『Chapter Thirty-Six』
『the plans of a panicking original』
Between all that happened, Bodie found comfort going back to his home to Will and Henry. As much as he knew that there was a chance that the pair of them would still dislike Bodie for various reasons, they are still the people that Bodie cares about the most. He knew that with everything that's happened and everything that as bound to happen, that the pair of hem would be rather welcome him back home knowing that he was safe. It was all that Bodie wanted, he knew that he would need their help in what he needed to do.
The morning after he'd come back home to his family, Henry had brought in two bags of clothing with a note from Klaus attached to one of them, reading 'Your things don't belong with me' which unexpectedly hurt him, though he knew that it was to be expected. As much as he knew that there was a chance that he would get his stuff back or that he would have to collect his stuff, he hadn't expected Klaus to clear everything out. If anything, he thought that Klaus would have destroyed his belongings rather than give them back.
"What happened?" Will asked. "You never told us anything when you came back."
"Yeah, you looked like you were about to have an emotional breakdown." Henry added. He was leaning against the table, his arms crossed and his head resting on his crossed arms."
Bodie had forgotten how he'd come back home last night, it was like he was in some form of haze that consumed him with a sense of numbness, he knew that he didn't have any right to feel like this, but he'd felt too much that it was almost overwhelming. No matter how numb he felt, he knew that it was going to be nothing to the way that he would feel when he told them all the truth, and that was something that he didn't want to feel.
He sighed slightly and shook his head. "Esther made me confess everything. But the only thing that I did say was about the werewolf side, how long I've lied about it. They know that I was basically a spy for Klaus' actual father, they know that I knew about Klaus and his heritage. They know everything about my werewolf side. They didn't take it lightly."
Bodie hadn't noticed the way that both Will and Henry shared a look with one another. "Do they know about the other thing?" Will asked. "About Henrik?"
"No." Bodie admitted. "I knew that it wouldn't go well if I told them there. I couldn't bring myself to say anything else. Elijah and Rebekah know that I have something else to admit, so I'm sure that they'd try and either figure it out or get me to admit it."
"They might come after us." Henry stated. "Use one of us to get to you."
"And then they'd kill you once I've admitted." Bodie pointed out. As much as he wanted to think that Elijah and Rebekah wouldn't hurt either Will or Henry, he knew better. They'd want to get back at him for it, though it was more like Rebekah to do such a thing. Elijah was someone, that despite how long he knew Elijah for, was still somewhat unpredictable for him, and that was something that scared him.
"You want to rethink your plan with Leo, don't you?" Will asked, shifting on his feet slightly.
Bodie looked down. A part of him didn't want to fully admit it but at the same time he knew that it wouldn't be right to lie to them. He'd already lied to the Mikaelson's for such a long time that it wouldn't fit right if he did, and it didn't feel right to lie to either Henry or Will. "I am. I need to be prepared. As much as I know that neither of you want me to turn Leo but given that all of the Mikaelson's will be after me and the pair of you, we need something else to protect ourselves."
Henry looked as if he was going to argue with everything Bodie had ever done and that was something that he didn't like at all. As much as he knew that he had no right to turn one of Henry's friends, he knew that he needed something other than both Will and Henry. "You have us. Is that not enough for you? Or do you only care for more power?"
Bodie looked somewhat surprised at that. "You both know that I don't care for power. But power is the only thing that I need for protection, I know that I won't be able to defend myself if all of the Mikaelson's come after me. And if Esther is still alive when I admit that I killed Henrik, she'll kill me without getting close to me. I know she will. There's five originals, Henry, and only one of them can match my strength. I need all the power on my side."
"Leo wouldn't want this." Henry argued. "As much as I know that you're fucked when you finally admit it to them, Leo wouldn't want to become immortal. He's not like Will and I, there's no chance that he'll keep his magic, and he loves his magic more than anything. He'd hate you for taking it away. Not only that, but he also knows that he'd be sired to you, having to be your personal pet, and he'd rather kill himself than life like that."
Bodie looked somewhat stunned at that. As much as he knew that Leo and Henry had been friends, he hadn't really thought too much about how close they were. A part of Bodie wondered how close they'd gotten while he's been preoccupied with Klaus, in fact, there was a small part of him that was proud on how close Henry had gotten with someone that wasn't either himself or Will. But even still, he knew that he knew that this was something that he needed to do.
"Henry, as much as I love that you've befriended Leo and feel the need to protect him, I'm running out of time and out of options." Bodie told. "I need to take these risks in order to make sure that I can defend myself from the Mikaelson's. I'm just lucky that they don't have the stake, otherwise I would have started my army weeks ago."
He knew that there was a chance that he should stop and listen but at the same time he felt as if his entire world was about to shatter. Bodie knew that neither Henry nor Will could understand what was going through is brain when it came to this, but he felt as if he were right, that he needed to take the risk of turning Leo just so that he has more power on his side. It was selfish of him, that was something that he knew but he felt as if he needed to be selfish for once.
"Becoming a vampire isn't something that he wants!" Henry argued. "Leo wouldn't want this and the fact that you're more than willing to turn him for power is just—"
"—Selfish?" Bodie cut off. "What would you rather I do, Henry? It's either I turn Leo, or I turn Elliot. I need to be selfish, don't you understand that? Do you understand anything that's about to happen? The second that I tell all of the Mikaelson's that I killed their baby brother, they're going to find ways to torture me and the pair of you before killing us." He crossed his arms. "I have to have people on my side that understand what I'm doing."
"And what are you doing?" Will asked.
"Protecting myself." Bodie stated.
"By turning an innocent into a vampire!" Henry argued.
Bodie clenched his jaw. "You two were innocent when I turned you, so don't bring innocents into all of this."
"But that was our choice." Henry snapped. "You're taking Leo's choice away."
"Well, Henry, what the fuck do you want me to do?" Bodie asked. "Sit around and wait for them to kill me once I've told them the truth? Is that what you want me to do? Because it sounds like that it's what you want me to do."
Henry looked as if he was debating on whether or not he was going to set things on fire. Henry looked angry as if he hated everything going on in his life at the moment. "That's not what I want, Bodie. I just don't want you to turn Leo."
"Why? Because you're in love with him?" Bodie asked. He wasn't being serious, he knew that there was a chance that Henry liked Caroline, but at this point, Bodie didn't care all that much.
What Bodie didn't expect was when Henry decided to boil his blood and make his brain feel like it was exploding. Bodie groaned slightly, he tried to keep his need to yell out in pain to the minimum, knowing that there was no point. As much as Bodie knew that he should've kept his mouth close about all of this, he knew that he needed them to be on board with anything that he would do. Bodie knew that he needed to do whatever it took if it meant protecting himself from whatever the Mikaelson's might attempt to do against him.
"Henry." Will said softly. "Stop. He has a point."
The pain eased as Henry shifted his gaze towards Will. "What?" He sounded heartbroken. "How can you be on his side?"
"Henry, Bodie killed Henrik, their baby brother." Will pointed out. "Bodie killed a Mikaelson, you do realise the kind of people the Mikaelson's are? If you hurt one, all of the others will come to destroy you in a heartbeat. Think about what they would do to Bodie when they realise that he killed one of them and lied about it for a millennium, what they would do to us. We need others, no matter how strong the pair of us are, we won't be able to fight off all of them for long."
Henry looked as if he was ready to fight Will. Bodie knew that Henry hated when both Bodie and Will joined up together in an argument, knowing that there was no chance that he would be able to win this argument at all. As much as Bodie knew that he preferred to turn others when they asked, he knew that he couldn't wait, he couldn't ask, he needed an army. A part of him wondered whether he could build his own hybrid army that help him out.
As much as Bodie knew that no matter how many people Bodie had on his side, all five of them would be able to beat anyone that was on his side. He wondered whether or not he should bring in any witches that actually liked him and disliked the Mikaelson's for whatever reason. He wondered what he could do with an army of witches that hated the Mikaelson's.
"I could get the Snow's—all of them—to help me against the Mikaelson's." Bodie cut in. "All, apart from Leo's mother, are witches. They had a coven. If I somehow convinced the Snow's to help me, then there's a chance that they could be a barrier between the Mikaelson's and I."
Henry shot him a look as if he'd come up with a horrible idea. Bodie didn't think that it was a bad idea, it was something other than his desire to turn Leo. "In case you've forgotten, Bodie, the Snow's don't like you much."
"I apologised to Leo on what I did, back when I betrayed you all. It was when Elijah came back." Bodie stated. "I'm sure that Leo told them what I said, but if not, then I'll just have to make an effort to apologise to them more."
"Oh god, he smiles at Leo's name." Will muttered.
Bodie ignored that. "Look, if you would rather I not turn Leo, or even Elliot, then I won't. But maybe if I had enough witches on my side that hate Klaus and the rest of the Mikaelson's then there's a chance that it could work in my favour."
Henry looked as if he was defeated, like he didn't know what to say or do anymore. He knew that there was a chance that he couldn't stop Bodie from doing whatever he wanted. Though, Bodie could almost see as Henry thought everything over, as if he was considering this plan.
"It could be something that we could do." Henry said. "With the old grimoires from other witches that we have, there's a chance that any one of them could be rather powerful. And with the help of the Snows', it could mean something else. Also, if they could somehow convince their old coven—if they're still around and are more than willing to help—you could have your army that you want."
"There's a chance that I could need new vampires or get into contact with older vampires." Bodie thought out. For a moment, Bodie considered whether or not he should get into contact with Katherine to see if she knew of any vampires that hated Klaus with a passion and would want to team up. But at the same time, he could see the flaw in trusting Katherine, he didn't trust that she would keep it a secret. And all that he needed at this point was for all of this to be a secret. The last thing that he wanted was for this to get back to Klaus.
"You know better than anyone that the younger the vampire, the weaker they are, especially against one of you." Will stated.
Bodie knew that, of course. But at the same time, it was something that got him to think. As much as he knew that with an army of witches, there was still a chance that at least one of the Mikaelson's would make an attempt to kill all those that stood between them and Bodie. No matter what it was going to be a bloodbath.
For a moment, Bodie wondered whether the old witch house would work for a base. As much as he knew that it was a risk, but if he brought witches, then surely there's a chance that the dead witches would want to help in getting rid of the Mikaelson's, right? No, that was stupid. As much as he knew that witches disliked the Mikaelson's, he also knew that the witches didn't like him much given that he was what he was.
He wondered whether it would work. Would anything work once he told them about that awful night? He knew that there was a chance that something might work, but he knew that he could only use the stake only once, and he would have to use it against Klaus to at least make sure that the balance tipped towards him in some way.
Bodie knew that he was overthinking all of this, but he couldn't help it. He needed something that would be strong, something that he would be able to pull off. Now that he'd told both Elijah and Rebekah that there was more to his story, he knew that he was on a limited amount of time before either of them came knocking on his door telling him that they figured it out or would demand him to tell them.
He knew that there was nothing to worry about, but he found that he was worrying about everything. What was he supposed to do? Klaus was going to kill him if he knew about what he did to Henrik. He knew that all of the siblings were going to kill him when they had the chance and that was something that scared him more than anything.
It hurt his heart slightly, to think about it, knowing that once Bodie told them about what he did, they were going to make an attempt on his life. As much as he knew that Klaus tried to kill him multiple times for the breakups that they went through, that wasn't really relevant, knowing that Klaus never had the stake. But to know that there was now a chance that Klaus could get hold of Bodie's stake and kill him, it made him worry.
Not only that, if he excluded the entire death situation that he knew was going to happen, it was going to hurt to know that the people he once called his family would turn their backs on him for however long. He knew that the reason why he hadn't told them what he did was because he didn't want to lose the people that he cared about most, but no matter what he was going to lose them. And he knew that it was going to be worse now, given how long he waited to tell them.
Bodie wondered whether or not they would care that Bodie killed Henrik, but yet again, he knew better. He knew that Klaus blamed himself for the death of Henrik, he knew that Rebekah cried about it a lot. He was unsure on how Henrik's death affected them given that the only ones that came to him for comfort was both Rebekah and Klaus which made Bodie feel worse than what he did.
Bodie shook his head. As much as he knew that he shouldn't think about himself in this situation, he felt as if he was fucked no matter what. He felt the way that his heart hurt in his chest when he thought about this, and it was something that he hated more than anything else. He knew that he needed to tell the Mikaelson's about all of this, but after a thousand years, it was harder. It felt harder to admit it now than what it did when he first done it.
In fact, there was a part of him that wished that he could go back in time and admit it when he first done it so that he didn't have to do it now. God, he wished that he didn't have to do it now. He'd rather get staked, though he knew that no matter what, there was still a chance that he would get his wish. He shook his head slightly. He knew that there was a chance if they ever got their hands on a stake.
"Bodie." Will placed a hand on his shoulder.
Bodie jumped slightly. He'd forgotten that he was in a room with both Will and Henry, though now that he'd been snapped back into reality, he'd realised that Henry had left which was something that he was somewhat surprised about. Though, he shook his head slightly. He hummed. "Yes?"
"You're overthinking again." Will stated. "Is everything okay with you?"
Bodie somewhat shrugged. "Just. . .overthinking."
"We'll get all of this sorted, Bodie." Will assured. "I know that you're stressed over what the Mikaelson's would do to you once they find out what you did, but I'm sure that once we have everything planned out, then there's a chance that we'd be able to deal with this."
"I hope so, Will." Bodie said. "I just don't want either you or Henry to get hurt in the process."
Will sighed. "I know. Though, I think we might need to consider the fact that Leo doesn't want to be turned into a vampire."
"I know that he doesn't." Bodie stated. "When I went to apologise to him after I betrayed you when you planned to use Mikael against Klaus, he told me then."
"Then why do you keep pushing?" Will asked.
Bodie shrugged. As much as he knew that the reason why he kept pushing was because he'd convinced himself that there was a chance that he might be wrong, that there was a chance that nature would allow it. "I guess, I'm hoping that Leo would be something powerful. And I'm slightly afraid that Klaus would find out about both Leo and Elliot and might assume the same thing."
"Bodie, you're an idiot." Will said. "As much as I love you and all, you're such a dumbass."
Bodie gave him a small fake laugh then. "Love you too, asshole. I know that nature won't allow it, but what if there's an exception? What if nature found a way to make a balance in order to rid Klaus and the other Mikaelson's by allowing someone to become that bit stronger?"
Will sighed and shook his head. "We both know that the way to rid Klaus and the others is the white oak stake. And unless you want to divide the stake you have into five pieces, we won't be able to do it."
"I suppose the breaking of my stake could be something that we could do." Bodie considered it. As much as he knew that there was a chance that he needed to kill the Mikaelson's in order to make sure that they don't kill him once they find out, there was a small part of him that was worried just in case they get their hands on his weapons and use it against him. "But that comes at a risk."
"Anything that we do will mean a risk, Bodie." Will pointed out. "We just need to come up with something that we're certain on in order to make sure that you're protected."
Bodie knew that he was right but at the same time he was too nervous about all of this. He knew that he needed to tell them the full truth, but at the same time he knew that it would mean his death. He wanted to protect himself, he knew that he needed to. As much as he knew that he could probably win one over the other siblings, he knew that it would be harder when it came to Klaus. In fact, he knew that no matter what it would be hard for him.
"I know." Bodie muttered. He crossed his arms and for a moment, he debated everything going on in his life.
For a moment, he wondered what his life would have been like if he hadn't taken that little job from Ansel. He knew that it would have meant a much more quieter life and that there was always a chance that he would have either died of old age or when Mikael slaughtered most of the werewolves. He knew that no matter what, he would have died ages ago.
He thought about what Leo had asked him, whether or not he'd seen too much over his life. He thought about how Leo told him that he'd lived a long life and maybe death was something he should consider. A part of him wondered whether or not it should be something that he considers given the fact that he knew that he had seen too much. He'd seen a lot and most of it was built off of some form of lie. He'd lied for so long, and he knew that there was a chance of him dying at the hands of the people that he didn't want to lose.
Bodie wondered whether or not it was a good thing for him to reconsider his life and his place here but given that all that was going through his mind was the fact that the Mikaelson's were going to kill him. He hated the fact that the people that he loved the most were going to be the people that were going to be the biggest threat on his life. As much as he knew that he deserved it, there was still a part of him that hated everything, hated the fact that they were going to kill him.
Bodie knew that he shouldn't feel bad for himself, that this was something that he brought on himself, but he knew that he was about to lose the only connection that he had with his humanity left. He was afraid of what it would do to him, he was afraid of the person that he was about to become if he told them the truth.
He tried to think about the life that he would have with the Mikaelson's chasing him, he thought of Katherine who had been running away from Klaus all her immortal life, whether or not he would be able to do that. He wondered whether or not he could run throughout his immortal life because of what he done, he knew that it was something that he wouldn't be able to deal with at all.
"We'll figure something out." Bodie muttered. "It would mean my life."
"We'll get the Snow's to help." Will told.
Bodie and Will had gone to the Snow's home, Henry had refused to come and decided to hang out with Caroline and such. Will managed to convince Bodie that they needed to get all of this done now in advance which was something that Bodie was somewhat happy about knowing that he would have put it off longer until it was too late.
Will drove the pair of them to the Snow's home though the minute that they arrived, Bodie basically refused to leave the car. As much as he knew that he needed to do this, that he needed to ask for their help, there was a part of him that didn't want to, he slowly started to think of how weak this probably made him. As much as he was aware that despite his strength, there wasn't a possibility that he wins against all of the Mikaelson's if they all come at him at the same time.
Bodie wondered what the Snow's would think of him for asking for help. Normally, he wouldn't have an issue with asking witches for help, but there was a part of him that felt weird about it now. He wondered whether or not the Snow's would throw him out for even asking them in the first place and that was something that he couldn't take. He needed help and he knew that there was a chance that the Snows were disposable.
They were disposable in comparison to Will and Henry. He knew that he needed to protect both Henry and Will and if having a few witches in the way helping him, then at least it was something, right? He knew that he shouldn't be using the Snow family as disposables, but at least he wouldn't have Will and Henry on the front lines if there was a chance for their death.
He wondered whether he should turn the mother as well, knowing that she was a werewolf, maybe he could use a hybrid against one of them. Though he knew that an original would still beat a hybrid, but at least it was something. He knew that it was stupid, that he shouldn't be turning anyone, but given that he promised not to turn Leo, then maybe he could turn the mother instead.
"Bodie." Will said, snapping Bodie out of his thoughts. "We need to see them and talk to them."
"I know." Bodie told. "I know."
"It'll be okay. I'm sure that they'll agree to help."
Bodie shrugged. "Maybe they will. Maybe they won't. Understand that I am more than willing to take the precautions that I need in order to get the army that I need to protect myself."
Will looked as if he wanted to disagree with whatever was going through Bodie's head. "Okay. If Henry finds out, he's going to hate you for it."
Bodie shrugged. "I know. He'll forgive me, eventually."
"You're going to get all if us killed, right?" Will asked.
"I did warn you." Bodie stated. "When you first agreed to stay by my side after I confessed what I did, I warned you that there's a chance that the pair of you would die if the Mikaelson's ever knew of what I did."
Will somewhat smiled then. "I know you did, I just thought that you would've done it in the middle of an argument with Klaus or something."
Bodie gave him a look. "I don't argue with Klaus that much. Or hate him enough to tell him that."
Will rose an eyebrow at that. "Bodie, the last argument you had with him, you 'triggered' your curse and basically staked Klaus."
Bodie shrugged. "Okay, that's fair. But in my defence, Klaus pissed me off a little, plus I was hurt over the fact that he made an attempt to dagger me."
Will smiled and for a moment the pair of them were silent. It was nice, like a sense of peace that Bodie needed. "We need to go."
As much as Bodie didn't want to, he nodded. Both he and Will got out of the car and made their way towards the front door of the Snow's home. Bodie rose his fist to knock on the door though was slightly hesitant, feeling as if he should just turn around and give up. However, before Bodie cold decide if he wanted to fully commit, Will knocked on the door for him. Bodie shot him a look and Will just gave him a grin instead.
Bodie wasn't sure how long they were waiting by the door, but James Snow opened the door. At the sight of Bodie he went to shut the door again though Bodie stopped the door from closing in his face. Both James and Bodie fought with the door, James trying to close it and Bodie trying to keep it open. For a moment, Bodie considered whether or not he should just rip James head off his shoulders but knew that it wouldn't be a good idea if he wanted to get their help.
"Dad!" Leo yelled. "What's—" he paused as if he was taking in the situation going on in front of him. "Dad, let him in."
"Leo, go upstairs!" James snapped.
Will sighed and rolled his eyes. He went on the other side of Bodie, allowing himself to be closer to James, and reached inside the home and placed his hand around James' wrist. Bodie heard the way that James groaned, and the pressure of the door lightened and allowed Bodie to open the door fully. Will retracted his hand after a moment.
Inside, James was holding his wrist and glaring at both Bodie and Will, while Leo was on the stairs with this look on his face that Bodie couldn't quite decipher, though for a moment Bodie thought that Leo liked Will with the way that Leo was staring. He knew that he shouldn't feel like he was jealous or deserved to feel the way that he did, but there was a small part of Bodie that was somewhat fond of Leo.
He shook his head slightly. "Are all of you in? I need to talk to all of you."
James' glare towards both Bodie and Will grew harsher. "And why do you need to talk to us?"
"Because Will and Henry convinced me that my original plan shouldn't be something I do." Bodie stated and then stared at Leo. Leo somewhat stiffened at that. "And they convinced me that I would need your help rather than your hatred."
"Help with what?" Leo asked.
"The Mikaelson's are going to kill me." Bodie announced. "Soon, anyway, once they find out my full truth. And I need your help in my protection."
James tilted his head up. "You have your Heretic abominations, why would you need our help?"
"Because there's about to be five angry Originals coming to kill me. As strong as I might be, if they all come at once, I'll probably be dead by dawn." Bodie stated.
He thought about all if it quite a bit. As much as he knew that he could take one down with a bite, knowing that it wouldn't kill them, Bodie knew that the others would still try and kill him while he was preoccupied by biting one. Even if he could bring one down long enough for him to target the others, he would still have to deal with the complete and utter rage of Klaus Mikaelson, and that was something that he knew that he couldn't take.
"Bodie was adamant to do his other plan, you should be grateful that he's asking for your help like he is." Will told. Bodie couldn't help but stare at Will, he wondered whether he brought the right Woodford, though he knew better.
"Just help me, please." Bodie said. "It would be easier if we were all working together before Mystic Falls becomes a battle ground between myself and the Mikaelson's."
"What use is any of this to us?" James asked.
"William, here, has been collecting grimoires for the past six hundred years." Bodie explained. "What you get in return is access to centuries worth amount of spells. So, what you get is spells in favour for your protection over me."
"Why do you want our help?" Leo asked. He'd crossed his arms and there was a small part of Bodie that felt oddly warm, and he hated it. "You have both Henry and Will."
"I need your help because I'm afraid that two witches aren't enough for my protection." Bodie stated. "No matter if I run or stay, two witches might not be enough, no matter how powerful they are."
Leo gave Bodie an odd look. "Why not leave before they have a chance to find out?"
"Because they deserve to know that I killed their brother." Bodie stated. "They deserve to know everything that I've done, that I am the reason why they were turned into vampires."
For a moment, everything was silent and Bodie wondered whether or not he should've come, he knew that there was a chance that he shouldn't, but he also knew that he needed help. Bodie knew that he needed help no matter how much he wished that he could keep everything to himself and leave everything to the last minute. He was more planned when he got back at Klaus, but this was just different. All of this was different.
"We'll do it." Leo told. James wanted to disagree, but Kevin seemed to have heard the conversation and agreed with his grandson. "We'll all help."
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