A special shout out to AndrewHass. You inspire me to write. You always read and vote. But, the thing that inspires is me is you make me feel like my work is important. Enjoy the rest of the book.
💖 Don't forget to vote/comment! 💖
***Elik's POV***
That's the only word that defines the week spent alone with Dek.
Our honeymoon was sheer bliss. But, I'm ready to go home. Both Dek and I realized, every once in a while you need a break from everyone and everything. But, at the end of the day, home is where family resides.
We stepped off the plane exhausted yet excited.
"I love you." Dek kisses me gently as he hands his bags over to me to stuff in the car. We pay our parking stub and drive off towards our family.
"I'm so glad to be home." I breathe out.
"Yes. I enjoyed our alone time. But, I miss our home and friends." Dek curls his fingers around my bicep as I drive.
"What's next?" I ask excitedly.
"Depends on what we are talking about." Dek sends me a smile that melts my damn heart.
"We're married. You have graduated. What do we do now?" I glance expectantly at my husband.
"Haven't thought that far ahead." Dek chuckles.
I hadn't either. Hence why I looked to Dek to put it in perspective. I lift his wrist to my lips and kiss his skin. "I love you Mr. Exavier."
Dek shyly smiles. He has not gotten used to the name. Every time he has heard it, a blush creeps along his skin.
I pull into the driveway and can not wait to get out. I hop out of the car and walk to Dek's side to open his door.
I offer him my hand to help him out. He takes it with a whispered thank you.
"Finally. Jesus that was the longest vacation ever." Cali jumps in my arms. Yani attacks Dek with kisses.
"We missed you too." Dek chuckles.
"Come on we made dinner." Zaya grabs our hands and drags us towards the front door.
"What did we do to you?" I whine. They can't cook. Facts.
"Oh hush. Ana made Dinner. You spoil everything." Cali smacks me playfully on the arm.
Thank god.
We enter the house to the smell of fried chicken and my mouth waters.
"We love you Ana." Both Dek and I run towards our friend and engulf her in hugs, followed by kisses.
"If I let these six cook, they would have burnt the house down. How was your trip?" Ana looks over at us as if we had been gone for a year instead of seven days.
"Wonderful. Elik tried to kill me." Dek exaggerates badly.
"Yep, this I want to hear." Broady grabs us and gives us a huge bear hug.
"He got me on a HORSE." Dek whines dramatically.
"You are scared shitless of those poor animals." Chance walks in and gives us both a bro hug.
"I know. But my husband" Dek glares at me in amusement. "He insisted I did it."
"How'd that go for you?" Cherry kisses our cheeks while giggling.
"He pitched a five year old fit." I cross my arms over my chest.
"Sounds believable." Ana giggles and starts passing out plates. We sit and thank her profusely for the delicious smelling food.
"I hate you guys." Dek grumbles while stabbing his potatoes with his fork.
"What else did you do?" Chance probes.
"Each other." Dek and I bust out laughing at speaking in unison.
"We know that much." Cherry throws a pea at me.
"We went on a hot air ballon, hiking, parasailing, shopping, a carriage ride and dates. Lots of dates." Dek starts rambling.
"You went shopping?" Cali claps her hands together knowingly.
"What did you get us?" Cherry leans in with anticipation.
"If we tell you, it's not a surprise." Dek shoves his fried chicken in his mouth with a smirk.
"Asshole." Yani giggles out.
"Yep." I smile around the rim of my beer.
"You two have fun?" I deep voice takes my attention away from our friends.
I jump out of my seat, almost beating Dek into my father's arms. The little shit is fast.
"Missed you." Dek whimpers as Dad's arms swallow him whole.
"I love and missed you buddy." Dad kisses the crown of Dek's head and opens his arm for me to tuck myself over Dek.
"Where's Mom?" I ask.
"Here. Was grabbing some of your wedding presents from the car. They have been coming nonstop." Mom walks over and drops the gifts carefully on the couch before returning to collect her hugs and kisses.
"We have so many to open." Dek winces.
"We can do it." Cali yells from the table.
"Yes." Dek and I fist bump.
"Come, sit and eat." Ana pulls mom towards the dining room table.
"You too Ana." I wave our friend over.
"Would love to, but Harold is taking me to the Opera." Ana kisses us all and grabs her belongings.
"Thank you Ana." We all wave bye and blow her kisses.
"We really enjoyed all the video messages and texts we got while you two were gone." Mom smiles sweetly at us.
"We had so much fun. We really should have brought all of you." Dek nods his head in agreement to my statement.
"We aren't supposed to tail you on your honeymoon." Dad chuckles as if we are insane.
"Speak for yourself." Broady groans.
"Awe you miss us?" I ask cheerfully.
"Yes. It's boring without you too fucking all over the house." Broady winks at us.
"We're back. We can make up for lost time." Dek chuckles while grabbing a dinner roll.
"Can we watch movies tonight?" Chance whines uncharacteristically.
"Invite Ian, Molly is out of town." Mom encourages us.
I pick up my phone and shoot a text to Uncle Ian. He agrees and I let him know if he hurried, dinner may still be hot.
"He's coming. Said for Broady not to eat all of the food." I laugh while reading the damn text.
"Hey." Broady feigns hurt feelings.
"Don't be a baby." I wink at the muscular man.
"Speaking of grand babies." Mom gives me a wiggle of her brows.
"Mags they literally just got home." Dad shakes his head and runs his hand over his face.
"What? I'm not getting any younger." Mom pinches dad's arm softly.
"Mom, we haven't gotten that far yet. I promise you won't be old, or gray. But, at least let us unpack." I rub my mom's back comfortingly.
"What's this I hear about grand babies?" Uncle Ian's voice booms with amusement.
"They haven't even discussed it." Mom pokes her lips out sadly.
"We have to look into it. It's not like Dek can give us a baby." I roll my eyes at the absurdity of the whole situation.
"Whoa. Who said I would be the one carrying the kid?" Dek gives me a glare that makes me want to rewind the last five seconds.
"I would if I could?" I rub the back of my neck in chagrin.
"Mmmhmmm." Dek turns his face away from me like I actually insulted him.
"Baby, I just would want to be able to take care of you and nurture you." I grab his chin and kiss his beautiful pouting lips.
"Nice save." Dek grin's while kissing me back.
"I love you." I whisper.
"I love you more." Dek grabs my neck and smashes our lips together. It goes straight south.
"Well, at least you know how babies are made." Uncle Ian laughs loudly causing me to laugh in Dek's mouth.
"We will look into adoption and surrogacy." Dek cups his hand gently to my face and I nod in agreement.
"Either would be fine. Just give us a couple days." I interject. We literally haven't slept in our own bed yet.
"Yeah. Yeah. Just don't procrastinate." Mom waves her hand at me dismissively causing me to give her a knowing smirk.
"There really isn't a rush, sweetheart." Dad tries to play the referee in the situation.
"Keep on." Mom winks at Dad and he throws me an apologetic look.
I guess he isn't going to push or he will be sleeping on the couch.
After we finish dinner we move to the cinema room. I search through Netflix for a good movie to watch. Pretty much, I want a reprieve from the former conversation. It's not like we are avoiding the children talk. We just have not had time to discuss it just yet.
I hit the Cinema channel for Direct Tv, after realizing I want to watch something newer. I put on Bad Boys 2 and go sit down next to my husband. He situates himself between my legs and I wrap my arms around his waist. He lays back and presses his shoulders against my chest. I lean down and kiss his sexy lips. He smiles up at me reminding me just how lucky I am to have this god in my arms.
"I want kids." Dek whispers. The movie hasn't started yet, the commercials still rolling.
"So do I baby." I promise. I do.
"The sooner the better." Dek stares up at me. I'm not even surprised. We really have no reason to wait.
"Whenever your ready, sweetheart." I brush my thumb over his cheekbone.
"Thank you." Dek cuddles into my arms. I kiss his temple and tuck my head against his head.
He could ask me for an alien and I would do my best to bring ET home.
"You don't have to thank me my love. I have always wanted a family with you." I run my free hand softly through his hair. My other arm is wrapped around his waist, our fingers intertwined.
Dek nods into my chest and we focus on the first scene of the movie.
My mom's supernatural hearing must have caught our conversation. She looks over Dad's shoulder and pokes her tongue out at me. I roll my friggin eyes.
We don't need kids if she is going to act like one.
"I'm getting popcorn and snacks really fast. Anyone want anything?" Dad gets up and heads back out of the room.
We all nod in acceptance, knowing whatever he brings will be fine.
Uncle Ian stands up and follows him so I pause the movie. No need in having to rewind it.
"Hey." Yani and Chance look over at us and stand up. Each one of them sit on either side of us.
"What's up, besties?" Dek runs his thumb along Yani's petite little face.
"I know you haven't talked about it yet. But, we wanted to give you a proposition to discuss." Chance looks seriously at me and I start to worry a tiny bit.
"What's that?" I ask curiously.
"Chance and I discussed it some months ago. We wouldn't mind if you used me as a surrogate. I will be finishing college soon. I would love to give you this gift, a thank you for always being there for each one of us." Yani smiles an angelic grin our way.
Dek jumps up from my arms, landing on top of poor Yani. He covers her whole precious face in kisses.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" I whisper shout.
"No. This is serious. We want to give you something you can't give yourselves. Let Yani carry your kids. You can use her egg or a donor egg. Either or both of your sperm will be the father." Chance talks so matter of fact.
"Thank you." Dek wipes under his eyes and he is smiling through the tears.
"Wow. I'm speechless." I nod to the question while trying to catch my breath. That definitely takes the pressure off the search for a viable surrogate.
"We love you guys. It's the least we can do." Yani kisses both of our cheeks before she walks back to her spot in the room.
"Love you, Dek. You too, Elik." Chance gives each of us a hug and follows his girlfriend back to their cozy place in front of the screen.
"That is a hell of a thank you." Dek breathes out. Surprise saturates his voice.
"I assume you would like that as well." I whisper to my love.
"It's perfect. It's so fucking perfect." Dek leans over and captures my lips in a sweet kiss. I pull him into my lap and wrap my arm around his waist. I cup his chin and separate his lips with my devouring tongue.
Both my hands find refuge in his thick locks. I pull him down and we fall back against our couch. His body collides with mine, making me want to strip him bare and feel myself buried deep inside of him.
Dek pulls back from our make out session and stares intently into my eyes. The look of adoration is absolutely mesmerizing.
"We're going to be dads." Dek closes his eyes. The idea brightening his face with an incredible glow.
"Yeah, baby. We're going to get to be dads." I kiss his forehead and sigh out of content.
Fuck yeah! We're going to be dads. Soon.
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