Chapter 14: Trapped
My head lulled to the side, my head hurt so badly that I couldn't open my eyes. Somehow, the people here had managed to apprehend me. I honestly couldn't be happier. My friends were safe, I was locked up, no one could get hurt ever again. I heard breathing in the room and slowly opened my eyes, lifting my head up some. I saw a man in a chair in the corner of the room. He was sleeping soundly, his breathing level.
"Hey." I made my consciousness known, causing the man in the corner to spring forward in shock.
"You're a terrible guard." I smirked, cocking my head slightly to the side. The man narrowed his eyes at me in confusion.
"What?" I questioned, cocking an eyebrow.
"Nothing," The man finally spike, leaning back and ribbing his forehead, "I'm just wondering how you can crack jokes or... really speak at all with the state you're in. That's when I noticed the slices down my arms and across my legs, the bruises everywhere.
"What's all this for?" I asked after truly assessing everything. This would explain why any small movement caused me pain.
"You... you really have no idea, do you?" The man asked, leaning forward again, trying to see if I was lying.
"No. I never do." I averted my eyes, ashamed of the damage I could have caused.
"Well, after you were knocked unconscious something happened. It was like... something erupted within you. You attacked and killed a lot of people, and you gave me this." The man lifted his shirt to reveal a gash across his side that was oozing black goo.
"You should really have that cleaned out. It's infectious. It's extremely deadly and you wouldn't know it until it's too late." I told the man.
"Why are you trying to save me? I imprisoned your friends, you, I don't think that helping me is the-"
"Because I can see in your eyes that you were forced into this." After I said that his eyes went wide. He stayed silent for a while.
"Hey, these chains don't have any special properties, right?" I asked the man sitting in front of me.
"No ma'am." The man replied. I smirked.
"Great. I think I can get you out of here." The man was baffled.
"A-are you serious!? Wh-what about you!?"
"Me? Please. I intend to stay. I don't want anyone else to get hurt." I opened a hole in the wall and the man instantly got up and rushed out.
"What's your name?" I asked as he was leaving.
"Chuck. What's yours?" He replied.
"(Y/n). Keep a low profile and look out for my friends. See you on the other side." I could see Chuck's face drop in sadness. I could tell he knew what I meant. More footsteps. I closed the wall as soon as I could, remembering Loki's expression sadly. His angry-sad eyes, his bared teeth, the low growl he gave as he rushed toward me. I hung my head low as guns surrounded me, one poking itself directly into my cheek. I sighed, thinking of all the people I had let down, the childhood I had no memory of...
"Speak." One of the many people demanded. I stayed put, wondering what Loki could be doing right now. I felt a shotgun slam into my face. I sputtered.
"Speak!" The same person demanded again, shouting this time.
"What do you want me to say?" I asked, blood trickling down my lip and splattering onto my lap.
"First, tell us where you sent the man who was watching over you. Then, you can tell us who you are and what your were doing in this facility."
"I sent him away and I was rescuing my friends." I responded.
"Really? Your 'friends'? Last time we checked they wanted nothing to do with you." The person retorted, lifting my chin up to him with the tip of his gun.
"True. But after I saved their sorry asses I have only but to assume that they have at least warmed up to me some." I smirked, causing the person to punch me in the stomach. I groaned in pain but was unable to keep over due to my position.
"Do you think this is some kind of joke!?" The man shouted, taking his gun and hitting me across the face with it. I didn't respond.
"Do you!?" He took the butt of the gun and slammed it down onto my head. I was sure that I wasn't just bleeding on the outside at this point, but I still refused to respond.
It went on like this for days until, eventually, they got bored. No one came to my cell. They just left me chained to that chair for days, festering in sweat and blood and bruises, begging for the sweet release of death. There is no greater torture than the torture of being alone. Being alone with my thoughts was never something I liked. All I could ever think of was Loki. His cute smirks, his rare, genuine smiles, his silly games, his nicknames, the stories he told and the smile he brought to me. I cried nearly every day, I was sure. I didn't actually have any grasp of time as I didn't have a clock and couldn't see into the outside. It was just a cold, metal room.
Eventually, people started coming back. Hitting me, choking me, trying to kill me. Results were always the same. People never learn. They truly were just puny mortals. I often found myself smiling spontaneously and then crying two seconds later. I felt like that room had trapped every one of my emotions in one giant tornado and kept randomly throwing emotions at me, forcing me to feel things that made no sense. I had already given up on my life. It wasn't like it was worth much in the first place. I heard footsteps coming down the hall. A group of peolle, by the sound of it. But the boots... the weren't wearing the uniform boots, the ones that bring a heavy feeling to each step, announcing your presence to everyone. No. These boots were different, they were... familiar.
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