My biggest fear
"God damn you Chanyeol, I can't walk."
"Don't complain about something so beautiful."
"Me limping is beautiful?" Baekhyun hissed.
"No, but the reason why is, babe." Chanyeol said in a low voice and was about to kiss Baekhyun.
"Don't you dare, Park." Baekhyun warned. "Where is the place we need to attend?"
"Over there, but we are a bit too early, come on let's eat some ice cream."
Baekhyun nodded and walked towards the ice café . Chanyeol sighed with a smile, gazing his boyfriend from head to toe, the red pullover and the tight jeans let him look hot.
"Huh, I'm sorry!!" A high voice sounded out, Chanyeol looked down and saw a small girl standing infront of him who just bumped into the taller man.
"It's fine, just be careful okay?"
She nodded and ran away.
"Babe, wait" Chanyeol said and grabbed Baekhyun's shoulder, the moment the person turned around Chanyeol noticed that this wasn't his boyfriend. "Oh, I'm sorry" Chanyeol apologized. The guy just smiled at walked away.
"Hey, cheater, over here." Baekhyun called Chanyeol to one of the tables of the cafe. Chanyeol walked over to him and took a seat. "Stop flirting infront of me."
Chanyeol laughed and grabbed the card. "Do you know what you want?"
Baekhyun nodded and smiled at Chanyeol. Both ordered a coffee, but to that Baekhyun ordered ice cream.
The atmosphere was really calm in spain, the weather was warm and the people looked happy. A lot of cultures at one place.
"Let's take a picture and send it to your mom!!" Baekhyun reccommanded. Chanyeol agreed and put out his phone. Baekhyun prepared himself with a V sign, but unexpectedly Chanyeol kissed him on his cheek.
"Wait, you can't send this to mother Chanyeol!"
Chanyeol pressed a few buttons on his phone."But I did already." He smiled. "Wait, I'm going to the bathroom quick."
The ice café was full with foreign people. Chanyeol walked towards a worker and asked where the bathroom is, unfortunally they don't have one. The woman recommended him to go to the shop of the other side of the street.
He thanked her and walked pass Baekhyun. "They don't have a bathroom I need to go to the other store over there."
Chanyeol passed all the tourists and the waterfountain, the city was quiet big. He went into the shop, asked for a toilet. After finishing his buisness he went out as soon as he could.
The moment Chanyeol left the shop he searched for the ice café where Baekhyun was waiting for him. It was strange to him, because people were running away, screaming, bumping into him.
The steps fastened towards the café, a limping Baekhyun was walking towards him, only his silhouette was visible. "Chanyeol, run!!"
"Baekhyun!" He screamed and was about to run towards his limping lover, but a sudden explosion threw the elder male back. Four maybe five metres Chanyeol was thrown back, his hands and face were covered in bruises, pants ripped.
He tried to stand up but he couldn't, he turned his body to the café, atleast to that what was left of the café.
It was burning and covered in blood. Corpses laying on the ground here and there, injured people trying to save themselves. Others were already crying.
Baekhyun, where was he? "Baekhyun. . ." Chanyeol whispered and took his last strengh to stand up. "Baekhyun!!" He screamed, trying to crawl towards the frazzled building.
"Sir, Sir you need to leave! Bombs are placed all over the place." A tall male in a police uniform took hold of the injured Chanyeol.
"I won't leave without my boyfriend. ." he whispered. "Baekhyun! BAEKHYUN!" Chanyeol screamed in pain, his lung felt like bleeding. He tried to to stand up once again but he felt so weak, he fell on the ground, his body feelt heavy, everything went black.
No energy left to think.
oh shiz.
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