What Makes You Beautiful
"Harry, Harry, I'm ready to go!" Louis said, bouncing around.
"Okay, Lou. Just let me grab my wallet and then we can leave."
"Yay!" Louis cheered and ran over to the door.
"He's so cute," Harry though smiling a little. They went out to the coffee shop every Saturday, and every time Louis was just as excited.
Harry grabbed his wallet of the counter and slipped it into his back pocket, walking over to Louis.
Louis held his hand expectantly out to Harry who laughed and took it in his own. Harry opened the front door, and they stepped outside into the cool air.
Baby, you light up my world like no body else
The way that you flip your hair get's me over whelmed
They walked down the sidewalk, swinging their hands between them.
"Do you think I'm pretty?"
"I think you're beautiful, Lou. You are so so beautiful.
Louis smiled, blushing and looking down at his feet.
And when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell
You don't know you're beautiful.
"Why baby?"
"You weren't reading all those hate comments on Twitter again, were you?"
"Louis.... please, baby, you have to stop reading those. They aren't true, you know that. You are the most beautiful person alive, and I will always love you. I love you so so much. Don't let anyone tell you other wise."
If only you saw what I can see
You'd understand why I want you so desperately
"Don't be sorry, baby. You just have to know that they could never change my love for you. What do they know?"
"But they said I was ugly and I can't sing."
"Of course you can sing. How do you think you got so many successful songs?"
"I- I don't know."
"If they don't like your songs, they don't have to listen to them. I love you songs, and that's what matters."
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe
You don't know you're beautiful
That's what makes you beautiful
Harry smiled at him as he opened the coffee shop door. A little bell rang as they stepped in side.
"I love you," Louis said.
"Love you too, baby."
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