Chapter 30
"under arrest for what?" Bree asked looking mystified even though a couple of solid reasons swirled around in her head like beef in a stew pot.
"You'll find out when you get to the police station!" Galloway smirked.
A police officer advanced and eased her belongings then another put cuffs around her wrists. Bree had always seen people get handcuffed but she never thought she'd actually get to experience it one day. The object around her wrists felt like the cold teeth of a raging shark and she feared the slightest movement would chop her hands off.
"Since when did someone get arrested before getting to know their crime?" Bree asked the officer.
"You have the right to remain silent, ma'am." The officer replied with a poker face.
She wondered if she was getting jailed for being one of Herb's employees or because she was considered a suspect at a certain murder scene in Australia. If Herb had called the cops on her because she was the reason his workers were dead then she could at least confirm two things; one, Herb really was targeting Beasley and two; she wasn't getting out of jail real easily.
"Can i at least call my mother?" She asked no one in particular.
"Did you call her when you left home over two weeks ago? Why now, i'm sure she's not worried. You're a big girl and you can take care of yourself much like all the other big girls do." Galloway said, his eyeballs playfully dancing around in his eyes like Norman's did.
Galloway had such a smug look on his face that Bree had to look away to stop herself from kicking him in his area. His grin widened as the officer led her to one of the numerous cop cars. Why so many cars for just one person?
She pulled away from her guide policeman and moved closer to Galloway.
"You won't win." She whispered calmly.
He chuckled as the policeman came back to grab her. "Oh, won't i?"
"Hey no struggling." The policeman ordered.
Every eye seemed to watch her intently as her head lowered into the car. The drive to the police station was boring and less intimidating than it had initially seemed but Bree's stomach felt like ice cream in a microwave. She wanted to know why she was being arrested.
She'd only spent a few minutes in her new cell when a policewoman came to inform her that she had two visitors.
She was led into what was the police station lobby and found her mother and Norman sitting in a long chair. Melinda shot up as soon as she spotted Bree in cuffs. Tears spilled out of her eyes as she pulled Bree in for a hug.
"You're okay." Melinda sobbed joyfully.
"Yeah kinda but i'm in jail for god knows what and i can't get out. Mom, you have to get me out of here." Bree complained.
"How selfish can you get, Bree?" Norman spoke up distastefully. "Your mother has been worried sick about you and all you care about is yourself."
Bree gritted her teeth. "I don't remember asking your opinion on this."
"Bree, you have to tell me what's been going on. Where did you go? Where have you been? It's been over two weeks since you came home. Please tell me what's going on." Melinda pleaded and complained, her eyes still filled with tears.
Bree stared at Melinda. If she were to speak up about her connections with Beasley then it would only put the him in graver danger. She had to understand what was going on first.
"Mom, i promise i'll explain later but can you or someone at least tell me why i was put in prison?" She spat.
"For putting the lives of thousands in danger, that's what!" A new voice replied. Bree looked over her mother's shoulder, Melinda and Norman also turned to look at the intruder.
"Mayor Gordon." Melinda said.
The Mayor walked towards them guarded by policemen, Galloway and his crew of hunters and the town sheriff, Lindsey Abernethy. He had shed his relaxed beach look for a formal one, donning a black three-piece suit to better blend in as Mayor.
He didn't look happy as he approached Bree and this unsettled her. His kind face was now masked by an angry, disappointed one.
"What are you talking about, Mr Gordon?" Bree asked shifting on her feet.
"I was informed a couple of days back about a strange man-eating animal roaming the streets of this town and that you have been its caretaker. Do you intend to wipe out an entire population?"
Bree was tongue-tied. She broke into cold sweat. Her heart raced and thumped so loud she was afraid everyone would hear it. It got worse when Melinda looked into her eyes and asked.
"Is this true?"
Bree sighed in defeat. There was no use hiding the truth anymore. Nothing she would say or do at that point would make anyone believe her and by the way, Beasley was safe in Australia. She continually assured herself that they would never find his cave.
"It's true, mom." She replied.
A wave of terror passed through the room as everyone confirmed their worst fears. There really was a strange creature roaming free in the town and Bree was its accomplice.
"But he would never hurt anyone. He's never hurt anyone." She continued.
"It doesn't matter. It will soon enough, not unless we find it." Galloway said but to the Mayor.
"You have my full support on that day. Find that thing and kill it, do whatever you must." The Mayor said.
Galloway tipped his cowboy hat then casted a glance at Bree before leading his men out. Mayor Gordon was also led out by the town's sheriff and they discussed on possible ways to catch the animal.
"Mother, i can't let them hurt him." Bree said, her tone receding into a sad one.
"What? The creature? What is it?" Melinda asked holding Bree's arms.
"I don't know but he's very kind and he won't hurt anybody. He's just trying to find his way back home, please you have to get me out of here so i can help him get back home."
"Is that why you've been gone because you were helping it find its way back? How is that even possible? It's a bloody animal." Norman spat.
"You shut up!" Bree barked, for once thankful for the handcuffs or she could've smacked Norman like the fool he was.
He pulled out a rumpled piece of paper from his breastpocket and unfolded it then handed it to Melinda. "Does this look kind to you? Does it look like it wants to sing Kumbaya with the rest of us? Does it look friendly?"
Bree's mouth hung open. "You! You stole my sketch." She suddenly lunged at him and snatched the paper. "You traitor!"
The policemen did their best to hold her back but Bree kept kicking and screaming at the top of her lungs.
"It's all your fault. You showed it to them. I trusted you but you just want him dead. It's all your fault." She continued to scream.
One of the police officers brought in a taser and was about to shock Bree with it when the ground suddenly shook violently.
Everyone flinched and yelped, losing their balance for a minute then the whole place went dead silent.
"What was that?" An officer asked and looked out the window. Everyone followed suit except for Bree. She turned and ran down the hallway.
"Hey, stop her." Another officer yelled and took to the chase with the others following.
Bree bolted outside and ran straight into the street. It was dark now save for streetlights and the headlights from passing vehicles. She frantically began to search for Beasley. She was sure he had come because he heard her scream.
"There!" An officer pointed at her and led the chase.
Bree continued to run, zipping past cars and yelling "sorry!". She made a beeline for the trees and vanished inside them, losing her chasers for almost immediately.
She stopped to breathe and tried to wriggle her hands free from the cuffs.
"Let me help." Beasley said from behind.
Bree felt a wave of relief and happiness wash over her. He was indeed safe but not for long.
He carefully placed a claw in between the cuffs and snagged them cut like thread.
Bree went over to hug him, compressing herself into his large form. She realized she had missed him a lot and the smell of granite and trees that always hung around him.
"You're okay!" She breathed.
Beasley dipped his head so he could return her hug since his claws were too sharp to go around her back. She would probably end up as shish kebab if he dared.
"We have to go now. They know you're here." Bree said and he laid flat without objection, urging her to climb aboard but Bree did not move.
"What is it?" He asked looking up at her with small blue eyes.
Bree cocked her head then took three steps backward. She studied Beasley for a while then frowned. "You got shorter!"
Beasley stared at her confusingly. "What?"
"You're shorter than the last time i saw you." She concluded.
Flashlights beamed past the tree branches overhead followed by numerous shouts and grunts. The policemen had caught up to them.
"We'll talk about heights later." Bree said and hurriedly climbed on his back.
Beasley shot up and ran away leaving the ground trembling under his weight.
In no time, they were back at the farmhouse. The campers had moved or had probably gone into the forest to continue their search. They did leave their campfire burning which Bree found strange.
She jumped off Beasley and walked carefully toward the flames. She scanned the area but there was not a single soul in sight.
"Hmph! There's no one here." She said raising an eyebrow.
"Beasley?" Bree asked turning then gasped loudly. Beasley's eyes were covered in green mist and drool spilled out the corners of his mouth as if he gazed at a three course meal.
Bree moved backwards as he advanced, then bolted toward the Pendulum. He followed her, crashing into the building with so much force that the door frame collapsed along with the rest of the front walls.
As soon as Bree made it to the catwalk, she felt a major deja vù. There was no time to relive memories now. She climbed the catwalk, which was now painted in clown colors as fast as she could and stayed silent, trying to steady her breathing.
Fear ransacked her system worse than the first time she had encountered Beasley. What was wrong with him? Did he want to hurt her like he had done with the men in Australia?
She could hear his growls underneath the catwalk. She shut her eyes and prayed he would pass without noticing she was up there. Bree wasn't sure if he heard her thoughts, her wild heartbeat or her silent gasp but he ripped the catwalk from under and it crashed into the ground like a bunch of crackers with Bree in it.
She staggered to her feet, stretching both arms out to stay balanced but before she could run, Beasley was in front of her.
He swiped his claws and Bree got a deep, nasty cut in her right hand. Pain seared her palm like boiling lava. She stared at the wound vaguely recalling her first dream.
Her hands trembled as she ducked and tried her very best to avoid Beasley's arms that swung wildly like mosquito bats. She raced for the stairs. Construction on the Pendulum was already complete but the colorful buckets compiled in a corner was proof that the place only needed painting.
Herb must've been going for the full circus experience because the stair wall and steps blazed with such bright colors, Bree had to hold back from admiring them. Beasley had no trouble finding her. She'd hugged him not so long ago and so her scent probably dominated his senses.
He smashed anything and everything within an inch radius.
"Snap out of it!" Bree yelled picking up a half empty paint bucket then tossed it toward Beasley's head. He must've been shocked by the projectile because he suddenly stopped long enough for the bucket to collide with his face.
"Ow!" He yelped, blinking off paint.
Bree blew out a whiff of air as Beasley's eyes became normal again. She examined her swollen blood stained palm, securing it behind her back then rested her good hand on one knee.
"Did i hurt you?" Beasley asked sounding terrified. He bounded toward her and began to nudge her with his face.
"I'm fine." She exhaled.
"I smell blood." He grunted in objection.
Bree reluctantly exposed her injury. Beasley gasped but Bree wasn't sure if it was a gasp because it sounded more like a hollow cry.
"I'm so sorry." He said gently. "I did it again, didn't i?"
He slowly reached for her hand and Bree knew what would come next. She rested her bloody palm over his furry skin and those tiny vibrations covered her like she'd been dunked in a hot bath. It took a few seconds but the wound began to seal.
"that's better." Bree noted looking at her freshly healed palm. The dull ache of the wound was still there but the wound was gone completely.
"Why didn't you stay back in Australia?" Bree asked climbing on his back again then he headed for the exit.
"It didn't feel right." Beasley replied.
"You said you'd stay there so i could come back. We agreed on it."
"I know. I just. . ."
Beasley's words caught as soon as he came outside because a large fishing hook whizzed through the air and found a resting place in his shoulder.
Everything happened so fast that Bree had no time to even blink. Beasley tipped over in pain, sending her flying off his back in the process and into the nearest pillar. She almost passed out, black spots danced in front of her eyes and a lingering sound buzzed in her ears like radio frequency.
She swayed on the ground then managed to stand up. From her peripheral vision, she saw Beasley battling with a number of fish hooks which now designed his body like pins in a pin cushion. She wondered how he was still alive.
"Stop it." She said but her voice was barely above a whisper. The world still orbited like a hamster ball around her so whenever she tried to walk, she ended up swaying and sitting hard on the ground.
"Leave him alone." She managed to say again. Her bones were on fire from her neck down to her ankles. She pulled herself up by leaning against a wall then stood up at last.
Outside, a huge crowd had gathered and were armed with all sorts of weapons. Bree realized the crowd wasn't that much, her vision had only tripled. The small crowd was a bunch of hunters led by Galloway.
A man walked up to her from the middle of the crowd, a large gun slung across his shoulder. Bree squinted at him, dust raining from her hair like cold mist and clouding her vision. The man wore a plaid jacket over a blue shirt and black jeans.
"Bruno." Bree said through gritted teeth.
"Seems you were right all along, Bree. So my father and i, we owe you an apology." He started placing one hand on his chest sympathetically.
"I don't want your apology, let him go." She said pointing at Beasley who was quickly losing the fight against fish hooks. With each one he managed to pull out, another one replaced it almost immediately in the exact spot. Those things were large enough to stick a whale. Bree fought to hold back from crying but she couldn't.
"I see you care for the animal but if i remember correctly, you had wanted to kill it yourself." Bruno said.
Bree's gaze broke from Beasley to Bruno. "How did you know that?"
Bruno tilted his head. "Don't be like that, Bree. You know how much this thing could bring us?"
"Jimothy!" Bree spat. Of course, this was Jimothy's payback. He had conspired with the dirtiest rat in the town to strike her where it really hurt and also for personal gain.
"Yes, that crank told me all about your pet over there but it's okay, we're not going to kill it. It'll be of no use if it's dead. We're just gonna put up a show and he'll do great with the others."
Bree's head felt like stones against a grater, she wanted to slap Bruno in the face. "The others?"
Bruno could've meant the rest of Beasley's family but that was impossible. He said he was the only one of his kind left or maybe Herb had managed to catch every Beasley there was and trapped them somewhere, making Beasley believe he was all alone.
"You're full of evil. All of you." Bree spat and ran outside. She couldn't fight off the crowd all by herself so she lunged for only one of them. He was engrossed in chanting and shouting that she was able to tackle him and take off his crossbow.
"Hey!" He said but Bree had run off. She targeted the ropes that secured each hook to Beasley. He was now on his knees, tired and weak.
She took aim and fired several arrows, each shot slicing through the ropes. Beasley suddenly stood up and ripped the hooks off, soaking himself in blood.
"To the forest." She yelled. He jumped right onto the Pendulum roof causing a wave of shock to pass through the crowd.
Bree whistled and Jonas ran to her, she mounted him and followed Beasley.
"What are you waiting for? After them!" Bruno yelled.
The crowd of hunters dispersed into the forest brandishing their weapons and shouting like mad men. Bree made a count of thirty excluding Galloway and Bruno himself.
Jonas caught up with Beasley in the bamboo area. "You have to go back to Australia."
Beasley was so slow now that Jonas ran past him. Bree had to rein him to a stop.
"Beasley!" Bree cried out.
"I can't. No. . . . more. . . . running." He wheezed.
Bree jumped off Jonas and ran to him, her eyes welling up with tears. "I can't let them take you, you have to go right now."
"It stopped working. I can't jump through to a different forest anymore." He confessed.
"What?" Bree asked dryly. By then, the crowd was catching up to her. She picked up her crossbow. "I'm not letting them win so easily."
She fired into the darkness but a painful yelp assured her she'd made a direct hit. She fired another and another, continuous gasps and yells filled the air.
"Can you at least make it back to your cave?" She asked.
Beasley nodded weakly. He now looked red from blood and paint mixed together which made Bree wonder which liquid was the most dominant. He was stained down to his feet.
He stood up and ran as fast as he could which was half as fast as Jonas when he was strolling.
Bree continued firing then mounted Jonas again.
"Giddy up!" She ordered, kicking Jonas in the flank. He neighed and took after Beasley.
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