Chapter 22
A constant vibration underneath her made Bree's eyelids forcefully open. Blurry images of flying arrows floated in front of her eyes and she blinked them away. She stared up at the clouds, trying to recollect whatever happened previously but her memory seemed shaky.
She groaned and shifted realizing she was lying on something soft. It was hairy and smelled like wet soil and granite. Tiny vibrations passed through it like a faint pulse. Bree turned and came face to face with two blue orbs.
At first, it felt like she was staring at a person eyes but then she remembered that it wasn't a person's eyes. Beasley stared at her intently like he had been afraid that she would not wake up at all. She looked down and realized she laid with her back on his outstretched arm. He laid down on his side like a mountain of brown hair making Bree fear that he would tip over at any minute.
She recalled hearing his angry roar or his grrf rather. He had saved her from Jim.
She wanted to speak but she knew that the minute she did, he would shut his eyes.
"Beasley!" She said. Immediately, he arose, shutting his eyes as Bree had expected and lifted her gently to a sitting position.
"Thank you for saving my life." She said. Beasley hummed in response.
Her body still ached from pain but it was only a dull feeling. She wasn't sure if her wounds had already healed. Her coat was gone. Her black top was torn in places where the arrows had pierced and her jeans had been ripped up to her knees. Pieces of it were tied across injuries on her bare legs.
Beasley stood up and stretched himself, startling Bree. She moved back and almost toppled off.
"Watch it!" Beasley growled and grabbed her just in time. Bree looked around and realized they were atop a snowy mountain. If she had woken up to this sight, she would've thought she'd died and went to heaven.
The forest looked totally different. She realized she wasn't in the forest she knew. Trees spread out in a tight cluster underneath them. Snow spread out around the cliff like whipped cream dripping down a chocolate cake. There was a huge lake below. It was right in the middle of the giant crowd of mountains. It reflected the sky, the snowy mountains, the forest and the tall spiky trees Bree could somehow see even from the distance giving the water a mix of colors like a huge painting.
The sun blared in its glory all around them making the atmosphere so serene that Bree felt the urge to cry. Far off, she spotted a lake house. She couldn't pinpoint details but from where she stood, it was all wood and smoke came out the back. People went in and out of it but they looked like dots.
After a long while of taking in the beauty around her, Bree finally found her voice.
"Where are we?" She asked.
"Alps." Beasley replied sitting down casually.
Bree turned to him in shock. "We're in Europe? How did we get here?"
"We took the plane." Beasley replied and Bree almost laughed. He was bitterly sarcastic.
"Aren't you worried someone might. . . spot you?" She asked.
"From down there, they'll think i'm a bear." He answered distastefully.
Bree gulped. "Are. . . are you a bear?"
He turned and began to walk away. "No."
Bree hurriedly followed him. He led her down the mountain which was a long long long way down until they came to a part of the forest. It was blessed with flowers and butterflies and vegetation that seemed to glow. Trees loomed overhead like giant statues, leaves held dew drops like they were souvenir tears. Insects buzzed around noisily making Bree swing her hands above her endlessly to shoo them away.
"You didn't answer my question." She said running to catch up with Beasley.
"What question?" He asked.
"How did we get here? I remember being in America." She said.
Beasley stopped and looked around then turned to the left. They walked past a smaller lake where cranes settled around in huge numbers. Bree stared at them a little too long and bumped into a tree with a very unladylike 'oof'.
"Beasley? How did we get here?" Bree persisted. She would occasionally run to catch up with him. He walked slowly but was still four strides faster than her.
"I can go wherever i want." He replied.
"How? You just. . . waltz into any forest of your choice?" She laughed.
"Correct." Beasley confirmed.
Bree's smiled faltered. "What? Wait are you serious?"
Their hike continued past so many beautiful places that Bree could not put into words. Beasley suddenly became quiet and refused to answer her questions.
Quite moody for an animal.
Bree began to run short of breath. She inhaled and exhaled sharply, supporting her weight by pressing both hands on her knees.
"Can we just. . . take a minute? I uh, i gotta catch my breath." Bree said panting. She hadn't run but she felt like she'd done a 500 meter race.
Beasley walked back to her and sat down on the wet grass. Bree wondered how he navigated the environment with his eyes closed when she had outright bumped into a tree with both eyes open.
"How are you not tired?" She asked slumping to the ground in exhaustion.
"I do this all the time." He replied and Bree sensed a hint of pride in his tone but she wasn't ready to debate on it.
"Oh good for you. I'm thirsty."
Beasley grumbled and stood up. "We just walked past several lakes, why did you not say something?"
Bree watched as he began to walk back the same way they'd come. He stopped and turned briefly.
"Are you still thirsty?"
Bree mouthed a quick 'oh' and stood up then ran to follow him. Thankfully, the walk wasn't long. Bree drank to her fill and plunged into the lake. It was cold and was exactly what she needed. It soothed her injuries even though they stung pretty bad.
Beasley stood by the corner of a tree, waiting for her to come out.
"Can you swim, Beasley?" She shouted.
His eyes were closed but with the way he shook his head, Bree was sure he had rolled his eyes.
"Come on then." She called and dove into the water again. Beasley watched, waiting for her to resurface but she did not. A few minutes more and her head hadn't popped out of the water. He cautiously approached the lake and waited for a few seconds - still no sign of her.
What was her name again? He thought but he couldn't recall.
He walked a few inches into the lake and looked down at it then turned away when he saw his reflection. If there was anything he hated more than his life, it was his reflection.
He was about to walk out when suddenly, Bree's head popped out near him with a loud "boo" and a splash of water.
A startled Beasley roared at her but Bree was not scared.
"I got you, didn't i?" She asked and tipped backwards laughing.
Beasley stared at her for a while. She was indeed crazy.
"We have to go." He announced calmly and walked out of the lake then shook his mighty furs free of water.
"Not until you admit that i got you." She said.
"I wouldn't mind leaving you here." He said.
"Alright then. Go on! Leave me here." She said and dove into the water again.
Beasley growled. He was beginning to regret rescuing her from that funny looking man in the forest but then again, she was the only person he'd come across that wasn't so scared of him. . . afterwards.
He began to walk away then stopped to peep at the lake. Bree was still under. He sighed and turned toward the water.
"Alright. You got me." He admitted.
"See, that wasn't so hard." Bree said from behind him, wringing water out of her hair.
Beasley looked from the lake to where she stood. There was no way she could've come out of the water without him hearing. He had hypersensitive ears.
"How did you do that?" He asked.
"Do what?" Bree asked tilting her head.
He wanted to tell her that no one could sneak up on him then decided not to. "Forget it, let's go."
"You still haven't told me how we got here." Bree said still standing in a spot.
"Let us go first." Beasley insisted. Bree could sense he was getting irritated but she didn't care. She wanted to know a lot of things and she wasn't going to stop until he spilled his guts.
"Go where? Where are you gonna take me now, India? Hawaii? I'm not going anywhere until you tell me how we got here." She said and crossed her arms for emphasis.
Beasley sighed and turned around. Bree looked adamant and since she was the only person who could get him pig roast, he didn't have much of a choice. Without her, he'd starve and he was lucky she hadn't attracted people to him otherwise he would have had to run away. . . again.
"I'll tell you on the way." He said.
She studied him for a few minutes then released her arms. "Why are you in such a hurry anyway? This is literally a vacation i couldn't afford even in the next millenia. Why can't we stay a little longer?"
Beasley growled. "I walked in on you tied to a tree and man practicing archery on your shoulders. Do you see me asking questions about it?"
Bree retracted her head. She was starting to hate this. . . whatever he was. Well, only a little bit. Despite his anger issues, he seemed like a pretty cool sarcastic beast.
"That's because you don't want to know. I'm asking questions because i want to know." She said.
"I already said i'd tell you but we have to go first." He said.
"Just one last dip." She said gesturing with her fingers toward the lake.
"No. You will not go back in the lake." Beasley snapped.
Bree smiled. "I suck at taking orders."
Everything became a funny blur. Bree remembered running toward the lake. Beasley's growl filled her ears and before she knew it he had intercepted her, bumping her with his head and within a split second, she was inside the Pendulum.
She sat up in the sand pit, looking all around in disbelief. "What?"
Beasley puffed smoke out of his nostrils, his muscles contracting as he leaned backwards.
Bree recognized that deadly stance. She shuffled backwards in terror and managed to stand up then ran toward the catwalk stairs and hid behind it.
She had somehow forgotten where the door was. What was she thinking? Walking around a meadow with some creature she had no idea where it came from or what it was. She snuggled both legs to her chest with her arms and waited for the impending apocalypse but it never came. Instead, something dropped by the foot of the stairs.
Bree cautiously inched forward to take a look. It was her handbag. She had already forgotten about it and her house keys were inside. She had no idea Beasley had picked it up because he hadn't been carrying a lady's purse around
"I'm sorry." Beasley said quietly.
Bree leaned forward and found him staring at her - with his eyes open. She had no idea why but she loved those eyes. There was a certain peace in them that contradicted Beasley's personality and of course, his hideous look. She felt drawn whenever she looked into them but he would always snap them shut. It almost broke her heart whenever he did.
"I don't know when that happens." He confessed.
"When what happens?" She asked still hidden by the staircase.
He looked down as though what he was about to say was written in the sand. His bushy eyebrows creased, hiding his eyes almost completely but they lifted once again.
"I should go." He said and turned around.
"No, wait." Bree called and tried to move but her leg was mysteriously caught in a rope. She fiddled with it and managed to pull her leg free but by the time she got out, Beasley was gone.
She stood rooted to a spot for a few minutes then picked up her bag and exited the Pendulum. Immediately, she walked outside, a strange cold enveloped her. Her nose clogged up and her temperature began to rise. Bree suddenly remembered she had been sick with pig flu and throughout the short time she'd spent with Beasley, the sickness had gone or maybe put on hold.
Her shoulders ached and her injuries burned. As she walked past the pen, she spotted a new face trying to fix the feeding trough that had somehow broken. Bree limped past him, searching her bag for her phone.
She got a cab and went straight home.
She walked into the lobby and Tony's eyes widened in alarm when he saw her. He quickly walked away from his desk and toward her.
"Goodness gracious, whatever happened to you, Miss Brianna?" He asked coming forward to take her bag.
"I'm fine. Just sick." She replied. She realized her voice had gone raspy again and it wasn't so flattering to talk when she sounded like fingers scraping against a chalkboard in D flat.
"I'll escort you upstairs if that's okay?" Tony offered.
Bree nodded and let him lead her to her apartment. He helped her order pizza, got her hot towels, a massaging bowl and a few medications. By the next morning, Bree was feeling better but less eager to resume work.
She woke up with only one name in mind - Beasley.
She had to go and talk to him. She hadn't even bothered to ask what he'd done with Jimothy when he rescued her. And when he said he didn't ask questions concerning what Jimothy intended to do to her, Bree had felt a little hurt even though she'd done a great job in hiding it.
He did not care one bit.
She put on a plain T-shirt and baggy blue jeans, folding them until they stopped above her shin. Her injuries had been neatly bandaged by Tony who hadn't spared her any questions at all. He only offered to help and had done just that. Her shoulder was healing faster than her shin and the injuries were now small wounds covered with band-aids. Bree had no idea what miracle had occurred when she was asleep in the Alps but she intended to find out.
She dropped her handbag this time, taking only her phone and keys with her.
It was quite easy finding Beasley's cave. The ruins near it was still there, looking as ruined as ever with raccoons fleeting in and out of it. Bree thought about the raccoons at the pet store. They were no different from the ones here.
She climbed up the rocky stairs, slapping leaves out of her face until she got to the top. The place was quiet and the morning sun was peeking out from behind her, igniting her back with warmth and making the snow look like it was streaked with glitter.
She walked into the cave trying her best to avoid the falling icicles. It was almost like some medieval security system installed to keep trespassers out. Unlike Jimothy's lair, Beasley's stairs wasn't hidden by a curtain of leaves. It was very visible even from the ruins and Bree felt like it dared whoever who would come across it to climb up.
She made it into the cave but it was empty - just like the last time.
"Beasley?" She called to prevent him from smacking her into the wall again.
"What are you doing here?" His voice came from the skylight. Bree walked towards it and looked up, he wasn't there but his voice had surely come from up there. She looked around for a way to go up but the whole cave just stretched on and around in one big irregular shape.
She decided to go outside. The front of the cave stretched all around like a patio. She went around it and found out that the top of the cave was flat and a number of granite stepping stones led to the top. Tiny purple flowers grew from underneath them making the stones look like grey welcome mats.
Bree climbed them and found Beasley. He was busy with stacks of hay, trying to get some off his head by shaking it vigorously.
Bree gave a short laugh. The scene was quite funny. "What are you trying to do?"
He gruffed and gave up. "Blankets."
Bree blinked. "You want to make blankets out of hay?"
"No. I want to make hay out of blankets."
Bree shook her head and examined the hay. "I've never seen anyone make hay out of blankets."
Beasley hummed. "I'll be the first."
"You could just. . . steal blankets."
Beasley paused. "Why would i do that?"
"I don't know." She shrugged.
"You look better." Beasley said. His voice was still frightening and Bree found it difficult to not get scared.
"I feel better too, thanks to you." She said tucking her hands in her pocket. "Why do you want to make blankets anyway?"
"Hmm, i wonder why." Beasley replied picking up a handful of snow and rolled it into a ball. He threw it over his head and it came crashing down on Bree.
She sat up sputtering and grunted, rolling out her own ball of snow. "You've done it. Eat snow."
She threw the ball at Beasley's startled face. He shook his head and opened his eyes.
"What'd you do that for?" He asked still startled.
"You threw a snowball at me first." Bree replied.
"I did not." Beasley denied looking down at the snow.
"Well, your mountain snowball landed right on my. . ." Bree did not complete her sentence as another ball of snow crashed into her.
Her nose burned from the cold and she knew they'd turned red. "Oh, you're on."
"You don't want to play that game with me." Beasley warned with a tone of amusement.
"Are you scared?" Bree asked rolling her next ball.
"Nothing scares me." Beasley replied and a snowball crashed into his face.
GRRRRF. He bellowed and rolled up some more snow balls.
Bree's eyes widened and she quickly jumped into the skylight for safety but as soon as she landed on the ground, a huge pile of snow came pouring over her head.
From above, she heard Beasley laughing like he had seen one of Ronny Chieng's video clips.
"That's not weird at all." Bree muttered and stood up, rolling up her own weapon of mass destruction to attack.
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