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***Dek's POV***
"Baby. You have to get up." I groan as Elik kisses my lips softly.
"I can't." I whimper.
"What's wrong? Are you still sore?" Elik looks at me worriedly.
"I don't know. I don't feel good." I roll over and push my face into my pillow. Everything feels horrible. I sniffle as I try to hide the tears that are building behind my eyes.
"Baby? Seriously. You're scaring me." Elik tries to pull me out of the blankets, receiving a loud cry of pain from my trembling lips.
"It hurts so much." I squeeze my eyes shut, begging the heat in my abdomen to stop. I have never felt like this after sex. We hadn't even had sex for two days.
"I'm taking you to the doctor. I'm done playing. I have asked you and begged. It's been two fucking days." Elik grabs my face and hisses. He pulls his hands back as if he has touched fire.
"You're burning up. I'm calling an ambulance." I want to argue with him. I really do. But, I can't. I feel like I'm on the verge of throwing up.
I jump from the bed and fall to my knees. I scurry to the toilet and cry out. Everything hurts, it's so much fucking pain. I puke and scream as my stomach protests the jerking movement.
"BROADY! CHANCE!" Elik yells loudly. My ears hurt from the loud screech.
"I'm going to get you up. It's going to be okay. Just hold on." Elik wipes my head and kisses my forehead. I close my eyes.
"What's wrong?" I can hear them asking.
"We gotta get him down stairs. Carefully. I called 911. He's burning up. He keeps holding his stomach." Elik stands and I can feel my arms being lifted. I can't do anything but look around.
"Ow. Ow. Ow." I screech. The way their holding me is causing severe pain.
"Hand him to me." Broady grabs me in his arms and I cling to him like my life line.
"Dek. Buddy, you're on fire." Broady worries.
"I'm dying. I'm not being dramatic. I'm gonna throw up." I turn my face and get sick over the side of Broady's shoulder.
"I got it. Just get him to the living room." Ana rubs my back gently.
Broady lays me down on the couch and I shiver. My teeth chatter loudly.
"Don't worry love. They are coming." Elik wraps me in a blanket causing me to sigh.
"Their here." I can hear Cali yell. The door opens and I'm immediately faced with two paramedics.
"What's going on?" The dark haired man asks me.
"Pain. My stomach. Here." I point to the throbbing heat in my abdomen between panting the words out.
"When did this start?" The second paramedic begins taking my temp and my blood pressure.
"Two days ago. Started with a stomach ache. He has been in bed for two days." Elik whispers.
"We are taking him to the emergency department of Cedar's. Who is riding? Everyone else has to follow." The paramedics get me on a gurney and push me through my house.
"I want my husband." I whimper and reach out for Elik.
"I'm right here baby. Always right here." Elik kisses my fingertips sweetly.
A severe and debilitating fire rips through my side. I scream out in holy fucking agony. My god, this is hell. My eyes roll and darkness overwhelms me.
***Elik's POV***
"What's happening?" I frantically call out.
"He passed out. We're almost there. I promise they will update you when he is stable." The paramedic gives me a sympathetic look. I just want to cry.
Dek is out cold. His skin is red. Goosebumps are over his body. They are hooking him up to IVs and yelling for the driver to go faster.
I hold the back of my head while I watch them do everything they are capable of. I just hope it's enough.
All day yesterday Dek had been in and out of the bathroom. He barely opened his eyes except to relieve himself. He was whiny and clingy. I assumed he had a virus.
He fell asleep at six thirty pm and slept until I just woke him. I was seriously getting scared. Dek is a morning person. He has never laid in bed all day. Not after his parents and not even after he was drugged.
I stare at my husband. God, I would give anything to make him be alright.
I jump out of the way as the ambulance rolls to a stop. The doors to the emergency department open up and Dek is wheeled away from me. A nurse comes over and starts asking so many questions.
"I need you to fill out these papers. As soon as possible, I will have you back there with your husband. Just do as much as you can." I nod my head and begin the tedious task of answering everything I can.
I shoot a group text to our friends and family.
It seems like an hour passes as I sign the last line and hand over our insurance card to the intake lady.
"Just go update your family. I will come get you shortly." The sweet nurse points me towards the waiting room.
I am faced with eleven people who want answers.
"What did they say?" My mom rushes over to me and leads me further into the room.
"Nothing yet. They took him straight back. The nurse will update us soon." I take a seat and lean against my dad. I'm so fucking scared.
"Hey. Don't stress. He is in good hands." I nod quietly.
"What happened?" I hear Uncle Ian.
"Dek was down for two days. We really thought it was a stomach bug. Maybe even the flu." Yani fills in the parents.
"Then Elik called us to his room. Dek looked like shit. Holding his stomach, getting sick and crying out in pain." Chance continues the story.
"Exavier." I stand up as soon as I hear our name.
"They are running a couple tests. We're pretty sure he is going to need surgery. You will need to come sign the authorization forms. Your husband has already been sedated. You can go back for a minute. But, we need to get going." The nurse ushers me forward to follow. I walk away without another word.
I sign the new stack of papers and they lead me to the back rooms. Dek is out of it. I doubt if he even knows I am here.
I tenderly brush his hair back and kiss his forehead.
The doctor comes in and shakes my hand. I give him a nod and keep looking at my husband.
"We did an abdominal ultrasound. It's the fastest test we could manage. Your husband is suffering from a ruptured appendix. They are prepping the operating room now. He will stay for a few days. He will feel a lot better once the dead tissue is removed and he is clear of infection. These things have a very high success rate and a minimal recovery. Just be patient and you can see him soon." The doctor pats my shoulder. I kiss Dek's lips quickly and head back down the halls.
I deliver the news to my anxious family.
"His appendix burst. Their taking him back now. We just have to wait." I take a seat next to Uncle Ian and Dad, groaning into my hands. I should have just brought him in yesterday.
"Don't do that." Uncle Ian rubs my back.
"He was so sick. I should have known." I cry into my hands. I should have fucking known.
"That's impossible." Aunt Molly comes to me and hugs me.
"Baby, this stuff is sudden and often without any symptoms. The important part is that he is getting it taken care of. Just don't blame yourself." I nod again. She's right.
The receptionist hands me a little beeper and explains to bring it to the desk when it vibrates and lights up. I thank her and take the little timer with me.
"Here." Cali pushes a cup of coffee in front of me.
"Thank you." I whisper.
"He's a tough one. Everything will be fine." Cali takes a seat in front of me, on the floor. She turns and lays her cheek on my knee. I smile at her and run my fingers through her hair. It calms me.
"Well hell. I'm next." Cherry giggles.
"Sure." I whisper.
Waiting. Every second feels like a god damned day. The air is cold, sterile. It reminds me of the beginning, our first hours together. A few more people are added to the party but, all the same.
"Hey, what the fuck?" Jamie comes up to me and grabs me in his massive arms. I gladly let him hug me.
"Appendix." I whisper again. My voice is not fighting to project.
"Why didn't you call?" Marcus stands anxiously to the side, biting his fingernail bed.
"Sorry." I murmur.
Marcus' fingers card through my hair gently. He coos as he stands beside me.
"It will be alright."
"I know. I just can't get the midnight whimpers and screams to silence." I hold my head in agony, a headache thumping mercilessly at my temples.
"I have Advil." Marcus' pushes his hand towards me. I take the gel caps and swallow them quickly down.
"Have you eaten?" Mom comes up to me and smiles softly.
"I'm not hungry." I shake my head. My husband is being split open as we speak. Food is so far away from my mind.
"You look tired." Zaya stares pitifully at me.
"Haven't slept much." I rub my burning eyes. The sleepiness causing that dry blurry feeling.
We wait for over an hour. Every nerve successfully frayed within my body.
The little beeper goes off, shocking me.
"Exavier." I stand with the call of my name.
"He is in recovery. We removed the appendix and irrigated the infection from his abdomen. He's doing great. Still sleeping. Go get something to eat and drink. We will let you know when he is in a room." The nurse takes the beeper and we say thank you.
"See, nothing to worry over, now." Uncle Ian hugs my shoulder. I release that stifled breath that had made a home in my throat.
"I'm still not hungry." I follow everyone to the cafeteria. We all just stand in line for gourmet coffee.
I watch Yani and Chance talking. I see our petite best friend smiling and giggling. I love these people.
Dad, mom, Ian and Molly sit at a table while all our friends sit me down at a larger one.
"You know he's fine, right?" Cherry looks at me with her flaming, wild curls bouncing.
"Haven't wrapped my head around it. I will." I take a sip from the coffee, wishing it was Starbucks.
"I bet he will be so happy when he gets to see you." I smile up at Cherry. I miss him so much and it had only been a few hours.
"You know what?" Yani walks over to me and grabs my hand. I stand for the little female. "Let's go down to the gift shop."
I follow behind Yani and everyone seems to agree with going.
I roam the store and look for something that will make my husband smile. Finally, I find the only thing that could make me crack a grin during this waiting period. I quickly grab the gift and pay for it.
The cashier smiles and hands me a gift bag, along with my receipt.
We make our way back to the waiting area and I go to the nurse's station. I just need a timeline.
"How much longer before Deklyn Exavier will be out of recovery?" I wait patiently as she checks her computer.
"Good timing actually. You can go back. A couple at a time, but if you all walk past me, I didn't see anything." The old lady smiles with a wink.
I rush back down the hall and grab my family's attention. "He's out. Come on. Stay quiet." I wave my hand towards the hall and walk down to the room she gave me.
I knock gently on the door and walk through carefully, in case they are still doing anything important.
"It's okay. He's just waking up." The biggest smile lights my face as I catch the opening eyes of my love. I rush over and quickly place my hand over his, giving it a light squeeze.
"How you feeling baby?" I ask. I want so bad to squeeze him.
"A thousand times better than this morning." Dek gives me a tight smile and I feel relief flood my system.
"I love you. I'm so sorry." I kiss his cheek.
"I love you. Don't be sorry. You got me here. Thanks." Dek turns his head and looks at me. I just stare at his beautiful face.
"Everyone wants to come in." I whisper. The nurse opens the door and lets the crowd by.
"Okay." Dek moves his head to the other side.
"There's our star. Glad to see you awake." My dad comes over and takes my place next to my husband.
"Glad to be out of pain." Dek looks a hundred shades of fucked up. I imagine he is on the good stuff.
"Here. We got you some get well soon presents." Mom hands my love a few gift bags and a huge bouquet of flowers. I roll my eyes. Those aren't going to get the attention they need.
"Thank you. Beautiful." Dek looks over at me and reaches his hand out. I immediately make way right back to him. I pull a chair up and sit beside him.
"I missed you." I whisper.
"Me too, babe." Dek is so quiet it is almost funny. This man is usually a ball of energy.
"I have a gift for you." Yani hands Dek a small bag and Dek pulls up off of the bed. I rest my hand behind his back so he won't put to much pressure on his stomach.
"Open it." Yani smiles over at Dek and winks at me.
Dek fumbles, tiredly with the paper. He pulls out a small box and a card envelope.
"Read it together." Chance encourages.
Dek pulls the card from the envelope that has a tiny bear on the front.
"Actually, out loud." Yani claps her hands.
I take the card and open it. I read the words as I see them.
"Congratulations. You're going to be amazing parents."
I look at the card with just a tiny bit of confusion. It's kind of cryptic.
Dek grabs the card and the bag. He pulls open the box and it hits me.
"Yani?" Dek cries out.
"Yea, Dek." Yani smiles like she didn't just do this to us.
"Are you serious?" Dek starts crying. And, I mean like full fledge tears flowing freely down his gorgeous face.
I look at the obvious two lines on the E.P.T.
"We found out this morning. I'm pregnant. You're having a baby." Yani nods her head. I jump up to grab her. But, nope.
"Fuck yes! I'm getting a grandchild!" Dad yanks Yani's tiny little body to him and kisses her head.
"Dad don't break her." Dek laughs.
"Sorry." Dad just stares like Yani is Princess Diana. He wipes the water from under his eyes and cups her face super gently.
"Thank you." Dad whispers to our little best friend incubator.
"Now the fun part." Uncle Ian looks at Dek and me.
"What's that?" Dek asks, confused.
I know for a fact that I wasn't the only one in that room that groaned.
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