Chapter 14
(Y/n)'s POV
"(Y/n), I believe that you know the way," Erza exclaimed.
"Follow me."
We were going through what felt like a never ending path with lots of twists and turns until we came across the guild, Twilight Ogre. I sighed, knowing that this wouldn't end well.
"Get out of our way unless you want to get hurt."
"No way!" yelled one of their members.
"Fine then. Ice make snow minions!"
Lots of ice people came out and attacked Twilight Ogre. Tch, they sure were weak.
"Let's go."
We were almost at the centre of the maze until... "Look at what we have here, the flies of Fairy Tail," mocked Sting.
"Get. Out. Of. Our. Way."
"What if we don't, desert rose?"
"You'll get an unhappy ending."
"Ice make arrow!"
Gray had aimed that attack at Rogue. Natsu was battling Sting, Lucy battling Orga while Erza was facing Rufus. I got the honour of fighting Minerva. Great...not.
"Well, if it isn't the desert rose. I'll tear you apart, it'll be as easy as picking the petals off a flower," she exclaimed with a smirk.
"Ice crystal dragon's crushing fangs of death!"
"...that attack actually hurt but it only caused minor damage."
Then she made explosions occur around me but I quickly surrounded myself in ice. When the dust cleared, I only had a few scratches.
Gray's POV
Trying to defeat these two 'twin dragons' was hard. Huh? What's with this burning smell? Wait...Oww! "Natsu! You're supposed to attack them, not me! You idiotic flame brain!"
"Hey! It's not my fault that you got in the way, ice popsicle!" he retorted.
"They sure do argue a lot," commented Rogue.
(Y/n)'s POV
"Frost," I muttered under my breath.
Everyone in Sabertooth could no longer see because I had clouded their vision with ice. I put ear plugs into their ears and stuck ice sticks into their noses so they couldn't hear or smell us escape. I also shoved some of Natsu's out of date (and disgusting) takoyaki into their mouths so that they couldn't make any rude comments.
"Come on guys, this way," I whispered.
We soon reached the centre of the maze. A sigh of relief escaped my lips.
"Congratulations, you made it in 5th place (second last). You were so busy fighting Sabertooth that you didn't even realise the other guilds slip past you," exclaimed the pumpkin announcer.
"At least we didn't come last."
"You will go back to your inns and rest for tonight. Tomorrow will be the first day of the Grand Magic Games."
~At the inn~
"Thanks (Y/n), without you in the team, I don't think we would've made it this far," said Erza.
"D-don't mention it."
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