***Elik's POV***
Oh My Fucking Lord!
Shopping with four girls.........BOOM! Bullet to my sanity.
I swear to everything that's holy, I would rather be a victim of Saw than deal with this again.
We woke at 6 am to get ready for the trip. It was absolute torture to unwrap my arms from Dek's waist. Then we rushed around like prostitutes evading their johns.
Once we FINALLY got the girls out of the house, we jumped in our new Lexus LX 570. Yeah we bought a new SUV. It holds eight!
We headed towards Beverly Center after stopping at Broady's, getting gas and eating breakfast.
We literally got to the shopping center just as the doors opened.
So, what do the girls do when they get to a shopping mall? They stop at every single shop, window shop first and then circle back around to buy the exact same clothes they looked at to begin with!
I wasn't actually upset. I just think it's redundant. Men, we buy first and complain later.
Either way, we sauntered through every store on the east side first and then sat down for lunch. Next we breezed through the west side of the mall. Then we broke away from the ladies. That was fun.
The girls headed to get their hair and nails done. We went by the barbers. Finally, we landed at a bar.
Hours later, the guys were buzzing and the ladies were primped and pampered.
"Are we almost done?" Broady whines.
"Oh, shut up!" Cali teases. Her pointer finger spins aimlessly in her long sun kissed waves.
"You won't be crying when you see our new swim suits." Zaya jars. The look on her face promises that the guys will be anything but disappointed.
"Wanna show me later?" Broady wiggles his brows, hopefully.
"Let's go!" Cherry laughs. She bounces up from her seat, swaying slightly as the evidence of the drinks that we consumed are on display for each of us to see.
We get in the SUV and head towards a nice restaurant to have dinner. Afterwards, we finally head towards the house. It is 11 pm. We have spent an entire day shopping for a trip where we will be mostly shopping.
I am absolutely exhausted. Dek mirrors the way I feel as he sluggishly makes his way back into the house with the girls haul in tow.
I'm not actually complaining, just a bit of mindless whining. We did have fun; we were all together. Also, Dek bought a bunch of new clothes. I am excited to see him both in and out of them.
In the end, we bought everything from swim suits to sunglasses. I really can't imagine what will find to purchase in Hawaii. I'm sure the girls will clear that up for me.
We head to bed immediately. Tomorrow we have to get up at 5 am to catch an 8 am flight that will last almost seven hours.
I wrap my arms around the love of my life as I quickly drift off to sleep.
"Baby" I whisper between kisses on Dek's neck.
"Too early" Dek whines. He is so not a morning person.
He has a point though. I got him up at 4 am for a shower.
"Well you can sleep for an hour if you want to forfeit our shower. A long shower. A very long and hot shower." I feign complacency.
"Would you look at the time?" Dek whistles seductively as he springs from the bed with an extra bounce in his step.
After a long shower, where we spend more time getting dirty than clean, Dek heads down the hall to wake the others. I finish up the last minute packing.
The girls, surprisingly, are ready on time. They don't even attempt to hide their excitement.
Airport security at LAX is stupid strict. The time we waste in line is even more ridiculous. Eventually we make it onto the plane.
Dek literally goes no holds barred. We are in first class. I am reeling over the excitement of our friends. Personally, my coach days are far behind me. However, our group has never been as fortunate. Dek is definitely making this a trip to remember in every single way.
Alcohol was only offered to me. But, being the gentleman that I am, I had already packed a quart size bag full of mini bottles for the group. The looks of elation and approval have a wide smirk plastered on my face. Between pre-gaming and those bottles, we may be having a deliriously eventful flight.
By the time we land at the airport in Honolulu we are worse for the wear. We absolutely reek of the devil's juice. The girls are being carried to the stretch Hummer that Dek had set up as our shuttle.
Dek, who holds his alcohol like Scrooge holds his money, is probably the most sane in the group. Let me tell you, with his slurring and random bouts of giggles, we are all fit to be tied.
After the twenty minute ordeal to unlock the door to the house, we realize we forgot one major component of this vacation.
The KEY!
Luckily, the maid service had mercy upon our blistered souls and made a quick trip with the spare. That severe act of kindness earned a large tip! If you think that sobered us at all, NOPE! We are still ridiculously drunk off our asses.
Luckily it is only 4pm by the time we make it into the house. After a quick set of showers and room assignments, we are at least sober enough to stand on our own two feet.
Note to self: Eat bread before drinking.
By 7 pm we are back in the Hummer and ready for round two of the night.
We settle on Duke's Waikiki, a very island themed seafood restaurant. The food is delicious and the atmosphere is inviting for drinking. Thankfully, a large tip swayed the waiter not to make a big deal of our "lost identification". They serve the table with an abundance of drinks.
After dinner, we head to The District Nightclub for more drinks, because yeah, and dancing. We have a mighty exciting time keeping the soldiers off of the girls.
Now, I'm not trying to be a complete ass here, but we know I'm fixing to be. Why the hell would a dude see four girls walk in with four guys and assume they have a chance?
No. Fucking. Clue.
So, yeah. Broady and Chance are being bought rounds by the end of the night to keep their fists of fury, as one patron remarked, from reeking havoc in the establishment.
After hours of keeping men off of the girls AND Dek, I have had my fill. We call the night and decide to head back to the house.
Have I mentioned that Dek's parents had extremely decadent taste?
They did!
This fucking house is stupid gorgeous. Ridiculous!
Over 15,000 sq feet. 5 bed and 7 baths. A courtyard. Ocean front. The dining room is set like a sleek modern restaurant with a round table and ten chairs. The kitchen is massive and has two of everything. The bathtub in our room is twice the size of a normal jacuzzi, but half the size of the outdoor jacuzzi.
The whole house is done in pearl white interior with silver accents. Not my taste. But, hell, the beauty isn't lost on me at all.
Each bedroom has a back wall of glass. The same goes for the cinema room. Practically the whole house has large glass windows with minimal pillars of wall for support.
Several living rooms of varying designs are scattered throughout the floor plan. Each bedroom has a full sitting area and two queen size beds. The master, our room, has a custom bed the spas the entire back wall.
I'm starting to believe Dek owns a resort and not an actual home.
The back yard has a patio that actually spans the entire length of the house. Two full seating areas are in place that hold up to twenty people each. The pool is almost the same size as the patio. Like I said, a fucking ridiculous amount of home.
The house literally sits on the ocean, no sand sits between the water and the raised hedges that border the shoreline.
Besides the courtyard, there is a grand entrance with a wrap around driveway. The landscaping looks as if it was fit for Kensington Palace.
All this boils down to one simple point.
We are quite precisely in our own slice of heaven. Our own private getaway.
All worries about a case of liquor dick come crashing down by the end of the night. Dek has actually fallen asleep on the back porch. After a very long journey from the porch to the room, I decide the morning would be a better time to christen the bed.
So, I settle for the one thing that I deem my favorite activity: holding Dek between the cradle of my arms.
After a few moments of getting comfortable, sleep finds its way to my body.
When morning comes, I am stunned at my alarm clock. That alarm clock ends up being a pair of warm, wet lips, swaddling my cock like a delicate blanket.
I wake up to a horny Dek.
I'm not gonna lie, that's like a fucking Christmas present delivered by an Angel.
After a small make out session with our most intimate appendages, we have a quick round of shower sex and go to awaken the clan.
Shockingly, we walk through one of the living rooms to find all of them already up with coffee and sitting on the patio. The best part, it is Starbucks.
"Good morning besties." I croon. I'm excessively happy after my morning wake up call.
I take the time to high five Broady and Chance. Then I peck all the ladies on the temple. Dek follows behind me in the same effort.
"I hope you guys brushed your teeth." Cali barks. Her giggles says, she knows we did.
"Why?" Dek rolls his eyes.
This should be good.
"Rather not smell the remnants of your dicks in my face." Cali laughs loudly.
Needless to say, Dek blushes. I just laugh. I am used to her.
"Jealousy is a bitch." I shrug.
"Cali did you brush your teeth? I thought I smelled a hint of Cherry in the air." I smirk. She isn't fooling me.
The insinuation is not lost on the girls. The guys know exactly what I have eluded to.
"You're such a fucktard." Cherry laughs nervously.
"Y'all should just fuck and get on with it." Zaya chimes in.
That brings on the deepest blush from Cherry.
I'm not actually being a dick. The sexual tension between Cali and Cherry is palpable.
"What's the plan today?" I ask curiously.
"Lets do something we can't do at home." Chance offers.
"Well, I looked up a couple things. I saw an island tour that looked interesting and a couple places to swim with dolphins. We can do both." Dek interjects.
"Sounds awesome!" Broady exclaims. He actually looks extremely interested.
"Tonight we can attend one of the island luaus." Dek adds. He really has thought this whole plan through.
With that, we head to our rooms to get ready for our first full day of vacation.
The island tour is relaxing and interesting. The island has a long history that the tour guide is extremely knowledgeable about. He cracks jokes, showing off his charismatic personality.
The highlight for me is watching Dek swim with dolphins. We do it as a group but, Dek demands a joint pic with us kissing the bottle nosed dolphin. I will inform you guys, the level of cuteness is #goals.
By late afternoon we are equally famished and exhausted. We get back to the house to prepare for the luau. Luckily it is within walking distance.
The ladies come out in extremely sexy bikinis with wraps around their hips. They are barefoot. Us guys slip into our most Hawaiian swim trunks. Then we head out.
The luau is held on the beach. Everything from the decor to the food that is offered is exactly as expected. Fire torches, roasted pigs, tepee fires and exhibitions are all around. Music blares on one end with live bands of Samoan music made by various cultural instruments.
It is a party and it is the best party I have ever partaken in.
We watch as ceremonial dances are performed. Then spiritual stories of history are recited. It's very intimate and very intriguing.
The girls even hula dance with the islanders.
We play volleyball and drink beer on the beach.
The best part is, I could bask in the essence of Dek all day and night. This place is equal if not more open to same sex relationships compared to California. I am silently thanking the Jacksons for their choices.
We once again enjoy a gorgeous and warm night under the stars in one of the most stunning places on Earth.
Laughter fills the air and love radiates in so many forms. I am engrossed in our heavenly getaway.
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