Chapter 24: Getting Ready (Part 2)
Loki's POV
Stark had pulled me from my room only moments ago and now I was standing in another one whilst he blocked the door.
"Mind explaining why I'm here, Stark?" I questioned, crossing my arms and glaring at him.
"We're getting you ready for your date. So," Stark threw a suit at me, "put this on." And with that he left. I staired down at the suit.
"Might as well..." I mumbled, setting the suit up on the bed. I took of the black long sleeved shirt and sleep shorts I had on (I recently noticed the trend of having specific clothes for sleeping, so I gave myself my own outfit) and began putting on the white button up shirt, a black coat and pants and a green tie.
(Looks like this>>>>>>>)
(And it's legit! Yay!)
"Not bad..." I scoffed and put on a pair of black shoes. Someone knocked on my door suddenly while I was buttoning the jacket.
"Good. Take this, too." Stark told me as he tossed me a pin.
"It goes at the top of your tie." Tony finished, heading out of the room again. I looked at the pin and nearly laughed, but held it in. It was a little flame like the one on (Y/n)'s suit. I don't know why it was so funny to me, it just was. I pinned it to the top of my tie, as instructed, and sat on a chair that was in the room. I was about to get up when someone opened the door. Thor. I stayed silent as he stared at me.
"Brother." He finally said after a long silence. I didn't feel like correcting him anymore, so I let it slide.
"Hello. What are you doing here?" I questioned him. Thor chuckled and came over to me.
"Are you excited?" Thor wondered, pulling up a chair and sitting in front of me.
"What kind of question is that?" A squinted at him.
"I'm not sure, I just felt like it was the appropriate thing to say." He told me. Another long silence.
"You do lover her, don't you brother?"
"Well, of course. She's the first person that ever treated me like a normal person and cared for me, even with what I have done." I remembered the day we first met. The tears streaming down her face, the lack of fear of me in her eyes. That was the day I truly began to find her interesting.
"I am truly sorry for the way we treated both of you. You must know that during your time away I continued begging to bring you back." Thor assured me.
"I figured you would. It was your idea for her to start talking to me." I rested my head on my hand. Thor nodded.
"I like the suit." Be told me. I smirked.
"Like the extra touch?" I asked him, bringing his attention to the pin on my tie. Thor smiled wide. We talked for a really long time before Stark entered the room.
"Are we having a brotherly moment in here?" Stark cocked an eyebrow. He was a bit annoying, and really stupid, but he could be my brother-in-law some day, so I need to be kind to him.
"I guess so." I laughed. Is this how people were supposed to act? I wasn't sure. I couldn't help but wonder what (Y/n) was wearing. I thought of her sweet smiles and the way she would look at me like there was no one else in the world. I thought of her notes that she used to send when she was lonely or bored, I thought of how comfortable she looked while dancing with me at the Valentine's party, and I thought about what our lives might hold.
"Hello, earth to Loki!" Stark snapped his fingers in my face, breaking through my thoughts. I looked at Stark and my brother with a slightly dazed face which caused them to laugh. Barton came in for a moment and asked Stark for (Y/n)'s dress. Tony nodded and left discretely with Barton, but came back only moments later.
"You are an absolutely insane event planner, you know that?" I chuckled. Stark seemed to agree and motioned for Thor to exit.
"Alright, let's get down to business." Stark said, cracking his knuckles and sitting on the chair Thor had previously been sitting in. I was honestly slightly concerned.
"Listen up, if you hurt her, I can speak on behalf of everyone but your brother that no matter where you go, no matter how far you run, we will hunt you down and destroy you. (Y/n) is like family to me, and I will personally see to it that your pain is prolonged as long as possible. Understood?" Stark cocked an eyebrow and leaned back in his chair. I knew it was a power play, but that didn't mean it wasn't working.
"Yes. Understood." I answered, trying my best not to sound afraid. I knew I shouldn't be, but I still was. Stark called Thor back in and I stayed silent for the rest of the time. That is, until Barton rushed in.
"Well?" Stark questioned him. Clint was slightly out of breath, so it took him a moment to begin speaking.
"She's, uh... she's ready..." Barton panted.
"Does the dress fit?" Stark questioned, standing up from the chair he had stolen.
"Oh ho, yeah!" Barton chuckled. It made me slightly upset that anyone else thought that way about (Y/n), but I supposed that they couldn't help it. She was a truly breathtaking person. I stood up and teleported myself outside of (Y/n)'s door just in time for her to step out.
"I wonder what Loki's wearing." She questioned, thinking aloud to herself.
"Why don't you turn around and find out?" I said to her. When she turned around I saw her mouth open and could already tell that whatever she was about to say was not fully under her control.
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