Chapter 23
Timekeeperof1920 and jellybabiesontoast, I hope the wait was worth it!
Maccaroon has joined the chat.
Maccaroon: Hello?
NotHarryPotter has joined the chat.
NotHarryPotter: Uh, hi.
Zzaayynn has joined the chat.
Zzaayynn: Get off your phone, Harry, we're going to be late for the photoshoot-- wait, who's that?
Maccaroon: Photoshoot? Are you all models?
Zzaayynn: No...?
WindowPayne has joined the chat.
WindowPayne: We're actually a band.
Maccaroon: A band! So am I! Maybe I've heard of you-- which one?
AnyaDidn'tKnowIExisted87 has joined the chat.
AnyaDidn'tKnowIExisted87 Um. Is this guy for real? You couldn't tell by our usernames?
AnyaDidn'tKnowIExisted87: One Direction? International singing sensation?
Maccaroon: ...One Direction? Never heard of you. Are you really that well-known?
NiallTheTime has joined the chat.
NiallTheTime: Don't waste your time with him. We have to be at that photoshoot at that road place.
WindowPayne: Oh, right! Abbey Road-- I forgot!
Maccaroon: Abbey Road?!
NotHarryPotter: Yeah, it's famous for some reason. Some other band walked across it or something.
Maccaroon: Um. Yes. That's correct.
Maccaroon: A musician I'm quite familiar with did, in fact.
Maccaroon: Paul McCartney?
AnyaDidn'tKnowIExisted87: ...who?
Maccaroon: Paul McCartney? Of the Beatles? Walked across Abbey Road? Sort of a big deal?
Zzaayynn: Uh, no. Don't know who that is.
Maccaroon:'ve never heard of him? At all? Really? Never seen these dashing good looks?
NotHarryPotter: Uh, nope. Never seen him.
Maccaroon: Seriously?! Are you sure?!
NiallTheTime: Nope. The only Paul McCartney I've heard of is some old guy...
Maccaroon: EXCUSE ME?! I'm not--
Maccaroon: Um. Would you mind telling me what year this is?
WindowPayne: 2017, man. What drugs have you been on?
Maccaroon: ...weed. A little while ago. But that's not the point.
Maccaroon: So you're telling me. That you don't. Know. Who. Paul McCartney. Is.
NotHarryPotter: No! What's your deal, man? Why're you obsessed with some old guy whose music probably wasn't even that good?!
Maccaroon is typing...
Maccaroon: THAT'S IT!
BohemianBeatle has joined the chat.
BohemianBeatle: Gentlemen. If you know what's good for you, you'll leave this chat and let Paul be.
Zzaayynn: Wh-- where did you--?!
jellybabiesontoast has joined the chat.
jellybabiesontoast: Doesn't matter -- but we can do more than just visit this chat...
Rebecca_Dolenz has joined the chat.
Rebecca_Dolenz: if you want to stop wasting his time and leave him and all of us alone, you'll leave. And not come back until we tell you to.
AnyaDidn'tKnowIExisted87: No way! Why'd we listen to a bunch of creeps like you?!
pauliesnecklace has joined the chat.
pauliesnecklace: Fine, you asked for it...
longjohnnysilver has joined the chat.
The chat has detected a virus.
NotHarryPotter: FINE! FINE, WE'LL LEAVE!
NotHarryPotter has left the chat.
AnyaDidn'tKnowIExisted87 has left the chat.
NiallTheTime has left the chat.
Zzaayynn has left the chat.
WindowPayne has left the chat.
pauliesnecklace: Don't listen to them. They certainly didn't take the Beatles' place, far from it.
Maccaroon: I'm not quite sure who they were, but I don't like them.
longjohnnysilver: We don't, either.
Maccaroon: Good riddance, then. Thanks for that...
jellybabiesontoast: Anytime...
Maccaroon: So... who was it that hacked all of you into here?
BohemianBeatle: All of us, really, we can all hack...
Maccaroon: Well, that's six of us that are hackers, then...
jellybabiesontoast has gone idle.
Rebecca_Dolenz has grown idle.
longjohnnysilver: Uh, so...
longjohnnysilver: You're really Paul McCartney?
Maccaroon: Oh. Oh, shit. Right. I said that. And now people know. Oh. Great.
Maccaroon: Um, no, I'm not, sorry to let you all down, but it's... not... actually...
BohemianBeatle is typing...
BohemianBeatle: ...we all know it's actually you...? Pretending is pretty much useless at this point.
Maccaroon: ...fine, you've got me.
Maccaroon: James Paul McCartney, at your service.
Maccaroon: I guess you already know who I am.
longjohnnysilver: Oh, God, yeah, we're huge fans of yours...
pauliesnecklace: you're really from the sixties?
Maccaroon: I, um, yeah, John helped me hack into things, and it sort of went into the future, and... uh... you know what, it's complicated.
Rebecca_Dolenz: Oh. Wow.
Rebecca_Dolenz: Whoa...
Maccaroon: Oh, God...
Maccaroon: Please don't freak out, please don't freak out, please don't freak out...
Rebecca_Dolenz: Oh, I forgot -- Beatlemania is still a huge thing back in your time.
Rebecca_Dolenz: In that case, that won't be a problem.
Maccaroon: mean you won't hack into my account and find out all my personal details and follow me to my house and...?
pauliesnecklace: Paul, don't worry!
pauliesnecklace: This is 2017 -- fans of the Beatles aren't nearly as crazy as they used to be.
BohemianBeatle: This may be one of the most exciting things to happen to all of us, but we'll be calm about it.
Maccaroon: Really? You'd do that for me?
jellybabiesontoast: Of course! As long as it's okay to ask you some questions about things.
Maccaroon: Sure! I like fans, when they aren't trying to claw my hair out.
jellybabiesontoast: ...that happens a lot?
Maccaroon: You have no idea.
longjohnnysilver: Well, we can't even physically reach you, so you won't have to worry about that!
longjohnnysilver: Can I go first?
Maccaroon: Be my guest!
longjohnnysilver: Well, to start off, how are your eyelashes so amaccamazing??
Maccaroon: Amaccamazing?! That's a thing?!
longjohnnysilver: It's a word I made up in your honor -- never thought you'd actually hear of it, though.
Maccaroon: I like it! It's very... me!
Maccaroon: Well, my darling, I'd love to tell you, but...
Maccaroon: ...a magician shouldn't give away his secrets.
Maccaroon: I'm afraid that's classified.
longjohnnysilver: Aw, man...
longjohnnysilver: Figured I'd try and ask.
Maccaroon: I will tell you, though, that it involves a very special brand of mascara.
jellybabiesontoast: YOU MEAN THEY'RE NOT ALL NATURAL?!
BohemianBeatle: ...should I feel betrayed?
Maccaroon: Funny, that's what John said the other night...
Maccaroon: He even said he was writing fanfiction about them.
jellybabiesontoast: Oh, uh, speaking of. Just in case you encounter more things in 2017.
jellybabiesontoast: Do you know what slash fanfiction is?
Maccaroon: Can't say I do. Is it a type of genre?
jellybabiesontoast: ...sort of.
Maccaroon: Ooh, I like the sound of that. Maybe I'll go off and read some of it.
jellybabiesontoast: NO!
jellybabiesontoast: STAY AWAY FROM THOSE.
Maccaroon: Why?? What's so bad about them? I haven't read a book in a while. I should really get around to doing that...
Maccaroon: ...okay??
pauliesnecklace: Ooh! I have a question!
pauliesnecklace: and John.
Maccaroon: ...yes?
pauliesnecklace: You two seem to be very... close.
Maccaroon: That's a broad term, there.
pauliesnecklace: Ever think of moving in together?
Maccaroon: ????!?!?!?!?!?!!??????!!!
Maccaroon: wHAT?! NO, ThaT;S riD!icUloUS hE h@S a wIFe anD a cHiLD whERE dID y0U GET THat idE
Maccaroon: T-that's not a link to a real estate website! What a silly idea...?!
BohemianBeatle: I'll take that as a yes, then!
Rebecca_Dolenz: I was going to ask which Beatle was closest to you, but I don't think I need to anymore...
Maccaroon: Nonsense! I--
Maccaroon: Nevermind.
Maccaroon: Enough about John, please. Any other questions?
Rebecca_Dolenz: Actually, yes!
Rebecca_Dolenz: Moving away from the subject of your band entirely, rumour has it that you met another band recently on a chat like this one... the Monkees, perhaps?
Maccaroon: Oh! Yeah. Guessing by your username, you know them?
Rebecca_Dolenz: As a matter of fact, yes!
Maccaroon: That's fab! I do like them. They're good to be around, and they remind me a lot of us...
Maccaroon: The idea of Micky and John being in a chat together again scares me, though. Just a bit.
Rebecca_Dolenz: I can definitely see why.
Rebecca_Dolenz: Do you have a favorite?
Maccaroon is typing...
Maccaroon: I'm quite fond of Davy...
Maccaroon has gone idle.
Rebecca_Dolenz: Paul?
Maccaroon: Huh?
Maccaroon: Oh, right, yes. Davy.
Maccaroon: He's from the UK, like I am!
Maccaroon: Not to mention we're both the best looking in our groups...
Maccaroon: The absolute best looking...
Maccaroon has gone idle.
BohemianBeatle: PAUL!
Maccaroon: What?!
Maccaroon: Sorry, sorry...
Rebecca_Dolenz: Are you with the others? John, George, Ringo?
Maccaroon: As it happens, yes. I take it you're as big of a fan as them as you are me?
BohemianBeatle: Yes! Of course! Is that even a question?
jellybabiesontoast: Would you mind telling them a few things for us?
Maccaroon: I'm sure they'd love hearing from some future fans. Has digitalized food been made possible yet? George would love some of that...
BohemianBeatle: Unfortunately not, though it can be digitally delivered to your door...
Maccaroon: Really?! By what, a robot?
BohemianBeatle: Better -- a flying robot!
Maccaroon:'re not kidding.
BohemianBeatle: Nope.
Maccaroon: Whoa...
Rebecca_Dolenz: Although I can't deliver food to him, I can deliver a message.
Rebecca_Dolenz: Tell him that I said hi, and that I love him, and...
Maccaroon: ...
Rebecca_Dolenz: Sorry, Paul, but tell him that he's the best songwriter in the world.
Maccaroon: WHAT?! HOW?!
Maccaroon: I mean, don't get me wrong -- I love the songs that Geo's written, but he's hardly done any for us!
Rebecca_Dolenz: Do you know why that is?
Maccaroon: Well, I -- I always thought it was because he was shy, but I never really thought to-
Maccaroon: Oh.
Maccaroon: He writes a lot more songs for us in the future, doesn't he?
Rebecca_Dolenz: Yep.
Rebecca_Dolenz: You should ask him about some of the things he's working on. I think he'd appreciate that.
Maccaroon: ...I will, then.
Maccaroon: Thank you.
Maccaroon: What about Rings, should I ask him about writing?
longjohnnysilver: As much as I hate to say it, I think Ringo's good where he is.
Maccaroon: As much as I hate to say it too, that's what I thought.
Maccaroon: I suppose I should have asked George about songs earlier on. He's so shy, though, I guess it was silly to think he'd approach me first... you don't think he'll be mad at me if I ask him now, do you?
BohemianBeatle: I think he'll be more than grateful. Go for it!
Maccaroon: Should I'll bring him some cookies as well?
pauliesnecklace: Good call.
Maccaroon: All right. I'll do it, then!
longjohnnysilver: YAY!
longjohnnysilver: And don't forget entirely about Ringo. He'll give you a song or two in good time.
longjohnnysilver: Octopi make surprisingly good song subjects!
Maccaroon: Octopi?!
Maccaroon: You've got to be kidding me.
jellybabiesontoast: We're not, and we have the song to prove it!
Maccaroon: Right, you're from the future.
Maccaroon: I keep forgetting that.
BohemianBeatle: We keep forgetting you're in the past, too -- you're still here in this year, only much older.
Maccaroon: I forgot about that, too!
Maccaroon: Could I see a picture of myself? Just so I can make sure I'm still handsome?
BohemianBeatle: ...I don't know about that. Should we?
Rebecca_Dolenz: What's the harm in it?
jellybabiesontoast: I'm doing it. I want to see his reaction.
Maccaroon: ...?
Maccaroon: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?????????????!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maccaroon: AND WRinKLED
Maccaroon has left the chat.
longjohnnysilver: PAUL!
Maccaroon has joined the chat.
Maccaroon: I... I don't know if I'll ever be the same...
Heeeeere'sJohnny has joined the chat.
Heeeeere'sJohnny: I LIKE IT!
pauliesnecklace: John?
Rebecca_Dolenz: Oh my god...
Maccaroon: Quick, get a picture of John while he's old, too, just to scare him off...
BohemianBeatle: ...I don't think that's a good idea, Paul.
Maccaroon: Why?! Come on, it'll be great!
Heeeeere'sJohnny: I probably just look loads better than you.
Heeeeere'sJohnny has left the chat.
Rebecca_Dolenz: We just met John Lennon. I can't believe it...
Maccaroon: I'd hardly say you met him, but that's John, for you... he didn't even bother to say hello.
Maccaroon: I suppose he's growing impatient -- I've been on here a while. I think I might leave.
longjohnnysilver: Aw, man...
Maccaroon: Hey, but maybe I'll drop by this chat again -- you may be the oddest group of fans I've ever met, but you all seem lovely!
Maccaroon: It's not often you meet a group of fans that just talk to you like they would anyone else. I'm grateful for that.
jellybabiesontoast: Paul?
Maccaroon: Yes?
jellybabiesontoast: You're going to do grand things in life, really. Trust me. All of us here... we're really proud of you.
Maccaroon is typing...
Maccaroon: Oh my God... you're all so sweet...
Maccaroon: Damn it, I think I've smudged my mascara...
BohemianBeatle: Paul! Are you crying?!
Maccaroon: M-maybe!
longjohnnysilver: Aw... you're adorable. Stay that way! Please!
Maccaroon: Shouldn't you of all people know if I stayed adorable?
longjohnnysilver: Good point... in that case, good job staying adorable.
Maccaroon: Thank you, love. You wouldn't have to worry about that anyway!
Maccaroon: Well, I think I'd best be off, now. John and the others will start to worry.
Maccaroon: Thank you all for saving me from that band!
Rebecca_Dolenz: Thank you for taking the time to talk to us afterwards!
Maccaroon: And thank you for the advice on George -- I think he'd thank you, too. I'll tell him what you said.
pauliesnecklace: Tell John and Ringo, too, that we love them just as much! The four of you are going to change the world!
Maccaroon: I'll do that. Whenever we get around to changing the world, I'll keep the five of you in mind!
Maccaroon: Bye, loves!
Rebecca_Dolenz: Bye!!
BohemianBeatle: Bye!
pauliesnecklace: Goodbye!
jellybabiesontoast: Bye!
longjohnnysilver: Stay amaccamazing!
Maccaroon has left the chat.
The Wattpad logic is strong with this one.
I had to search up "members of One Direction" on Google. I hope you all appreciate that. No offense to 1D fans -- this is satire! You do you!
It's baaaaaaaaack! Many apologies for not updating in so long. I have to get in as many chapters as I can before the school year begins, so hopefully you'll see a bit more of the lads before I'm crushed under an ever-growing pile of schoolwork.
To everyone who participated in this chapter (pauliesnecklace, surprise!) thank you for submitting your questions! To those who want to be included in a future chapter (Miyun, Fatz, and Rita, I'm looking at you!) not to worry -- I want to include as many of you readers as I can. There will be more chapters similar to this in different story arcs and I'll be sure to let you all know when they're being written!
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