Shine that light
Mickey didn't want to put up with this day any longer. He already broke his best friend heart, how worst can the day even get. The mouse walk into the cafeteria to see a bunch of light and cameras 'what the hell going on here?' Mickey thought but felt an hand on his shoulder "Mickey! Oh made it just in time" it was Daisy.
Mickey tilt his head "made it time for what?" The mouse voice his thought, Daisy smiled "we need you for the Assembly!" The duck shove paper into the mouse chest making Mickey remember what they are doing, 'great this suicidal shit' Mickey thought "oh this...".
Mickey scan the room and spotted Oswald and started walk to him but look around to notice Bendy- Mickey couldn't help but smile and walk over to the taller demon creatures sitting on one of the cafeteria table"hey Ben!" Mickey chirp grabbing the demon attention from his phone- Bendy gave a smile to the mouse shoving his phone in his pants pocket and move aside for the mouse to sit next to him, "hey there mick! Wanna stay by me?" Bendy ask "why do you think I come over to you!" Mickey laugh making Bendy give a weak laugh but both jump from Daisy voice coming out of all the speakers
"HELLO CHARACTERS!!!" Daisy shouted into the microphone, a few people cheer. "Oh come on we can do better then that- HELLO CHARACTERS!!!!"
nearly everyone cheers making the cafeteria more louder then before, "That's the spirit!!" Daisy cheer "you all are so lovely, so today we are doing this special assembly."Daisy smiled "but for now-just ignore the crew members and the cameras, they are here to document this significant moment" Daisy stated pointing at the camera and the crew members and continue to speak.
The duck lick her lips to say what next, her face hold an serious expression "whether to kill your self or not is an important question to an teenager life". Mickey couldn't help but to let out a few chuckles along with Bendy, "yes-yes... so you know what I'm gonna do right now?" Daisy was cut off by a voice in the crowd.
"Kill your self on stage?"
Daisy frown at the comment but waited for the laughter to die down. "No, that not what I'll be doing" Daisy start to explain what is going on, "now my senior students are hurting- they are hurting inside. So I talk to many therapist and many doctors and I have The authority to say- the first to eliminate suicide is to eliminate fear!". Mickey sigh 'this is stupid' Mickey thought, there no point to this- maybe to them but Mickey knew the truth, he knew Fanny, Pete, and Mortimer weren't suicidal. They were murdered. They were murdered by him. Mickey felt shivers run down his spine but turned his attention back to Daisy when her voice started to reach his ears again.
"-I'll start with me, I had two children that grew up and head to college, I live alone in my house." Daisy started to explain about her life making Mickey confuse. "Hey Bendy...what did Daisy said...?" Mickey trail off. Bendy gave a puzzle to the mouse but realize Mickey probably wasn't really listening to the older duck- "oh she was going on about how we are in a safe area and we should all open up. No one was speaking first soooo she took it upon herself to speak" Bendy explain giving the small mouse a nudge with his elbow "you gotta stop day dreaming" Bendy use a teasing tone making the mouse cheeks turn pink "I'll stop day dreaming when you stop being bossy" Mickey tease back but it made Bendy laugh "then I guess we're both stuck" the demon reply both starting to giggle.
"I THOUGHT ABOUT KILLIG MYSELF!" a voice shouted out of the crowd. Mickey shout his mouth along with Bendy- everyone stood quietly, the mouse turn his head to see Minnie rushing forward standing across from Daisy. "What the hell are you doing" Amelia hiss at Minnie but close her mouth when Daisy wave her hand over front of her "no no no no" Daisy hush at Amelia. "Keep talking Minnie, you're in a safe place. Just you and me and the class mates who love you" Daisy encouraged the young female mouse "Mouse, it's gonna be okay" Daisy back up a bit to let Minnie walk closer, "Minnie get back in line!" Amelia whispered harshly but was shush again by Daisy grabbing hold of her wrist. Minnie clear her throat and look down at her hands, her fingers were shaking from her panic, she never thought so many eyes would be on her, Minnie open her mouth to speak but her voice couldn't be found, she lick her lips to try again "...the last guy I slept with killed himself because he was gay for his linebacker, and my best friend Fanny we always been together but she gone too...but now my stomach hurts worst and worst- and every morning on the bus I feel my heart beating louder and faster and I'm like 'Jesus I'm on the freaking bus again because all my rides to school are dead''s like I'm force to do one thing or an other like if I wear the wrong clothes I'll be attack by my so call 'friends'-" Minnie eyes stop at Amelia earning a glare from the other mouse, but continued "to say the truth- I feel there where I can hide from everyone and especially from the 'leader' who claims they the leader and is just ordering us around- it's just, so scary...maybe it's because I never felt this feeling before? To see everyone I know, fighting each other, it so scary" Minnie finish releasing a shaky breath.
Daisy open her mouth to speak but Amelia escape her grip and storm over to Minnie grabbing the smaller mouse by her arm pulling her close before she can get away, "what's your damage Minnie!!!" Amelia spat.
"Are you saying Disney is not a nice place!"
"Where your school spirit, you don't deserve to wear our school colors!!!"
Daisy rush in and gotten in between the two teen mouses pushing Amelia way
"Amelia Fieldmouse!"Daisy repeated her name again use a warning tone but Amelia still continue to taunt.
"How about you take the bus to Universal!!!"
Minnie back away seeing the close crowd of people laugh at her the small mouse "a look Minnie about to cryyyy~" a voice taunt from the crowd making them laugh more. Minnie quickly shut her eyes and turn the other looking for a opening to leave the crowd and the cafeteria, finally seeing a opening Minnie took a running start following by Daisy telling the crowd to be quite but seeing Minnie run away Daisy frown and turn back to Amelia "YOUNG LADY YOU ARE SUSPENDED!" Daisy yelled but only got responded by a eye roll.
The duck look at the cameras "turn them off, turn them off goddamn it" Daisy wave her hands at the camera, "is that all you care about! Tv cameras?" Mickey voice rang out of the crowd shutting everyone up- Bendy eyes widen seeing Mickey speak up. Mickey gotten up from his seat and storm over to the duck, "I CARE ABOUT SAVING LIFES! AMEILA FIELDMOUSE RUIN A VAUBLE TEACHING-" Daisy yell back, "VAUBLE!" Mickey scoff "NONE OF US WANTED THIS, WE DIDNT WANTED TO BE EXPERIMENTED AND PATRONIZE LIKE BUNNY RABBITS!!!" Mickey argue back. Daisy gasp "I DO NOT PATRONIZE BUNNY RABBITS!" Daisy voice took an offensive tone.
"This is the big secret Mickey" Fanny voice rang in Mickey ears. The rabbit circled around the mouse grinning wickedly "the adults are powerless".
"Minnie trusted you... you said you'll protect're useless" Mickey snarled, Fanny continued to speak "they can't help us now, nobody can help us- we're all alone in the ocean" Mickey snap his gaze at everyone in the crowd- his eyes seeming like daggers of glares into everyone and stumble back away from them "AND ALL OF YOU ARE IDIOTS!!!" Mickey bark, Oswald rush up foreword as if trying to catch Mickey before he falls "I think you should sit down now" Oswald suggested "NO!" Mickey argued and shove the rabbit away, "AMEILA IS A MONSTER JUST LIKE PETE AND MORTIMER THEY DIDN'T KILL THEM SELFS I KILLED THEM!!!!" Mickey shouted- everyone stood silent just dead silent- the mouse eyes widen his hands flying to cover his mouth, fear started to run through his body, true fear- "oh god " Mickey thought and stare at the crowd the mouse slowly started to lower his hands "....w-what you all this about that..." Mickey ask in a hush tone.
They all laugh, just laugh. "Anyone would say anything just to become popular" Amelia laugh. Mickey eyes widen but felt anger boiled inside of him the mouse turn away from the crowd and run out to find Minnie- he need to find her before she'll do something stupid.
"Mickey!" Oswald called out for the mouse.
Everyone continued laughing expect for Bendy.
A/N:I'm sorry it it took so long to update- I try to make it a good story for you guys, I hope you guys forgive me
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