Cambridge Massachusetts, U.S.A
Friday, 14th September.
Harvard University...
Hamal was really happy that Janaan has people to call friends, Muslims or non-muslims, that's not the problem. The ones that will be able to stick to you through thick or thin, they are the people someone like Janaan need at this stage of her life and she found them. Even he is their friend, they hung out twice this week. But what he doesn't like is, they're trying to snatch her from him- she taking most of her time with them instead of him in their apartment.
He also helped with the apartment in their floor. When they asked for an apartment, the manager said they can only give them the one in twelfth floor but he went to the manager and they did some talks, they immediately gave them one in thirteenth floor. And now, it's only three rooms between them. Janaan always spend her afternoons and evenings there, much to Hamal's disappointment.
Today being Friday, they wanted to have a girl's night which Hamal was really not looking forward to. He wanted to start making his move but they're trying to ruin everything, even though Mia is helping him secretly at the moment.
Their conversation was what is playing over and over in his head for days, they talked on Wednesday. And she has so many good points..
"Honcho, I can see that you really like Nanu," what she calls Janaan. "..but you're holding back and avoiding it and that's not how it works." She had said at the café they were sitting, waiting for their order.
They were alone and 'cause they both have free period at that moment. He was driving out of the school to the nearest café- to get a hot caffeine to clear his morning flummoxed head- when he saw her walking out of the school also then offered a ride and they found out their destination was the same.
"I know! I know! You just won't understand, she's dating my cousin brother and it looks like they love each other. I'm not supposed to be the one to ruin their perfect relationship, I don't wanna be a homewrecker or in my case, relationship wrecker," he shakes his head in denial.
"Life is inherently risky. There is only one big risk you should avoid at all costs, and that is the risk of doing nothing. And that's exactly what you're doing. Because they are together, doesn't mean you don't have a chance with her." She almost glare at him.
"And what I did to her in the past, do you think she'll ever forgive me for that?" he raised a brow at her. "She'll never forgive me for that, even though she said she did but there is another thing apart from that. I was a beast!" He took a deep breathe, his eyes yawing red.
"Don't say that. She has a big heart, you of all people should know that. I know she's hiding something huge from her past, but that doesn't mean it has anything to do with you. Not one thing, she has this mysteriousness in her eyes that nobody can make her break it, not even you. Give it a shoot and see where it goes. You're not supposed to be afraid of rejection, especially with what you did to her," she glare at him fully this time.
"Okay, stop glaring at me now. I can see you really care about her and so do I. I want to think right now," he pinched the bridge of his nose to dematerialize some of the frustration he's feeling.
"Of course I care about her. She has become a very huge part of me in the span of two days, just like the sister I never had. There is nothing to think about, just get her or she'll slip out if your grasp forever," she fumed, taking a sip from her espresso which was served when they were both fuming.
"You're right. I think I should make my move before I'm too late. What do you suggest I do?" He asked and she gave him her evil grin before she start to tell him her already plotted plan.
And now, as he was sitting in the school library with Alqasim by his side, he start to arrange the plot again. He was thinking about doing it today, but he'll have to beg Mia and Lia to help him postpone the girls night. That's if they want to help him and not want to chop his head for not doing it earlier.
"Dude, you've been zoning out for the past thirty minutes, I'm going!" Alqasim stood up angrily.
He knew his friend is thinking about the Janaan girl he was yet to meet, and as his friend, he was supposed to tell him what has been bothering him but he just brush it off and say it was nothing. He hate it when Hamal is all closed off about the things bothering him. They are like brothers, when Alqasim is in problem, he'll keep on pestering him till he blabber out everything.
"I'm sorry. Let's go out, I'll tell you!" Hamal blinked before standing up and draping his backpack on his left shoulder, grumbling some unknown words to himself. Even if you'll put a knife around his throat and ask him to re-say it, he can't.
They distance themselves out of the library in silence before Hamal decided to talk, not wanting to anger his friend more than he already did.
"I want to ask her out." He blurted out, his mind wasn't even there.
"Woah! Who changed your mind all of a sudden?" Alqasim stopped, stopping Hamal also, he looks incredulous.
"Her friend, Mia. I think she's right though. Just because they're together, doesn't mean she has already moved on from the past," he said, thoughtfully.
"That was what I was trying to make you see, some senses. I'll have to thank this Mia girl." Alqasim grinned. "What are you thinking about now?" Alqasim is the only person that knew about the inclement rainy day.
"How to make it up to her. She tried her best in the past, to make it look romantic and it gave the romantic vibe," he sighed- regret flooding through his blood- sliding his right hand in his thick hair.
"You fucked up, man!" Alqasim shook his head side ways.
Just thinking about what Hamal did to her in the past was ruining his mood. He was so stupid to take that decision, like he doesn't know what his mother is capable of doing, with or without the negative answer.
"I know!" Hamal sighed again, what he has been doing lately.
"Don't think about what she'll say or think about this time. Focus on what matters and let go of what doesn't," Alqasim hit his shoulder, not in a friendly way, like a warning.
"I won't." He whispered, with so much determination and courage in his voice and eyes.
"That's my boy! I'll be really proud of you if you get her back!" Alqasim grinned, like a mother talking to her bairn about winning a sport in school.
"Shut up!" Hamal grumbled before they start to walk to the school parking lot.
"Mia, I swear to God if you take a sip from that cup, you'll regret it!" Lia shouts at the top of her lungs, not wanting Mia to sip her hot chocolate.
"Duh, just a sip and that's all." Mia duh-ed and sipped the hot chocolate, shrugging off the hot glare Lia is giving her.
Janaan was looking back and forth between them not knowing whether to laugh or face palm herself in irritation. She's used to it now.
Sometimes, she'd ask herself whether they are nineteen or three. They act like they've never played when they were younger and they're trying to make it up now. Who tie someone's hand because you don't want the person to help you put some make up? Mia did it.
An hour later, Lia slumped down on her bed- slothful, Janaan and Mia were both sitting down on the carpeted floor in Lia's room, trying to select a movie to watch for their girls' night later. Because it's Friday, they don't want to sleep early so that they can sleep off the Saturday morning and they can do something adventurous Sunday afternoon.
"I'm feeling sick!" Lia grumbled, massaging her fake throbbing head, making it look like she was in a very bad pain which is totally the opposite of the mirth inside her.
"Oh my God!" Mia dramatically stood up, eyes wide and face etched with fake worry. "What's wrong? Your head?" she winked at Lia who grinned maniacally.
"Is she sick?" Janaan asked, standing up from the carpeted floor to the bed. She worriedly looked at Lia who was wincing like a pregnant woman. Janaan doesn't understand what Lia jad said cause she mixed English and Spanish so she had to ask even though by the looks of it, she looks sick.
"Yes! Her temperature is high and I think it's a bad headache," Mia explained, looking at Lia with a silent glare, not wanting her to laugh.
"Oh! Sorry, Li. Where can I get Tylenol for her?" She asked as she start checking the side drawers.
"In the washroom, first cabinet," replied Mia, not taking her eyes off Lia for a second, she knew she could ruin their plan by just a look.
Walking into the brown coloured bathroom- which is similar to hers, she start to look for the medicine in the cabinet where she found it deep inside. She took it and fetch some water in a bowl from the washroom, then took a handkerchief from the third cabinet.
"Here!" She gave them the medicine, then pass the water jar and a cup to Mia so she could put some water into the cup since her hands are holding the bowl and handkerchief.
She wetted the handkerchief and fold it neatly before placing it on Lia's forehead, securely. Lia smiled and thank her like a real sick person.
"Now what should we do about our girls' night?" Mia pouted, not liking the idea of not having their planned night but it has to be shifted for more something reasonable and important.
"You girls can go on and do it without me," Lia whispered, eyes sad, knowing that Janaan will not agree to do it without her.
"No, no, don't talk like that. We can do it tomorrow or another weekend," she smiled, patting Lia's shoulder. "Have some sleep and rest!" she added before standing up and dragging Mia with her.
They switch off the light before walking back to the living room, which was the same with them Janaans', even the kitchen and the furniture. "I think I should just go and cook something for those lazy heads," Janaan reasoned out.
"Okay, I'll just crash also, I'll drop by later or tomorrow. I want leftover." Mia grinned with something shining in her eyes but Janaan shrugged it off and walk out.
She trudge to their apartment and opened the door only to find all the lights off. She furrowed her brows before walking to where the switch is and switched it on. It was only five but the whole place is dark, the curtains are down. She walked into the kitchen to bring out the ingredients she'll need for making Japanese sweet potato, before walking back to her room with the intention to change her clothes to something comfortable.
She was about to remove the geometric print maxi dress, as soon as she removed the veil from her head, Hamal knocked on the door, then salam-ed. She said a small come in, closing her head back with the veil.
Her grandma- her mother's mother said leaving the hair open entice men and we should not encourage it.
Hamal looks nervous, she noticed before cocking her left eyebrow at him, urging him to say whatever that is in his mind. Hamal nervous, she couldn't shake that off her head. She has never seen Hamal nervous, this is the first and she's going to store it in her skull, not wanting it to slip. Every new reaction from Hamal is a treasure to her, especially since he's always confident about everything he does. Everything is calculated and controlled.
"Hey, little one! Can you please come and accompany me? Just for a drive, I'm bored." he forced a grin on his lips but Janaan could see something in his eyes and she's so curious.
"Sure, let's go!"
The food she wanted to cook was long forgotten. She wants to see why Hamal is nervous and there is nothing that will stop her except if he doesn't want to tell her.
They walked out and she stopped to check Fadila's room. She was sleeping peacefully on her bed. She switched off the light for her then silently close the door before following Hamal out of the apartment. They closed the door and walked to the elevator.
After some few minutes of driving, Hamal finally parked the car and opened the door for her. She smiled and disembark out of the car. He said he was going for a drive but they didn't spend long in the car, she brushed it off and looked around her.
The place looks quite. He walked to her side and nudge her shoulder, telling her to follow him. They walked up on some damaged stairs, the place was empty but there are stairs, Janaan furrowed her brows, what are stairs doing here. She kept her thoughts to herself and they walked up to the last stair. She stood there, admiring what she's seeing, her curiosity was fed.
The place looks like a deck. It was plain, except the picnic basket she could see from here and two blue towels displayed on the ground with some distance between them. She could see the sun, falling and trying to set which made her grin to widen and her cheeks and jaw to hurt.
"This is beautiful!" Her eyes showing pure happiness and appreciation, her pearls showing, right dimple deepening, some lines appeared by the side of her lips.
That's all Hamal was looking forward to, that expression on her face. He wanted to jump off the cliff but he kept quite and did it inwardly. The place has a cliff but she hasn't noticed, he can't wait for her expression when she noticed it. He thank Allah for having Alqasim as his friend.
"Thank God you like it. Let's go!" He dragged her to where the towels are.
"I love it!" she grumbled, more to herself but he heard her.
Assalamu Alaikum beautiful souls!
How are you all? I hope you're all doing good, great even.
I wanted to cliffhang you guys wallah *evillaughs* but Shaa, we go meet in future.
Next chapter is gonna be lit litter littest!!! You guys should read it immediately after I release it *hhhh* my stomach hurts.
Biko comment, don't leave my trino alone! I don't wanna say much...
Okay bye!
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