Party Hard
Katy's P.O.V
"I don't think this is a good idea..." I said for the hundredth time today as I looked at my image in my cousin's full length mirror.
Standing before me in the mirror was a girl dressed up in a skin tight red dress that showed off her soft curves and tan long legs. Her sun kissed blond hair that were usually in soft curls were now flowing in straight strands down her back and stopping at mid arm. Her dark blue eyes were now highlighted with a thin layer of eyeliner and silver eyeshadow.
This girl is me doesn't look like me at all. It doesn't look like the country girl that I am.
"Babe, it's a great idea. I promise you'll love it. You've been cocooning yourself in here all summer reading Shakespeare and what not. You need some fun before school starts. We need to party hard and get our cute asses drunk." Emily, my beautiful yet wild cousin said, while she applied a thick layer of eyeliner around her chocolate brown orbs.
"My meaning of fun's different. It's all about getting lost in the world of books and soft music and..." I stopped mid sentence as Emily sent a hot furious glare my way that could light a million houses in its way. So I quickly added "And I don't think dad will ever approve." I finished as I looked down at my black heels wonder what miracles going to help me walk in them. I hope I don't fall on my ass in front of everyone. Now that would take embarrassing to a whole new level.
"Well...what he doesn't know wouldn't hurt him. Besides it's just a party and you've got the awesome me." She said putting comforting hands at my exposed shoulders as she looked me in the eye through the mirror. Her sparkly chocolates meeting my dull oceans.
"I don't know..." I trailed off still feeling uncertain about the new adventure I'm about to experience.
"You don't need to know love. Just trust me, okay?" Emily's eyes urged me to node so I nodded in response not having any other way to escape.
Tasting my defeat, Emily smiled triumphantly before checking her self one last time before we go and 'party hard'.
Twenty...yep only twenty minutes later I was taken away from the quite comfort of my cousin's house that I had got do use to over the summer and thrown in this obnoxiously loud place.
Stepping side by side Emily I enter the world that I'm unknown to...The world were back in the country I've never seen. Okay I've seen parties like these but I never considered myself ever going to one.
The house was huge yet it was exploding from the amount of population it consumed.
There were a few people lingering at the entrance laughing, talking and smoking. Ugh...smoking.
I scrunched my nose as the disgusting scent filled my nose trials.
"It ain't that bad." Emily said bring my attention back to her.
"What?..." I asked not hearing her over the loud music.
"I said that the smoke ain't that bad. It's actually quite sexy." She said as I looked at her weirdly showing how crazy I thought she sounded. Sexy and smoking don't ever get along. Na-ah.
"How are we even related...?" She asked exasperated.
"I don't know..." I answered shrugging simply. "Maybe I just got the calmer genes compered to your wild ones."
Nodding to my statement she dragged me inside the house.And with that we entered the the gigantic house. As predicted teenagers were everywhere drinking, talking, dancing or more like grinding against each other.
" that Katy?!" Hearing my name been called, I turned around and was met with Lola, one of Emily's close friends. "I though you'd never come!"
"Well it was hard getting her to dress up and then I had to go through the trouble of persuading her and all that..." Emily yet again pllayed drama oh too well "and she thinks smoking ain't hot" Emily finally said as if that's a crime and to add to the effect Lola gasped.
"You did not just say that!! Omfg with a capital F... Caleb smokes he's hot. So that makes smoking hot and that makes me wanna have sex with him." And that my friends is how we got all the way from the topic of 'How disgusting smoking is' to 'Sex'. I'm still amazed by Lola's straightforward confession.
"Yeah...tell me about it. I'll open my legs for him anytime." Emily said dreamily although this only made me wanna throw up my lunch.
Yep...I totally don't belong with these folks. I don't even understand the language they're talking although it's still English.
Feeling like the awkward potato that I am, I quietly excused myself to go to the bathroom.
Trying to actually find the bathroom that I kinda need now I went upstairs.
even the upstairs was huge. I wonder how rich this guy is...?!
Having been lost in my thoughts I bumped into someone making me fall.
As I was waiting for the hurt and embarrassment of falling to come knocking in in my door, I felt that someone held me. Opening my eyes I saw that I was rescued by an almost good looking guy.
Almost because he was just too buff for my taste.
"You okay cutie? " his rough voice cut through the silence...well I'm not considering the blasting music in the background.
"Um...yeah... Thank you" I said and quickly dropped my hand from his way too broad chests. This contact caused me to blush beetroot as he laughed a hearty laugh.
"Luke" he said as his eyes ever so shamelessly roamed my body.
Feeling as uncomfortable as ever I tried prying his hands off my waist but they just wouldn't budge.
"Nice meeting you 'Luke'. I'd love to stay and chat but I really need to find the bathroom. Do u know where it is?" I finally said just to get myself out of his death grip.
"Yeah cutie...come along. I'll show you." He said as he finally let go of my waist just to hold it again but this time sideways and a little softer.
"Right in here." He said when we neared one of the last rooms.
I have a bad feeling about this...maybe I shouldn't have asked.
Pushing me softly inside we walked in the room or more like bedroom and he turned on the lights.
Getting the lights turned on is what it to took to knocked out the air in me. There was no bathroom here. It was a only bedroom...with a gigantic bed in the center. And before I could turned around and leave with some stupid excuse I heard the door getting lock.
Calm down...calm should I calm down.
Out of all the people there why should I get stuck with is nut job.
"That's a mighty fine dress your wearing. It'd be nice tearing it off that delicious body of yours." Luke smirked wickedly as he liked his lips in what should have been a seductive move. But all I felt was disgust.
"Luke...Please don't do this." I begged feeling my eyes getting hot from all the unshed tears.
"I like the way you say my name. I'm gonna make you you scream it all night." He said each word as he stepped closer me.
No no no no...This can't be be happening. I can't lose my V-card just like that. I can't get rapped.
I started to back away each time time he advanced towards me. Until I reached the wall. Damn you fucking wall.
Seeing that he'd got me cornered against the wall, he put his hands on either side of head to stop my any get away.
I feel a trickle of cold sweat run down my back as he starts kissing my neck.
Feeling extremely hopeless I raise my knee to hit him where the sun doesn't shines but...that asshole was quicker and caught my knee in his large hands before I could do any great damage.
"No cutie...those legs look better when opened up." Luke said as he started to roam his hands over my body.
Seeing there was no hope left I started screaming for 'Help'.
I screamed and screamed till my throat went dry.
Oh God please help me... Please... Please...
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