This Is It
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***Elik's POV***
This is it!
Everything I have ever dreamed of is getting dressed in the hotel room down the hall. I'm here with my Dad, Uncle Ian, Chance and Broady. We're sipping scotch and pretending to get dressed.
"How much longer?" I yell across the room. No point in putting on finishing touches until right before we walk out.
"Ceremony in an hour, you have to be at the alter in 45 minutes." Chance chimes his morning mantra, replacing the minutes every single time I ask.
"You nervous?" Dad asks me.
"No. Not at all. That's why my shirt is still on the fucking hanger. I don't want to get married with pit stains." I roll my eyes.
Fuck yeah I'm nervous. I don't even know why. I'm sure this is normal.
"Alright smart ass." Dad comes and wraps his arm around me.
"Aren't you supposed to be giving me a huge speech about not fucking this up, finally being a man and this being the biggest day of my life?" I ask incredulously.
"Well, you just did it for me. Thanks." Dad chuckles before he sets down his tumbler that is now empty of scotch.
"Elik. You have been a man, a damn good one, for a while now. The day you met Deklyn, you became an even better man, if that was possible. This is the biggest day of your life. This is the happiest day of your life. This is the beginning of a very happy life. Don't fuck up, not that you would. I love you with every ounce of my very being. I love Deklyn with the same heart that I already shared with you. Break his heart, you break mine. I would hate to have to kill you." Dad brings me in for a hug and I'm wondering how the hell that was a fucking pep talk.
"Okay my turn." Chance moves Dad to the side and wraps his arm over my shoulder.
"So, I see it like this. You two are going to fuck, love and fight. That's a given. Fuck hard, love harder and fight only when the battle is worth the loss." Chance belches and I realize that we may have a drunk wedding party.
"That's good shit. Gold actually." Dad high fives Chance.
"I'm the best man. I'm required to give a speech later. Don't trip, don't pass gas and don't say the wrong name." Broady busts into a fit of laughter and I'm reeling that I chose this bastard as my best man.
"Elik, come here." Uncle Ian grabs my hand and holds it firmly.
"You are truly amazing. You came to Dek at his lowest. Not only did you bring him back from an abyss that could have swallowed him whole, but you brought him higher. Dek deserves the world. As do you. Just let your heart guide you in everything. Every decision, every word and every action should be regarded in love. The Bible says in all things do with love. If you follow that one simple command, everything else falls into place. You and Dek are beautiful. Don't forget the small things that made you fall in love with him. In those moments where you feel like storming out and walking away, remember those tiny things. Then remember, there will always be somebody hoping for you two to fail. Make sure to disappoint them. I love you. I'm so proud to have you as my second son." Uncle Ian kisses my forehead.
That's what I was looking for.
"What he said." Dad belches and I rub my hand over my face.
This is going to be interesting.
"Enough talk. Get your clothes on, style your hair. We have places to be and tears to shed." My mom walks in and grabs my shirt off the hanger. She helps me slip it on and begins buttoning it for me.
"We sure did make a gorgeous young man. Not just your looks, but you are stunning inside and out." Mom rolls the sleeves on my white shirt and pats my hand. "I love you Elik. I am so proud of you."
I kiss my mom and give her a hug. I feel my head being pulled away from her.
"Ouch, motherfucker." I groan out.
"Hold still ass hat." Chance starts styling my untamed locks.
"We walk out in ten. Finish your drinks, take a good piss and then straighten the fuck up. Act like we aren't blitzed. Elik is getting fucking married." Chance yells in the air followed by a howl.
I really should have hired some stand in best friends.
We scurry around the hotel room cleaning up a little and making sure we are all presentable. I take a good look in the mirror and pray that this day is everything my love has ever dreamed of.
All of my dreams are coming true.
"Let's go." Chance grabs my hand and we are followed out of the room by dad, Ian and Broady.
I pass through the halls of the hotel and think about what might be going on down the hall in the opposite direction.
"He's getting dressed. They are giving him a heart to heart. He is probably nervous and counting down the seconds until he gets to look at you. Calm the fuck down and walk this way." Broady throws his hand over my shoulder after answering my unspoken question.
"Thank you." I whisper as we walk towards the exit of the hotel.
"No thanks needed Champ." Uncle Ian opens the door that leads directly to the reception area and on to the beach.
This is it.
I slowly take the path through the warm sand that will lead me to my first night of forever.
***Dek's POV***
"What time is it?" I call out above the peaceful music the girls insisted on playing.
"You have 30 minutes before we leave the room." Cali yells back to me.
My heart is pitter pattering at a steady rhythm of nervous. I can't wait to see Elik. I miss his fucking face.
"Dek, Sweetheart, let me help you finish." Aunt Molly walks over to me and begins rolling my sleeves.
Maggie comes back in the room and starts fiddling with my collar.
"You're stunning." Maggie kisses my cheek.
"Thanks, Mom." I whisper.
"Son, oh my, it's fixing to be official." Maggie starts crying and Zaya walks over, handing her a tissue.
"No tears until the ceremony, please." I beg. I flutter my lashes and try to get the moisture to evaporate.
"Dek, I'm going to style your hair. Come. Sit." Cali pats the chair in front of the bathroom mirror.
"I'm not a bride." I groan.
These people are treating me like a princess.
"You're the first of us to get married. Don't take this from me." Yani cups her hand along my cheek.
"Dear, did you want your lip ring?" Aunt Molly hands me my jewelry.
"Yes, thank you." I work quickly to line the ring up in my mouth while Cali runs product through my hair.
"Okay. Serious talk." Maggie kneels down beside me and clasps my hand. She takes a big breath and stares up at me. I squeeze her hand and look into her pretty green eyes.
"I know that we can't be what you have lost. But, I promise to treat as my very own. I love you Deklyn. You have made my son so happy. You have filled spaces in our lives that we didn't even know were empty. You have everything you need except something old." I look down as Maggie's hands clasp on a small box.
"It was Elik's grandfather's." Maggie whispers.
She clasps a set of dog tags around my neck. I stare down and realize that I have no business with such a gift.
"I can't accept this." I whisper. My heart clenches.
"You can and you will. My Dad gave this to me when I was getting married. I didn't get a daughter or a second son to give it to. Please take it. Elik wears the ones that Zan's father gave him. We added a tag to each one of yours." I read both tags and realize that the new one says beautiful in his eyes. I have to blink steadily to read clearly.
"Wow." I breathe out.
"That's what Elik told us when we asked him why he wanted you. He said because he is beautiful in my eyes. And he wasn't talking about your stunning good looks Dek. Your heart is platinum. Any one can see that." Maggie stands and kisses me.
"We have to start walking." Cherry grabs my hand and pulls me from the chair. I get a group hug from six amazing women.
Grabbing my champagne, I quickly throw it back. I rub my lips with my thumb and forefinger to wipe away any left over residue.
I close my eyes and breathe slowly. Today is the day. I'm marrying the man of my universe.
I open my eyes and try to steady my shaking hands.
In. Out. Just breathe.
I take deliberate breaths. My feet carry me towards the door of the hotel room. My hand clamps down and I slowly push on the handle.
The cool air of the hallway washes over me. It works minimally to steady my growing nerves.
"Come on Dek. It's just Elik." Cali wraps her delicate fingers around my hand and squeezes reassuringly.
Just Elik.
Just the most incredible human being to grace the Earth.
No big deal.
The dog tags lightly bounce across my chest. They are a small reminder that I am a part of a family, a huge family.
I have friends. I have people who adore me. I have everything.
I tightly hold onto Cali as she leads me down the hallway to the foyer of the grand hotel.
"Dek you're as nervous as a whore in church." Zaya spins around and grips my face in her hands. "You, Deklyn Reese Jackson, are amazing. We love you. Calm the fuck down. This is about you and Elik. Enjoy it. This only happens once."
My heart pounds.
If that was supposed to calm me down, it failed harder than Obamacare.
Sighing, I will myself to get my shit together.
Small, steady, steps bring me closer to the beach. I hear the ocean waves calmly caressing the sand. My heart relaxes. It decides that today it can give me a small reprieve.
The smell of salt, sand and sea infiltrate my senses and peace fills my soul.
My feet hit the warm tile of the reception area and I bask in the steady ground below my toes.
Every step is one closer to forever.
I finally make it to the edge of the makeshift reception area. My neck can't seem to gather the strength to lift my head. I close my eyes again and attempt to take the five tiny stairs that will lead me to the aisle.
Counting quietly, staring at my feet, I begin the decent.
You can do this.
It's Elik.
He's waiting for you.
This is it.
Warm hands link with each of my own and my head snaps up, my face turning from my left to my right.
"Didn't think you were doing this alone." Uncle Ian kisses my left temple.
"We got you." Zayne kisses my right temple.
I lift my hands, still being held by these two wonderful men, and wipe softly at the tears walking down my cheeks, racing to the ocean sand.
"Thank you." I whisper, trying desperately not to lose all sense of control.
"We love you." Both men gently whisper.
"I love you too, so very much." These fucking tears are relentless.
The music starts and our three right feet take the first step, followed by our left feet completing the first step towards my forever.
The crowd stands, turning to face me. All eyes are staring at me. I guess I am the bride, just playing. I'm a fucking groom.
My heart beats wildly as I lift my head and stare straight in front of me.
My eyes meet the steel blue eyes of my dreams and nothing can stop me. My feet take their journey on their own volition.
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