『Chapter Fifty-One』
『the numbing pain of losing a brother』
Normally, when it came to burying the body of someone that an immortal loves, it was something of ease, but for Bodie and Henry, this was rather difficult. They'd found that it was a rather difficult time to cope with everything, time seemed to rush by as if nothing happened and the pair of them wasn't even aware of the day anymore. They knew that it had been a few weeks or less since both Carol and Will died, but it wasn't like either were keeping track. All that the pair of them could do was stare at Will's desiccated and dead body as if that were the only interesting thing that they could focus on.
The others—Leo, Elena, Stefan, anyone who cared for Will—came to their home to offer their condolences, but when they didn't get a response, they left. It was like they were two statues who were watching as Will's dead body laid there. None even dared to move Will's body, as if moving his body would make it more real than anything else. There was nothing that neither of them could do for neither fully acknowledged the other's existence much, like they were two ghosts occupying the same space.
Bodie knew that if Will were here, something would've been said by now, that there would've been some kind of joke or conversation, but neither Bodie nor Henry could bring themselves to speak. All that the pair of them could do was either cry or stare off into the distance as if there was nothing happening in their minds. Of course, all that were going through their minds were the screams of their despair and the numbness that loss brings.
They thought that they would have forever with Will, they thought that they would have the rest of their immortal lives to be the family that they made for themselves. And yet, here the pair of them were, staring at Will and his lifeless corpse. As much as Bodie knew that this wasn't the first time that he stared at Will's dead body, he knew that this was different, he knew that the pain that he was feeling was different.
He had a bond with Will that no one could recreate, he had love for another that filled that hallow void in his chest when he originally lost his siblings. And now, that hallow feeling was back and it hurt more than ever. It was like that hallow feeling grew to cover his entire chest, like the pressure of losing another was something so great that he even found it rather hard to breath at times. Will was everything to Bodie, Will was his brother, someone who brought him down, and now he was dead.
Will was dead and it was Bodie's fault more than anything else. If it wasn't for everything that he did, then there was a chance that Will might be alive right now. If he'd been better, if he'd done so much more, then there was a chance that Will would still be here. Bodie fucked up, he knew that he fucked up, and he hated it more than anything else. He wished that he could've stopped this from happening, he wished that he knew that Klaus would strike right then and there just so that he could stop him.
He knew that this was pointless, that there was nothing that he could do in order to change what happened no matter how much he wished that he could. Will was dead and the proof was laying on his sofa in his living room, in his home. And all that Bodie could do was sit there and stare at the body as if he were waiting for Will's heart to grow back.
Both Bodie and Henry knew that they needed to bury his body, that they needed to do something with Will's body, but nothing could come to mind. Why would something come to mind when all that they felt was this hallow and numb feeling that wouldn't go away? There was nowhere that they could bury Will, there was absolutely nowhere. Of course, they knew that if they just thought they could think about something, think of a place that Will called home, but the hollowness was all that consumed them.
Ever since Will died, neither of them had fed, neither of them could bring themselves to move from their places. They'd been wearing the same outfits that they wore when it was the Winter Wonderland charity event—or whatever it was. There was nothing which could motivate either of them to move or even take care of themselves. Why should they when Will was dead? Will who was the centre of both of their lives, who managed to bring them both a sense of balance in their lives no matter what.
Bodie wanted to scream, even in his numbing mind and heart, there was still a small part of Bodie that just wanted to let out all the pain that he feels, knowing that he can't contain it. He let this happen. He let Will die. It was because of Bodie's sins that Will die and he did nothing to stop it. as much as he knew that there was nothing that he could do in order to stop it, nothing that he could've done to predict that this was what would've happened, there was still a part of him that knew he should've done better.
He should've been better for Will, for Henry, but he failed them simply because of what he did in his past. As much as he knew that there was nothing that he could do in order to change what happened, there was still a small part of him that just wished that he'd done something to change all of this. He knew that Will didn't deserve to get caught between this hatred that was now there.
Will Woodford was dead and there was nothing that he could do to change this. He wished that he'd gotten both of them out of this town as fast as he could. He should've ran, he should never have let this happen. He should've been protecting both Henry and Will, and he didn't for reasons he was unsure on. He couldn't think of a single reason as to why he stayed in this town knowing that it was a risk for all of them.
A brother for a brother, was all that seemed to go through Bodie's head, and it was something that he couldn't get out of his mind. He couldn't get the image of Klaus standing there with Will's heart in his hand and blood all over him, and it was the image that he hated. He also hated the look of pure surprise that was so clearly written on Will's face when he felt what Klaus did. Will deserved to live longer than this. He deserved so much more than the ending that he was made to have.
A brother for a brother. It made him angry. As much as he knew that this was an act of revenge brought out by anger for another situation, Bodie couldn't help but feel angry about it. Henrik was killed by him over a thousand years ago and although Bodie lied about it, he felt as if it was something that didn't warrant Will to die at Klaus' hand just because it meant a brother for a brother.
A brother for a brother. For a brother that has been dead for a thousand years. As much as Bodie knew that this was his fault, the anger that rose up inside of him was something that hurt him more than anything. This wasn't something that should've happened, this was something that didn't have to happen, this was something that he shouldn't have let happen. Will died because of Bodie's stupid mistake and there was nothing that he could do in order to change it.
Henry shuddered then, as if everything had gotten to the point where it was too much. Bodie turned to him only to notice the tears in his eyes and the last remaining part of his heart seemed to shatter at the sight. He wanted to go over to Henry and comfort him, but this was because of him, and he couldn't bring himself to do such a thing. Henry—who'd just lost his brother—looked as if he'd lost his entire world.
It was like a dagger in his heart to even think about the amount of pain that Henry might be in because of all of this. The pain of losing his brother was the worst pain that Bodie knew more than anyone, and yet, Bodie found himself almost unable to comfort Henry. Henry, who was on the brink of crying his poor heart out because of his brother. It was just another reminder of Bodie's failure, of how he should've done more in order to protect the ones that he loves.
Henry, in his grief, stood up, and started to flick through some of the grimoires that were sitting on the coffee table. Bodie wanted to stop him, knowing exactly what he was looking for, something that he wished that he could've done for his family if he held the power to do such a thing. Henry was looking for a spell to bring someone back, to bring Will back.
At the end of every grimoire that he had access to, Henry threw them across the room in frustration, his eyes red with grief and anger as if he needed to find a way to bring back the one person that he loved more than anything else. Bodie wanted to say something, tell him that he needed to rest, but he knew that it would be pointless, knowing that having a pause was the worst thing to ever exist.
And yet when another grimoire flew across the room, Bodie found himself by Henry's side, pulling the younger hybrid into a hug, one which Henry leaned into and broke down more. Henry clung to Bodie as if there was even a slight chance that he would disappear, as if there was a chance that he would fade like a memory. Bodie just held onto him as tight as he could without hurting Henry but enough to let him know that he was safe, that this was the unfortunate reality that they both now lived in. A reality without their brother.
"He's dead." Henry sobbed. "He's dead, he's dead, he's dead." Henry held onto Bodie tightly, his sobs becoming harder. "My brother, he's dead."
"I'm sorry, Henry." Bodie muttered. He didn't dare say anymore, knowing that there was a chance that Henry would use his grief and turn it into rage, and that was something that Bodie didn't want. At least not now.
Henry's head was buried into Bodie's shoulder, his shirt was wet from the tears, but Bodie didn't mind. All that mattered was the fact that Henry got all of this out rather than bottling it up. Bodie just held onto Henry, afraid that if he let go, he'd be forced to remember that it was his fault, that it will always be his fault.
Bodie wasn't sure how long the pair of them were hugging, but eventually, the pair of them broke away, Henry still crying thought the worst of it was over. Bodie still made sure to touch Henry, to let him know that he was always going to be here for Henry no matter what. He didn't know what to say to Henry, as much as he knew that he'd lost his siblings, so he understood but Bodie couldn't find the right words to say anything about any of this.
After a moment, Bodie broke the silence. "We. . .we need to bury his body."
Henry shook his head. "Not here. Not in Mystic Falls. This wasn't his home, he needs to be buried back home."
Home. Home was Wales. Home was where they were both born, where they were both the most comfortable. Home was the place that they would want to live their immortal life without trouble, where they knew that it was safe for the pair of them, where they knew that they could live without much worry, where they wanted to go back to knowing that life would be peaceful for them both. Bodie wished that he took them both there before anything bad could happen.
"We'll take him home, okay? I promise you that I'll bring him home and bury him there." Bodie promised.
Henry nodded though didn't say anything. Henry looked at him and for a moment it seemed as if he was going to say something though didn't know how to phrase it in a way that might have made sense. Bodie wasn't going to push for any kind of conversation, knowing that the little bit that he got was enough for him to know that Henry was alive.
After a moment, Henry swallowed. "I don't know what to do with myself. . ."
Bodie held onto both of Henry's arms, essentially trapping Henry to face him. "We'll figure it out. You have me, and I promise you that I'll do everything in my power to make sure that you're okay, that I'll do everything that Will would want me to do."
Henry didn't say anything to that, instead he hugged Bodie once more. There were times when Bodie forgot that Henry was young, that there was always that small part of Henry that acted like a young adult still wanting their parents. It was times like this that made Bodie realise just how young Henry was compared to him, as much as Bodie knew that Henry has lived for six hundred years, there was still that child-like behaviour that he'd not grown out of.
It hurt Bodie more to know that it was because of him that Henry lost his last living relative, that he'd lost his last family member that actually cared for him. Bodie knew that there was no point of him thinking about any of this, but it was all that Bodie could think about. Henry lost William because of him and there was nothing that he could do in order to change that. He wished that he could change it, but he knew that he didn't have the ability to do of such.
Bodie knew that there was a meeting that Henry had to go to about Carol Lockwood being dead, probably because of Klaus, but because of everything that they were dealing with, it was best that Henry didn't go in. Bodie knew that it was best for the sake of everyone else if Henry didn't go to this 'mandatory meeting' that Bodie knew would end up in disaster. There were moments since Will's death where Bodie was sure that Henry could flatten his town with this grief over the loss of the one person that he loved more than anything.
At one point, Bodie was sure that his phone vibrated from a message, though Bodie didn't have the energy to check it out. Henry had gotten a message from Bonnie, which was the only smile that he had for the past few days. Bodie would normally comment on such a thing, but he didn't have much energy to do such a thing, knowing that now wasn't the time for such a thing.
Bodie's phone started to ring halfway through the day, he was going to ignore it, but he noticed that it was Leo. Bodie sighed and rolled his eyes when he answered it. "Leo, what the hell do you want?"
"Oh, is that anyway to talk to me?" Rebekah asked on the other end.
Bodie found himself stiffening, his previous anger over the fact that he failed Will seemed to fill him once more overhearing the sound of Rebekah's voice. As much as he knew that Rebekah wasn't responsible for Will, there was just a small part of Bodie that wanted to make Klaus regret everything, he wanted Klaus to hurt the same way that he was because of Will. If Klaus wanted to do a brother for a brother, Bodie would be glad to do a family for a family.
Henry seemed to notice how stiff Bodie had gotten and the look that was on his face. Henry seemed to understand in an instant over what the hell was going on through Bodie's head and there was this almost sinister smile that seemed to grow on Henry's face as if he were thinking of the ways that he could hurt the family that hurt him.
"Rebekah." Bodie stated, trying to keep his voice as even as he could. "Here I thought you remained daggered. I would say I missed you, but that would be a lie."
Rebekah made a small noise on the other end of the phone as if she were disappointed in his answer. "Here I thought you still loved my family, though, we both know that if you loved my family—or anyone other than yourself—Will and Henrik wouldn't be dead." She then somewhat laughed over the phone. "Oh, that's right, I know what my brother did to poor William, it's a shame, I rather liked him."
Bodie clenched his fist, he could feel that he wanted to shift, that werewolf rage was something that Bodie knew that he never managed to cope with well at times—of course he could control it, but given everything that was going on, he wasn't focusing on control. He could feel the blood coming out of his hand, though he didn't care. "What do you want, Rebekah?"
"I have Leo at the school, Tyler is on his way, and I'm sure that you wouldn't want to lose anyone else that you care about, now do you, Erikson?" Rebekah asked. There was this tone in her voice that really irritated Bodie, he knew that he shouldn't do anything drastic, but he wanted to.
"Do you think that it is wise to anger two hybrids, Rebekah?" Bodie asked. Bodie noticed the way that Henry seemed to give Bodie a look as if he were close to losing his shit which was something that Bodie would normally be concerned about but at this point, he wanted Henry to let it out.
"Either you come, or Leo kills everyone." Rebekah stated. She hung up the phone and Bodie found himself wanting to throw his phone against the wall, but he didn't.
Bodie stared at Henry. "How much do you want to get back at every Mikaelson?"
"Leave Klaus for last?" Henry asked.
Bodie found himself nodding. As much as he knew that this was going against everything that he ever felt but Bodie found that he didn't care all that much. The thought that Will died because of him was floating around his mind a lot, the fact that Rebekah was using Leo just to get to him. All of it just made him want to burst with as much rage as possible.
There was no more discussion between the pair of them as if they were both in agreement that there was nothing else that needed to be discussed as a whole. Bodie was the one to drive the pair of them to the school, knowing that Henry wasn't in the best mind space to do anything, though Henry stuck his nose into a grimoire as if that was going to somehow help him.
Bodie lost track of the time, though they'd gotten to the school rather quick, it didn't take the pair of them long to get into the school and look throughout the building. They both used their vamp speed to search, knowing that the last thing that either of them wanted was to be surprised over what Rebekah might have in store for them.
"Two members of the original vampire family. This is such a trip." Shane—the professor that Bonnie liked—was saying inside a closet.
Henry looked as if he were about to follow the voice, but Bodie stopped him. "Go find the others, if they're compelled, you know the spell to break it. get them out of here."
"What are you going to do?" Henry asked, stiffly. "Klaus killed my brother; I want to make sure that Klaus knows what it's like to lose another sibling."
"Be an asshole to them." Bodie stated. "I have protection, like I'm sure that they have. When you're done, come find me and you can lose your shit as much as you want."
Henry nodded and turned. For a moment, Bodie wondered whether or not Henry was going to argue against Bodie. Though, he was rather glad that he didn't. Henry had use trying to save the people that he cares about more than anything, than what he does trying to fight off two Originals. As much as Bodie knew that Henry could take care of himself when it came to fighting off those that were much stronger than him, he'd already lost Will, he didn't want to end up losing Henry as well.
"Compulsion won't work," Shane was saying. "It's a little trick I picked up in Tibet."
"Right, well, we'll just have to do this the old-fashioned way." Rebekah said. "Beat him until he tells you were to find it."
Bodie cleared his throat slightly. "Well, well, I would say that this is all a mess, but. . ." He made a face.
Kol turned to Bodie, and he could basically see the hatred in Kol's eyes. Kol looked as if he were about to lunge towards Bodie, but Bodie simply pulled out the white oak stake that he still owned and pointed it at Kol as if inviting Kol to end himself for coming against him. Bodie wanted to make this painful for the pair of them, see which one would attack him first, though there seemed to be a small silence where nothing happened, as if they were all having a stand-off to see who would strike first.
Bodie couldn't help but smile slightly as if this were something that he rather enjoyed. As much as he knew that he should be cautious around all of the Mikaelson's given that he knew that they played dirty at times, but Bodie felt a sense of calm fill him. As much as he knew that the Mikaelson's lived up to the stories that were floating around about them, he felt more relaxed than anything else. Like there was nothing for him to fear.
"Bodie Erikson," Shane said with wide eyes, "the uncursed Original Hybrid. Wow, this is awesome!"
Bodie gave the professor a look. He'd heard about this professor from Henry, a part of Bodie assumed that there was a chance that there was something special about him, though now Bodie thought that Shane looked rather useless. He considered for a moment whether or not he should kill him just so that Rebekah and Kol won't get the answers that they need.
"I thought that there might be a chance that your brother would be here." Bodie stated. "You see, he killed William, and well, Klaus has a lot of disposable siblings just lining up waiting to be executed, and I wouldn't mind adding another Mikaelson to my victim list."
It was Kol who struck Bodie first, Kol who's last straw finally snapped as if what Bodie said confirmed everything that he didn't want to believe. Bodie just smirked slightly as Kol went to strike him, Bodie caught his fist and broke his wrist, though that was something that didn't stop Kol from trying.
There was one thing that Bodie loved about being what he was—a hybrid—was that it gave him the ability to overpower those that should have the same strength as him. He liked that he was able to overpower people like Kol, like Elijah, and even Rebekah when it came to a fight. Of course, he knew that the only other person that could match his strength was Klaus, but even then, Bodie was still confident enough that if he allowed himself to let go there was a chance that he could beat Klaus in a fight.
Bodie found himself striking Kol in the chest a few times and managed to twist one of Kol's arms behind him and shoved him against a wall. Bodie somewhat grinned, a grin that would normally belong on Klaus' face, an almost evil grin. "I am a hybrid, Kol, you should know that you can't beat me."
Bodie then felt something sharp being pointed at his back, and for a moment, Bodie just shut his eyes as if he knew that he should've been paying attention. Rebekah was behind him with the indestructible white oak stake, the one that was owned by Alaric before he died, and it was pressed against his back at the right angel where it could pierce his heart. Despite this, Bodie still pinned Kol against the wall as Kol fought against his hold, though not once—even with the threat of his own life—did Bodie consider letting go.
"I will not let you kill another brother of mine." Rebekah said with a harsh undertone in her voice.
Bodie slammed Kol's head against the wall, which caused him to let out a groan. In response, Rebekah started to pierce Bodie's back with the stake. "And I will not let any of you to continue taking the lives of the people I love. First it was my parents, then my siblings, and now it's Will that you've taken away from me, but god forbid that I kill one of you by mistake on a night where you know werewolves aren't in control."
"You lied about it!" Kol argued. "You hid it from us, you lying backstabbing piece of shit!"
"Says the brother who tried to find a way to kill his brother back in New Orleans which lead him getting daggered once more." Bodie stated.
Shane—who had been watching this entire thing—slowly started to try and make his way out of the room, was kicked back to the wall by Rebekah. He made a noise of pain then. "I'm sure that this can be sorted at another time." There was this sense of panic that was laced in Shane's voice, though Bodie found himself smiling in some way. Was this what Klaus felt when he heard the fear in someone's voice when he appeared? Now wasn't the time to think about Klaus.
"All I want to know is where Klaus is." Bodie spoke slowly. "The cause of all of your issues, the reason why you were both daggered for most of your immortal lives."
There was a small part of Bodie that hoped that there was even a chance that they might consider Bodie going after Klaus, but he knew that he was being unrealistic. Kol would attack him again the second that he let go, Rebekah had the chance to stake him with the indestructible stake if she thought it best.
"You already killed one brother," Rebekah stated. "Why shouldn't I just kill you now?"
Bodie clenched his jaw slightly. He was going to open his mouth to respond to it, but it was then that Kol managed to escape Bodie's mistakenly lose grip and struck Bodie across the face. It was hard, quick, something that Bodie didn't expect and didn't see coming until it hit. He couldn't exactly move away given that Rebekah started to twist the stake into his back. As much as he knew that he had his own stake, he felt himself just tensing up slightly.
Kol struck Bodie in his stomach a handful of times which allowed him to hunch over in pain which removed as much as the stake from his back as possible. Bodie then managed to kick Rebekah away from him hard enough that she fell close to where Shane was still standing, watching this happen. Bodie then bit Kol, knowing that the werewolf bite should at least, allow Bodie some time to do whatever he wanted. He got Kol in a headlock, staring down Rebekah who looked as if she were about to strike Bodie once more with the stake.
He noticed the look on Rebekah's face (as well as Shane's) which was enough for Bodie to know that he'd let his true hybrid face to show itself. He could feel his fangs brush against his lower lip as he grinned, though all Bodie could think about was that look that was in Rebekah's eyes. He wondered for a moment whether or not he should at least try and kill either one of them. He knew that Kol would heal from the werewolf bite eventually, given that the bite wouldn't kill an Original. And he knew that as long as Rebekah had access to that white oak stake, there was a chance that he'll have to fight as much as he can.
"Come on, Bekah." Bodie spoke. He flet free, his anger that consumed him. . .this feeling of the numbing loss of Will turned into that of anger made him feel more free than anything else. Was this what Klaus always felt like? Was his anger bound to set him free? He showed his own white oak stake, pressing it against Kol's chest, while Kol tried to fight against him. "You know I'll do it. you know I'm not going to hold back."
"Rebekah, don't believe him." Kol stated. "He won't do it! He's a coward! He's a liar!"
Bodie's face twisted then as he then slowly pierced Kol's chest with his own white oak. "You think I won't kill you? Killing Henrik was a mistake but killing you will bring me joy." He sneered slightly into Kol's ear then. He found himself grinning to himself when Kol let out some form of yell.
As much as he knew that he didn't want to hurt Kol, he just wanted the others to know the current pain that he was going through. Though he knew that they were going through the pain of finding out that it was Bodie that killed Henrik, to him, it was over a thousand years ago and that his current state of anger and pain and numbness over losing Will seemed far more justified more than anything else. He wanted them to feel the current pain of watching another brother die in front of them. He wanted all of them to know that if they continued to come at him, then he would be more than willing to do whatever it took to fight back.
He felt the way that Kol tried to fight back, though due to Bodie's strength across Kol's neck and the slow crack of his neck due to the pressure, Bodie was sure that there was no way that Kol would be able to fight back fully. Plus, he was sure that given enough time, the werewolf bite that Bodie gave him would set it soon enough, which would help Bodie a lot more.
"I didn't want to hurt him, you know that, right?" Bodie asked. "I didn't want to kill Henrik but don't let that stop either of you from believing that I won't hurt any of you because of the actions of your brother against my only family that I have alive."
Kol fought against him once more though, this time, Bodie found himself just snapping Kol's neck instead. Kol fell to the floor, limp, and Bodie just stared at Kol's temporarily dead body as Rebekah let out a small gasp. It was then that Rebekah—now that Kol was no longer in the way—lunged at Bodie, striking at him as if all the rage that one person could ever hold back was finally coming out. She punched him, stabbed him with the stake in areas that wasn't his heart. Bodie just found himself rather amused by the attack, as much as he knew that fighting Rebekah was something that he should be concerned about, Bodie just found it as a complete and utter joke to some degree.
This could've been avoided if Rebekah or Kol just told him about where Klaus was. Bodie's issue was with Klaus and not the rest of them, the one thing that Bodie didn't want to do was target any of the other Mikaelson's for the quest of wanting to kill Klaus for what he did. Klaus was his target, not his siblings. Though, any Mikaelson that stood in his way will become his target, no matter the cost.
Bodie found himself lunging himself at Rebekah, giving her a werewolf bite. She yelled out then, shoving her hand through his chest. The pair of them were glaring at one another as if they were waiting for the other to give up, though Bodie found himself grinning almost satanically, he knew that sooner or later the werewolf venom would weaken or start to play with Rebekah and that was something that would bring him some form of joy.
"Unless you use that stake on me, you won't kill me." Bodie said and then laughed slightly. "We both know that you don't have the courage nor the strength to kill me."
For a moment, Bodie thought that there was a chance that Rebekah might cry. "You allowed my family and I to believe that it was just some. . .random werewolf that killed him! You hid the truth from us, you lied to us for a thousand years and for what benefit? We treated you like family, I saw you like my brother who always looked out for me." With her hand over his heart, she forced him against the wall. "You lied to me about his death! He was my brother and you a monster."
Bodie found himself glaring at Rebekah. As much as he knew that he ruined everything about his relationship with all of the Mikaelson's, it wasn't as if he done it with the intent to hurt all of them. Of course, he knew that the longer that he kept it a secret, the more that it was going to hurt them, but Bodie just. . .didn't mean for any of this to happen the way that it did and that was what Bodie felt worse about.
Over the course of a thousand years, Bodie had to accept the part of him that did kill Henrik, and though he didn't fully accept himself for what had happened, there was still a part of him that learned to live with that guilt. He wished that he could apologise to Henrik for the actions that caused his death. He wished so much when it came to his mistake, and he knew that no amount of wishing was going to stop any of this from happening or change what did happen.
"I know I am a monster, Bekah." Bodie stated. He knew that he was, he's known from the second that he ever made his first kill and triggered his werewolf curse. He knew that he was a monster when he killed for the first time. Bodie was the monster that people told their children in order to frighten them. He was the monster that brought about the creation of the vampires and there was nothing that he could do to change anything that he'd done.
Bodie leaned towards Rebekah then. "I know that I am a monster, I'll always be that monster. There's nothing that can change that and that's something that I've accepted. You'll have to accept it sooner or later, Rebekah, whether you want to or not."
Rebekah's face somewhat twisted then as if the thought of accepting what Bodie did was something that she didn't want to do, as if she wanted to keep onto this hatred of what he'd done. Of course, that was something that Bodie expected, he knew that, though there was a part of him that wondered whether or not he was expecting too much from the Mikaelson's knowing that they'd never forgive him. He knew that no matter how much time he gave them, they'd rather see him tortured and killed than forgive him for what he's done. And he knew that he wouldn't be able to forgive Klaus for what he done to Will and Henry.
"I should kill you right now." Rebekah tugged at Bodie's heart and for a moment, Bodie wondered whether or not she was going to rip it out. Of course, he knew that he wouldn't die from it, he remembered the time that she done it to Klaus once when Klaus was being an asshole—of course, Klaus grew back his heart. "Pull your heart out, stake you. For everything that you've ever done, you lied to us for a thousand years, how do you expect me to forgive you so easily?"
Bodie just stared at Rebekah as if he was waiting for her to do something. "I don't expect that, Rebekah, and there's nothing holding you back from killing me. For a thousand years, I have lived with this pain of what I did, and it's killed me for so long over and over again. I wanted to change it, if there was any way that I could go back and change that, then I would."
She shoved him against the wall once more when she realised that they'd moved, her hand still grasping his heart, a hatred look in her eye that Bodie knew that he deserved more than anything else. "You still kept it from us! You let us believe that it was just some random wolf, but it was you! You knew that Klaus and Henrik went out that night, you knew that!"
It was the one thing that he hated more than anything else, the fact that he'd heard both Klaus and Henrik briefly talk about how they wanted to see the men changed into wolves. But it didn't mean that he wanted to kill either one of them. He would rather hurt himself that do that, but he supposed that he did hurt himself the second that he killed Henrik. "I didn't mean to, Rebekah. I was out of control, all werewolves are when they turn on a full moon."
"You are despicable." Rebekah almost hissed. "You had no right to keep this for so long from any of us!" She tilted her head up slightly. "I'm disgusted that I once thought of you like family, that I fought for you to be turned into one of us. You should've died when father slaughtered your family."
"I wish that he did." Bodie said. He tried to ignore the small pain that he felt when he heard that she wished death on him. Of course, he knew that death was something that was going to come to him eventually, whether it be by Mikaelson hands or something else, though to hear such a thing was something that broke him in some way. "There were days where the guilt was all that I felt, and I almost turned the white oak stake onto myself just so that I wouldn't feel anything. If you kill me, Rebekah, just know that I hope that one day you—"
She snapped his neck.
There was a moment in his temporary death that made him wonder whether or not she was going to kill him. He hoped that she would, though at the same time it made him feel relieved if she didn't. He knew that he deserved death for what he did, that he had no right to anything given the fact that he'd lied and hidden it from them for so long. He knew that they wouldn't forgive him no matter how much he wanted them to, he knew that they would rather him die for what he did to Henrik. He ruined their lives for what they became.
Bodie wasn't sure where he was when he woke up and he knew that it was something that made him panic to some degree. He knew that there was a chance that he didn't need to panic and yet there was a part of him that assumed that there was a chance that either Rebekah or Kol could've brought him here to do anything that they wanted because of what he did.
He shook his head slightly, knowing that he didn't need to overthink about anything. The one thing that he noticed when he moved was the blood that was around his wrist which seemed like enough to know that there was a chance that Kol must've fed off him to heal his werewolf bites, and probably Rebekah as well. Not that he cared much, but there was a part of him that wished to see them suffer.
A sense of annoyance went through him then, knowing that he failed the one thing that he wanted to do. He knew that he wanted to annoy both Rebekah and Kol, and he felt as if it was something that he didn't truly commit to. Not only that but he knew that he wanted to find out where Klaus was to repay him for what he'd done to them. He knew that there was a chance that Henry would've done anything if it meant causing both Kol and Rebekah pain, and that was the difference between the two.
As much as Bodie wanted to get back at Klaus for what he did by hurting the siblings that Klaus somewhat cares about, he knew that there was always going to be a small part of him that was hesitant to do such a thing. He knew that he needed to rid whatever he felt about the Mikaelson's like they had and replace it with something else but that was something that he was almost afraid to do in some way.
"Oh! You're awake!" Leo stated, drawing Bodie out of his thoughts.
Bodie found himself standing, staring at Leo as if he'd done something wrong. Of course, he knew that Leo wasn't an enemy, but Leo was someone else that Klaus could kill just to get to him and that was something that he didn't want to allow as a whole. Bodie didn't want to lose someone else that he cared about because of Klaus' need for revenge. And the fact that he felt a need to get back at Klaus for what he'd did, it was best if he didn't allow for anyone to get involved for their own safety, the only one that he was fine with joining him was Henry.
"Why'd you bring me here?" Bodie asked rather stiffly. As much as Bodie knew that there was a small part of him that cared about Leo, a part of him that still loved and cared for Leo, he knew that it was best if he shoved his feelings aside as if they were something that didn't matter anymore. He didn't want someone else to die because of him. "It's not safe for you."
"You were unconscious with blood around your wrists." Leo stated. "I thought that Rebekah and Kol might've done something to you. so, I brought you to my parents' house, to see if my father or grandparents could check on you to make sure that you weren't going to die or something." He shrugged slightly. "If you die, then so do I. Your blood turned me and although the sire bond isn't there anymore, you're still my sire."
"So, you 'saved' me for your own desire to stay alive." Bodie stated. That was something that Bodie would have to admit, he liked the thought that Leo saved him for his own needs to stay alive.
Leo just shrugged as if that was enough to be an answer. Bodie just found himself smiling in some way, knowing that he would've done the same if he was in a similar position. Bodie wanted to say something, wanted to say something else, but there was a part of him that wanted to go back home to Henry, he needed to be with Henry more than anything. He wanted to make sure that Henry was safe, he wanted to know if Henry knew that he was fine.
"Where's Henry?" Bodie asked.
"I let him know of your whereabouts." Leo stated.
"Where is Henry?" Bodie repeated. He gave Leo a look. He wanted to know where his brother was, he knew that he needed to be by Henry's side no matter what, he didn't like the fact that he wasn't around Henry at the moment. He wanted to be around his brother more than anything.
"I chained him up at his home." Leo told. "Elliot is with him to make sure that Henry doesn't escape." There was this look on Leo's face which made him wonder whether or not there was something else that Leo was trying to hide from him.
"And?" Bodie pressed. "Why does my brother need to be locked up in his own home?"
Leo sighed as if this was something that he didn't want to explain at all. "Henry tried to fight both Kol and Rebekah, it didn't go that well. I mean, Henry was winning, he almost managed to kill both Rebekah and Kol, but it was because of Tyler that they managed to get the upper hand. Henry tried to fight against them, to regain the upper hand that he once had but I had to get him out of the school before they killed him."
Bodie straightened his back then. A part of him was rather happy over the fact that Henry stood his own ground against two Originals, it was something that he would've loved to witness. "That doesn't explain why he's locked up."
"He tried to escape us and go after both Rebekah and Kol. I knew that it would've been a death sentence for him if he went after them." Leo stated. "I had to chain him up and Elliot used a spell to keep him in place. Neither of us wants him to go after the Mikaelson's because we know of the monster that you'll become. Of the monster that you're already becoming because of Will."
Bodie found himself amused at the thought of an eighteen-year-old witch-werewolf hybrid trying to keep a six-hundred-year-old heretic at bay. He knew that Elliot must be struggling to keep Henry contained, or he was curious over the amount of strength Elliot might possess in order to do such a thing. Bodie knew better than anyone that once Henry is in the right mood, he could tear down an entire town with enough rage.
Though, the one thing that he found himself more amused over was the fact that Leo thought that Bodie was becoming some form of monster. The amount of people that were afraid of Bodie becoming some form of monster was one that he thought funny. He knew that Henry and Will were afraid of Bodie becoming some form of monster after Bodie admitted his truth to the Mikaelson's, though the thought that there was even a slight chance that he was becoming a monster that everyone feared was something else.
Although, he always saw himself as some form of monster, to know that there was some that actually feared him to become the monster that Bodie knew that he could be, was something else entirely. He wondered if this was the same for every vampire that could sense that something else was off with him. He didn't want to linger on it a lot more, knowing that the thought of him becoming a monster was something that he didn't want to think too much into it.
"A monster?" Bodie asked, somewhat smiling. "Is that what you think I'm becoming?"
Leo somewhat shrugged. "I grew up on old whispers about the Original Hybrid that acted kind. Stories of you which told how quickly you shut everything off and go to violence. Stories where people assume you to be worse than what Klaus is." Leo looked down as if this was something that he didn't want to talk about much. "My family and I can see it, the slight change in everything that you do. Even the expression on your face is different to that of which I've gotten used to. There's something off with the way that you've been acting since Will died and we're all waiting for you to explode. You're like a ticking timebomb and we're waiting for you to explode."
Again, Bodie found himself rather amused by such a thing, knowing that this was something that he wasn't really aware of. It wasn't something that he knew others expected of him, and yet, he wanted to hear more of it. But now wasn't the time, he knew that he wanted to talk to Henry, he needed to get back to Henry now more than anything.
"I need to go back home. I need to get back to Henry to try and calm him down." Bodie stated. He wanted more than anything to plan out their next attack. They weren't prepared enough to go against Kol and Rebekah, and he knew that he needed to plan for any other attack towards the Mikaelson's.
Leo nodded slightly. There was this look on Leo's face as if this was something that he expected Bodie to say that. "I'll take you back home. My brother and I agreed that the pair of you will be under the care of the pair of us. We want the Mikaelson's gone more than anything and we all think that there's a chance that you might be able to help with that—after this entire cure thing is all sorted."
Bodie straightened his back then. "You want the cure? And the Mikaelson's gone?"
"Yes." Leo said. "I want the cure for my own gain, I want to study it. I want to know if there's a chance that it can be replicated in anyway."
Bodie gave him an odd look. "Why would you want to recreate it?"
"It's a cure for immortality. Could you imagine what life would be like if there was more of it?" Leo asked. "More for those that want it?"
"I never thought of it like that." Bodie said.
Leo shrugged. "It doesn't matter. Just. . .go home. Henry needs you."
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