Mickey eyes widen "I-I" the mouse stuttered his hand flying up to cover his neck but it only make Bendy more concerned. Bendy step forward "Mickey, what happen" Bendy ask again his voice came firm but soft showing he was worried for the Mouse, Mickey took a shaky breath getting lost in his thoughts trying to see how he can explain it to the creature, 'I shouldn't be shaken up, it was just a stupid thing- stop over reacting' Mickey told himself mentally, "M-Mickey don't cry please" Bendy begged.
Mickey eyes widen, was he crying? The Mouse raise his hand to his cheek feeling them wet from the tears "I-I'm crying?" Mickey question himself. Bendy gave a small frown and gently pull Mickey into his room closing his door behind the mouse and turning on the lights. Bendy room was clean and even had a writer desk like Mickey's but instead it had a lot art sketches on it.
Mickey walk towards the desk look at the sketches, it was mostly landscapes and some practice sketches of body parts. Mickey turn back to ask Bendy if he was planning to do art but found the creature digging through his dresser, the mouse just turn back to the desk to see more of the sketches till one stick out, Mickey move all the other drawings out of the way to see it was a sketching of him, the mouse eyes widen and study it, it was him sitting in a bean bag chair reading a book, the clothes he was wearing look familiar an high waist skirt and a black top that shows his shoulders, 'd-didn't I wear something like that, that other day..?' Mickey thought to himself but couldn't help but feel little better by the drawing, Mickey wanted to ask Bendy but felt it wasn't the right time.
Mickey place the sketches down and walk over to Bendy "what you looking for" Mickey ask looking over Bendy shoulder, Bendy turn his head to look at Mickey "oh I'm looking for clothes that will fit you" Bendy explain "oh um, I'm staying over?" Mickey tilted his head "do you wanna?" Bendy ask raising his brows, Mickey gave a thinking look but nods "I'll stay the night".
"I'm okay wearing over size clothes" Mickey stated, Bendy look at Mickey but shrugs and grab a long sleeve shirt and some Batman PJ pants "here you go" Bendy chirp "I gonna tell my dad that you're staying" Bendy explain and continued speaking "you can get whatever you want, okay?" Mickey nodded understand what Bendy saying.
Mickey open the kitchen fridge, the mouse already changes his clothe in the bathroom, he could have done it in Bendy room but he didn't want Bendy walk in on him changing, that would be bad.Mickey scan the fridge but found nothing that interest him. Mickey close the fridge and turn to look at living room to see Bendy talking to Joey both of their faces look serious 'Bendy probably explaining why I'm staying' Mickey hypothesized and went back up stairs but look outside at the porch and made his way to the double window door opening it feeling the cold air "oh yeah, winter is coming..." Mickey mutter to himself.
"Oh I found you" Mickey jump making Bendy laugh "I'm sorry if I scared you" Bendy apologized and gave Mickey a smile "do you wanna talk about...that mark on your neck?" Bendy ask his voice becoming softer Mickey close his eyes and his grip tightens on the bottle and took a shaky breath and start to tell what happen couple hours ago. When Mickey started talking about the part Mortimer did he couldn't help but to start crying mentally cursing himself again but felt felt Bendy wrap his arm around him hugging him, Mickey didn't hug back but lean into Bendy touch slowly closing his eyes, both quite, "I will drag him to hell" Mickey heard Bendy seethed and felt the hug slightly tighten, Mickey sniff "so after that you drove over here?" Bendy suggests "y-yeah" Mickey agreed.
Bendy pull away but still keep Mickey close "hey we should sleep" Bendy gave a calm smile to the mouse but Mickey could tell Bendy was enrage but the mouse nodded his head and follow Bendy to his room "we're remodeling the guest room, you can sleep on my bed, I can sleep on the floor" Bendy went to go grab a pillow "wait- Ben it's fine, I'm okay with sharing bed" Mickey went to the bed and sat down on it, "you-you sure?" Bendy question but Mickey nods and pat on the bed.
Mickey turn to his side on the bed, the room was dark due to Bendy turning off the lights and felt the bed shifts, Mickey looks to see Be day facing him "goodnight Mickey" Bendy voice whispered through the quite room, "Nighty night Ben".
Morning was kinda awkward for both the mouse and the creature but they both work it out together to get ready for school, Mickey reuse his clothes and got a head start to school hugging Bendy goodbye and thanking him for letting him stay at his place. Mickey made his way writing in his diary down the school hall 'Dear Diary, close call last night, uh the only person that can actually control Pete and Mortimer was Fanny. And she is dead-' "you should have thought of that before you killed me" Fanny voice came over Mickey right shoulder looking over it, Mickey yelp and turn around to face the transparent rabbit having blue liquid slowly dripping from her mouth and chin, 'even as a ghost she act and still looks like a bitch' Mickey sigh soon Fanny started hacking and choking "god! I'm gonna be coughing up drain cleaner for eternity!!!" Fanny spat at Mickey, but the mouse seem unfazed and went back to writing as Fanny continues trying to cough up the liquid.
'Uh, I didn't technically kill Fanny, I know that but I still feel bad...but not as bad as I should and that makes me feel even worst' Mickey finish writing closing his diary and putting his pen and book in his purse. Mickey look up and see Minnie and Amelia by Fanny old locker, The mouse frown in anger and starts to walk over to them with Fanny trailing behind him, "oh hey guys" Mickey use a disgusting cheery tone to grab their attention "I been looking forward to your apology for being cold ass bitches last night" Mickey snarled clutching his fist, but Amelia gave a surprise look and gasp "um, we're cleaning out Fanny locker, little respect" Amelia place her hand against her chest and took a step back acting like it offended her but Fanny laugh.
"Ugh Amelia was such a sad little Imposer" Fanny insulted but narrow her brows together when she notices Amelia was actually going through her stuff, "Mickey tell her to stop touching my stuff!" Fanny bark but Mickey ignore the rabbit but wince when it was so loud in his ears "Mickey?" Fanny cross her arm but growl "MICKEY!!!" Fanny shout trying to grab the male mouse attention, Mickey turn around to face the rabbit "SHUT UP!" Mickey snap but Fanny couldn't reply because Amelia reply faster "YOU SHUT UP!" Amelia reply, Mickey look at her confuse "I DON'T HAVE TO SHUT UP ANYMORE"Amelia announce holding up Fanny red scrunchy to the sky like it was a gift from God himself. Amelia then proceeds to tie her hair up with the red hair tie, "hey that Fanny scrunchy" Minnie protest.
"Shut up Minnie"
"Sorry Amelia..."
Mickey blink, confuse what just happen 'did Amelia just became like Fanny, by wearing her hair'. "Fanny is gone, its up to me to replace her" Amelia explain but Fanny just shook her head disapprovingly, "replace Fanny?" Mickey frown and actually defend the rabbit who was a bit taken back by Mickey actions. Amelia roll her eyes "puh-lease, you need to stop caring about me and more about your reputation" Amelia smirk, Mickey gave a worried look but puzzle one, "Pete and Mortimer, were telling the whole school about your 3-way last night" Amelia chuckled and smile at Mickey, "they alllll been saying their was a sword fight in your mouth" Mickey shook his head in disbelief but look around in the hall way with people staring at him, some pointed and smirk other look at him in disgust and some even look away as fast as they can not wanting to make eye contact, Mickey heart stop beating 'oh God oh God no-' Mickey head start to spin and felt like throwing up, 'how, what am I go-'
Mickey eyes widen and felt his face turn pale, he was visible shaking, he didn't want to hear that voice, not now, not at this moment. Mickey slowly turn around not to see Fanny but to see Oswald looking down at him his face showing slight anger and discomfort, Mickey breathing quickened when he saw the rabbit face.
"L-Look there was no 3-way"
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