Chapter 2 Miserable At Best
Emma's P.O.V (After School)
"We have to look for some dresses!" Kimberly squeals.
"Okay..." I mutter unexcited. Kimberly and I were currently at the mall in a store I knew nothing about.
"Oh my god! Emma! Look at this one!" she yells holding out a skimpy blue dress.
"I'm so trying this on!" she says adding another dress to her collection.
"Try this one." she says throwing a black dress at me.
"I don't know. This looks a bit too short." I reply.
"No it doesn't. Go try it on." she tells me ushering me to the dressing room. I sigh and close the door behind me. I close the door behind me and take off my jeans and t-shirt. I put on the black dress and walk out.
"Oh you're totally getting that!" Kimberly shouts throwing her hands up.
"Um...I don't's a bit revealing." I reply. A bit revealing in an understatement. This dress barely covered my ass. I check the price tag.
"And it's really expensive." I add.
"I don't care. I'm paying and you're getting that dress." she replies, "Now go change. I'm buying all of these dresses." she says pushing me into the dressing room again. I sigh and change into my comfortable clothes.
"Now lets go look for shoes!" Kimberly squeals while I groan quietly. The rest of the day passed and soon I had five bags of worthless clothes in my hands while Kimberly had way more than me.
"Oh and you've gotta stop wearing those shirts. They're ugly and worthless." she tells me. I look down and see I'm wearing my Falling In Reverse shirt.
"Like how many of those do you own? They're horrible!" she shouts.
"Well I like my shirts." I mutter. She mutters something under her breath and walks ahead of me. I catch up with her as we head to her car. We get in, in silence.
"Well....awkward..." I mumble.
"Well it wouldn't be awkward if you just agreed with me." she replies. I sigh.
"Fine! I hate my shirts! There! Are you happy?" I say angrily.
"Very!" she says with a grin, "I'll pick you up at eight tomorrow for the party." I nod as we reach my house. She parks and I head out with a simple bye. I head inside and find my dad in the living room.
"Hey sweetheart!" he says hugging me. I say hi and hug him back.
"How was shopping?" he asks.
"Good." I lie, "I'll be in my room." I head upstairs and walk into my room closing the door behind me. I sing along to The Westerner while I get ready for dinner. I put on some pajamas and head downstairs.
"What did I tell you about singing that music?" I dad inquires.
"Sorry." I apologize. I sit down and eat. This has been a very long day.
Andy's P.O.V (The Next Day)
I decided to go to school today. I get up and head into the shower. I wash my hair and body quickly and step out of the shower. I wrap a towel around my body and head into my room. I grab some random black skinny jeans and my batman shirt. I fix my hair quickly and head out of my room. My dad was passed out on the couch and my mom was nowhere in sight. I walk over to my dad.
"!" I say shaking him awake. He wakes up and looks at me tiredly.
"What do you want kid?" he asks.
"Where's mom?" I ask. He shrugs sitting up.
"Don't know. Don't care." he mumbles. I sigh and go to my mom's room. She was asleep in her bed. I walked over to her and and stroked her hair softly.
"Mom...I'm gonna go to school today." I mutter. She mumbles "okay" and goes back to sleep. I kiss her head and walk out. I grab my backpack and head out. Since I didn't have a car I walked to school. I reached the school a couple minutes after the bell rang. There was no one in the parking lot. I sighed and pulled out a cigarette. Being a bit late never hurt anyone. I took a drag and leaned against a random car. I blew out the smoke and looked around the empty parking lot. I saw a girl running across the lot heading for the school. I watch her curiously. She runs past me then stops.
"Smoking is bad for you." she mutters.
"Well you don't run my life." I reply. She looks at me and my breath catches. She was absolutely gorgeous.
"Rude." she says and walks away. I watch her as she leaves. Then I but out my cigarette and hurry after her. She was inside the school and across the hall before I could reach her. I head off to my class and walk in.
"Oh why hello there Mr. Biersack. Nice of you to join us today." my teacher Ms. Brooks says.
"Nice to see you too Ms. Brooks." I reply dully and head to my seat in the back of my class. I sit down and rest my head on my desk. I drone out the lesson and drift off.
"Andrew!" my teacher yells bringing me back to reality.
"What?" I ask rather rudely.
"I asked you a question." she replies calmly.
"Wasn't paying attention. Choose someone who cares." I tell her.
"Do you really want detention when you barely came back to school after two weeks?"
"Why would you even give me detention if you know I won't show up." I retaliate.
"Well I could try. You have detention after school today Andrew." she says handing me a detention slip. I grab it and shove it in my backpack. She glares at me and starts her lesson again. The rest of the day passed uneventfully. I was in my last class dozing off when I see her walk in. She handed a note to the teacher.
"Are you new in my class?" my teacher Mr. Simmons asks. She shakes her head.
"I'm an office assistant." she replies. Her voice was beautiful. I want to memorize every detail of her. Her brown curly hair and her beautiful hazel eyes. Her slender figure. She was just amazing.
"Oh. Okay." he read the note and looks around the class.
"Ah Mr. Biersack. You're needed in the principals office. I groan internally and get up. I look at the girl and instantly feel insecure for some reason. I grab the note from the teacher and head out with the girl. We walk to the office in silence. I reach the office and the girl walks in before me.
"There you are Andrew." the principal says guiding me to his office. I glance at the girl one more time before following Mr. Robinson.
"You know why you're here right?" Mr. Robinson asks as we reach his office.
"Yep. Cuz I've been absent." I mutter.
"Are you going to do anything about it?" he asks.
"Nope." I reply. He sighs and starts telling me something but my mind drifts off to the curly haired girl.
"Do you understand Mr. Biersack?" the principal says. I blink quickly and nod.
"Okay. You may leave. But you have detention for the rest of the week. And community service." I nod heading out knowing I won't do it. While I'm walking I hear someone talking.
"So you're going to Tyler's party tonight?" someone asks.
"Yeah." I hear that beautiful voice.
"Great! See you there!" someone replies. A party? Hmm...I never miss a party. I grin thinking about the girl and how she was going to be there. I guess I have plans tonight.
A/N: WELLLLLL I don't know about this story. I'm not very enthusiastic about it. Comment and give me advice. Should I keep writing it or just delete it? Thanks :)
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