Chapter 2
Peppy was on his horse. After 2 days in bergentown, trying to help there little problem, king Peppy was now on his way back to his kingdom. He was already looking favored to see his daughter again. Hopefully, she managed the job with the kingdom in the two days he was gone.
Peppy didn't noticed, that the clouds where starting to form. Instead, he looked down at his map in his hands. "Hmm", he let out the sound. The map and this part of the forest didn't looked the same. "Did I went a wrong way", he asked himself. His Horse could sense that something was wrong and stopped. Peppy looked up. "You could feel something was wrong or buddy", he asked his horse with a little amusement in his voice. He looked up. Before them there two ways. The ways looked exactly the same. He looked down at the map again. "Hmm this way", he said, bringing his horse to the right way. Deeper into the forest.
The rain started and king Peppy got angry and freezing. "We should already be at home. Did we again go the wro-"he couldn't finish the sentence, because right then he wanted to say it, a howl from wolves got heard. They got near and near to them. "Oh oh". Yes, oh oh. A wolf jump out of a bush. Showing his teeth. Hunger in his eyes. "RUN BUDDY", king Peppy said loud to his Horse. The Horse ran so fast like he could. They ran deeper and deeper into the forest. Not knowing there they run.
The wolves there running behind them, but from one time to another, the wolves stopped. With scared faces, they ran away. Peppy looked stunned and looked before him. His eyes widing. A big, old Castel was there.
Peppy was clearly shocked. "We are at the forbidden kingdom", he said in disbelief. And he was standing at the gates of the old kingdom. His thoughts got interrupted by a loud thunder in the sky. He and his horse jump at the sound. "Oh I don't like this, but if we want to wait out the rain, we have to go in the Castel. Hopefully no one is there", he said and lead his horse in the gate.
Outside the castle, he lead his horse to one of the old boxes, gave it a little bit of hay and water and went inside the Castel.
It was dark. Really dark. Peppy was looking around. Trying to find and old lamp or something to make light. But all he saw was darkness.
"Why hello there", came a voice that made peppy jump. He looked around, but nobody was there. "Hello? Who said that", he asked to the darkness. He got scared. He heard some metal sound....jumping? It sounded like that. Peppy saw around again, trying to find the sound. But all he find, was an old chandelier that you could take in your hand. And it was on. So peppy took hold of it and Tryed to light the way. Then he didn't saw anything, he looked at the chandelier. And stopped. The chandelier had a face. "Buh", It said, causing peppy to jump and land on the floor. "WAH. You can talk? And your alive", he said in panic.
The chandelier stood up and trot to the little light between it. Peppy saw it now fully for the first time. The chandelier was silver with a lot of glitter on it. He looked happy. "So I am starting again. Hello there. I am Guy Diamond the three armed chandelier. Welcome to our palace", it said. Peppy looked stunned. But he soon got out of it, then a different voice came. "Guy Diamond, please. You know how the lord will react to him, if he sees him". Out of the dark, and old, and I mean an very old, clock come out. He was a blue clock with almost the color with on the top. The chandelier called Guy Diamond smirked. "Oh yeah, Biggi? IF the lord finds out. Doesn't mean he HAVE to find it out, right", the chandelier said. Peppy looked at the two concerned.was he getting crazy? Or what just happend? He started to cough and sneeze. Oh great. He got sick because of the weather.
"Oh would you two boys stop talking and help the kind man. He got sick because of the weather and needs now a little warm", came an Kind old lady voice. Peppy looked at the door to a room. From the door, an old car there could put your food and tea on, came rolling to them. On it was a teapot. She was a violet pot. "Come with me, Kind man. You have to get warm", she said, showing the way to an old leaving room with a big fire place in the front. Without saying no, Peppy went after her and let him fall on the chair. Many other living things came to him. One brought him a comfortable pillow and a blanket. He thanked them and saw from the door the chandelier and the clock coming in. The chandelier smiled but the clock wasn't. He ignored it. The teapot came beside him. "Come now here Aspen", said she and from the door, came a little teacup jumping in. "You called", it asked kindly. The teapot smiled and nodded. The teacup called Aspen jumped up to her and she filled him up with warm tea. Aspen then carefully jump to Peppy and Peppy kindly and carefully took him up and drank. "Haha It tickles hahaha"' Aspen laughed. Peppy couldn't help but chuckle a little about it. He then put the Teacup down again and looked to everyone. "Thanks for being so kind to me", he said smiling. And then he coughed again. The others nodded and smiled.
Right at that moment, the door that felt close a few moments after Aspen came in flew wide open. A cold wind after it. The object got scared and hides in the room. Peppy got scared and made himself little in his seat. Someone groaned angrily and went inside. Peppy got harder scared. He looked at his right side behind him. No one was there. He sigh of relief. He looked straight and screamed of pure angst. A grey Troll was before him. He looked very angry. "WHAT IS HE DOING IN HERE", he asked. The chandelier called Guy diamond went out from his hiding place. "Lord please, he just got here because he got lost in the forest from what we have seen", he said. The Grey Troll got angrier. "AND YOU JUST LET HIM INSIDE". The teapot rolled forward to him. "Branch, look at him. He is sick and needs rest", she Tryed to tell him but failed. "I DON'T CARE. HE DOSEN'T BELONG HERE. THERE WAS A RESOND WHY THIS PART OF THE FOREST IS FORBIDDEN", he said angrily. Peppy didn't know what to do. "Please. Don't hurt me. I just got lorst and thought I could stay here for the night to rest. I have a daughter at home. She needs me. And I ha-"he didn't finished his sentence, then the Grey Troll took him up and went as farts as he could to a tower. A Prison tower. "LIKE I SAID. I. DON'T. CARE. BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T LISTEN TO THE WARNING, YOU ARE NOW MY PRISONER", with that said, the grey Troll put him in a cell and closed it. "Peppy Tryed with his last strength to go to the door and tried to open it. But he couldn't. He started to cry. "Poppy......I am". He didn't noticed, that the living things where watching him with a lot of concern and sadness.
Sorry for the long wait, but school kept me busy. I had a lot of tests and projects that needed to be done. And next week, I am for three days away, so don't expect an update there. The next Generation will I try to update later or tomorrow but no promises. Or els I hope you injoyed this chapter. It was hard but I tried my best. Remember that I have dyslexia and that I don't allow bad comments about my gramma and spelling. The song that I took should be best played at the part there Branch comes in. I think it gives there a feeling of how Branch comes for the first time in it and how sad Peppy is at the end.
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