Pay It Foward
***Dek's POV***
Ever since I bought Elik's ring, I can't get Marcus off my mind. With his tale of tainted love prominently on my heart, I think of ways to help. It's what I do. I help.
Another issue I am seeing with a bit more clarity is Jamie. While laying in Elik's arms last night, I had an epiphany. To be honest, it did not make me smile.
What if I got Jamie's side of the equation backwards? What if he isn't the one who owe's an apology. I wonder if he is the scorned lover. Did he get cheated on? Was it his heart that was shattered? It definitely explains his jaded feelings towards love.
As I sit in class, I let those thoughts cure in my mind. Suddenly, I feel less aggravation with him and a lot more empathy. Had he walked in on his lover taking another man? Had his world been destroyed by a single act of recklessness?
I silently thank God that I don't have to face that. The very thought sends pangs of sadness through my heart. Elik has made it extremely clear that I am his one and only. I don't take that for granted. The security in our relationship is a gift in itself.
As my only sit in class concludes for the day, I make a decision.
Urging my thoughts to action, I go by Starbucks and grab Two coffees and my personal cup, Venti White Chocolate Mocha. I head to Elik's office. I want to confirm my hypothesis.
I walk to Elik's office and knock softly on the door. He answers for me to come in. The smile that brightens his features, makes my heart thump loudly against my chest.
"Hey, Baby." I speak quietly.
"Hey sexy." Elik stands and walks over. He grabs his coffee and kisses me gently on my forehead.
"Who is that one for?" Elik questions.
"I came to speak with Jamie. I thought I would bring a peace offering." I explain.
Elik lifts his eyebrow at my statement.
"I want to find out something about his past." I explain further.
"He is in his office. After we can go to lunch." Elik offers.
"Perfect." I confirm. I kiss him softly on his lips before exiting his office. I leave the door open, out of respect, as I walk towards Jamie's office.
I reach the door and knock firmly. He ushers me in with a distant greeting. I open it widely and leave it that way.
"Hi Jamie." I speak confidently.
"Here to put me in my place again?" Jamie chuckles. I'm glad he isn't pissed.
"I brought you coffee." I offer the cup in my hand.
"Thanks. I needed that." He smiles. I feel a pull from my heart telling me that maybe he is the one that got broken.
"Can I sit down?" I ask.
"Of course." He nods in agreement.
"I was thinking." I begin.
"That doesn't surprise me." He laughs.
"I might owe you an apology." I admit.
"You really don't." He shakes his head as he speaks.
"Jamie, you didn't break up your relationship did you?" I ask reluctantly. "I assumed you were at fault, but that was asinine of me."
"I didn't. But, you were upset." Jamie soothes.
"I was. But, I'm sorry. That was completely rude of me." I apologize.
"No, I'm sorry. I was a dick. I had no right." Jamie reciprocates.
"Can I ask what happened? You don't have to answer me." I ask hopefully.
"Three years ago, I met a man I fell in love with. It was instantaneous. Serendipity, if you believe in that. He was perfect. Michael was a dream. Tall, fit, the brightest green eyes and dark brown hair made him as attractive as they come. He approached me at the park while I was taking my morning run. His voice captivated me. I fell immediately." Jamie starts.
I listen intently. I'm a good listener.
"What happened?" I ask. I wanted to know.
"After a year of dating, I thought we were headed in a good direction. I believed he was my happily ever after. I come from a broken home, he knew that. I had a hard time trusting. I continuously berated myself for the insecurity. However, a month later he started coming home later. His excuses were believable. Work. But, he started sleeping with his phone on vibrate. He added a passcode lock. He became distant. The sex slowed down. When we did become intimate, he only got his and didn't worry about me. Classic signs." Jamie continued.
I nodded in understanding. Classic.
"I confronted him after gathering my courage. I expected him to be angry and defensive. He didn't disappoint. He slammed the bathroom door in my face. I sat on the bed waiting patiently for him to come out so I could apologize. An hour passed and when he finally showed his face, he threw his phone in my lap. The passcode had been removed. I was immediately suspicious. Sure enough, there was nothing on it. But, I was not convinced. I handed his phone back after adding a hidden tracking app. He didn't talk to me for the next week. I got the silent treatment and it killed me." Jamie stared at his coffee. He found it oddly interesting.
"I spent the next week hurting. My heart felt heavy. I felt like I was dying slowly. On the seventh day, I used my laptop to look into his activities. Then I knew. He was cheating. The part that hurt the worst, he was belittling me to his new lover. He made me feel small. I had tried to be the perfect boyfriend. He made comments about my sexual abilities. He called me a slut. I'm not. I actually had only been with two people. One being him." Jamie looked up and his face showed every emotion I expected. Sorrow, loneliness, betrayal and hurt.
"Can I take you somewhere?" I stand and ask.
"Okay it with my boss." Jamie nodded.
I walked down the hall with Jamie following behind me. I don't know why I suddenly got this idea. But, it was worth a shot.
"Baby?" I greeted the love of my life.
"Yes, sweetheart?" Elik looked up from his files. He frowned at the man standing behind me.
"Can we take Jamie to lunch?" I asked hesitantly.
"Of course." Elik smiles and stands from his desk. He grabbed his phone and we walked over to Chance's office. I threw my keys at him.
"Swap vehicles?" I ask.
"Yeah, everything okay?" He asks.
"Yeah, just the three of us are going to lunch and we all have sports cars." I laughed.
Chance gave me the keys to his Land Rover. I thanked him and we left. I text Marcus, he had given me his number. I invited him to lunch. I handed my phone to Elik as I drive. He read the message and smiled at me.
We pulled up at The Palm and I asked for seating for four.
The three of us sat down and ordered drinks. I ordered a fourth glass of wine, Jamie looked at me questioningly.
"I invited a friend." I explained.
"Oh." Was his response.
When our drinks arrived I stood from my seat. I saw Marcus shyly headed toward the table. I greeted him with a hug. He smiled at me. Then he looked at Elik and his smile brightened.
"Marcus, this is Elik. The man I told you about. This is our friend, Jamison." I introduce him.
"Nice to meet you Jamison." Marcus offered a soft hand shake. He pushed his glasses up his slim nose.
Jamie stood and greeted him cordially.
"You can call me Jamie."
Then he pulled his chair out for him, making me smile. I sat down and laced my fingers with Elik's under the table.
"I ordered you red. I hope that's okay." I motioned towards Marcus glass.
"Perfect. Thank you." Marcus softly whispered. He was so shy. He is just a fucking beauty.
"You got new glasses." I notice Marcus.
"Um, yeah. I broke my old ones. They didn't make them any longer." Marcus says.
"They look good." Jamie smiles.
"Thank you." Marcus smiles towards Jamie.
The waiter comes and takes our order.
"What is it you do?" Jamie tries to keep the conversation going.
"I own a jewelry store in the mall. I kinda make the pieces." Marcus offers.
"Wow." Jamie breathes out. "That's sort of amazing.
"What line are you in?" Marcus bashfully asks.
"Government contracts. Boring." Jamie responds.
"That's not boring." Marcus shakes his head.
"No, it really is." Elik confirms.
"I guess so." Marcus giggles.
Jamie looks like he just heard angels singing.
I look over at Elik as he watches the exchange.
"What do you think?" I whisper lowly to Elik.
"I think you are a generous soul." Elik kisses my temple.
"Just paying it forward." I kiss his fingertips.
I turn my attention back to the two men in front of us.
"We were thinking of throwing something together this weekend. Marcus. Jamie. You are both invited." Elik invites the two.
"I will be there." Jamie smiles over at me. He mouths thank you.
I nod in response.
"I don't think I'm busy." Marcus smiles.
"It's a pool party/beach thing. Is that okay?" Elik asks.
"Sure." Jamie nods.
"Sounds good." Marcus moves his hands over the bottom of his wine glass. He is so shy it's painful. And, adorable.
"I don't know where you live." Jamie reminds me.
"I will send you a text with the address." I promise.
Elik looks at me and raises his eyebrows. He silently conveys do something.
"Uh, parking is tight. You two could ride together and save the environment." I chuckle.
"Smooth." Elik smiles.
"Shut up." I wink.
"If you want, I wouldn't mind. At all." Jamie urges Marcus.
"Okayyy." Marcus stutters. His lashes batter his cheekbones. I practically awe.
"May I get your number? You can text me your address." Jamie requests.
Marcus hands Jamie his phone and wipes his hands on the cloth napkin.
Jamie puts his number in and Marcus shoots him a text. Jamie saves the number and sends something back. Whatever it was, has Marcus fifty shades of blushing.
Our food arrives and we dig in.
"So, Saturday at eleven am. Bring your swim trunks. There will be food and alcohol. If you need a place to stay, we got room." I clarify.
"Sounds fun." Jamie confirms. He doesn't look at me. His attention is solely on Marcus.
"I might accept that offer." Marcus agrees.
"It will be fun." Elik smiles.
We eat lunch and the conversation flows. Marcus opens up but, his demure nature keeps his side of the conversation short.
When we finish, Jamie picks up the bill. Elik insists he pays but, Jamie throws him a pleading look. Elik concedes.
We say goodbye to Marcus. Jamie walks him to his modest car. He drives a Prius. I chuckle. That will look ridiculous next to Jamie's Bugatti.
We get in the Rover and wait for Jamie. When he gets in, he smiles.
"Wow." He rubs his hands up and down his face.
"That went well." Elik chuckles.
"He's. Wow." Jamie huffs.
"I thought you might approve." I giggle.
"Thank you." Jamie whispers.
"Hell, no thanks necessary." I giggle more.
"Did you see those hazel eyes? And, those glasses. He is just fucking stunning." Jamie shakes his head.
"Smitten?" I ask.
"I almost fell out of my chair. I stood to cover it." Jamie admits.
"You didn't actually have a thing planned this weekend did you?" Jamie accuses.
"Nope!" Elik laughs as he pops the p.
"You guys are awesome." Jamie praises.
"Everyone needs a hand some times." Elik laughs.
"I was floundering." Jamie says.
"Nah, you did good." I offer.
"What the fuck was that shit about parking?" Elik booms with laughter.
"I had to do some thing." I defend.
"That was as subtle as a red school bus." Jamie guffaws.
"Fuck you. It worked." I huff out.
"Yeah, some how." Elik teases. I pinch his nipple and twist.
"Ow, fuck." He screams as he drives.
"Hey, don't get me killed before I marry Marcus." Jamie jokes.
I laugh.
"That good, huh?" Elik asks.
"Hopefully." Jamie smiles widely.
I receive a text from Marcus.
Marcus: That guy is really cutte.
He stutters when he types. This time I awe out loud.
"What?" Jamie asks.
"He thinks your cute." I confirm.
"I'm not cute." Jamie glares.
"You are to him." I laugh.
"Okay." Jamie gives in.
Me: Glad you think so.
Marcus: Thank you.
Me: You're welcome.
Marcus: You should have made up that party for Friday.
I bust out laughing.
"What's he saying?" Jamie asks excitedly.
"Said we should have made the party Friday." I laugh again.
"Yeah, you weren't subtle at all." Elik laughs.
"Ask him out for Friday night." Elik urges Jamie.
"Okay." Jamie grabs his phone and my messages stop coming. We drive back to the office with Jamie smiling like a wolf.
"He said yes." Jamie announces.
I smile. Call me Cupid.
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