~August 7th~
"Good morning," Viktor had made it a habit to come into the diner every morning before he began practice with Yuuri. Sometimes, if Yuuri was awake this early like he was this morning, Viktor would bring him to the diner and all three of us would chat.
"Good morning," I hand him his coffee with two sugars and his toast. "Good morning, Yuuri."
"Good morning, Y/N," Viktor says with a smile. He was definitely an early bird and I don't know how he managed it when I wake up in the morning I always look like a troll and
"Morning, Y/N," Yuuri yawns tiredly. Yuuri, on the other hand, was not a morning person. I hand Yuuri his triple espresso, milk, extra sugar, and whipped cream.
Behind Viktor's back, Payton wriggled her eyebrows at me and giggled. After they leave I glare at her and she laughs even louder.
"I don't want him to know I like him! He'd think I'm an annoying fan!" Payton shrugs and smiles.
"I think he likes you too," Payton laughs.
He doesn't...like me...
"I mean he did ask you to sit with him during the free skate," Payton says flirtatiously and flutters her eyelashes. "He loooooooovvvvvveeeeeessssss you!" I roll my eyes jokingly and send her an annoyed look.
"Get back to work or I'll have to tell Mrs. Belle you've been eating all the pastries." I tease and she turns around and walks to the kitchen. She turns around and flashes me a toothy smile and got back to work.
"Y/N Viktor's calling you!!!" Dai trips over Fruit Loop while running into the living room with my phone in her hand. "Y/N!!!" I stand up and the book that I had been reading fell to the floor. Dai throws my phone across the room at me and by some miracle I caught it. I flip it over and start to answer it before Dai yells: "NO!
"What? Why?" I look confused from my phone to my best friend.
"Don't let him think you're too desperate!" Dai thinks for a moment. "But maybe you shouldn't play hard to get?" I shake my head to clear it.
"Then what do I do?" I accidentally yell and my best friend who shrugs and thinks. My phone keeps ringing.
"Just answer it!" Dai yells and I hesitate and answer it before it finishes ringing and Dai face palms.
"No! You shouldn't have done that!" I roll my eyes and put the phone up to my ear.
"Hello?" Viktor says from the other line and I reply with my own 'hello'
"How are you?" Viktor asks casually to fill the silence.
"I'm doing well, thanks. How are you?" You say and sit on the couch with Dai sitting on my right breathing down my neck trying to listen to my conversation.
"I'm doing well."
Viktor sounds a little bored...
"I called to ask if you would like to join me for dinner tonight?" Dai puts her hands over her mouth to muffle a scream. I wave my hand at her telling her to go away and she shakes her head. Dai stands up on the couch and jumps happily. "Um, is everything alright?"
"Yes, Dai was just coughing," I say quickly. "I would love to have dinner with you." Dai squeals again and picks Fruit Loop and Aiko up and jumps with them. Aiko barks at her and Fruit Loop licks Aiko's nose which makes her even madder.
"What time would you like me to pick you up?" Viktor asks and Dai yells: "Now would be a perfect time!" Viktor laughs and I can hear his smile in his next words.
"I'll pick you up at 5," Viktor says his goodbye's and he hangs up.
"You're going on a date with Viktor!! You owe me $10!" Dai yells at the top of her lungs. "I'm going to call your mom and tell her and I'm going to call Baiani and yell at him for being a jerk to both of us and tell him how we are moving up in the world! I'll marry Yuuri after you marry Viktor and I'll have 10 kids and you'll have 2 and life will be grand!" Dai rattles off some more plans and finally ends with: "And when we are old and gray we will all be living in a big farm house sitting in rocking chairs dreaming about the good days when we could still reach out toes...Or could have tried reaching our toes!"
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