Chapter 16
This chapter is brought to you by @rebeccaadelson and Lennison! (why is it not providing a link for Rebecca? What's up with you, Wattpad?)
Daydream_Believer68: Mike. Are you telling me you actually brought home a Texas Prairie Chicken?
Wool_Hat: ...maybe.
Randy-Scouse-Monkee: Mike! You know we can't keep it here! Mr. Babbit will kill us!
Wool_Hat: I'd rather him kill me than someone kill it!
Long-Haired_Hippie: Where'd you even get one?
Wool_Hat: From the local prairie chicken dealer across the street.
Randy-Scouse-Monkee: Ah, silly me, of course.
Heeeeere'sJohnny has joined the chat.
Starr_in_the_sky, Sitar-Hero and Maccaroon have joined the chat.
Daydream_Believer68: Listen, you're just going to have to release it somewhere.
Wool_Hat: I don't want to!
Long-Haired_Hippie: It's cute! Can we keep it?
Wool_Hat: Pleeeeeeeease?
Maccaroon: Well! I'm so flattered -- that's the sweetest thing --
Sitar-Hero: They weren't talking about you, Paul.
Long-Haired_Hippie: The chicken's name is Paul?!
Maccaroon: What? No, I'm not a chicken!
Heeeeere'sJohnny: ...I beg to differ with you there, my friend.
Wool_Hat: No matter what you are, who are you, exactly?
Sitar-Hero: We're Beatles.
Randy-Scouse-Monkee: Well, darn it.
Randy-Scouse-Monkee: No matter how many times you call pest control, bugs just keep infesting everything, don't they?
Starr_in_the_sky: ...hey, where's all that laughter coming from?
Daydream_Believer68: Ah, that's just the audience. You'll get used to it eventually.
Heeeeere'sJohnny: You calling me a bug, punk?
Randy-Scouse-Monkee: Maybe I am, punk.
Starr_in_the_sky: What audience?
Daydream_Believer68: All the Wattpad readers. Look there, right past the screen -- you see 'em?
Starr_in_the_sky: I see someone typing, and a really excited one...
Daydream_Believer68: Nah, that's just Anya and Rebecca. You'll see what I mean soon enough.
Heeeeere'sJohnny: Is that a challenge?
Randy-Scouse-Monkee: Maybe it is.
Sitar-Hero: Whoa, calm down. Don't get hostile.
Wool_Hat: I wouldn't worry about it too much. What could they possibly --
Randy-Scouse-Monkee: o==|=======>
Wool_Hat: Oh, dear lord.
Heeeeere'sJohnny: <=======|==o So be it.
Randy-Scouse-Monkee: ⚔️💥⚔️💥⚔️💥⚔️💥
Heeeeere'sJohnny: ⚔️💥⚔️💥⚔️💥⚔️💥⚔️💥⚔️💥⚔️💥⚔️💥⚔️💥
Randy-Scouse-Monkee: Oxxxxx|(|=========================>
The chat has detected a virus.
Heeeeere'sJohnny: ...fine.
The virus has been disabled.
Daydream_Believer68: Now, shouldn't you be ashamed of yourself, trying to crash our chat room like that?
Starr_in_the_sky: Yeah, John, we were only popping in to say hello.
Long-Haired_Hippie: I think the least you can do is introduce yourselves.
Heeeeere'sJohnny: ...I'm John.
Sitar-Hero: George.
Starr_in_the_sky: Ringo!
Maccaroon: Paul.
Sitar-Hero: Sorry we hurt your chat room, mister.
Daydream_Believer68: Ah, no harm done. I believe a friend of ours has an apology to make as well.
Randy-Scouse-Monkee: ...sorry for challenging you to a duel. Even if my keyboard art was better.
Heeeeere'sJohnny: That's debatable.
Daydream_Believer68: Anyway, I'm Davy.
Long-Haired_Hippie: Peter.
Wool_Hat: Mike.
Randy-Scouse-Monkee: MICKY!
Wool_Hat: Well, it's nice to meet you. I'm not so sure about John, but the rest of you seem pretty groovy.
Maccaroon: John's all right. He just likes to get into trouble.
Long-Haired_Hippie: Reminds me of someone else I know.
Randy-Scouse-Monkee has left the chat.
Long-Haired_Hippie: He'll be back sooner or later.
Daydream_Believer68: I can hear him typing in the next room over. Probably advertising a free Texas Prairie Chicken, or something.
Wool_Hat: NO!
Randy-Scouse-Monkee has joined the chat.
Randy-Scouse-Monkee: I'm back, I'm back.
Randy-Scouse-Monkee: Anyway, where are you intruders from?
Starr_in_the_sky: Liverpool, UK.
Daydream_Believer68: Ah! Kinsmen!
Wool_Hat: We're across the ocean in Los Angeles, but Davy came over from Manchester.
Heeeeere'sJohnny: Only about an hour away!
Heeeeere'sJohnny: If you're ever visiting home, you know where to find us, then...
Maccaroon: Not so fast, John, you've barely met him. We have no idea what he even looks like.
Daydream_Believer68: I can fix that!
Daydream_Believer68: Just a moment.
Daydream_Believer68: There I am!
Maccaroon is typing...
Maccaroon is typing...
Maccaroon is typing...
Sitar-Hero: Whoa, there, Paul. You okay?
Maccaroon is typing...
Maccaroon: On second thought...
Maccaroon: Come over any time.
Maccaroon: Hell, come over right now.
Heeeeere'sJohnny is typing...
Heeeeere'sJohnny: Paul, I think we may need to talk.
Heeeeere'sJohnny: Right now.
Heeeeere'sJohnny has left the chat.
Maccaroon has left the chat.
Daydream_Believer68: ???
Sitar-Hero: ...they'll come back soon.
Sitar-Hero: Don't pay them any mind.
Long-Haired_Hippie: Okay --
Long-Haired_Hippie: Darn it, Mike! Your chicken is trying to pluck the strings off of my guitar!
Heeeeere'sJohnny has joined the chat.
Maccaroon has joined the chat.
Heeeeere'sJohnny: You have a guitar??
Long-Haired_Hippie: Yeah!
Long-Haired_Hippie: The four of us are a band.
Starr_in_the_sky: Hey! So are we!
Long-Haired_Hippie: Groovy!
Long-Haired_Hippie: Mike and I are on guitar, Micky's on drums and Davy does bass and percussion.
Maccaroon: That's fab.
Maccaroon: I'm on bass, John and George are on guitar and Ringo's on drums.
Maccaroon: Hey! Davy and I both play bass!
Maccaroon: That's fab...
Heeeeere'sJohnny: Paul.
Maccaroon: ...sorry.
Randy-Scouse-Monkee: Bass is overrated.
Randy-Scouse-Monkee: Now, the drums! The drums are where it's at.
Starr_in_the_sky: I second that!
Randy-Scouse-Monkee: The drummers are always the handsomest.
Maccaroon: Now that is a complete lie.
Maccaroon: I happen to possess the natural good looks that my bandmates lack.
Sitar-Hero: Excuse me?!
Randy-Scouse-Monkee: Prove it.
Maccaroon: Gladly.
Daydream_Believer68 is typing...
Daydream_Believer68 is typing...
Daydream_Believer68: Why don't I pay England a visit sometime?
Daydream_Believer68: How about right now?
Wool_Hat: Davy--
Long-Haired_Hippie: MR. BABBIT'S AT THE DOOR
Wool_Hat: AAH! NO!
Randy-Scouse-Monkee: Well, I hate to cut this meeting short, but we're in a bit of a predicament.
Heeeeere'sJohnny: Understood.
Starr_in_the_sky: ...but do you want to keep this chat up? Maybe still talk to each other? You guys seem pretty fab. I'd like to stay friends.
Long-Haired_Hippie: Sure!
Wool_Hat: We'd like that, too. You guys are pretty cool, for a bunch of hackers.
Randy-Scouse-Monkee: Guys... the chicken...
Wool_Hat: Right, right.
Daydream_Believer68: Wait!
Daydream_Believer68: Let's send a picture of ourselves. Just so we know what each other look like!
Wool_Hat: Davy, we don't have time --
Daydream_Believer68: QUICKLY!
Randy-Scouse-Monkee: Cool!
Wool_Hat: T H E C H I C K E N
Randy-Scouse-Monkee: Right.
Randy-Scouse-Monkee: We're going to have to leave for now.
Randy-Scouse-Monkee: But it was great meeting you guys, even if it was because John hacked into here.
Heeeeere'sJohnny: We can say the same!
Heeeeere'sJohnny: Good luck with the, um, chicken.
Wool_Hat: Thanks!
Wool_Hat has left the chat.
Daydream_Believer68: Talk to you all later!
Daydream_Believer68 has left the chat.
Randy-Scouse-Monkee: My keyboard art is still better.
Randy-Scouse-Monkee has left the chat.
Long-Haired_Hippie: Bye!!
Long-Haired_Hippie has left the chat.
Sitar-Hero: Well, John, I never thought I'd say this, but... good hacking.
Maccaroon: Yeah, I agree.
Heeeeere'sJohnny: I told you this would be a good idea.
Heeeeere'sJohnny: I'm off to find some good copy-paste keyboard art of a middle finger so I can flip Micky off the right way.
Heeeeere'sJohnny has left the chat.
Sitar-Hero: ...All this talk of chicken is making me hungry.
Sitar-Hero has left the chat.
Maccaroon: Well, I'm off to use the printer to print some... pictures... of... somebody...
Maccaroon has left the chat.
Starr_in_the_sky is typing...
Starr_in_the_sky: Oh, now I see the Wattpad readers Davy was talking about.
Starr_in_the_sky has left the chat.
It's finally done! I hope it's written well enough 😄
Huge thanks to Rebecca for helping out with this chapter and turning me into a Monkees fan! The two bands will definitely cross paths again later in the book!
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