Chapter 28
Bree's promise to spend more time with her mother only lasted a while because soon, she began to aid Beasley in the search for his hometown. She traveled more in two weeks than she had done in her entire life.
Together with Beasley, she traveled to Switzerland, Australia, Canada, Italy and of course, Bree's favourite place in the whole world - France. Beasley, on the other hand, did not hold back on the fun. He became extremely comfortable with Bree around and would sometimes forget he was trying to get home.
During their travels, Bree had to work hard at disguising Beasley as much as possible since it was not normal for a creature his size to be found cruising in the streets of Midi-Pyrenees.
She had painted him to look like a white circus elephant, a parked school bus, a giant ice cream van and a gold statue. Each disguise, oddly enough, had worked without effort. A kid had even walked up to Beasley 'the ice cream van' and knocked on his side. Bree had to buy ice cream for the child to get him to leave as he was quite fascinated by Beasley's soft front door which was actually his belly.
As a gold statue, a couple of teenage tourists had taken snaps of him because he was very life like but Bree had faked an accident and knocked their phones into the fountain. With each incident, Beasley would sigh with excitement "that was a close one."
Bree felt disappointed each time they traveled and discovered the city or town they were in was not Beasley's home. It also surprised her that as they days stretched on, Beasley became less and less affected by their failures. He would only suggest having fun around the city.
One time, he had actually played the flute beautifully for almost twenty minutes which sent Bree's brain into freeze mode. She was dumbstruck and asked how he knew to play the flute. He said he had witnessed many music concerts even though he would not elaborate on the story.
Bree also learned new skills from Beasley. He taught her to throw with accuracy and she had even attempted it with her eyes closed. She learnt to climb which wasn't really necessary but still. . . he taught her to set traps for small animals, he also successfully made a blanket out of hay and was proud of it even though it was only big enough to cover one of his arms.
They would camp at the foot of mountains and in waterfalls and caves whilst analyzing their next stop.
"So there's nineteen places in France with the name Villeneuve, we've been to seven of them. Count them off. " Bree said.
Beasley was better with French words so he did the pronunciation. He held up his huge fingers and began to count off the places. "There's two places in Rhone Alpes, one in Poitou-Charentes, one in Midi-Pyrenees, one in Pays de la Loire, Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, and the other is in Languedoc-Roussillon."
Bree whistled. "That must've taken a lot of effort."
Beasley tilted his head. "Thank you."
Bree beamed. "You're welcome."
She put down the map and placed both hands on it. The sound of the nearby waterfall splashing heavily against the rocks drowned her voice but she didn't need to raise it since Beasley had super hearing.
"Now we go here."
Beasley leaned forward to peer at the place her fingers pressed against.
"But we've been there already. That's Australia." He stated in a tone that clearly showed he was in disagreement with the idea.
"Yes but, we skipped Australia remember? The spiders?" Bree said rolling her hands for emphasis.
Beasley hummed as he recalled the ugly spider incident. Somehow, they'd marched into a part of the fabulous country and Beasley was immediately ambushed by huge spiders. In their struggle to free him, he jumped right back into their previous location which had been Italy.
Beasley had been reluctant about going into Australia again and pleaded with Bree to make it their last stop.
"But we agreed it was going to be the last stop." He gumbled.
"I can't believe you're scared of spiders."
"I'm not. They're just very itchy." He whined and sat down. Water sprinkled from above in tiny sprays but it did not bother the two travelers.
"I know. We'll take a different route this time." Bree said and pulled out her laptop from her backpack. Usually before they would jump into a location, Bree would search out pictures of the place and show it to Beasley to make it easier for him to travel there especially places he'd never been to. He had asked how she found pictures of every spot in the world on her laptop and she had taken enough time to explain what the Internet was. Even with all that explanation, Beasley still found it quite disturbing.
Bree frantically moved around looking for bars. "There's like low Internet service here. We have to get to higher ground."
She stashed the laptop and slung the backpack on her back then looked up at the cliffs. They were too steep but there was nothing Beasley couldn't climb.
"So we go up?" He asked following Bree's gaze.
"Yeah, we go up." Bree confirmed.
"Alright then. Jump on!" Beasley said bending over so she could climb on him.
Once upon a time he would have never let her touch him but now he felt extreme butterflies whenever she did. Her hands gripped onto his fur so she would not fall off, her face pressing gently into the nape of his neck. He could feel her breath despite his thick coat - warm and constant. It brought him a sense of calm.
"Ready?" He asked crouching back to gain momentum.
"Go!" Bree said and Beasley took a giant leap forward. It took only a few seconds but Bree felt like it had taken forever. In the open air, the waterfall was magnificent and as they rose higher and higher, Bree could spot fishes in the transparent H2O. It was bright blue, catching the light of the sun so that dull rainbows arched across it like an actual bow.
Adrenaline spiked to a thousand as Beasley soared upward. Bree dared to look down at that moment and almost fell off but Beasley immediately connected with the cliff side and began to climb until they were on solid ground again.
"That was awesome." Bree laughed sliding down Beasley's back. The spot she had occupied suddenly went cold and Beasley found himself longing for her to climb and stay there on his back for as long as possible.
She opened her backpack and pulled out her laptop again. Beasley was sure there was a connection on the Internet now because Bree suddenly sat down on the rocky ground and began to type away on her device.
Beasley watched in silence as Bree's face repeatedly contorted into a tight expression then loosen with relief. She looked like a child doing difficult homework that somehow brought good memories in between.
She had on a black and blue vintage shirt with fiery red letters on the front that read Rock n Roll and a pair of blue jeans that looked much like ink had spilled all over it. Her hair was held back by a red and white bandana. She had her quiver full of arrows sticking out on one side of her backpack and a bow slung around one arm which she would occasionally prop back into place as it often slipped off.
"I think i found a good spot." She said at last. Beasley realized he had been enjoying the comfortable silence between them and also gaping at her beautiful face but he was thankful Bree couldn't tell otherwise he would've turned as red as the bandana on her head.
She turned the laptop toward him and his eyebrows lifted.
"You should do that more often." She suggested.
"Do what?" He asked lifting his blue orbs to look at her.
"Keep your eyes open." She replied with a smile.
"They are open!" He stated.
"They were underneath those curtains you call eyebrows." She said fitting her laptop into the bag. She had so many items in there that Beasley would stare at the pack to make sure there wasn't an extra under it.
"I feel safer if they're hidden." He said and Bree turned to look at him. For a minute, Beasley thought she was hurt that he wouldn't comply but she shrugged lazily.
"You do have a point. Sometimes i wish i could walk around blindfolded."
"You'd bump into things and besides, there's no possible way you could shield your eyes and still be able to see." Beasley said.
Bree raised a challenging eyebrow. "Oh yeah?"
Before Beasley could answer, she had reached into the smaller pocket of her backpack and pulled out a funny looking mini mask. It had two black screens and two long poles connected to the sides which were also black. Bree put them on and smiled, the black poles clinging atop her ears.
Despite not knowing what the object was, Beasley couldn't deny how it made Bree look a little outstanding and mysterious.
"What is that thing?" He asked amazed by the tiny object.
"Spectacles." Bree replied.
"They're like baby binoculars." Beasley said.
"Yeah but there's a big difference." Bree stated picking up her backpack.
"What's that?"
"This one's got swag!"
"Huhn?" Beasley asked but Bree was already bouncing off in a gaudy looking walk.
He followed her and was amazed that she did not bump against a stone or even trip over. She led him down the slope and into the curving forest. In front of her, the vegetation began to stretch and blur until they were in a different location.
"Where is this?" Beasley asked.
"It's a mangrove forest. One of the largest in Queensland." Bree replied going to touch a tree bark then took off her baby binoculars. There was so much green all around that she felt she was drowning in chlorophyll.
"So you're the city girl, which way to the city?" Beasley asked.
Bree turned to look at him and grimaced with amusement. "You're the forest expert, you lead."
Beasley looked lost. "I don't know which way to go."
"Well, neither do i." Bree confessed.
"But you have that uptop." He said.
Bree giggled. "It's called a laptop and it can't point us in the right direction. It doesn't know everything."
Beasley began to walk around looking up at the light branches of the trees. "But you said the Internet knows everything."
"Kinda." Bree muttered looking around as well, trying to decipher which way to go next.
They usually improvised when they came into a new forest and it normally took days before they would navigate their way out. Being in a mangrove forest made Bree nervous and alert. She wanted to get out as soon as possible mostly because of the repulsive smell that hung in the air.
Beasley must've smelled it too because he came bounding back from where he'd wandered off to.
"We're on an island." He announced.
"Why do you say that?" Bree asked.
He nodded to a direction and began to walk away, Bree strolled behind him until they came out into a large lake or what seemed like a really huge stream dotted with rocks.
"We probably have a long way to walk before we get to the beach. We'll have to. . ."
Before Bree could finish her sentence, Beasley laid flat on the ground. She used the stones as steps and climbed onto his back.
"Alright, let's go."
Beasley bounced off into the lake, sending huge splashes of water into the air and drenching Bree. He was faster than the fastest car and hardly bumped into things when he ran. He also had the tendency to jump as he covered much distance when he did.
Bree felt like she was riding a mansion sized bull. Everything looked a bit smaller from where she sat and blurrier. Beasley ran like he knew exactly which way to go - he probably did.
During the time she had been contemplating their next move, he had gone to the beach and back. He was that fast.
He zipped past more mangroves, some separated from the others, until the rocks on the ground began to change to sand. They had made it to the beach.
Beasley came to a gentle stop like he hadn't been running at 200 mph like one of those Formula 1 cars Bree had seen on TV.
The first time he'd run that fast with her on his back, Bree had almost regurgitated the sandwich she'd eaten but now she was used to it and found the experience to be as exhilarating as riding a roller coaster.
She slid off his back and walked toward the beach, the wind harassing her hair.
"Well, bummer! We can't get a boat to go across and we definitely can't get a boat that you'd fit in." Bree said. Beasley was quite sensitive about being out in the open but the beach was empty and so he had no problem waltzing about.
After a few minutes of silence, he grunted. "You go, i'll wait here."
Bree stuttered. "But how would i know if it's where we're looking for?"
"You'll know." He replied. "Don't take too long."
Bree wanted to argue but she knew she couldn't smuggle him across the sea. She definitely couldn't paint him to look like a giant mast or a rain barrel. She wondered if she would find more creatures like him when she arrived his hometown but it was highly unlikely. Australia was home to many weird and fascinating animals. It wouldn't entirely surprise her if she found a couple more Beasleys strolling across the freeway.
Bree was about to complain that there weren't any boats when one appeared on the horizon. It took a while but when it finally got to shore, two young men alighted.
"Hello miss, are you lost?" One of them asked. He was very tan and looked like a magazine model. His grey eyeballs looked like they had been polished with sandpaper. He wore uniform that indicated he was a water policeman.
His companion was skinny but also tan and seemed very unfriendly. He looked at Bree like she was a robber he'd encountered once and bumped into again. She realized he was slightly skeptical of the weapons she carried.
"Not really. I was just wondering if you could help me. I really need to get to the mainland shore." Bree said as politely as she could.
"Nice bow." The skinny man complimented.
"Yeah, i take archery classes." Bree said almost quickly but it did nothing to unnerve the man.
"I'm Paul. This is Tom. What's your name?" The first man or Paul rather, said with his hand outstretched.
"I'm Kim." Bree said shaking Paul's hand.
"Tell us, Kim, how did you get washed up here?" Tom asked scanning the beach with his eyes as if he knew Beasley was hiding in the trees. It made Bree very uncomfortable and she silently prayed Beasley would not peek out.
Tom might look skinny but he seemed more dangerous than Paul. He reminded Bree of Jimothy, only he looked better.
"I uh, my boat capsized and i had to swim all the way to the beach. I was gonna come here to practice anyway. I focus more on my targets in a peaceful environment far from the busyness of civilization." She explained. If Beasley had heard that, he was probably snickering at her petty made up story.
"I see." Tom managed dryly.
"Well, we'd be happy to get you back to the mainland, miss. We're the water police." Paul said glancing at Tom the way Melinda glanced at Bree when she wasn't being nice.
"Thank you." Bree said looking relieved and hopped on the boat. Thankfully, Tom kept silent until they made it back and neither one of the men asked her address.
She managed to navigate the city all by herself, something she usually did with Beasley. She would sometimes walk into a crowd and freeze then remember that Beasley was no longer behind her, with his massive shadow blocking every bit of sunlight.
She walked for hours, admiring the bustling townspeople having fun like it was a weekend everyday. With every bend she took, she would come across a body of water until it became a little annoying.
She walked past a boulevard with the open sea stretching on her right, stacked with speed boats, boat rentals, boathouses etc. She was already contemplating on whether to get back to Beasley or keep going when someone clapped behind her.
Bree turned and found two men in white shirts. Two more approached from a boathouse, heavily tattooed from their neck to their forearms. It was late afternoon but the streets already seemed deserted. The whole place was quiet save for the sound of baby waves.
"Look who we got here. A visitor." The first man said. He looked buff and so his white shirt looked like something he borrowed from a toddler's closet. He had white hair, probably dyed or bleached because he was noticeably too young.
"Excuse me?" Bree asked trying to keep the nervousness from her voice.
"We've got a little Dora The Explorer come to grace our shores." The second man standing next to beefcake white hair said. All four men stood with their legs apart and their arms crossed, the other two brandishing their dragon tattoos. They didn't speak so Bree was certain they were more of thugs that carried out orders.
"a little bow and quiver, eh? Where's your monkey? Look, she's even got a map. You look tough girlie." White hair said.
"I was just leaving so if you'll just excuse me. . ." Bree said and walked a few steps before tattoo man number one blocked her path.
"Oh no, you can't leave sweetheart. We all work together so wouldn't it be fun if we did a little introduction first?!"
"Who's we?" Bree asked turning to face him.
"You're one of Herb's employees. Yeah, we know you. You're pretty popular girlie, standing up to the boss." white hair snickered.
Bree raised an eyebrow. Herb had employees everywhere, that she was certain of but how exactly could they know she was one of them. Could they smell pigs on her? If yes, that was bad and she needed a thorough shower ASAP.
"The name's Grant." White hair introduced then pointed to the man next to him. "He's Owen and those two, Ben and Dodger."
Bree faked a smile. "Nice to meet you guys but i really have to be going now."
Grant grabbed her arm gently but firmly, a forced yet sweet smile spreading across his lips. "Didn't you hear sweetheart? You're popular, that makes you important and when you're important, the rest of us are insignificant. No one's supposed to be more popular than me, girlie."
"If you want the big chair so bad, why don't you go tell Bruno to give you a boost?" Bree whispered.
Grant smiled revealing fake white teeth. "You've got spirit sweetheart but you see, fresh meat like you threatening the boss and our work isn't such a great move. I wonder what got into that asshole that hired you in the first place."
"she's really pretty and all that!" Owen chuckled. "Bruno likes little pretty girls."
Grant's grip on her arm tightened stopping blood flow and causing her arm to grow cold and stiff. He inched close to her face, his eyeballs the same color as Paul's.
"You can't leave until we're sure you won't repeat the disrespect again and know your place amongst the ranks." Grant said casually.
"And what if i refuse?" Bree asked looking at Ben and Dodger, they seemed ready to pounce and Bree did not like that.
Grant chuckled, seemingly impressed by her bravery. "Well then, i'm going to have to ask Ben and Dodger here to teach you some good manners. After that, you'll be able to keep shut and follow orders."
Bree kept silent for a while, studying the group. "Sorry, i don't follow orders."
Grant chuckled then shoved Bree into one of thugs' grip. She couldn't tell if it was Ben or Dodger but he roughly tossed her to the floor, knocking the air out of her lungs.
Bree gasped and tried to stand up but a boot connected with her chest, sending her to the ground again. Her arm scratched against the sand causing a long bruise down the length of it. Her chest burned from the impact and she struggled to breathe.
The men snickered and circled her taking turns in stepping on her face and her back. She spat out blood and glared at Grant who had an evil smile about his face.
Owen confiscated her backpack and tossed it to the side, spilling half the contents in it except her laptop.
"Ready to comply, girlie?" Grant asked.
"To hell with you!" She grunted.
Owen kicked her in the head and placed his boots on her wounded arm. Bree screamed in pain, her voice ringing past the trees causing birds in them to flutter.
Grant playfully put a hand against his lip with a mock surprised expression on his face.
"Some lungs you have." He commented. "To the boathouse, get her into the boathouse."
Ben and Dodger yanked either one of her arms and dragged her into the boathouse they'd come out of. She was carelessly flung into a boat and her chin connected with the wooden plank ripping her skin open.
Blood stained her shirt but it was hard to tell because it was black.
"Did Herb ask you to do this?" She questioned Ben but he kept shut. Dodger brought out a handcuff from a compartment in the boat and cuffed her hands behind her.
They locked the door and left her there, going outside to talk to Grant and Owen. Evening came fast and Bree found herself getting weaker. The gash under her chin was larger than she thought and it bled nonstop.
She looked around for a way to free herself but there was no way she could even try with her hands bound. She had overheard Grant talking to Bruno on the phone and he'd said something very disturbing.
Grant had said "if he's here with her, he would come for her any minute now".
Bree's heartbeat quickened.
Grant was definitely referring to Beasley. How was that possible? How did they know about him suddenly?
She silently prayed Beasley wouldn't come but as soon as she thought about it, the ground shook.
Bree stood up and ran to the small window facing the road and sure enough, Beasley was there. How did he even get here?
He roared at the men causing a few minutes of panic. A couple of other guys had joined the party and Bree counted nine of them altogether. They were throwing objects and firing guns at Beasley but he deflected them without even looking.
At first, Bree felt a wave of prideful satisfaction surge through her like yeah, i've got my own thug and he's bigger than Ben and Dodger. In your faces a-holes!
But then, Beasley hit one of the men with his forearm. He fell to the ground and Bree noticed how his neck abnormally bent sideways.
She gasped and looked to Beasley. His eyes were open but they weren't blue - they flashed a dark green and something like smoke escaped them. He went berserk and swatted a man into a tree, clawed another, bashed one with his horns, slapped a few into the sea and then faced Grant.
Bree wanted to scream for him to stop but she couldn't find her voice. Grant pointed a gun at Beasley and fired a couple of shots with his trembling hands. Beasley didn't move or even try to attack, he glared at Grant for a few minutes then suddenly picked him up and slammed him into the ground.
Bree jerked from the impact and gasped in horror. Something was wrong with Beasley. The door was locked and she doubted she could try to open it with a pin using her toes. That would be weird.
She went back to the window and saw that Beasley was now alone, surrounded by lifeless bodies. It was nighttime and she was thankful nobody passed by to witness the horrors that had just taken place.
Beasley looked around, huffing and puffing out air from his nostrils. A blood covered white T-shirt hung from one of his horns and Bree was certain it had been Owen's. She suddenly felt sick and afraid. She wanted to run. The look in Beasley's eyes showed her was not satisfied with the kill - he wanted more.
At that moment, their eyes met.
Bree gasped and backed away while he approached. With one arm, he ripped off the entire back section of the boathouse making Bree shriek.
His gaze bore into her eyes, the smoke from his swirling like a bunch of storm clouds.
"Beasley?" She whispered.
Suddenly, his eyes returned to a dazzling blue.
"Time to go!" He said.
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