Chapter 25
The sky became a mix of grey and black as low clouds hung everywhere, whipping around to form a dozen tornadoes. The storm seemed to have a mind of its own and as Bree watched, she could see lightning crackling in the middle as though the storm were flashing an evil smile at her.
Bree shuddered as a sense of familiarity hung around her. She had seen a storm like this before. But where?
She had walked out of the burning stable that crumbled to ashes immediately she was four feet away from it. Behind it was the rest of the largest castle Bree had ever seen. The walls were made out of granite blocks and complicated brickwork. There were two towers on opposite sides of the castle and one in the middle. That one had a broken wall that looked like it had been bulldozed.
Bree had no idea how but she was suddenly transported to a cliffside where she could see the entire landscape spread out before her. Lightning flashed across the castle walls, illuminating them for a nanosecond before the whole place went entirely black again.
Bree turned to look back. Behind her, the weather was as clear as a sunny day on the beach but in front of her, the world looked like it was coming to an end. The storm did not look normal. Bree had the feeling someone or something must've caused it.
Who could create a storm? She thought.
Bree was sure what she looked at was an entire kingdom. She'd seen enough of them in movies. The village always came before the castle and the one in front of her was almost in ruins.
Bree didn't wonder how she got there or why she was dreaming about castles and thunderstorms but a feeling settled over her, one that made her feel she already knew what was going on and that she needed to help. The cliff vibrated making her fall to her knees. The wind was powerful and threatened to pull her hair out from their roots.
The entire kingdom was empty which was strange. There was no sign of life. The stables held no horses, there were no birds or people, not even a single rat. Bree could feel all the empty spaces in every house in the village and in every room in the castle.
There was only a bitter cold and an alarming silence save for the whooshing winds.
She made to climb down the cliff but her feet wouldn't move. All the hair on her neck stood on end and Bree knew there was someone behind her.
"Do you see? My revenge is in motion." A shrill voice said from behind. Bree tried to peep out of the corner of her eye but she could only see trees and mountains. Whoever spoke was female but a very old one. She sounded like she had a sore throat and was trying to sing the National Anthem two pitches too high. Bree had picked up on her accent - it was unmistakably French.
"They all pay now. They all pay." She said with a wicked growl. Thunder rumbled overhead as if in agreement. Bree struggled to turn but her head budged only an inch.
"What if they find a way?" A mature voice asked. Bree was certain that one belonged to a man and she was also certain he was wrestler sized. His voice was so sharp it could split a metal sheet in two.
"No. They will not. They have no hope. They will rot forever in the shadow of my fortress."
"That is indeed good news. And what about the other one?" The man asked.
The female laughed wickedly. She was about to give an answer when a loud bang woke Bree up. She jerked and sat up.
"Christ! What is that sound?" Bree muttered and stood up.
She dragged herself to the source of the noise and gaped at the scene in the kitchen. Her mother sat in her wheelchair next to the wall with Norman kneeling next to her. Pub, the maintenance man had hammered down one section of the wall next to the sink.
"What in the world is going on?" Bree asked and all eyes fell on her.
"Oh good morning honey. My wedding ring fell in the sink. You were still asleep and i didn't want to disturb you so i phoned Tony to get me someone that can get it out. He called Norman and then he brought this maintenance man here."
"How did your ring go in the sink?" Bree asked. She was well aware of how disheveled she looked but if given the chance, Norman would kiss her right there.
"I was just washing my hands." Melinda replied.
"How did your hands get all the way into the sink? You can't stand up." Bree stated.
"Oh but i did, it felt good for the first three seconds and then i fell back in the chair." Melinda said looking pleased and displeased at the same time.
"Pub, did you have to break the wall?" Bree asked.
"Yes ma'am, it's gone all the way into the pipes!" Pub said. His beard were so much that they covered his upper lip and when he talked, they moved along with his jaw in a funny way.
"Couldn't you just bring it out without hammering down the wall? It looks pretty bad now."
"I'll fix it all up when i get the ring out." Pub said shaking his tools.
"You don't charge for breaking my wall apart, do you?" Bree asked pushing her hair backwards.
"No, he doesn't." Norman said for the first time. Bree tried not to scowl at him.
"Planned on talking to everyone else except me, didn't you?"
"You ruined my sleep." She said scowling at last.
"It's 9am. What are you doing in bed still?" Norman questioned spreading both arms.
Bree walked into her room and freshened up. By the time she came out, Melinda had her wedding ring back and Pub had fixed the wall. There were splotches of cement across the floor that made Bree want to scream. He'd done a great job in concealing the damage but had also succeeded in giving a portion of the wall a different shade than the rest.
"I know someone who'd have done a cleaner job." Bree muttered and walked out of the kitchen.
Norman was laughing with Melinda and Bree hated that they were getting along. Her ex boyfriend that was supposed to be out of her life was working his way into her mother's head. She knew what he was up to and she had to stop him from getting what he wanted.
"Shouldn't you be leaving now, Norman?" She asked folding her arms.
"Oh but i'm having so much fun talking to your mom over here since you don't want to talk to me."
"Because there's no point talking to you, Norman. Stop being so childish."
Melinda looked pitifully at Bree making her wish she hadn't looked her mother's way. There was something about her expression that screamed BE NICE!
Bree sighed and turned away.
"Maybe you two should sit down and talk things over. Communication solves a lot of relationship problems." Melinda offered.
"We are not in a relationship mom." Bree corrected. Melinda wheeled herself out of the room after giving Bree a gentle pat on the back of her hand.
"You've gone crazy thinking i'm going to get back together with you." Bree said.
"Yes i am crazy, Bree and that's all your fault. You drove me crazy." Norman said.
"Get out." Bree spat.
"I'm not going anywhere until we settle this. Whoever made you end our relationship. . ."
"No one made me do anything. The only person who's always trying to make me do stuff is you. I don't love you Norman, get it through your thick head. Stop trying to get in my mom's good books to get to me because it won't work."
"I don't need to get in anyone's good books. I was there for you and you shut me out. You went about doing whatever with that lunatic at the interstate."
"That was because i was desperate, ok but not anymore. I don't speak to Jimothy, i don't go to see him and you know why, it's because i don't need him and i don't need you either."
"All i wanted was for you to be happy. But you refused to set your priorities straight."
Bree gasped. "my priorities? Do you have an idea what my priorities are?"
"No, the question is - do you, Bree? Do you know what your priorities are? Don't think i haven't noticed. I've been watching you. Whatever you've been doing, wherever it is you spend the night, i just hope it's all worth it - for your sake."
"You have no right to talk to me like that and get a life. Quit stalking me." Bree said and stomped out of the house.
She rushed down the stairs and into the lobby.
"Good mor. . ." Tony started but held his tongue when Bree took giant strides past him. "O-kay!" He muttered when she was gone.
She hailed a cab and went to the farmhouse. She wouldn't have to work until five o'clock so she had plenty of time to hop around doing nothing.
She plopped down on the hay and stared at Jonas. He came up to her and brushed his face against her hair.
"I'm not in a good mood." She said with a pout. She knew deep down that Norman was right and she hated him for that. She did not have her priorities set straight and that almost cost her Melinda's life. She had only gotten lucky this time.
"I promised her we'd hang today." She said to Jonas as if he could understand her then stood up and walked outside. The place was quiet and it brought a sense of peace to her. She made a mental note on the places she'd like to take her mother to. Maybe they could start with Genevieve's.
A loud rustle made Bree turn to the left.
"Beasley!" She whispered when she spotted movement in the forest. She ran towards it and found him knocking a tree over.
"What are you doing? Someone could've seen you!" She stated looking back cautiously.
"Yes, and they did." He replied turning to look at her.
Bree smiled. "Alright, you got my attention. What is it?"
Beasley shook his head and gestured for her to follow. As they walked on, the scenario around her began to stretch into a blur until they were in a different forest.
"Where is this?"
"somewhere in Brazil!" He mumbled. "I think that's what its called."
Bree gasped looking around at the gigantic rainforest. "You mean like, the actual North American forest, the Amazon?"
"I don't know." Beasley said. "I've never been here before."
Bree cocked her head. "Then why did you bring me here?"
He turned to look at her, his fur glistening with raindrops. "I just thought you would recognize it better. I just walked in here by accident yesterday."
"By accident? You mean, you didn't intend to come here?"
"Last i checked, that is what by accident means." He said and began to walk away.
"Hey wait up." Bree called hurriedly running to catch up with him. "So, you wanna hang?"
"What?" He asked calmly.
"Hang. It means have fun. . .around here." Bree explain with an open hands gesture.
"What is fun about a rainforest?"
"I don't know, i've never been to one. We could hunt or practice cannon balls." Bree suggested jumping slightly.
Beasley retracted his head. "Cannon balls? Those are dangerous."
"No no, not the explosive. Its a swimming stunt where you run and jump into a pool like a cannonball."
"That's impossible!" Beasley said shaking his head.
"Oh yeah? I'll show you." Bree said and bounded for the trees.
"Where are you going?" Beasley bellowed and bounded after Bree.
"I'm sure the Amazon has a huge river too." She screamed without looking back.
"What if it's dangerous?" Beasley yelled but Bree was going as fast as a rocketship.
Soon, she emerged from the forest into the largest river flowing downwards as far as the eyes could see.
"You should really think twice before you do things." Beasley said.
"If everyone thought twice before they did things, we wouldn't have airplanes and hot air balloons. . ."
"What's an airplane?" Beasley asked.
Bree frowned then chuckled. "You're joking right? You don't know what an airplane is?"
"No, i don't. I might've seen one but i don't remember." He said with a hint of uncertainty.
"Those huge birdlike things that travel through the air carrying lots of people." Bree said gesturing with one hand to mimick an airplane.
"We don't have those where i come from." Beasley said.
"You just said you don't have airplanes where you come from. Do you remember where you come from?" Bree asked.
Beasley's eyebrows slowly lifted to reveal his glowing blue eyes but Bree realized they only glowed because he was glad he remembered his hometown. "Yes. I'm from Villeneuve."
Bree's face twisted into that of confusion. "Villeneuve? Where on earth is that?"
His eyebrows dropped again and he looked at the ground. It was wet and sandy and covered with leaves. He managed to clear off a portion of it within minutes then found a long stick. Whenever he stood, Bree felt a little scared because he literally grew in size.
Within seconds, he had drawn a map on the floor but it did not look anything like the one in his cave. It was a map of somewhere different, somewhere Bree did not recognize.
"Where is that?" She asked, pointing at a riverine.
Beasley scratched the back of his neck anxiously. "I can't remember. But i'm certain i've seen it before."
"Is this a map of where you come from?"
"Could be." He replied.
"Oh man, it must really suck not remembering home at all. Do you have any idea why you forgot in the first place?"
Beasley waited for a whole minute, trying to remember why he forgot his hometown but his mind was growing fuzzier by the day. "I don't know."
Bree sighed and turned to the river. "I guess i can't do the cannonball during a sensitive moment as this."
A loud hiss made Bree turn stiff. "What is that?"
Beasley sniffed the air and turned to the direction where the sound had come from.
"Beasley, what was that?" Bree asked inching closer to him. He was the only dangerous thing around that wasn't going to eat her.
"Snake. A big one." He said calmly.
"Anacondas." Bree whispered shakily.
"Is that what they're called?" He asked looking straight into the overgrown bushes.
"We need to leave now. I can't stand snakes." Bree confessed gripping onto Beasley's fur.
"Leave? I wanna see an anaconda." He said excitedly.
"Trust me, you can't play with them and you definitely can't hold them upside down. They're huge and they'll crush your bones right before they swallow you whole." Bree stated. She tried not to shiver but the stench of serpent made her want to pass out.
"For someone that's scared, you sure know a lot of things about snakes." Beasley said.
"Yeah, so i can discern which one spits venom and which one likes to turn human bone into smoothies. Can we leave now please?"
Beasley shook his head. "Let's just watch it go by then we'll leave."
"Watch it go by? It's not doing a fashion show and it certainly isn't part of a parade. Let's hope it doesn't have friends either."
"Alright fine." Beasley sighed and laid down flat. "Get on my back."
Bree happily climbed aboard. As Beasley stood, four snakes came to view. Their huge yellow and black eyes pierced into Bree's.
"Go!" She yelled but it was too late.
They gathered around and struck Beasley's legs causing him to somersault and throw Bree off.
Bree whimpered and stood up, backing up slowly but the creatures looked like they had come for Beasley alone. Bree regretted not remembering this tiny detail about the Amazon being crowded by snakes.
"Hummingbirds would've been just fine." She muttered shakily.
Beasley tried to whack the snakes away but they kept attacking. One of them was noticeably bigger than the other and Bree guessed that one gave orders - if snakes had bosses.
She looked around frantically for anything that could help but there was nothing in sight that was either pointy or sharp. Beasley occasionally jumped over the snakes, baring his glorious fangs and roaring at them but it did nothing to faze any one of the snakes.
Bree tried to think of what to do but she was too scared to even move, although thankful that neither of the snakes spotted her. Just then, one of them looked her way.
"Oh jinx." She cried. It slithered back and forth as if daring her to move an inch. Bree began to move backwards and the snake took that as an avenue to approach dangerously.
"Beasley, a little help?!" Bree called nervously. Her entire body crawled at the sight before her. At the pet shop, she had almost gotten face chomped by a cobra and now she was about to have a one-on-one with an anaconda. Such great ways to meet your enemies.
Bree realized with painful regret that she had backed up and out of Beasley's sight. She also realized that these snakes were at the top of the food chain and they have no natural predators.
"The biggest threat to their survival is human fear." Bree muttered. The snake struck but she swerved to the right and it missed. She had faced Beasley once and he was a hundred times bigger than this no gooder belly rubber. She could take one mummyless snake down.
"Your mother never told you not to play with strangers?" Bree asked picking up a huge boulder.
She quickly tossed it over to the snake, it moved away but huge rock managed to pin its tail to the ground. It struggled to free itself but the boulder did not budge.
"In your face!" Bree spat shakily even though she felt threatened by the snake's constant hissing.
She watched it for a while to see if it would give up but it didn't. "I gotta say, you're quite the fighter. Although, fighting won't do you any good, that thing is thrice your size."
The snake moved left and right, yanking and squirming its body but the boulder held it firmly. After a while, it stopped and laid still.
"Quitter!" Bree muttered with a chuckle then gasped. "Beasley!"
She ran back to the spot she'd left him but neither he or the snakes were anywhere in sight.
"Beasley?" She called out. He suddenly emerged from where the snakes had come from, his fur covered in blood.
"Let's get out of here." He grumbled.
Bree had heard him grumble lots of times, in fact he literally did it everytime he spoke but he sounded different. Whatever had happened between him and the snakes clearly wasn't pretty and would leave him hating snakes for the rest of his life.
"What happened?" Bree asked opening one hand. It was quite an unsettling sight to see a 14 foot beast covered in blood - fang and fur and all.
"Nothing!" He growled again whilst walking past her. Bree hurriedly followed just as the forest was beginning to stretch and blur out around him.
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