Chapter 9
Loki's brows furrowed. He knew Morgan was seeing Asgard and he knew she saw his mother in danger. He prayed her vision was wrong, but he knew instinctively that it wasn't. She was trapped in a magical vision. And her words would come true if they didn't stop it.
They had to stop it, had to stop Frigga from being in danger.
"What else do you see, darling?" Loki asked her gently, keeping his voice soothing and calm so he wouldn't startle her out of the visions, but would encourage her to keep speaking what she saw. He needed to help her focus through the pain of this first vision so he could rescue his mother. He hated seeing Morgan in pain and he hated asking her to stay in the visions and work through the pain to save his mother.
Morgan's eyes were still glowing bright gold and her voice held an ethereal quality to it when she started speaking again. "She's alone in the throne room. Alarms are blaring. She wields a long dagger, armor shimmers over her dress. Men enter. They're too tall with blue skin and crimson eyes. Mjolnir flies by. The men demand something. I can't hear. They defeat the woman, one throws her over his shoulder, and they leave while she screams," she said and sagged with a whimper, her eyes returning to their normal white as the power faded from her.
Loki's hands were on her shoulders, steadying her as she sagged from the drain of such advanced magic that she couldn't control. He helped her lie down on the couch. "Breathe, darling. You did wonderfully," he told her gently. She closed her eyes and focused on breathing and trying to calm after whatever the hell just happened. Loki glared up at the ceiling when she was settled safely. "Computer, contact Thor. Now," he snarled at it. His mother was in danger. There was no telling when Morgan's vision would happen. He had to move, now.
"Brother, what is it?" came Thor's voice a moment later.
Loki would have sighed in relief to hear from him, except that he was panicking too much. "Mother is in danger. I will explain later. Inform Stark that I will be taking his daughter with me to Asgard to keep her safe. Meet me on Asgard when you can," Loki gave the orders without thinking about the fact that it was Thor he was bossing around. The two of them had worked together for centuries and Thor trusted Loki's battle tactics, which is how he was treating this emergency.
"I will meet you in the Bifrost chamber," Thor replied and ended the call to inform Stark that his daughter would be traveling to Asgard. It was the best place for her so she wouldn't be alone in the tower while Loki dealt with the emergency back home and the team was halfway across the world on a mission. It was also faster and easier for Heimdall to pick them up from two different locations than for Thor to get back to the tower first.
Loki sighed and shook Morgan a little. "Come on, darling. We need to go," he told her gently and helped her to her feet, despite that she was dazed from the vision and massive use of magic to have it. "Lean on me," he added gently.
"Go?" she asked confused, but let him help her to her feet, let him support her as she leaned heavily on him, both of her arms around his waist. Loki would have just tucked her into bed, but he had to bring her along to Asgard. It wasn't safe here and he wouldn't leave her alone.
"Your vision, darling. You just saw my mother in danger. We must get to Asgard immediately," he explained. He knew that most oracles couldn't recall the images they saw after the fact, especially such a new mage as Morgan. She nodded her understanding and let him lead her to the Bifrost circle outside of the tower. "Hold on tightly to me. The first time on the Bifrost is always an experience," Loki told her gently. Her arms tightened around him and he held her securely in his arms. When he was sure she would be safe, he looked to the sky and asked Heimdall for a lift home. Morgan's arms tightened even further around him at the strange feeling of flying upward and she cringed, hiding her sensitive eyes against his chest. Even blind, she could sense light and the bright rainbow lights hurt her.
A minute later they stepped into the bifrost chamber. Thor was there waiting for them as promised. Loki loosened his grip on Morgan slightly when they were safe. She still leaned heavily on him. Thor looked understandably confused at both the development and at what was going on. Loki hadn't given him much information. Loki didn't enlighten him yet either. He would explain the situation to Thor and Frigga at the same time, provided his mother wasn't already being attacked by the frost giants. However, Thor was understandably concerned. "Lady? Are you alright?" he asked gently.
Morgan blinked and tried to focus. "M'm ok," she murmured. Thor didn't believe her, but she was upright and relatively ok. That was enough right now. His mother was in more immediately danger.
Loki gave Thor a serious look that left no room for arguing. "I am going to teleport us straight to Mother. Put your hand on my shoulder, brother." Thor nodded and did as he was told. He'd teleported before and knew that physical contact was necessary. He also didn't fault Loki for his short tone. Loki was a mama's boy and panicked at the idea that his beloved mama was in danger.
"Hold tight, Lady Morgan," Loki told the girl in his arms. He needed to get her somewhere safe and in a bed soon.
In seconds, the three disappeared, reappearing just as quickly in the healing wing.
Frigga was there and looked up from her work, concerned when her boys appeared in the healing wing with weapons drawn looking panicked. "Darlings? What are you doing home?" she asked them, her concern evident in her voice. She was even more concerned and confused when she saw the disoriented, drained blind girl with them.
The boys relaxed when they realized they were in the healing wing, not the throne room. Morgan's vision hadn't come true. Yet. They weren't out of the woods yet, but at least the danger wasn't immediate. "We need to talk, mother. It's urgent," Loki told her. His panic wouldn't ebb until after Morgan's vision was thwarted.
"Alright, darlings. Come, my office is clear of eavesdroppers," she glared at the healers, who quickly pretend they were working on other things and not eavesdropping on the queen and her sons. Frigga led the trio into her office where they could speak in privacy.
Loki followed her and gently sat Morgan down in one of the chairs. She sank into the chair gratefully. "Mother, may I introduce Lady Morgan Stark, daughter of your best friend Lady Brunhilde,"
Morgan offered a smile in Frigga's general direction. "It's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am," she replied politely. She didn't notice Thor and Frigga staring at her in shock.
"Hilda's daughter?" she asked Loki, confused while Thor just stared in shock. "But... Hilda died decades ago," Frigga said in shock.
Thor looked confused too as he missed the whole 'she must be asgardian' revelation. "Lady Morgana is half-Asgardian?" he asked dumbly. Morgan huffed and rolled her eyes at Thor's insistence on always using her full name.
Loki nodded. "I found out just recently," he told Thor. He didn't tell Morgan what he was doing, he didn't want to hurt her, but he summoned a copy of the picture Morgan had shown him and passed it over to Frigga, who gasped in surprise. "That is not why we came home. There is a more pressing issue," Loki started. He paused before he just told her the news. There was no use in being coy or beating around the bush about it. "Mother, you are in grave danger. The frost giants are coming for you."
"The frost giants? But why?" she asked, shocked.
"That we don't know. Lady Morgana had a vision. I felt the magic in the images she saw and I believe that future will come true," Loki told her. Morgan rolled her eyes harder, great, now Loki was using her full name. She would never break him of it either.
"What vision, darling?" Frigga asked Loki gently even as she summoned a servant to warn Heimdall and Odin of the threat of intruders. She knew Loki was panicking if she was in danger and she had to get him back on track. Loki sighed and collected himself before she recited all of the images Morgan had given him. It only took him a couple minutes to explain everything to her and Thor. Frigga nodded with her eternal calm when Loki was finished speaking. "Don't fret, darling. We have warning now, so we can be prepared," she reassured him gently.
Loki nodded, but wasn't entirely convinced. His beloved mama was in danger and he disliked it more than anything.
They all looked up when one of the messengers returned with a summons for the three of them to come to the throne room to discuss the potential threat with Odin. Morgan was excluded from the summons and Loki breathed a sigh in relief that he wouldn't have to bring her before the Allfather, at least not yet. "Darling, how much warning did you say we had?" Frigga asked softly. She didn't like the feel of this. Her unease put her boys on edge.
Loki shook his head. "I don't know. The vision wasn't clear enough. Morgan wasn't able to decipher enough through the pain," he looked at her before she could start apologizing. "Don't fret, darling. You did wonderfully to give us the warning you did," Loki reassured her gently, placing his hand over one of hers to comfort her. Frigga was quick to agree and Morgan relaxed.
Frigga sighed and stood. "Well, we best tell your father," she told her sons. She glances over at Morgan. She didn't want to bring the girl before Odin, but she also didn't want to leave a blind foreigner alone. Especially when she was only half-Asgardian.
"Lady Morgana need rest. You know her magic is so new and untrained," Loki reminded Frigga while he stood and helped Morgan to her feet. He was frankly impressed that she was still awake and coherent. "Would it be safe to have her stay in one of the private rooms in the healing wing while we go speak with the Allfather?" he asked Frigga while he supported Morgan and kept her on her feet. Frigga and Thor both gave him a look at how caring he was being with the girl.
Frigga nodded. "There's one open and she will be safe here," she reassured Loki and pointed him in the right direction.
Loki nodded his thanks and kept and arm wrapped around Morgan as he led her to the private room. He could feel that she was nervous, confused, disoriented, and beyond exhausted. She was only remaining quiet so she didn't start spewing apologies for everything. Loki was determined they'd make it up to her when things were calmer. Morgan's arms remained locked around his waist as Loki led her to the quiet room. He helped her over to the bed and helped her lie down on it. He realized she hadn't put on shoes and was in her pajamas. Of course she was, they'd been lounging around the tower when the vision hit. He pulled the covers over her gently, tucking her in. "Rest, darling. I will return for you when our business with the Allfather is over. You're safe here," he reassured her.
"I'm sorry," she murmured, even as she was crashing hard. "I didn't see well enough-"
"You have nothing to apologize for. It is amazing you saw anything at all, and we are all beyond grateful. Now rest," he told her, trying to sound stern.
It came out lovingly exasperated instead.
Her eyes closed and she crashed. Hard. It was too much excitement for one untrained witchling. Loki kissed her forehead. "Thank you, little one. You don't know how much you have helped us. None of us will forget it," he told her softly, noting the soft, fond smile she had.
Loki left her then, closing the door to the private room, shielding it so none of the ninnies who worked in the healing wing could interrupt Morgan's desperately needed nap. He made his way to the entrance to the healing wing where Thor and Frigga were waiting for him. Frigga cupped Loki's cheek, concerned. "Are you alright, my darling?" she asked. She was asking about more that about his worry over the vision. She knew he didn't want to appear in front of anyone on Asgard in this form, but especially not Odin.
Loki leaned into her touch as he always did. Since he was cursed, he'd become more touch-starved than ever. "Not really, but there isn't anything I can do to fix it," he admitted. He wouldn't admit that to anyone besides his beloved Mama.
"I'm sure you'll figure it out, darling," she tried to reassure him, knowing he was worried about the curse, about appearing as a Jotun on Asgard. She hated seeing him so broken and lost, but she saw that he has at least some care for the girl. Maybe... maybe something would come to fruition. Frigga had a feeling it would be good for him if it did.
However, Frigga could see in Loki's eyes that he didn't believe it. He'd been stuck in this form, without his illusion, for so long that he doubted he would ever find anything to fix it. Frigga kept her hand on his cheek for a moment longer to comfort him before she took his arm to head to the throne room with her sons. She felt Loki stiffen as he steeled himself to leave the healing wing, but he pressed a kiss to her cheek to reassure her that he was alright.
The guards let them straight into the throne room and the trio approached the throne. Odin was on his throne as usual, waiting for them. He actually stood from his throne and came down the steps to the three of them, to Frigga in particular to kiss her softly, to reassure himself that she was alright. "What is this about intruders?" he asked without preamble. The safety of the realm left no time for pleasantries, especially if his wife was in danger. Despite all of his faults, Odin loved Frigga more than anything.
"There is a half-Asgardian woman I've been watching over on Midgard. She had a vision of Frost Giants invading the palace and taking mother," Loki explained quickly.
"You trust this vision?" Odin demanded. He trusted Loki's magical capabilities if nothing else. He also trusted Loki's desire to keep Frigga safe if there was danger.
"Yes. Lady Morgana may be new to her magic but I trust her vision to be accurate," Loki replied immediately. He had no doubts that her vision would come true.
Odin nodded, accepting that. "Thor, with me to the bifrost to secure the realm. Loki, defend your mother," he ordered and swept from the room, expecting to be obeyed.
Loki rolled his eyes when Odin and Thor were gone. "Like he even had to ask..." he grumbled.
Frigga laughed. "Of course he didn't, my darling, but you know how your father is..." he was notoriously overprotective of his wife. That's why it was beyond suicidal that the frost giants were after the queen. Odin would kill every single person he came into contact with in order to keep her safe.
And not feel bad about it at all.
Loki smiled warmly. It was the one thing he and Odin could agree on. "That I do,"
"And don't fret, I set the einherjar to guard the healing wing in our absence. Your lady is safe," Frigga reassured him with a hint of a smirk. She was taking a small liberty with the term 'your lady' and they both knew it.
Loki gave her a pointed look, though he couldn't be upset with his mother. "Don't start making assumptions, Mother. The only reason she gives me the time of day is because she can't see what I really look like..."
Frigga gave him a far too innocent smile. "My apologies, darling. I must have been mistaken," she said much, much too innocently. Loki's eyes narrowed and he grumbled under his breath. Frigga laughed and cupped his cheek again. "Perhaps you give her less credit than she deserves, darling. Or more accurately give yourself less credit,"
He raised an eyebrow. "What is that supposed to mean, Mother?" he asked her warily, confused by her words or the implication.
She smiled fondly. "You'll understand when you're older," she teased him as she had his entire life and kissed his cheek.
Loki groaned. "I am over a thousand years old," he grumbled at her, reminding her more of a petulant child than the master magician of Asgard.
Frigga laughed. "And will always be my son," she told him warmly.
Loki surprised her by pulling her into a hug. "I've missed you, mother. I'm so sorry I shut you out when I left Asgard." He'd been so affected by the curse that he'd pushed everyone and everything away so he didn't get more hurt and so he didn't hurt anyone. He was a monster, undeserving of his loved ones. Or so he'd thought until the little blind girl had started breaking through his defenses.
Frigga hugged him tightly in return. "And I have missed you as well, my darling," she told him warmly. He sighed and tucked his face into the crook of her neck, as he'd done frequently as a child. Frigga smiled fondly and stroked his hair soothingly, as she'd always done for him.
"I feel so alone, Mother," he whimpered softly, tears welling in his eyes as he admitted the feelings he'd been trying to hide since he'd been cursed.
Frigga continued stroking his hair. "I know, my darling, I know. You're not alone, my son. Your family has not abandoned you. Neither have your friends. Thor has told me of your soldier friend and your student. They still care for you. And little lady Morgana,"
He sighed heavily. "I wish I could break this damn curse. I hate what I am. I always have," he growled in frustration. All of his research on how to break it had gotten him nowhere.
"I know, darling," she soothed. "But it is a part of who you are," she reminded him gently. He needed to learn that, needed to come to accept his heritage.
"But it doesn't feel like me!" he protested. "I have always been an Asgardian. That's how I've always seen myself. This is just the monster underneath,"
"You are not a monster," Frigga told him firmly. "You are both Jotun and Asgardian," she paused to make sure she had his attention. "And you are my son." He hugged her even tighter at that, beyond grateful for her unconditional love and her constant acceptance. "If you refuse to believe if of yourself, then believe that I am incapable of raising a monster,"
That earned her a small smile. "Yes, Mother," he replied obediently.
Frigga smiled and kissed his cheek. "See? Things are not so dire, my darling," she told him warmly.
It was then that the alarms started to go off in the palace.
"Perhaps I spoke too soon," Frigga said dryly
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