This is just a small introduction that will tell you who I am & what this is. My name is Dai Quinn & I am 30 years young. I recently found my last Future Diary in the attic of my mother's house when I was sorting through her things since she had departed from us so suddenly, it was an emotional time. Oh, I'm sorry, I probably gave you the wrong idea! She didn't pass away! She decided to move to France despite me telling her the French people would just ship her back if she did move there. That's another story entirely!
This is my second Future Diary but since I filled mine with so many plans from when I was younger, I was unable to end it with how those plans played out so I will begin this Diary of sorts with how life turned out for myself, my handsome husband, best friend, & of course her husband as well.
From Kindergarten I knew that Y/N & I would be best friends. I'm always right about these things. There was a time where she & I didn't speak to each other but that didn't last too long. If it had, I don't know what I would have done with myself! This is not a part of our lives that matters though.
Y/N & I spent a dazzling six months travelling with Yuuri & Viktor. In that time, the four of us grew closer than I would have thought imaginable. We laughed, cried, & at one point Yuuri snorted noodles out of his nose! { That was pretty gross. } On the trip, Viktor approached me & though it was custom to ask the parents for their daughter's hand in marriage, he chose to ask me instead. I had never felt more joy than in that moment. My best friend would be marrying such a great man that she had looked up to for most of her life. He then proceeded to propose to her the next day & I got out my first Future Diary which had wedding plans all set out. I knew the day we met Viktor that we would need to start wedding planning right away.
When the wedding did come around, it was beautiful. Everything was so magical. Y/N did end up using most of the suggestions I had in my Future Diary & if you were wondering, she did admit to losing our bet & I got 20 bucks richer. That was just a good business investment right there! They had the wedding outside, under a cherry blossom tree. It was a fairly small advent as Y/N had wanted it to be. My mother acted more like the mother of the bride than Y/N's mom did but that is just the way my mother is.
I had never seen Viktor happier than when he saw Y/N walking down the aisle & I had never cried more than when I saw her as well.
They chose to honeymoon in Russia since Y/N hadn't gotten to meet most of Viktor's brothers & sisters. { He has nine of them! I should have snagged one of them when I had the chance! I love my dearest husband <3 } Maybe it was how many siblings Viktor had, that inspired Y/N to get pregnant so early. Her first child, Daisy who is now eight, was born only a year & a half after they got married. The second, six-year-old Viktor Jr, two years after the first. Y/N chose to have Yuuri & I be the godparents of both children. They are so adorable & couldn't be more like their parents if they tried!
Yuuri & I didn't get engaged for three more years but when he finally popped the question. There were fairy lights & candles. He might have been a little slow, but it was all perfect. What made it more perfect was simply that it was Yuuri. I had never thought that he would have been the one. I had liked him for such a long time & acted so stupid around him that I thought I had no chance. I still tear up when I think about that night!
Our wedding was the opposite of Y/N's. There were over two hundred people there, dancing & singing! Y/N acted just as much like the mother of the bride as my mother did! She truly is the best friend that I could have asked for.
Yuuri & I tried for years but were unable to have any children of our own. We spoiled { & still do spoil } Daisy & Viktor Jr, but after awhile Yuuri suggested we adopt. So, of course, we did! We now have a three-year-old son named Darcy who is perfection.
There are many stories that I could tell concerning our lives, but I will leave it up to whoever it is that is reading these words right this moment, to decide what advents shaped our lives & made them the way that they are now. I couldn't be happier to say that this is the final page that I will be filling out in this Diary. There is no need for me to write anymore because there I have everything that I could ever ask for.
Yours forever & always,
Aiko & Fruit loop eloped! They now have eight of puppies named: Special K, Honey Nut, Cherio, Lucky, Charms, Fruity, Peebles, & Greg.
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