"Bonus!" The skinny tweaker grinned and dragged the corpse of a slain government official back behind the concrete bollards. "We're eating well tonight."
"You call that a bonus?" Garan groaned. He watched the clothes being peeled off and searched before getting cast aside.
Food was scarce and he had a bad feeling it was going to get worse, ever since The Mayor had taken control of local food production systems. It was a transparent power move, anyone could see he had zero interest in farming. Quickly it had been used to bully the factions, which in turn had sparked the rebellion. The city was now in a civil war and Garan suspected outside interference.
There was little he could do but try and organize the rag tag bunch he had at his disposal and do his part in this sector.
Garan had to turn away as Sian hoisted the naked corpse over a lamp post and aggressively removed the head with a large knife.
He wished the little junkie hadn't joined the group, he was reckless, crude and untrustworthy, even at the best of times. Sian went from so high he was on another planet, to shaking withdrawals and suffering paranoid delusions.
Even now he was topping up while laughing maniacally and attempting to get the hacked head to stay atop the barrier.
"You allowing that?" A stern voice came from behind him, making him turn quickly and salute a young, hard looking woman.
"I'm considering my options." Garan replied.
Quickly shouldering her pulse laser, commander Salamander put a neat hole though Sians skull, singing his short hair in the process. His body collapsed forward causing the head to topple from the barrier, and then bent backwards in an unnatural way.
"That reduces my options." Garan exhaled, almost relieved. He was glad Salamander was here now, he desperately needed an update.
"Start thinking about who you want around when this ends." Salamander advised. "This is going to get tough and we don't need anyone you wouldn't trust your life to."
"That bad?" Garan already knew it was.
"The Mayor has missed lots of crop planting windows already. Food is about to be a life and death issue. They intend to starve us."
"The fool. Doesn't he realize the consequences?" It was worse than Garan suspected.
"He's being played. The word is, another district wants to absorb this sector. They have bolstered his ego, probably given him something chemical as well." Salamander laid it out.
"That means most people aren't going to survive this." Garan grimaced. "I take it you're considering joining the district and cutting to the chase."
"You're smart." Salamander smiled weakly. "That's our best option. Skip to the end game, it's probably inevitable and they will likely use us to eliminate The Mayor, make it all tidy."
"At your service." Garan nodded with respect.
"Your tweaker friend was right about one thing." Salamander looked somber. I'll send a butcher, we will need the meat."
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