The party after the competition was the kind that you don't leave from until 3 am when your drunker than you've ever been before. The music blasting from loudspeakers was enough to bush your eardrums and encourage people to yell over it so they could still try and hold a conversation. Since it was that kind of party, who was I to question that?
{A/N Don't do drugs kids.}
Or at least that's what Dai said...I was chosen as the designated driver by her so this night went a little different for me than everyone else.
"WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO," Yuuri yelled in a high pitch...voice? I spun around to see what trouble my friend had gotten himself in or was about to get himself into or maybe what trouble he had just gotten away from. Yuuri, who was now shirtless and standing on top of a table had somehow acquired a bottle of champagne and was pouring it into his mouth. Or he was trying to. A lot got on his shirt.
"Y/N this is the most fun," Seated next to me was Dai who let out a large belch. She had passed out earlier and probably was woken by Yuuri's yelling. "I've ever had...ever..." Her speech slurred as she caught sight of Yuuri. "My mAn's H.O.T.T HoT!" I laugh and shake my head. There was no telling what would come out of Dai's mouth. Drunk or sober.
The only bar in Hatsu was crammed full of people both that I knew and that I didn't. In the corner cradling a beer bottle was Minako and two booths away was Viktor. His silver hair was shining in the dim light and I'd never seen him smile more. He was visiting with Yuuri's parents probably about bringing Yuuri to Russia with him to train there. It would be no surprise to me if Viktor chose to go back to Russia since his home rink was probably better fit for a champion skater.
"-yUuRi CaN KiSs LiKe A gOd! He sHoUlD BE nAmEd ThE gOD oF...Of KiSsInG!" Dai rambled next to me. She leaned over and rested her head on my lap while talking.
"When did you kiss-"
"AnD hE IS sO SwEet!" Dai interrupted me to kept talking about Yuuri which only left me with more questions that would probably be unanswered at least until tomorrow when she would have a terrible hangover. I don't envy that in the least.
When did they kiss though???
Dai puts a hand on my shoulder and whispers loudly: "hE sAiD i WaS tHe IcE tO hIs SkAtInG hEaRt!"
Behind me, someone lightly pokes my shoulder. I turn my head slightly to see Viktor. I hadn't noticed him leave his booth.
"ViKtOr!" Dai pops up into a sitting position but not before hitting her head on the table. I tense up a little but she only hiccups before beginning to talk again. "y/N iS iN lOvE wItH yOu!" I rub my face with my hands while shaking my head. When I look up at Viktor, he was chuckling to himself.
"May I steal Y/N away from you for a moment, Dai?" Viktor asks politely and takes my hand. Dai violently nods her head.
Before Dai can say anything else that could potentially embarrass me, Viktor leads me to the front door which he holds open for me. The cold wind tickles the back of my neck which was pleasant for a moment since the bar had been warm because of all the people inside.
We walked hand in hand for a few comfortably quiet minutes until Viktor broke the silence.
"You look very pretty tonight." He says softly.
I'm so tempted to respond jokingly with "Don't I look pretty every night?" But I decide against it. Before I can give any sort of response, Viktor turns and faces me. His sapphire blue eyes were filled with some emotion I couldn't decipher.
Viktor inhales deeply. "I want you to come with me," He pauses and looks away from me. "I want you to travel with me when I leave." My breath catches in my throat.
~Word Count: 700 ~
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