Hey, All You Beatle Haters Lets Have A TALK
This will have a LOT of swearing so if your offended I warned you!
So I was recently on the dark side of the internet .... hate blogs/websites. And I just have to ask , why? I just don't understand why they exist ? I mean sure you don't like The Beatles , you don't see what they did for music or the world itself so you don't care. Or you're that in person that listened to half a song and didn't like it , oooh I know was it hey jude ? First of all let's get hate out of the way let's not use that word . Second if you're going to make a hate page make it real
Example :
Points that actually may be considered "convincing " unlike this :
Sure they are here to destroy the lives of Beatle fans but not the earth !!
Third why do you have to shit on someone else's parade and ruin their fucking day huh? Because I actually searched up what classic rock fans have to say about new singers and I actually got little results, and if I did they weren't even that bad ! Sure we may put in a post or chapter here, there and everywhere about how we dislike JB or something but come on , a whole fucking website or blog really ? Since you have time in your fucking low lives why don't you be useful and do my math homework ? You don't see us ( usually and that I certainly don't know of )
Scraping the floor for dirt to see if there should be another reason to hate someone. In fact most of us Beatle/ classic fans don't go around saying we like our own bands because if we even say one thing about them you fucking assholes have to shit on us !
So here is the newsflash ass mouth whore , WE DON'T GIVE TWO SHITS IF YOU LIKE THEM OR NOT ! So stop making it public you don't for your stupid ass reasons okay fucker fuck ass because you're wasting your fucking time to listen and shit on your own music so fuck off.
Saaaay does your mouth ever get jealous from all that shite that comes out of your mouth ?
And Yknow forcing us to like new music isn't going to just magically change someone's taste/style if you think it is .
And how do you feel after you've ruined a bunch of people's day? Good? Well then you belong in hell you bloody asshole because that's just wrong.
When was the last time by the way a classic rock ( Beatle fan in particular) gave you a link to a website that just had tons of shit non true reasons ? When ? Never? Really ? 😱 because we're total assholes like you ! No because we keep our fucking smart ass mouths shut.
Look if you want to hate on something someone else likes to make them upset or mad do it to their face you bunch of sissy's , you do it on the internet so we can't punch you , I guess that would be smart or not because we're actually peaceful people. ( most of us ) and guess where we learned that ?! Not the tooth fairy !
Yknow at least our music has educated us where as your talks about what? Who you fucked last night? Yeah so nice to listen to isn't it ? Hoes
I have like 200 more things to talk about right now but my thumbs are getting sore for how hard I'm hitting my screen because you just pissed me the fuck off. So here's some fucking tips if you don't want to run into trouble.
•Mind your own business
•Stop wrecking everyone else's day
•Keep your shitting mouth closed
•Keep your opinion to yourself
•If you want to say these things do it to our faces wuss
• and think before you do something alright ? Ass
By the way you look like an ass making a whole website to just hate on someone . If you want to hate someone hate yourself for doing something like that.
So get your shit together and shut the hell up.
My apologies classic rock fans I had to get this off my chest because .. well I'm just pissed off right now to be honest. ( as if you can't tell) anyroad I hope none of these kinds of websites have ever an impact you because I felt like real shit afterwards especially because someone I know sent me a link to these websites to try and convince me to like drake or Kanye I can never tell the difference.
Anyroad hope you guys had a nice day today I certainly did till I saw these so ✌️❤️❤️
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