***Dek's POV***
Beep. Beep. Beep.
The throbbing between my ears is painful.
My chest rises and falls with a burning ache.
I'm so disoriented.
Where am I?
Where is Elik?
My eyelids flutter. The light is blinding. A searing pain rips thru my head as I focus on the white lights.
"Dek?" I heard Chance yell.
"Shhhhhh" I winced.
"I will get the nurse." Yani rushed out.
"What nurse? Where am I?" I asked.
My throat is dry and I have chills. My skin is slick with sweat.
"Dek? What do you remember?" Broady asked.
"We were dancing at the club. Where is Elik?" I whined.
"What is the last thing you remember?" Zaya pushed.
"Dancing at the god damn club. We were drinking. I had two mixed drinks and downed a shot." Could they get more fucking annoying I wondered.
"Dek. Babe. Who gave you the drinks?" Cali questioned.
"The waiter. The buff one." I replied.
"What the fuck is going on?" I was losing my shit.
"Dek. You are in a hospital. The doctor found large amounts of GHB in your system." Chance explained.
"I didn't take drugs. You know I only smoke weed." I argued.
"Did you smoke last night?" Broady interrogated me.
"NO!" I yelled.
"You were given a dirty drink." Cali informed me.
"Where is my boyfriend? Where is Elik?" I panicked.
"He didn't come home." Zaya pushed my hair back.
"Why not?" I cried.
"Dek, you went to the restroom and didn't return. We went looking for you. When we finally found you, you were making out with the waiter. Elik left." Yani confirmed.
"What? No? I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't cheat on Elik. I love him. There's been a mistake. No. No. No. I didn't cheat." I screamed.
The doctor came in and let me know they flushed the drugs from my system. Fucking drugs. I don't do fucking drugs. Why would anybody slip those to me?
They released me from the hospital and my friends took me back to our vacation home.
Elik wasn't there.
I tried to call him.
It went straight to voicemail.
He is ignoring me.
I don't blame him.
If I kissed someone else, I don't deserve him.
But, why would I kiss anyone except him?
I love Elik.
Everything is so fucked up.
I laid in bed, alone. I cried. Someone slipped me drugs and it cost me Elik.
I sobbed. What was I supposed to do? I need Elik. I need to explain. I need him to forgive me.
Sleep overtook me as the darkness settled around me. Elik. I need him.
***Elik's POV***
He cheated.
Right in front of me, Dek kissed someone else.
I turned my phone back on.
He called.
I sent him to voicemail.
12 new texts.
I have been walking the beach for hours.
I don't know what to do. I love Dek. I could just forgive him. But, my heart hurts. Everything feels broken. Life feels broken.
12 unread texts:
Chance: Elik. Man call me. It's important.
Chance: Dude. Fucking call me.
Chance: god damn it call me!
Cali: Elik. This is important. We need you to call.
Cali: don't be a douche.
Cali: quit being a dick.
Cali: for fucks sake call.
Yani: Dek is in the hospital.
Cherry: he's not doing good.
Zaya: Elik, Dek is in the emergency room. Please call.
Zaya: he is asking for you.
Broady: look I know your upset. You have every reason to be. We just got Dek home. He was drugged. Come home.
Dek was drugged? Oh fuck!
I jumped in a cab and headed home.
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
Dek needed me. I fucking failed. He needed me and I wasn't there. Oh, god.
I leaned out of the cab, throwing cash at the driver. I quickly turned and headed for the house.
I burst thru the door and looked for everyone.
"DEK?" I screamed.
"He is in the room. Come on." Yani grabbed my hand and led me to our room.
He looked like shit.
His hair was matted. Skin pale. Dark circles sat below his eyes. His face was covered in sweat.
I walked slowly towards the bed where everyone was laying.
I removed my shoes and shirt and slowly crawled onto the bed.
As soon as I got near him, I pulled him into my arms.
"I'm sorry Baby." I whispered.
"Elik." Dek cried.
Tears were dried on his skin and more were filling his beautiful eyes. I wiped his agony away as they fell.
"Shhhhh baby don't cry. I'm right here." I cooed.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cheat." Dek sniffled.
"You didn't cheat. This isn't your fault. Im not upset anymore. I'm sorry. I love you sweetheart. It's okay." I kissed his temple.
"I would never cheat. I didn't do drugs. I love you. I wouldn't betray you." Dek promised.
"I know. Calm down. I trust you." I purred.
What kind of fucked up, evil person drugs someone?
"Get the manager of the bar on the phone please." I ordered.
"We already took care of it. I dropped off the police report and hospital records. The manager pulled the bar surveillance tape. The waiter is being held at the jail." Chance promised.
"Thank you." I whispered.
"What happened?" I asked.
Dek was laying in my arms. Where he belonged.
We all needed showers. We reeked of alcohol, sweat and smoke.
"When you left, I punched that fucker in his face. A couple times. Then I grabbed Dek. As we were pulling him from the bar, I noticed his eyes were dilated, his skin was red and his breathing was irregular. We drove him straight to the Emergency Room." Chance explained.
"After a blood test, IV and oxygen, the doctor let us know Dek had been drugged. We tried to text you. I tried calling but, it went to voicemail" Cali continued the story.
"I fucked up. I was so hurt and angry. I just shut my phone off and went drinking at a bar. At the end of the night, the bartender took me home and I slept in a spare bedroom. Well I stayed there. There wasn't any sleep. This morning I woke up and started walking the beach." I confessed.
"It's okay. Everything is okay. At least Dek is safe." Cherry comforted me.
"I shouldn't have left." I argued.
"Elik." Dek spoke.
"Yes baby." I whispered.
"I love you." Dek confessed.
"I know sweetheart. I love you. More than my own life." I confirmed.
"Do you want a bath, baby?" I asked.
"Yes." He shook his head.
"Okay." I smiled.
God. Who would have thought? A fucking employee at a bar drugged my boyfriend.
At least he felt Chance's hands.
"Thank you Chance. Thank you everyone." I appreciated.
Our friends sat with Dek while I started to run the bath. I pulled out our clothes and prepared the water. I turned on the jets.
When the bath was full, they walked out. I lifted my love from the bed and carried him into the bathroom. I undressed him and set him in the tub. Then I undressed and slid in behind him.
I wrapped my arms around him and held him.
I could have lost him last night. That son of a bitch was gonna pay.
He laid quietly between my legs, his back resting on my chest. I took a rag and started washing him. I cleaned his hair. I did the same for myself.
Then I just let him relax.
"Baby, how do you feel?" I asked.
"Better. Now that you're here." Dek responded.
I held him tighter.
Once we were done bathing, we got out of the tub and I dried Dek. I slipped on his boxers and basketball shorts. I followed suit. Then we brushed our teeth.
"Do you want a nap?" I asked.
"No. I would like to go to the patio." Dek explained.
We walked out to the patio and joined our friends. I had spent 12 hours without Dek and I wasn't willing to waste anymore time. I sat him down in my lap on the patio chair. I wrapped my arms around the man I love. I whispered prayers to God that I still had him, in every way.
Dek is extraordinary.
"Mmmmmm perfect." Dek purred.
"Yes you are." I kissed his beautiful pink pout.
"I got drinks." Cali yelled.
"Alcohol?" I groaned.
"No! Lemonade." She winked.
"You're the best." I kissed her cheek as she gave us our glasses.
"So, um, how was your dancing? Cherry? Cali?" I smirked.
"Oh shut the fuck up. You know good and damn well how it was." Cali laughed.
"Is that a ship I hear?" Dek cackled.
We fucking busted out laughing. Cherry giggled and Cali rolled her eyes.
"For fuck sake. Yes it's a damn ship." Cherry confirmed.
"Seriously?" Chance grinned.
"Yeah, yeah. We're dating alright?" Cali beamed.
"Finally!" Yani squealed.
"About time!" Zaya clapped.
"You four are next." I pointed between Broady and Zaya then to Chance and Yani.
"Yeah, yeah." Broady waved me off.
"I'm starving." Dek whined.
"I can order food." I offered.
"What do you want, beautiful?" I asked.
"Awe Elik." Broady gushed.
"I wasn't talking to you, caveman." I laughed.
"You're mean." Broady pouted.
Everyone laughed.
"You guys tell me what you want." I rolled my eyes.
"Pizza for now and Mexican for dinner." Dek announced.
"Yesssss!" Yani fist pumped the air.
"Is that fine with everybody?" I confirmed.
"Yep!" They yelled.
I ordered four pizzas and we ate on the patio.
Dek seemed to be back to himself by the end of lunch. He was a little sluggish. But, after the ordeal, I figured that was a small price to pay.
Later the club called and checked on Dek. They apologized and let me know the next time we were to go in there it was on the house. We might go back, but I doubt it. This was some scary shit.
After a nap, we got ready for a night out. We decided to take it easy. We headed to a Mexican restaurant. Once dinner was over we headed back to the house to watch movies in the cinema room.
I spent all night cuddled with Dek. I kissed him and comforted him. I felt like a major shit bag for doubting him. I guess it wasn't really my fault. But, that didn't ease the guilt at all.
I will keep a better eye on all of us the next time we are drinking and every time after.
I guess you can't trust strangers. You never know what they are willing to do.
Thinking back on it, the way that waiter was lusting after Dek, I should have realized he was a threat.
I'm just thankful everything worked out. The bar was paying the hospital bill, not that it mattered. Money was not an issue. Maybe if they feel it in their pockets, they will do a little more background on their employees.
At the end of the night, I carried Dek to bed. I climbed in behind him and pulled him to my chest.
I knew one thing for sure, I never wanted to spend a single night without my angel in my arms. Dek was home. Without Dek, I was not happy.
Tomorrow would be better. Tomorrow we would make up for the shitty day.
Fuck that bar tender.
People always covet what is not theirs.
Dek is mine.
I learned something else today, don't assume. Everything is not always exactly what it looks like.
Come to think of it, when Meg had me in a similar situation, I should have learned that lesson.
Let's just pray there is never another.
It's ironic. Other people are more a threat than you are to your own relationship.
Some people suck.
Not in a good way.
I will make sure that bastard learned his lesson.
He could have killed my relationship. Most of all, he could have killed my heart.
Fucking dick!
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