***Elik's POV***
I wake to utter bliss. Nothing can compare to knowing you are holding your world between your arms.
Dek lays across my chest. His hands are wrapped around my jaw. I just know life will always be right with him by my side.
I know we jumped in head first. In anyone's eyes, we look crazy. But, we are not always granted our treasures on this earth. So, when life presents you with your blessing, I suggest you cherish it.
Dek is my blessing.
I grab my phone off the bedside table and scroll through the emails I had missed out on.
Ugh, I groan.
Apparently, I am needed in our New York office. Tomorrow. This is not what I want right now.
I remove my sleeping boyfriend from my arms, tucking him in. I jump up and make calls, trying to postpone this intrusive meeting.
To no avail!
As if things could not get less convenient, this would be a two week trip. I can't even imagine how I'm going to be away from Dek that long.
I walk down to the kitchen, greeted by the sure signs of last nights aftermath. It is a war zone. Broken glass, trash, upturned furniture, spilled drinks and drunken bodies litter the house.
The pool has anything from clothes to garbage floating in it. I take a trash bag and start the process of getting the debris out of the way. Dek doesn't need to deal with this shit.
The maid, Ana, meets me on the patio. She offers to take care of the mess. That is a huge no. I request her to make breakfast instead.
Slapping bodies and urging them to make their way home, I plow through the wreckage and clean as much as I can. I call a cleaning crew to tidy up the place.
As I walk back from the garbage receptacle I look at the sun. It is magnificent. The morning sky is painted with hues of blue and pink. I trudge to the porch, and am met with the most alluring site.
Hair tousled, jeans low on his hips, shirtless. God a fucking site to behold.
"Good morning love." I whisper as I rush to his side.
"Mmmm, good morning baby." He coos.
"Is breakfast ready?" I ask hopefully.
"Yeah, I came out here to get you." Dek announces. His smile champions the sun.
"Let's eat." I grab Dek's hand, leading him to the breakfast bar.
We are greeted by our amazing group of friends. They offer to help clean the remaining mess. I simply state I am getting it taken care of.
I steal glances at Dek throughout breakfast, a smile graces his handsome face with each look.
Lord he is beautiful.
"Dek?" I nudge him.
"Yes, Elik?" He responds happily. I'm already sorry that I will be darkening his light spirit.
"I have to catch a flight tonight. Business meeting in New York." I tell him wearily.
"How long will you be gone?" He asks. I watch as he tries to fein his happiness.
This is the hard part. I pull my fingers through my hair and groan. Why do I have to go?
"Two weeks." I whisper. I wish I wasn't saying this at all.
"It's okay. I understand." He smiles and kisses me. His smile doesn't reach his eyes. I see the mask he is pulling into place.
"We will call and text." I promise knowing that it will not be the same as being here in the flesh.
"Just make me one promise." He begs of me.
"Promise me you will come back." He pleads. That yanks at my heart.
"I promise." I declare while leaving a kiss on his temple. He literally shouldn't be worried about that.
I am HIS!
***Dek's POV***
I can't even fathom two weeks without Elik's presence. But, that is not my real problem.
I am scared.
I am battling the growing knot in my stomach.
What if he doesn't come back? What if he can't come back? What if he leaves me just like my parents?
I won't make it this time. He is one of the only reasons I am holding my shit together.
No, no. He will be fine. He will make it home. I chant.
In my heart I know I am worrying too much. But, my head is distastefully conjuring up scenarios of devastation.
"Baby? Talk to me." Elik implores. He tries to reason with the insanity in my own head.
"It's nothing." I shrug. I don't want to admit the fear. I don't want to breathe life into it.
Elik grabs my hand and pulls me out of the French doors. We walk towards the ocean.
He sits down and pulls me down between his legs, hugging me from behind.
We sit in silence as the waves crash softly at our feet.
"You know I am in love with you?" He states, like it is a question.
"I'm in love with you." I confirm while laying my head on to his shoulder.
"I would never leave you." Elik vows. He earnestly believes that is what I am stressing over.
Silly boy.
"I'm not worried about that." I confess.
"What is it sweetheart?" He tries to extract the information. I try desperately not to even say it.
"I'm scared." I finally admit. It has to be easier now that I have let it out. But, it's not.
"Explain." He urges. Elik's desire to comfort me has very little effect on the turmoil rolling in my chest.
"I don't want to lose you." I try to get it out. It's so fucking hard.
"You won't." He promises. I want to believe him. It's just not a promise that he can keep.
"I don't want you to die." I cry out. There now it's really out.
Then I lose control of my mask. It slips, tumbling to
The sandy beach along with all of my emotions. Tears dance down my cheeks as my fear latches onto me like a deadly virus.
"Shhhhhh. Don't do that. Don't allow the pain to fuel your fear." He coos.
He runs his fingers through my hair. Every few minutes he kisses me on different parts of my face. Then he moves to my neck. His kisses try their best to soothe me.
We just stay there, for a long time. He holds me as I cry. My heart is shattering in-spite of his words. My sobs turn to whimpers, echoing against the calming sea.
His hand cups the bottom of my chin as he pulls my head back. His lips find my own. He kiss me slowly, his promise is delivered with each soft caress. His touch manipulates me into a peaceful serenity.
I will try. I will distract myself during his absence. His promise will have to keep my fear at bay.
At least I hope so.
Soon we find ourselves heading to his house. I wait as he packs his bags. Every folded piece of cloth is a reminder of each moment I will miss his touch, his embrace or his kisses.
I start mindlessly making a mental list of anything I could do to pass the time.
Pack my parents belongings for charity.
Research schools.
Wake up.
Okay. I can see this is not going to be easy. But, I will try.
"You ready?" Elik's voice breaks me from my trance.
"Yeah." I breathe out.
His hands find their way into my hair. He pulls me into his lips. Desperation floods my system, as I greedily devour his lips. My legs begin inching up his body, settling by wrapping around his waist, as he pins me against the wall.
Every touch is like lava scratching at my skin, soothing it with a burning desire.
His tongue laps the skin at my neck as my hips are steadily rising and falling against his hips.
"If we don't stop, I will miss my flight." He whispers defeatedly.
"aemph" I whimper. I won't mind if he does.
"Baby, I am gonna miss you more than you know." Elik whines.
"Me too." I say into his neck as I slide down his body.
"Two weeks, then I will be back in your arms. You can take that to the bank." Elik promises firmly.
"Ok" I nod. I relinquish to this thing that I have no control over.
I drive Elik to the airport, clinging to his intertwined hand for dear life. Every mile closer brings reality crashing down.
My pitiful struggles are etching his stunning features in worry.
I try to reassure him I will be okay. He tries to reassure me it won't be too long.
We both lie.
I watch as his plane takes off, remembering the heated kiss we shared before he walked thru the gates.
I decide today, that all those movies involving airport kisses were complete bullshit. Airport kisses are FAR better than they depict.
His kiss left me momentarily frozen. The burn upon my lips, ached and sizzled, like a 9-volt battery to the tongue.
God, I can't wait to taste him again.
I drive home thinking of our conversation that took place on the way over.
"When I get home, we will move in together." Elik stated.
That brought a genuine smile to my face.
"We will go on a proper date or ten." He nudged my shoulder.
The smile grew wider.
"We will take a vacation to your second home." He continued.
"If you were trying to distract me, it worked." I said as he kissed my fingertips.
"I love you Dek, with my whole heart. I can't wait to see you again. You are my beautiful love." Elik confessed.
"How did I get so lucky?" I whispered.
Elik kissed my cheek.
"We are both lucky!" He confirmed.
***End of flashback***
Once home, I survey the now clean home. Even in Elik's hurried state, he had managed to ease my burden. I can't believe my house resembles a home after the mess that was created.
Note to self: No more senior parties.
I slowly take the steps to my parents bedroom. I grab some of the boxes and the tape from the pile Elik had gotten delivered the other day.
God, where to begin?
I start with the easy stuff, or at least what seems easy.
I remove the toiletries from the bathroom. I toss the half used items into the trash bag, placing anything new in a box for the homeless shelters.
I remove my mom's robe from the back of the door, followed by my father's. I toss them in the trash bag as well.
Moving towards the closet, I mindlessly pull the business suits from my dad's side. I carefully place them in garment bags. Maybe someone could use them to find a good job.
I collect each item, shirts, pants, jackets, shoes and ties. I check them for stray notes. My dad was a meticulous man. I expect nothing from the search. I am not disappointed.
My mom's side is much the same. Each article of clothing is color coded, organized with precision. I am going to continue missing them forever. But, their belongings aren't them. There is no need to keep things that someone else could benefit from.
Once the closet is empty, I move on to the dresser. It feels intrusive. My parents were private with their room. I am too. It is understandable.
After hours had passed of me packing, I decide to take a break. The room is pretty much empty. I only leave my father's en-suite office with the books I feel depicted his personality. The rest goes into boxes. I will donate them to the library.
I look around once more before closing the bedroom door and hauling the boxes down the large staircase.
I check my phone to see if Elik had landed safely.
Baby: I landed, I already checked into the hotel. I'm headed to the meeting. I will call you once I am finished. Remember that I Love You Dek.
I type a quick response, knowing he won't see it until the meeting has dismissed.
My Love: Thank you. I Love You as well.
I click my phone screen off while deciding on a walk to the beach. The rest of the packing can be done tomorrow.
I take off my shoes and roll my pants up above my ankles before heading out of the french doors.
The moon is nestled in the star lit sky.
The calm ocean brings peace with it as I walk along the wet sand.
I inhale the scent of salt and sand.
One down, 13 to go.
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