Chapter 13: Rescue Mission
"You sure you want to go through with this?" Loki asked after we'd run around for about five minutes collecting weapons and other such things.
"Yes. You know, you don't have to come with me." I said, putting on a backpack full of guns and ammo.
"Oh, no, no, no. I'm coming with you." Loki insisted, taking the backpack off of me and onto himself.
"Why?" I questioned, turning my head to one side.
"You could get hurt! Or worse..."
"Loki? Really?"
"Yes. Really. Look, I can't have you running around by yourself. Who knows what you could mess up?" He scoffed, trying to blow off his feelings.
"Yeah? Well stop caring about me. It doesn't look good on you." I smirked. He gave me a confused smile, then placed his hand on my shoulder, zapping us outside some sort of base. Two guards stood there, both armed with weapons. I was a bit woosy, but I was determined not to fall down.
"Okay, so what should we do?" I asked, looking up at Loki.
"Simple." He shrugged simply, then snapped his fingers. Two clones of himself suddenly appeared behind the men and the knocked the pair unconscious.
"Hm. Nice work." I conceded, putting him on the back and moving along. We entered the base slowly, trying not attract any unwanted attention. Unfortuantely, despite our best attempts, we did. After only barely entering the long hallway a group of people with weapons blocked our path.
"I can't wait to see you in action." Loki stated sarcastically.
"Shut up." I chuckled, rolling my eyes. The people rushed us and we began to fight. Loki used his magic to deter them from the correct version of him as they all fought. About ten different people started to come at me so I summoned a fireball and threw it at them. I was determined to get to my destination, no matter what the cost. Eventually, I got a brilliant plan.
"Loki, do you think you could get both of us around them?" I asked, whirling around and punching someone in the face.
"Why!? So that we can just run from them?" Loki asked, using one of the guns from the bag we had brought. It was a little strange to see him wield a gun. He usually used magic.
"Just trust me, alright!?" I shouted at him, throwing a boomerang I had made out of the ground over the sea of people, hitting some of them in the head when it reattached itself to the floor. Loki rolled his eyes, then came over to me and zapped us in front of our attackers. It took them a moment to catch on, so I had time to regain my balance. They turned around and began rushing at us.
"Now would be a pretty good time for that plan of yours!" Loki exclaimed, glaring over at me.
"Hang on." I said, trying to regain my balance. Before I could fully do it I realised just how close the people were to reaching us.
"Here goes nothing..." I panted. I created a wall out of the sides of the building and immediately felt the weight of it.
"Oh god." I strained, trying to keep the wall up. I stood up straight and bolted down the hall, keeping my concentration focused on the area of bent reality and remembering to keep it up.
"Are you alright? Do you want to rest for a moment?" Loki asked as we continued to run. I realised just how tired I must have looked. I was sweating a lot and my footsteps were very heavy.
"No. We have to keep going." I told him, pressing on further into the building. Eventually we made it to a small room that was locked exceedingly well. I groaned and melted the metal lock off by throwing a blast of fire at it. Loki kicked open the door. The Avengers were there, chained to the walls and beaten up.
"(Y-... Y/n)?" Steve questioned, trying to lift his head. I cursed under my breath at seeing what had happened to them. I was weak and probably wouldn't make it out conscious.
"Loki, can you... can you get them out of those?" I asked, leaning against the door frame. It was getting harder and harder to keep my eyes open. Lokihelped the Avengers out of the chains and made sure they could all stand. They were a bit wobbly, but they would be fine.
"Now what?" Loki asked, supporting Tony who couldn't move as well as the rest of them (probably because he talked back the most).
"Okay, I'm going to open a hole in that wall to the outside world but it will cause the wall I made to collapse, so you'll have to be quick. Can you do that?"
"Yes, but what about yo-"
"Oh, yes, what about me? Look, I'll come out right after you, okay? Now go." I opened the wall after I said that and the Avenger's piled out. I could already hear quiet steps coming from behind me. Everyone was already out.
"What are you waiting for!? Come on!" Loki yelled at me as I began to let the hole I had made in the wall slowly close. The footsteps were louder now.
"Loki, I'm not going to... I'm not going to make it out of here conscious." I whispered, holding back tears.
"So I don't want to hurt you! Or them..." A single tear slipped down my face. After these few months I had begun to let my guard down with him and now... I was about to have to leave him.
"(Y/n), don't."
"Sorry." Loki was a good distance away and was now rushing at the hole in the wall.
"Than you for caring for me." I smiled through my tears and closed the hole just in time to hear Loki hit the wall. The soldiers came up from behind me and slammed me into the wall which I knew could be heard from the outside. I smiled gently to myself and slipped out of consciousness.
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