Chapter 27: Why not Me?
Warning! Nothing bad, just... well, this chapter literally just cuts to the end of Thor 2, but also... not. Like, none of the other events happened aside from the final fight scene and after, so... yeah. It doesn't make much sense, but kinda. Warning over.
"No..." I whispered over him, his body becoming colder than usual.
"No, no, no, no! Loki, please! I- I can't be without you! Don't leave me!" Thor crouched down beside me as I layed my head on my dying boyfriend's chest. Dying. The word brought tears to my eyes as I heaved, pain rearing through me. Why couldn't it have been me? Why not me?
"I'll tell father what you did here today, brother." Thor told him, grasping his hand. His eyes were becoming glassy.
"I didn't do it... for him..." Loki mumbled to Thor. His eyelids fell and Thor shouted into the darkness. I was silent. All I could do was think. All of the moments we shared, the happiness we felt, it was gone. Memories flooded my head and I couldn't hold them back. I remember one night we were laying on the grass, staring at the stars. He started telling me about the constalations and the nine realms. He seemed rather enthused by them and seeing him in such a way truly gave him the humanity he was so lacking before. His eyes twinkle with delight as I listened to him. Sometimes he would turn to me and truly smile in ways I had never seen. That was when I realised that I was growing feelings for him. He once brushed his hand against mine, just to see if he would get a reaction. He once played pranks on me until I had to beg him to stop and... he would comfort me, even when it wasn't clear that I needed comforting. Now, all of that was gone, left here with an empty shell of the man who once did all of those things... and now never will again. The tears frozen still in his eyes killed me.
"You stupid, stupid man." I chocked, holding his cheek in my hand.
"Why would you do this? Why?..." I layed my head back down. Thor had to literally pry me away from him. He took me back home and left me there. I could only vaguely hear the Avengers all attempting to talk to me or ask me questions over the loud ringing in my ears. I moved sluggishly to my room, pushing past everyone. I went in, closing the door, locking it, then taking everything in the room I could move and shoving it against the door. I lay down on my bed and grabbed the gun from under my pillow, shooting the light out. I blockaded the windows so no light could get into my room. So, there I lay on my bed. Pitch darkness surrounded me as I stared up to the ceiling but saw nothing. Just empty, black space. I knew I wouldn't starve to death, that was one of the affects of whatever was within me. This was the closest I could currently get to death. Laying on my bed, surrounding by blackness that seemed to stretch on forever, though I knew it was only confined to my bedroom walls. That is where I stayed for days on end. Never leaving, barely sleeping, just laying there in the dark. Alone.
Tony's POV
Thor had dropped (Y/n) off a few weeks ago and she hasn't left her room since. I was beginning to get worried. Or, worried enough to actually say something. I went and knocked on her door.
"(Y/n)? Are... are you okay?" I questioned, feeling my heart rate quicken as she didn't answer.
"(Y/n), please! I-... we need to know you're alight!" I told her, beginning to panic. Why had Thor just left? He must have known how she was since he brought her here. But why was she like this? That's when I realised it. Loki hadn't come back with her, and... I haven't seen him in a while. I knocked once more.
"You can't just stay in there forever, (Y/n)." I mumbked, trying to get some sort of response." I heard a murmur from within. She's alive, that's good.
"(Y/n), I can't help you if you don't let me."
"I don't want your help. Just... just go away." She commanded me. I wanted to argue, to push further, but... I didn't want to hurt her more. I sighed and walked away, rejoining my friends.
"Well?" Clint questioned me. I shook my head, staring down at my shoes. I couldn't bear to know that she was on pain, that she was suffering.
"Do you at least know what's wrong?" Natasha questioned me. I sighed and then nodded slightly, picking my head up some.
"Loki is... I think... I don't think he made it..." I explained. It felt like everyone was holding their breaths at once, not daring to utter another word. I honestly didn't want to say anything else, either. I may not have liked Loki the most, but he treated
(Y/n) the way she was supposed to be treated. Like a godess, he loved her more than I think anyone else could love anyone. To have someone like that ripped away from you... I can't say I blame her.
"What do you propose... we do now, Mr. Stark?" Vision questioned me. I looked him directly in the eyes. I tried to stay calm, keep cool, but I felt a warm tear slip down my cheek. I shrugged shakily.
"I, uh... I-I don't know." I answered, rubbing my face slightly. (Y/n) probably wouldn't ever come out of this, I doubt we would ever see her face again. Still, I could only hope.
As I lay in bed that night, I remembered the hidden cameras I had placed in everyone's rooms. I quietly asked Summer to show me
(Y/n)'s room. When I looked at the camera, however, all I saw was darkness.
"Oh, (Y/n)." I sighed quietly, sitting up fully in bed. I told Summer to turn on night vision mode and then, after almost two weeks, I saw her. Her face was pale and her eyes were red and puffy from crying. She was just laying there, staring at the ceiling in utter darkness. I could see her mouth moving, but I couldn't hear what she was saying.
"Turn on ultra sensitive mode." I said aloud. What I heard, however, I wish I hadn't. She just kept repeating the same words to herself.
"Why not me?"
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