Chapter 19: The Love Plan
Tony's POV
I saw Loki walk in carrying a sleeping (Y/n) in his arms. I was going to make a snide remark but he gave me a death glare so I thought it best to leave him be. I figured that he would be in there for a while, watching over her, so I took it upon myself to call a meeting.
"Stark... shouldn't we get my brother and Lady (Y/n)?" Thor asked, walking into the lounge.
"No, muscles. The point is that they aren't supposed to know. Anyway, raise your hand if you've noticed any 'romantic tension between Loki and (Y/n)." Everyone but Vision and Clint raised their hands. I sighed.
"Okay, Vision I get, but Clint? How dense are you?" I questioned.
"What can I say? I don't pay attention to any of you." Everyone snickered at Clint's comment.
"Anyway, I'm devising a brilliant plan to get them together and I need your help to-"
"Wait, Tony, you can't be serious. You actually want them to be together?" Nat questioned, leaning forward.
"Can you blame me? Her happiness and her safety are very closely tied. If she gets her heart broken, I fear we may lose her." I shook my head and looked down, remembering all the times we already nearly had.
"Well I've thought it was cute for a long time." Clint stated, leaning back calmly in his chair.
"I thought you said that you didn't notice anything!" Nat argued with the man to her left.
"And I never said I did." Clint responded. We all have sighs of frustration and continued the meeting.
A couple hours later we finally had the perfect plan formulated.
"Okay, just to go over the plan, we all flirt with her and leave the thermostat on cold every day so that she will be miserable and the rest of us can pretend that we don't notice anything while Loki's just kinda like 'What're ya bitchin' about', then swoops in to protect her (and get jealous) because of the flirting and keep her want through the night. Oh! And we make it so that they're forced to share a room because her's is 'under renovation'. Sound good?" I finished with the question so I could look around and check everyone for input.
"Are you sure this will actually work, Stark? Do not forget that a lot of your plans have failed and my brother's fragile heart is too on the line. " Thor assured. I nodded to him. The input was 'greatly appreciated'. After that we all went to set the plan into action. I put a bunch of tools in a box, Clint went ahead and changed the temperature to 45 and then broke it so that it would stick there and Thor went off to prepare some 'appropriate and kind' pick-up lines so that there would at least be a tame one amongst us. After that, we all went to sleep, almost too excited for what was to come tomorrow.
"Okay, why is it so cold!? I thought it was just the rooms but god!" (Y/n) shivered in front of me. I felt a little bad, but this had to be done. I had my toolbox in hand and I was beginning to pass her down the hall to her room.
"T-Tony?" (Y/n) shook in the frigid air. I had to keep calm.
"Yes, (Y/n)?" I asked, turning to smile at her.
"W-where are you g-going with that? L-last time I ch-checked your lab was-was down st-stairs."
"Well, your room is under renovation. No big deal, you'll have to stay in Loki's room for a while. Anyway, why are you-"
"L-Loki's room!?" (Y/n) stuttered out, her face turned bright pink and her mouth hung open.
"Well, yeah." I responded, nonchalantly.
"Wh-why?" She questioned.
"Well, you haven't been keeping your promise about watching him day and night, so I'm forcing you to. Anyway, why are you shivering?" It took (Y/n) a couple minutes to process this information before she finally responded.
"W-wait... what do you mean? C-can't you feel it? There is f-frost on your windows, Tony!" She exclaimed.
"I think it feels nice. If you wanna change it you can try, but I think that it's broken." I lied through my teeth and quickly walked away, avoiding the rest of (Y/n)'s questions. I noticed her walking around, asking all of the other Avengers about it and rapping herself up in blankets to keep the cold out. Finally, she got to Loki. We all went over and peeked around the corner, waiting to see how this would play out.
"L-Loki, please tell me that you think it's cold in here!" (Y/n) shivered, bundled up in blankets.
"What? No. Why would I?" Loki questioned her. Seemed like their kind moment last night didn't affect their relationship at all. We followed Loki and (Y/n) to the thermostat and Loki seemed absolutely stunned.
"My gods! What has happened to this thing!?" Loki exclaimed, tapping it. The thermostat let out a small electric spark. (Y/n) and Loki shared a concerned look.
"W-well? What c-can we d-d-do?" (Y/n) asked Loki, trying to keep warm. I could tell that he was struggling not to warm her up.
"Well, most humans couldn't last a day like this. They wouldn't die, but they would certainly be uncomfortable and want to get everything fixed as soon as they could, so... why hasn't Stark fixed this thing yet?" Loki questioned, flicking the thermostat a couple times, causing more electricity to shoot out of it.
"Maybe because everyone I've asked says that everything's fine!" (Y/n) exclaimed, flailing her arms wildly. Her frantic movement caused her to drop a lot of blankets and, because she has very strange reactions sometimes, she dropped to the floor and began rolling herself back up in them. Loki chuckled lightly, as did some of us. Loki noticed and snapped his head in our direction. We all scattered in different directions, avoiding his prying eyes. That was a close one.
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