~August 2nd~
Dai and I talked till early into the morning so when my alarm clock went off at 7:30 A.M I didn't want to wake up. I wasn't a morning person in the first place, but this morning, it was particularly hard for me to roll out of bed.
I push snooze on my alarm and roll over. My lazy little dog was asleep on my pillow with her butt in my face. "Aiko!" I push her butt away from my face and she glares at me before getting up and moving to the end of the bed and laying down again.
"Do I have to go to work today, Aiko?" Aiko lifts her head and lays it back down again when she realized that I wasn't calling her over. "Bayani is on shift today," I say less than energetically. Bayani was Dai's boyfriend of 2 years. He was childish and rude, but she liked him and he treated her well.
I groan and roll out of bed to get dressed in:
{If you don't like either of those then you can imagine something else}
"Bye, baby." Aiko barks and I walk out the door to go to work. I lock the door and realize I left my purse inside. I unlock the door and grab my purse and lock the door again.
"Good morning!" Yells Belle Pearson, a sweet old lady with gray hair who always wore a pink floral apron. She was my boss at B&T (Belle & Tucker) Diner.
"Morning, Mrs. Belle!" I wave to her and walk around the counter. "How are you this morning?"
"The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and I feel younger than yesterday!" This was the same answer I received from her every morning, but it never stopped making me smile.
I laugh and put on my waiter's apron. "Hey," Bayani says from inside the kitchen.
"Hey, Bayani," I say dully and start my morning duties. Wiping off the counter, taking orders, delivering food to tables...etc. Even though Bayani was there to help I did pretty much everything except cook.
"Could you close up tonight? My daughter is in town with her family. They want to go see a movie at 7." Mrs. Belle asks and I nod. The day her daughter turned 18 she moved out of town wanting nothing to do with the family business or her family at all. A year later she came crawling back to her mother after being knocked up by her boyfriend that she had been living with. She managed to turn her life around and did eventually marry the father of her child and is now a good mother, but even after everything, she doesn't help her mother out and doesn't visit very often.
"Thank you, sweetheart." Mrs. Belle smiles at me and then rushes off to help a new customer that I've never seen before.
"Morning," I look up and smile as an old man with salt and pepper hair and by far my favorite customer walked in the door. He did this every day for the past 3 years and always greeted me the same. He was a grumpy old man who liked a strict routine and not much change. He nearly burnt down the building when Belle decided we needed to renivate a little. At first I didn't like him at all, but slowly he started talking to me in the mornings and I found out his wife was in a nursing home and he had no children so he lived alone.
"Good morning, Ernest." He nods and sits down. He opens his newspaper and rests his head on one of his hands. "Your usual?"
"Yes, please." I hand him a cup of iced coffee with three sugars and a blue bendy straw and a cheese danish.
The bell on the door rings and my best friend, Dai Quinn runs in. "Y/N!!" She hugs me and grabs my hands. "Y/N! Guess what?!" Dai hops up and down in front of me.
"Dai, baby! What's up?" Bayani walks up to her from a table in the corner and kisses her. I gag silently and a little boy who was watching us from over the top of a booth laughed.
"Matthew, sit down!" The little boy's mom snaps and he sits down. I glanced at Dai who looked like she was about to explode.
"Viktor Nikiforov left Russia!" Dai squeals and hugs her boyfriend. "To be Yuuri's coach!!"
Word count: 760
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