~August 20th~
I can't explain why I'd been dreading this day. It's probably because I didn't want things to change. Viktor has been here for long enough that I got used to him being in my life and this is his one more step to him going back to Russia. It's stupid and I knew that he would have to leave but I still don't like it.
Beep Beep!!
My alarm sounds and I lazily lift my arm and shut it off. I'd been awake for awhile but I refused to get up and prepare for what today would bring. This was me being rebellious. If I didn't get out of bed then I wouldn't have to leave yet and if I didn't have to leave then Viktor wouldn't pick the winner, he wouldn't leave to go back to Russia, and everything would stay the same.
I roll over onto my side and pick my phone up from the nightstand. There were three texts from Dai telling me that she went out for breakfast and if I wasn't up by 11 she would drag me out of bed herself. "Love you <3"
I never wanted her to change. She was slightly annoying at times and even though her methods in which she executes her plans may seem harsh, they always turned out for the best. She always meant well.
My tiny fur ball jumps on top of my side and lays down after making herself comfortable. "Oh, Akio," I rest my hand on her back and she nudges my arm letting me know that she wanted to be pet instead of ignored. It may seem stupid, but she always seemed to know when something was amiss.
When I finally decide my rebellion should be carried out in a different way instead of silently waiting for death, I roll out of my bed and onto the floor. I really can't explain why I felt the need to do this besides feeling like it was an essential way to start my day.
I glance at the clock which read 12:03.
Two hours till we find out who Viktor will go with.
I swiftly change into Dai's Choice/More Comfortable Choice/Other-
1: Dai's Choice.
2: More Comfortable Choice.
-and it occurs to me that Dai said she would be home by 11. She's always late no matter how important her being on time is. She nearly missed her mom's third wedding and she had been the maid of Honour aka the person in charge of taking care of the groom's ring. She had made it just a minute before the wedding was supposed to start and her excuse was that she wanted a taco. I'm not too worried about her. I'm more worried about Viktor. He hadn't said anything about me sitting beside him at the competition since asking me.
Turns out, I was right to not be worried about Dai at least. We had agreed to leave at 1:20 for the competition that everyone had been anticipating for what felt like forever. Dai had turned up at 12:19 all ready to leave. "Who did you get breakfast with?" I question her while slipping on my shoes.
"An old friend." Is all she says before shoving my purse in my hands and rushing me out the door. Maybe I could press her for answers later on after everything settled down.
Outside the rink, there were hundreds of people with cameras or just waiting for entre to sit down. The cold wind felt like it blew right through me and I suggest that we walk around to the side entrance. Today I would have worked here at the ice rink but Yuuko said she would handle all the ticket sales and such. I had no objection to that; A day off felt nice.
"Yuuri has some complex jumps but he's been training with Yurio to improve them and I think he's got this in the bag," Dai comments as we sit down.
"I hope so, but Yurio has been training under Yakov for years," I fidget with the handle of my purse. "and he's proven to be one of the best Olympic level coaches yet."
"We'll see what happens!" Dai says excitedly. "Oh look." She points to the rink where Yuuri and Yurio were warming up. "He actually showed up," Dai says disappointedly.
"Makes for a better show if he does."
"When are you going to meet Viktor." I turn my gaze to the rink instead of looking at Dai. I didn't want to tell her that he most likely forgot. And if he didn't forget, I didn't want to seem insecure.
A/N this is slightly random, but it has been a year since I first started writing this story! It's really crazy because this story has been apart of my life for what feels like so much longer! I'm so thankful for all the people that have stuck around since the beginning and the people that have just started reading too ♡
~Word Count: 852~
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