man it's just bread"
I rolled my eyes and dig into my pockets, trying to find my money, but then realization hit me like a truck when I remember that I only bring enough money for the strawberries.
Oh no.
"What's that?!" I point something at the sky, the booth owner and the people around us look up that's when I use my chance to run.
"Yah! catch that girl!!"
I hear several footsteps coming after me and voices shouting at me, I keep my hood down so no one can see my face, I look around trying to find a place to hide but I can't find it.
After running for a while I start to get tired from running I'm a bit far away from them but I still can hear they're shouting at me, right now I desperately need a place to hide I don't care if I should break into someones place so that's what I'm going to do.
I climb up a tall gate and jumps over it not bothering to read the sign on the gate and just dash into the door.
I closed the door and lean on it I took off my hood and catch my breath, then I heard those people outside so I pressed my ear on the door to hear what they're saying.
"Where the heck is she?!"
"Damn that girl is so fast" I could tell that they're trying to catch their breaths.
"Should we check in here?" another voice asks.
"You crazy?! that's King Seok Jin's property if he knows that we're breaking into his property he would have our heads chop off"
"Maybe she's not far from here, let's head straight"
I heard their footsteps fading away I sighed in relief.
"What are you doing here?"
I flinched, a calm yet dangerous voice ask from behind me.
Double shit.
I slowly turn around to whoever it is and keep my head down.
"Look at me while I'm talking to you, show me your respect"
I look up at him and met his eyes
His eyes are so pretty
I saw his eyes widened a little he look surprised to see me?
Well of course I just break into his property after all.
His eyes went back to normal again "I ask what are you doing in my property? are you deaf"
"I am sorry I sh-should go"
I turn around and was about to go out but then he grabs my arm that's on the doorknob and pulls the door shut again.
"Do you know who're you talking to?" I felt his hot breath on my neck, then I felt his hands on my waist he turn me around and pressed my body on the door gently I gulped when his face coming down to face me.
"If you don't answer my question in three seconds I can easily put you in jail for breaking into the king's property"
I was shook when I heard that he's a king.
"T-they were c-chasing me"
"They who?"
"The booth owner and his friends..."
"What did you do?"
"Never mind that wasn't any of my business anyway"
He let go of my waist and stand straight again.
"But you still break into my property I'll give you a little punishment consider yourself lucky, now follow me"
He turns around and starts to walk, I walk behind him keeping a distance.
I look around the place we are in, we are in a rose garden it seems there's no end of roses in this place, this place is huge.
But why is it so familiar?
And why does he look familiar?
He finally stops and so does I he then sits down on a picnic mat while I just stood in my place confused.
"What are you doing? sit down" His tone now is warmer than the previous one, and he seems...happy? I sit down beside him not too close but not too far.
"So...what should I do?"
"Your punishment is to accompany me"
I thought I was going to be his slave for a day
"I-im sorry? I don't understand"
"I just needed some company so that I wouldn't feel alone, besides who's going to eat all of this?" there I realize there's so many desserts in front of us I could feel my mouth watering.
"W-what? n-no nothing..."
He chuckles "You're cute"
I tried to hide my blush when he said that.
"What's your name?"
"O-oh I don't have a last name"
He looks a bit confused but decides not to ask
"What's your name? Your highness?"
"Seok Jin, Kim Seok Jin from the Incheon Kingdom"
"How old are you?" he asks
"I just turned eighteen two days ago, what about you?"
"I'm twenty three, Happy birthday by the way"
We both continue to talk getting to know each other I grew comfortable around him, he then starts to telling me his jokes which were kinda lame but I laugh because his laughs are so funny.
A/n's pov
The little boy is sitting on a bench in an empty park happily eating his bread but then he felt guilty for the girl he met earlier.
'What if she gets in trouble because of me?'
The little boy heard his brother's voice calling him he turn around and see his brother running to him, his face full of worried.
His brother finally reaches the little boy and scoops him into his arms hugging him and also scolding him.
"Yah! why did you run away like that?! what if I never find you??"
"I'm sorry hyung...I saw a butterfly and I want to chase it..."
"Don't do that again okay? are you okay? did someone hurt you?"
"No, I'm fine hyung"
The older brother then notices that his little brother is holding a piece of bread in his hand so he asks him where did he get it.
"Where did you get that? I didn't give you any money, don't tell me you pick it from the streets"
"No, nonna give it to me"
"Who is this nonna?" The older brother asks the younger one as he's walking to their carriage.
"I don't know her name but...she's kind she gives me this bread because I was starving"
"Hmm, what does she look like?"
"I can't see her face because she was wearing a cloak and the hood is up but I can see her hair her hair is (h/l) (h/c) and she styled them into two braids I could tell that she's cute"
"Does she know who you are?"
"Nope, but I don't mind"
Out of curiosity, the older brother asks
"What is the color of her cloak?"
"Red, just like the one you had but hers cloak bigger"
The older brother muttered under his breath
Y/n's pov
I'm now tucked in my bed staring up on the ceiling king jin let me go home when he realized it was late he insisted to walk me home even though I refused so I have to lie to him and we both stop in front of some random noble house and I said I have to get in from the back door, he kissed my knuckles and watch me enter the noble's backyard, once I heard his footsteps walk away I sprinted back to my real home, The forbidden forest.
King Jin was charming, kind, and gentle we both enjoyed the time we spend together and it wasn't exactly like a punishment to me.
I'm still thinking of why is he so familiar have we ever met before? And about those people who chased me, what are they're talking about? they said if they get into king Jin's garden they'll have their head chopped off.
It could be a rumor, but will he do something like that? he's so kind to me but I only know him for a day so I couldn't trust him yet.
Speaking of those people who chased me I remember that I just stoled a bread from the booth's owner.
I suddenly feel bad for the old man, sure I stole a piece of bread to help that little kid but I still steal.
I sigh and get out from my covers I didn't bother to change and took my red cloak along with my wallet, I silently sneak out from the house and went to Shela's cave.
Right now me and Shela are heading to the booth's owner's house I'm lazy to walk so I just ask Shela to fly me here.
"I think this is his house, stay here okay" Shela nods and I jump from her back and walk to the man's door I make sure to cover my face with my hood and knock on the door.
A few minutes later someone finally opens the door and I recognize his voice immediately.
"Can I help you?" he sound like he's half asleep that's good, at least he doesn't recognize me yet.
I didn't say anything and just give him a little sack of coins and a little apology note, he looked confused, and when he was about to say something but I turn around and disappear.
I and Shela now are going back home, I lay down on her back trying to sleep but I felt something landing on my nose.
I open my eyes to see a white butterfly it's beautiful but I'm tired so I just blow it away and itself fly away from me.
Suddenly Shela sneezed, her entire body jerked hard and because I wasn't holding on to her I rolled off her back and fall.
I felt something hard hit my head, before everything went black, far away I see a figure with two pair of black wings trying to reach me.
Jung Hoseok pov
Here I am back at the lake where I met her before I went here Namjoon want to come with me but I said I wanna have some time alone and he respect that I'm glad I have him as my best friend.
I also come here to clear my mind recently at Jeon's castle I bumped into Park Jimin we've been enemies since we were young that's because he's always making fun of me, and other people.
I lay down on the grass and look up at the sky, my favorite thing to do is stargazing it reminds me of her, the moment she saved me I see her as an angel that falls from the sky to save me.
What kind of star is that?
I sit up and try to see what's the thing in the sky clearer.
But it's coming closer and closer...
Is it a meteor?
It came closer and closer and I can finally see it.
It looks like a figure of a woman wrapped in a red cloak she looks unconscious.
But before I could think anything else the woman falls into the lake I quickly took off my shoes and shirt and jump into the water.
I quickly tried to search for her underwater but the lake is so big and there's no light underwater I need to do it quick.
'I can't lose her again'
Finally, I found her I see blood coming out from her head, she is injured I scoop her in my arms and bring both of us to the surface.
I lay her down on the grass and grab a towel and wrap it around her head to stop the blood from coming out of her head I finally can see her face.
She must be her.
I stop looking at her and tried to do CPR some of the water came out but she still not waking yet so I took a deep breath before doing what I'm about to do and I could feel my heart about to burst out.
I seal my mouth around hers and give her artificial respiration after a few minutes she finally choked out the water inside her and flutter her eyes open.
She's staring at me.
I'm about to faint looking at those (e/c) eyes.
Before I could say anything more her eyes rolled back and shut down I panicked and quickly check her pulse.
I sigh in relief when I felt her pulse I almost forgot about her head so I stand up and turn around to get my horse but as soon as I do that I felt the wind 'swooshed' like it's blowing me and I found my self on the ground I was confused but then I turn around to check if she was okay.
She wasn't there.
"Where the heck did she go?"
I panicked and start to look around the area, but until the sun wakes up I still couldn't find her.
A/n's pov
He seated the unconscious girl on his lap, her cold lips touched his neck sending shivers on his body he liked it.
He threw the towel off her head and put his hand on her injured head he began to mumble a spell and soon a green glow glowed from his palms and soon her injury is healed and her body is now warm and dry.
He pressed his forehead on hers and looking into her memories, making sure there were no damaged ones, he wants to get rid of some of her memories but he hold himself cause he knows that it will drain him and damaged her memories.
The girl's eyes slowly opened and found herself staring at the dark brown eyes that stares back at her.
He smiled seeing her confused and kissed her nose.
"I'll see you again, Y/n"
He said before putting her under the sleeping spell, it worked and the girl sleeps like a baby, he use his magic again to make her float on the air (lmao) and send her back to the forest and watch the wall closed.
He couldn't stop smiling and when he comes back to his bed he still couldn't stop thinking of her.
Vote or oli london will kiss you on the lips
plsss tell me what you think about this book the comment section looks so dehydrated.
It's 5.01 am now and I still haven't sleep
Adios bitchaos
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