Lost friend
Mickey was panting his eyes shut tight but open them again to stare down at Oswald,the rabbit eyes stares back to the mouse in shock "we are really damaged" Mickey repeated his voice calming down along with his breathing and his body relaxing. Oswald sat up pushing him self up with his arms,he open his mouth to speak but Mickey cut him off waving his hand to point at the rabbit "we're not special we're not gods! We don't choose who live or dies Ozzie!" Mickey spat, the rabbit lower his head as Mickey continues with his speech "let's be real here! Let's be teens, let's go see bad movies, grab some beers or watch tv" Mickey took a shaky breath "do you even want a life me?" Mickey ask keeping his head down looking at his feet.
Oswald eyes widen and stumbles to get you "I do want a life with you!" Oswald reach out his hands grasping onto Mickey's "...I get it, people hurt us" Mickey mumbled looking at Oswald hand, rubbing his thumb against his hand, "would they just disappear...?" Oswald ask sounding so defeated and small, Mickey frown "I know it sucks but we let go" Oswald look down and sigh "and take a deep breath?" Oswald ask, Mickey nods and gave a small smile.
"And how about buy some summer clothes" Mickey joke making Oswald smile, "we're damaged...but your love is to good to lose...we'll be normal, for you" Oswald finally agree pulling the small mouse into a tightly hug.
Monday, Mickey notices school seems a bit off due to Pete and Mortimer death but the mouse gave a soft smile knowing that will be the last, no more bloodshed. "And they live happily ever after" Fanny mock, making the mouse yip from her sudden appearance. Mickey turn to face the smirking rabbit, Fanny eyes glisten with mischief but she sigh and shakes her head "you you really believe that? Do you think it all goes back to normal" Fanny waves her hand out as she saying 'do you really think you world gonna be normal again'.
Mickey frown at the rabbit "hah, don't give me that wounded look" Fanny spat and place her hand on her hips "you know exactly what he is and you looove it" Fanny grinned but Mickey shook his head "stop talking" Mickey replied but Fanny grinned widen "only a true dead best friend would give it to you straight" Fanny chirp making the mouse groan and continued walking in the surprising empty hallway 'maybe it's because of lunch...but their always still students walking around' Mickey was getting lost in thought till he faintly heard a voice calling for him.
"Mickey!" Mickey turn around to see Ortensia running to him and stop front of him "Mickey I need your help!" Ortensia panted catching her breath, Mickey raise a brow- he haven't seen Ortensia for a while, it was like she disappeared from him and now all sudden she back. "Uh sure what is it?" Mickey ask still feeling Fanny presence draw closer to him, she also curious about what Ortensia needs. "Something doesn't add up! I think Pete and Mortimer were murdered!" Ortensia claimed, Mickey face went paled but Fanny laugh "well fuck me with a crowbar!" Fanny gasp, 'you can say that for the both of us' Mickey thought "Kitty getting onto you Mickey~"Fanny purred, Mickey face lost more of his color but tries to hide it by giving a puzzled look "why would you said that? They found a suicide note" Mickey protested but Ortensia shook head, "it could be fake! You do that all the time right?" Ortensia responded, she was clearly determined, "right.." Mickey muttered feeling fear crawling into him.
Fanny walk between them two and gave Mickey mischief look, "I am in love with this cat" Fanny grinned, of course the rabbit wasn't really in love, but she loves how Ortensia is getting all the puzzle pieces fast- 'Oswald better watch himself' Fanny thought turn herself. But what she just heard right now, she couldn't believed her ears and just had to laugh.
"That ridiculous, who would want to kill Pete and Mortimer" Mickey argued, "I think it was your friend, Oswald after what he did in the lunch room." Ortensia replied. Mickey heart sank the fear quickly took over him he could help to but to notices Fanny jaw drop and slowly look at Mickey from Ortensia "oh this girl goooooood" Fanny proclaimed and laugh. "Yeah man that suck!" Mickey ears twitch and turn to see Pete and Mortimer, they both were still in their boxers and still have the gunshot wounds, Mickey wince seeing them 'great 3 ghost...' Mickey but Ortensia still continue to talk.
"There something off about Oswald" Ortensia admits but Mickey wasn't paying attention to her, he was staring at the two dead jocks who were still talking, "looks like Mickey going to lady prison" Mortimer joked "girl on girl" Pete laugh, "punch it in!" Mortimer gave out his hand with his finger spread giving Pete the idea of what to do next, they both start scissoring their hands doing fake girly mining sounds, Mickey just stare at the two guys in disgust but they slowly stop seeing the looks on Mickey face- that was the face of a really upset Mouse.
Mickey turn his attention back to Ortensia who was still talking but it seem like Fanny was paying attention to her on what she was saying. "I wanna look at Oswald locker" Ortensia admits again, those were the words that Mickey didn't want to hear, "I thought that you can give me the combination for it" Ortensia ask but fanny snap in before Mickey can reply "I bet there all kinda of things in that locker" Fanny gasp and grins "like ich lügde bullets!" Fanny cover her mouth to show that she was in shock but then smirks knowing she pushing all of Mickey buttons.
The mouse back up "this is a pretty wild theory Ortensia" Mickey force out his eyes trying to not make eye contact with the cat. Ortensia frown "I don't care what they say at the funeral, Pete was not gay! I sake my life on it" Ortensia look away from Mickey but Mortimer laugh and pointed at Pete "HAHAAAAH PETE YOUR A FAGGOT!" Mortimer shouted at the male cat. Pete look at Mortimer with an annoying look "well at least I don't have skin marks." Pete pointed out in a monotone voice, "you little shit" Mortimer hiss trying to look at his back. Pete laugh and chanted.
"Skin marks"
"Skin marks"
"Skin marks"
Soon Mortimer started to argued back, both of their words sounding mush together giving Mickey a light headache, their were to many thing going on, with out thinking Mickey turn to the dead jock "stop it! Stop it!!" Mickey ordered. "Stop what?! Mickey what wrong with you!!!" Ortensia ask taken back from Mickey lash out, Mickey snap his head to the female cat, Ortensia had worrisome all over her face, Mickey shook his head and see from the corner of his eye, Pete and Mortimer fled before they can even get more of Mickey wrath.
"I-I am sorry, I'm trying to understand but Pete and Mortimer fire the gun at each other saying they were gay" Mickey stuttered, Ortensia shook her head and gave a stern look "he kiss remember on the kick balled field!" Ortensia protested, Mickey frown, his hands were getting sweaty from his fears "that was when we were in kindergarten" Mickey argued but Ortensia place her hand on her hips "but my heart knows the truth" Ortensia argued back.
"It's time to choose, eat or be eaten"
Fanny stood front of Mickey with her arms cross, she was challenging him. Mickey eyes slightly widen- He truly knows how Fanny works, the rabbit walk around the mouse as Ortensia continue to speak"why wouldn't he write me that note if he didn't have feelings for me" Ortensia claims holding her ground. "You know what to say"Fanny spoke again, Mickey clutch his fist trying to find anything in his brain to argue back but his fear got the best of him "I'm going to confront Oswald!" Ortensia went to go but Mickey grab onto the cat, Mickey was truly in panic, he knew if she confront Oswald, she would be killed too, no doubt, The mouse knows that he was The Who that will be eaten "Ortensia no do-"
"Do you have the guts!" Fanny bark
Mickey eyes widen, everything was like in slow motion 'be.like.Fanny' Mickey told himself and pulls away from Ortensia having a grin slowly spread to his face and gives a cheeky giggled, Mickey cross his arm "you amuse me Ortensia, you really do" Mickey chirp still having that dark grinned printed of his face, Ortensia gave a puzzle look "w-what...what do you mean?" Ortensia mumbled, Mickey scoff "Pete didn't write that love note, I did" Ortensia eyes widen from what Mickey told her, the mouse though he heard Ortensia heart got crush by the look of pain running over her face, "the Candy Girls put me up to it, the whole school was in on it, nobody laugh harder then Pete. He didn't love you- he was a dick" Mickey lied, he never wanted to do it, and only a few knew, not even Pete knew and yeah Mickey admit Pete was a dick but he could have changed and maybe even fell in love with Ortensia. But Mickey still had to keep going to sale it to the cat, Ortensia eyes tear up.
Mickey turn away from the cat, "and now he dead. Move on" Mickey spat and realize, he was copying every single one of Fanny movement, Ortensia tears started to roll down her cheek as she back away from the mouse turning to run. Once the Mouse heard the footsteps have faded, he turn to see Fanny smiling at him darkly. "Shit" Mickey curse, Mickey let arms drop "no look, I had to hurt her if Oswald caught her going through his stuff he would-" Mickey was cut off by the rabbit "KILL HER?" Fanny gasp but smiled and lean close to Mickey "is that what your afraid of?" Fanny ask but continue to speak after noticing Mickey shut his mouth quickly.
"I thought that little rabbit put up his six guns, don't you trust him?"
AN/: IM SO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT!!!! A lot things happen in my personal life that I just didn't have time for anything-but now I'm back on track, and I hope I can keep writing sorry fast, I kinda lost my motive for nearly everything I was doing- I kinda fell back into my deep depression but I got help from my lover and group of friends, I couldn't have updated this with out the push of them and the inner side of me wanting to continue to write this book and many more. Also, I'm sorry if this chapter seem so sucky, I will try to do better in the next chapter, again I'm sorry that this one sucks! Not only that but I also thought this song would be good with this story- (I was thinking that I should put a song with the chapter that can relate to the chapter) I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and the music.
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