Chapter 8: Shopping
Many more months have gone by since Loki first came here. We've been talking more and more and I've been having a hard time hiding it. Today, however, wasn't about Loki. I had a very important question to ask Tony. I only hope he'll say yes.
"Tony?" I asked cautiously, waking up to him.
"Ah, (Y/n)." Tony said, placing his wrench down and coming over to me. He rested his hands on my shoulders and gave them a firm squeeze.
"Wow. You're getting pretty strong, Shirley Temple!" He commented, releasing my shoulders.
"Thank you." I blushed, fiddling with my hands.
"So, something on your mind, pipsqueak?" Tony asked with a sort of disheveled look on his face. I assumed that he had been having trouble with his machine before.
"Well... it's just that-... I don't know, it sounds selfish now that I'm actually thinking about it..." I shuffled around awkwardly, drawing circles on the floor with my foot.
"What? Kid, who do you think you're talking to? I'm the king of selfishness. Whatever you're asking for, it can't compare to what I've asked for... and gotten." Tony chuckled. His words made me feel a lot better.
"Well... there were all these girls in these really cute, noce clothes that I saw on the street the other day, and... I've never worn anything like that so I was wondering if you'd take me... shopping?" Tony's eyes lit up at that last word.
"Shopping? Hell yeah!" Suddenly, Tony rushed out of the room. He was acting uncharacteristically bouncy which was a shock. Instead of focusing on that, I decided to be bouncy right along with him. He excitedly gathered the Avengers and told them that we were going out to buy me some clothes. They thought the idea was amusing and fun, so they went along.
We had been walking down the street for a couple hours, receiving strange and shocked looks from passerby. I just huddled in the middle of everyone, trying not to be noticed. The only reason we'd been walking this long and hadn't bought anything was because Tony wanted to take me to the most expensive place to buy me some fancy clothes. I begged him not to, but he insisted, stating that it was important to dress better than everyone else. He wouldn't take no for an answer so I gave in to his will.
"Stop!" Tony exclaimed suddenly, stopping us all in our tracks.
"What is it, Tony?" Natasha asked, seeming on edge suddenly.
"This is it!" Tony gasped excitedly, turning to us with a twinkle in his eyes. He rushed into the store and all of us followed suit.
"Spread out!" He demanded. Everyone suddenly scattered to the far ends of the store, leaving me standing awkwardly in the middle of it. So, instead of being lazy and unproductive, I decided to search for some outfits as well. Unfortuantely I found mothing, but I had a good time looking for them. Eventually everyone came back with their outfits and held them behind their backs so I couldn't see. They shoved me to the dressing room and threw their clothes in with me.
"Time to see who picked best!" Tony annonced, clashing his hands together loud enough that I knew he had done it. I sighed and put on Wanda's outfit
"So? Waddya think?" I twirled around to give the full effect and saw a very unnamused Tony staring at me.
"Who chose that? That isn't formal or fancy at all!" Tony shook his head in disapproval.
"I don't know anything about clothes." Wanda shrugged, leaning back. So, I went back in and tries on Clint and Natasha's outfit (they picked it out together.
"How's this one?" I quizzed, spinning around again.
"A little better," Tony began, "but it isn't good enough."
"Well it's better than good, if you ask me." Clint stated, smiling to himself.
"If you have to fight anyone it's perfectly flexible. I don't see how there could be anything wrong with it." Natasha added, looking the outfit over.
"The point is not fighting. The point is to have a good time. Try something else." Tony huffed, getting slightly impatient. Next, I decided to give Thor's a try.
"What about this one? Isn't the color nice?" I prodded, hoping that I wouldn't have to try on any more of these outfits.
"Thor? Is this you? How many times do I have to tell you that armor doesn't always have to be warn here!" Tony goraned whilst rubbing his face with his hands.
"Well it should be. Protection is always important." Thor grumbled, crossing his arms and pouting. I chuckled at him, then went back into the dressing room to try on Steve's outfit.
"Is this good?" I questioned once again, giving an unenthusiastic turn.
"Steve... you are such old man..." Tony grumbled, managing his temples. "How did you even manage to find that here!?" Tony snapped. Steve simply shrugged.
"It's your fault. You know that I still haven't gotten used to the fashion here yet. You shouldn't have asked me to help."
"Steve I swear if we weren't friends I would be ringing your neck right now." Tony fumed, glaring daggers at Steve. I sighed and went back into the dressing room. Two outfits left, let's go with... Vision!
"Is this good enough for you idiots?" I huffed, twisting in place.
"We're getting close... but it just isn't fun enough. You can't only be formally fabulous, you also have to prove that you're ready to have a good time. All of this is spoken through clothing. The first things you notice about a person are told to you by what they wear." Tony states, placing his head in his hands.
"Who's outfit is that, anyway?" Clint asks, looking around.
"Mine." Vision says, raising his hand. "I didn't actually feel like being a part of this, but Mr. Stark forced me."
"So if all of us have gone, doesn't that make the last outfit-"
"Tony's!" I interrupted Natasha and went back into the dressing room. I put on the last outfit. Compared to all the others, I feel like this one wasn't one I pulled off well. I couldn't really pull off any of them, but this one? No, definitely not. It was too far above my actual level of... personage, I guess.
"Guys... I don't think I can do this." I mumbled through the curtain. All the rest of them seemed more like jokes, but this one was the real thing. They all sent me encouraging words from outside, telling me that I had nothing to worry about. I took a deep breath and stepped out of the dressing room.
"So... what do you think? Is... is it nice?" I spun around timidly, barely wanting to stand there. It looked wonderful, I just wasn't sure that I was the kind of girl for it. The outfit seemed too good for someone like me, if that makes any sense. Everyone stared in awe.
"Wow, (Y/n)... you look... nice." Steve choked, staring dead ahead.
"This one is perfect! Right guys!" Tony looked to his friends for support. In return, they all nodded in agreement.
"Great! (Y/n), go put on your clothes! We're buying this one!" Tony exclaimed, shoving me back into the dressing room.
I may have been nervous about the outfit, but I was also rather excited about it. After I got dressed and brought the clothes out Tony ran it up to the register and payed for it. He was acting very differently from how he usually did, but then again... all of them were. Everyone seemed just a little bit off today... I wonder why.
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