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***Dek's POV***
"Baby, we're going to be late." Elik reminds me. He's busy getting ready. It's quite comical.
His nerves are on edge.
They shouldn't be. I mean it's our bachelor party. We should be pre-gaming and stumbling by now.
"No we won't be. Babe, calm down. We're the guests of honor. No one is going to complain if we show up fashionably late." I chuckle when he hops around on one foot trying to zip up his boot.
"I don't want to be late. Please. Hurry." Elik throws me a pleading look.
"Alright. Chill. I just need my jacket and keys. See all better. Let's go." I reach out my hand to my gorgeous fiancée.
"You look delectable." I softly grab his chin and kiss his worried lips.
"Thanks." Elik rubs his hands up my jaw and returns my kiss.
"Now, lets get this party started." I smile and pull Elik out of our bedroom.
"Who's ready to get pirate wasted?" Broady hands us a shot of Jager and we do a cheers.
I throw back the cough syrup flavored liquor and accept the second shot without thought.
The girls swallow the second shot and we head out to the limo that awaits us.
As soon as we sit down, champagne is passed out.
"To a night no one will forget and hopefully stories we try not to remember. To our two best friends, the grooms. I hope life treats you by the measure in which you treat others. Thanks for carrying us along in this ride we call life." Chance lifts his glass and we follow suit.
"To the two sexiest mother fucking grooms in history." Broady chuckles as he swigs back his glass.
"We should slow down before we forget the limo ride." Yani giggles as she hiccups.
"No fun in that, sweetheart." Chance winks at Yani and she giggles again.
"Where are Mom and Dad?" I ask abruptly.
"Headed there to pick em up. Then Uncle Ian and Aunt Molly." Cali flashes her million watt smile at me.
"I love drunk Aunt Molly." I throw myself against the leather limo seat and smile at the moon roof.
"I love drunk Dek." Elik leans over me and climbs on my lap. Zaya hits the button on the speakers and a seductive song plays.
"I love lap dances." I wink at my stunning man as he starts gyrating his hips across my lap.
"Hey. Save some for the party." Broady chuckles.
"Shhhhh. No cock blocking the groom." I growl out .
"My bad. Fair enough." Broady starts hooting when Elik lays his arms over my neck and slowly rolls his hips in my hands.
"Have mercy." I purr.
"I'm gon' ride, I'm gon' ride, I'm gon' ride, I'm gon' ride on you baby, on you baby all night. All night. I'm gon' take care of your body. I'll be gentle don't you scream." Elik whispers the words across my lips. I am fucking reeling.
"Fuck that's hot." Cali starts dancing in her seat.
I'm so into the man in my lap. I don't even realize the limo has stopped.
"Christ, I think I just got pregnant." Aunt Molly giggles as she stumbles into the seat beside me.
"Someone had a few before she got dressed." Uncle Ian shifts Aunt Molly into his lap and places a kiss in her neck. Aunt Molly squeals like a school girl and I chuckle.
"Where are we going?" I ask.
"Nice try, not happening." Uncle Ian punches my shoulder.
"No hitting the groom." I bark.
"You can't use the groom excuse all night." Cherry laughs.
"I can. I will." I put my hands on Elik's ass and walk my fingers up his spine. I dig in softly and make him press against my lap.
"Keep on. You two will be banging in the limo while we party." Uncle Ian guffaws.
"Fine by me." I sink my teeth into Elik's neck.
No lie, I'm ready to mount him in front of everyone.
Elik moans and my hips buck.
"I need a drink." Uncle Ian groans.
"Shots." Elik whoops. I smile at my buzzing groom and grab the first shot that Zaya pours.
"Wait. Wait." Zayne climbs in and grabs a shot, he pulls Maggie in behind him.
Once again, I was distracted. I don't even notice the change in the car's speed.
"Mom, Dad!" I high five Zayne.
"Someone's feeling good." Maggie smiles.
"I'm marrying your son! I feel Amaaazzzing." I sing.
"One last stop." Broady tells the driver. He smiles and tips his hat. The limo moves forward.
"Thought this was everyone." Elik wipes the bead of sweat off his forehead and leans against my shoulder.
"Seriously? What kind of party is this without Jamie and Marcus?" Yani asks. She falls back on Chance and he cuddles her into his chest.
"Fuck Yes! This night just got better." I fist pump the air.
"Funny, months ago I wanted to rip his throat out." Elik laughs.
"Yeah, but that's the past. Tonight is to the future!" Maggie pinches my cheek causing me to wince.
We pick up the two love birds and start shoveling shots down their throats. They actually thought they would be sober tonight.
My head is light and my blood is pumping when the limo driver stops the car and opens our door for us. We stand in front of a large building and it's obvious where we are.
We step through the doors. The music is blasting and we are ushered to a roped off section.
"Grooms party? Right over here." A gorgeous drag queen pulls my hand and leads us to our seats. I get sat in one chair that resembles a throne and Elik gets sat beside me in a matching seat.
"Enjoy your night at FuBar." She bends down and kisses my cheek and then kisses Elik's lips. I smile as she saunters off with too much sway in her hips.
"Looks like I'm just a snack tonight. You are the main course." I laugh when Elik winks.
A waitress comes by and drops off a tray full of drinks, a bottle of champagne and a bottle of Patron.
"Welcome everybody," the Master of Ceremonies yells into the mic.
"Tonight is a very special evening. We are sharing the club with our grooms, Elik and Dek. If you see them, don't be afraid to congratulate the boys." The guy points us out and a spot light shines down on our thrones.
The club erupts in whistles and cat calls. We wave to the exuberant crowd.
"Because we have been hand selected from all the fine night life of Los Angeles, we will be catering to the groom's party. Tonight we will have a stripping, a dancing, a special treat and half off all mixed drinks. Dance, enjoy and for God sakes take those shirts off boys." The MC riles up the crowd for a second time in a few minutes.
"We could have went to a straight club." I say over the loud music.
"This is more fun." Broady fist bumps me.
We take the shots and are immediately refilled. The server brings us a bowl of limes and empty shot cups. She pours the patron out for our party.
"Thank you for including us." Jamie smiles brightly at Chance.
"Are you kidding me? I wouldn't miss this." Chance grins and I catch the glint in his eyes.
"Miss what, exactly?" Elik asks the question that I am thinking.
"Not even happening." Zayne shakes his head.
"To a night full of surprises." Maggie giggles.
"Ah, fuck. Why do I think this isn't going to end well?" I cover my face with my hands and laugh into my palms.
"It will end fine. It's the in between you better look out for." Zaya hops up and throws herself into my lap. I wrap my arms around her hips and kiss her nose.
"I'm not gonna complain about all this attention." I wiggle my eyebrows and thrust my hips up. Zaya smacks my shoulder and cuddles into my chest.
"Well I am going to bitch that my lap is empty." Elik pouts playfully.
Chance stands up and laughs manically when his large form sits down in Elik's smaller lap.
"Much better." Elik winks at me and I can't help but throw my head back and chuckle.
"Would the grooms please take your places on the stage?" I hear over the mic.
I look over at Broady and he just smiles knowingly.
I grab Elik's hand and play along.
"What have they got us into?" Elik groans.
"Eh, don't matter. We are supposed to do stupid shit tonight." I pull Elik towards the chairs in the middle of the stage.
"This is a no shirt stage. Please, kindly remove those tops and show off what you got." The, obviously male, lady in front of us makes grabby hands towards both Elik and me.
We quickly unbutton our shirts and hand them over.
"Now lean back and enjoy." The sexy drag queen pushes both our chests gently and we relax into the comfortable seats.
I glance around the club but, it's too dark to capture our crowd.
Music starts up and the lights on the stage brighten.
I anticipate whatever is to come.
"For your viewing pleasure, please make some noise for the dancers of Make it Rain."
The crowd goes crazy wild and the lights go down. I reach over and squeeze Elik's hand, not sure what the hell to expect.
"I love you." Elik yells loudly.
"I love you too, honey." The lights come on and a tiny little thing, a twink, lands on my fiancée's lap. He lands a kiss on Elik's cheek and winks.
I laugh because he stole my line.
Elik looks over at me. I can't even respond.
First off, the boy is fucking gorgeous. Second, I get one landing in my lap seconds letter.
The Pussy Cat Doll's Loosen Up My Buttons starts playing loudly.
I can't even. The small, hot number in my lap starts twerking and grabbing my hands. He places them on his hips. I throw my head back and bellow out a laugh.
This is fucking Epic.
I lose sight of everything around me. The little kitten, who is way too skilled with those hips, has his arms around my neck and shaking his money maker like a million dollars is on the table.
I move my hands to his ass and grope it unapologetically. I mean we're in a bar for fucks sake. I am a man after all.
Said dancer, bends down and licks the shell of my ear. I have to hold back the disgraceful purr that tries to escape.
It's not like I want to lay him down like a comforter. It's just, well, I'm a fucking man and I still have breath in my body.
I look over from the corner of my eye, Elik's little thing is pouring liquor down his chest and lapping it up like a dehydrated man.
I love it!
It's fucking sexy as Satan watching my man being worked over.
"GET IT, BABY!" I yell out over the music.
Elik cocks his brow and lifts his chin at me. He sends me a wink that makes me want to consensually rape him. Here! Now!
My play bunny, slides down my lap and presses his tongue against my happy trail. I spread my thighs so the little tiger can fit between my legs.
He laps up my abs and lands a warm tongue licks on my neck. His pearly whites work their way up my neck and he is starting a damn hickey.
I'm about to protest when he pops off me and and starts dancing in circles around me. His hands go up in the air and a peel of giggles comes from his sweet little mouth.
All in good fun, I crook my finger at the feisty devil.
He saunters over, sashaying them hips and turns so his leather clad ass lands in my lap. He bends over and rolls his hips like Shakira at the Super Bowl.
I place my hand in his and he pulls me up off my chair. Then he goes to town on a speeding train.
His hands tangle in my hair and he wraps his long leg around my hip. My hand automatically makes it's way to the small of his back. He leans back and his dick rubs across my abdomen.
My hips start swaying side to side letting him move his body like a stripper, me being the pole.
The music changes and Arianna Grande comes blaring thru the club. Side to Side never meant so fucking much.
Little trapeze artist, in my hands, hooks both legs around my waist and I'm holding the squiggling angel by his ass. He is completely lost in his seductive trance.
I sneak a peak at Elik. He's in the same position. His monkey has him up out of the chair and grinding like it will prevent the downfall of the Catholic faith.
Lord, be with us.
My love spins his boy around and sets him in the chair. I think he might be putting an end to the shenanigans. Oh no, he's decided to give the dancer a lap dance.
Hoots and hollers come from the crowd, our group being rowdier than the rest.
The music finally dies down and we are pushed back on our chairs, our entertainment ends up swapping partners. Now I have Elik's toy in my lap and vice versa.
Being a complete idiot, I high five my sexy man. Jesus this is a fucking blast.
"Now that you are all worked up, time for the real fun." The announcer waltzes across the stage. He is now wearing a shirt vinyl red dress and has his blonde hair up in pin curls. His make up is tastefully slutty.
"We have volunteers willing to embarrass themselves for the sake of our two studs. The grooms party has decided to give them a little show." The speaker points to the direction at the left of the stage. My eyes just about pop out of my head.
Marcus, Jamie, Chance and Broady come on stage in nothing but boots, studded collars and leather pants. Their abs are glistening and I won't even lie, I may have drooled.
Fuck me, they are sexy!
"I have died and gone to heaven." The twink in my lap starts fanning himself dramatically.
I grip his waist and give him a playful squeeze.
"Sorry." The adorable brunette cups my cheeks in his hands and pops a kiss on my lips.
I watch as Elik smirks at me. But, he doesn't have much room to talk when my last dancer gives him a peck on the lips too.
Elik fist bumps me and we turn back to our friends.
Pony comes on and I literally try not lose my shit. I fucking love this song. Magic Mike solidified this song as one of the sexiest in existence.
As if the gods above rained down miracles, my four friends start imitating Channing Tatum in THAT scene from the movie.
My little dancer scoots over in my lap and I rest my head on his shoulder. He spins around, straddles me and starts sucking my neck. He kisses my flesh while I get completely entertained by the choreographed dance my friends are putting on for me.
Broady and Chance slide across the stage on their knees and land in front of me and Elik. Chance winks at Elik while he rolls his body upwards and completely dry humps my baby.
Broady goes no easier on me and the boy in my lap gets a very noticeable erection.
Marcus dances behind me and feeds me shots as we are totally blown away by our not so private dances.
Jamie goes behind Elik and cups his jaw, leaning him back. Elik takes his shots like a champ.
When the song ends, I am a little sad that our show is over.
"Well, if you thought it couldn't get any sexier than that, you were wrong." The MC comes over the speakers and has the crowd screaming above his voice.
Our friends kiss us on our cheeks and walk off the stage.
Next thing I know the lights are dim. I can feel my little lap mate moving around. Then my sight is completely blocked. I reach up and realize I have been blindfolded.
I don't worry too much. But, damned if I wasn't wondering what they could possibly be planning now.
I hear a sultry melody fill my ears. I immediately pick up on The Weekend, Earned It.
Ah, shit. The fuck is happening now?
My hands become empty and my lap follows suit.
My sexy little vixen is no longer anywhere that I can notice.
My breathing accelerates when a cold tongue laps at the back of my neck.
I try really hard not to get a visible tent.
I fail!
I can feel my whole body tingle and I almost feel like I should sober the fuck up. This isn't okay.
Warm hands caress my chest and trail their fingers down my pecks.
I squirm a little. I'm not exactly comfortable in this setting without my man able to okay this type of intimate behavior.
I start to sweat as cool lips brush against my own. I do not want to do this with anyone but Elik.
"Relax, Baby. Enjoy." I immediately follow commands. My breathing spikes but, in a very acceptable manner.
My heart palpitates as familiar hands work their way around my neck and my lap is once again filled.
The weight is perfect. The ass that my hands come to cup is delectable. My whole body lights on fire when that sexy motherfucking pair of lips captures my own and pulls my lip ring between his teeth.
A loud moan works its way up my throat and I gladly let it out in a worship service to the lips that are parting my own.
That ice cold tongue swipes into my mouth and I grip Elik's ass tighter. My pitched tent becomes a pillar of titanium.
Fuck me. I want to ravish him.
The song plays as slow and deliberate movements brush across my cock. All I want is to leave. NOW.
"You're perfect Deklyn Jackson. Everything I could never think to ask for." Elik whispers into my mouth. His breath fanning over my tongue.
"I fucking love you." I husk out the words as I grab him by the back of the neck and take his tongue back into my mouth. My own appendage slithers in and out, massaging his muscle. My chest rises to meet his and the slick skin to skin contact is amazing.
"Our grooms appear to be having a moment." The announcer lets out.
I don't even care that we are making out on a stage, in front of hundreds of people. My everything is in my lap. He is delivering mouth watering kisses and electricity to my very soul.
"Wanna dance?" Elik requests.
I nod and the blindfold is lifted from my eyes. I smile brightly and let Elik take my hand. I walk with an eight inch erection stretching my skinny jeans.
Elik walks me to the dance floor and everyone steps to the side. Elik pulls me closely and devours my mouth. I cup his face and reciprocate the deep kiss.
"I'm so lucky." I whisper.
"Baby, you are everything. I'm the lucky one." Elik wraps his arms around me and I practically puddle at the God who has promised to walk this life with me.
I look up and see our group walking towards us. I smile and wave them over. The floor fills with people and a soft song starts playing.
When I focus on the song, I try desperately not to act like the bride. My eyes water.
Let Me by Zayne plays. It brings me back to the first night. The beginning. That night, me and Elik made love for hours. His body making promises and he obviously agreed to.
I lay my head down on Elik and sway to the music. His arms fit perfectly around me and I know I am with the one person who completes me in every way of any importance.
"I love you Elik. You are my everything." I whisper against his bare chest.
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