7. getting ready
Keith had never been to a fair before. He happened upon the idea of taking Lance to it when, earlier that week, a group of teenagers had stopped inside AA&F and asked him if they could hang up a flyer for the fair on the bulletin board just inside the doorway of the shop. Usually, the board was covered in other flyers for guitar lessons, shitty cars, and lost dogs, so Keith agreed. After the teens had left, he'd taken a closer look.
Celebrating 50 Years of Tradition!
XXX's 50th Annual County Fair
Saturday, June XX - Sunday, June XX
9:00am-11:00pm (both days)
XX Fairgrounds, XX, WA
Keith's eyes had widened at the bright colors and fonts on the flyer. A fair? The smell of cotton candy and fried dough coupled with images of Lance's dark blue eyes flashing with neon lights flashed through Keith's head. He paused, trying to think rationally for a moment. He didn't have a weak stomach, but he could say with certainty that he'd never felt the need to experience any of those crazy, spinning carnival rides. Would he be okay going on them with Lance?
Shaking his head, Keith dislodged the fear- it was nearly the weekend and he still hadn't come up with a date plan for Lance and him, so if he had to sit through a few minutes on some stomach-lurching rides, it was worth it if he was on a date with Lance.
Pulling out his phone, Keith had called Lance on the spot. The dancer, of course, agreed.
Now, as Keith slipped on his shoes by Hunk's front door, he was starting to feel anxiety creeping up on him. He'd told Lance that he'd be leaving his apartment by 8, which gave him (he checked his watch- 5:58 pm) 2 hours to get ready. Keith steeled himself as he stepped out of Hunk's house, smiling slightly as he heard Shiro, Pidge, and Hunk erupt in giddy laughter from the basement. He felt bad leaving practice earlier than his friends, but reminded himself that 1) they would kill him if they found out he'd missed an opportunity to go on a date (let alone with Lance) and 2) the only thing they'd been doing for the past hour was play Just Dance and see who could find the weirdest sounds on Pidge's synth.
Keith tapped the toes of his shoes against the floor to set his toes forward in the soles, then walked outside and mounted his motorcycle, which was waiting for him in the driveway. Along with his bike, there was Hunk's pick-up truck, Shiro's olive Subaru Outback, and Pidge's electric Hyundai. Keith thoughts that the vehicles definitely suited their owners, then wondered what that said about him. Shrugging, he turned off Hunk's street and headed home, a coastal 10 minutes with fortunately good weather. It was a good night for a date.
As soon as he got to his apartment, he showered, scrubbing every inch of his body with a sudsy loofah, aggressively dried his hair, praying to god that his dark locks would cooperate (they hardly ever did but it was worth a try), and picked out an outfit.
Keith didn't love that he was now focusing on his clothes more than ever- he missed the days where he just threw on whatever he saw first, not caring if it matched or made his ass look good. Now, he carefully pulled on black ripped jeans, a leather belt, and a red sweatshirt over a black turtleneck. For shoes, he ditched his trusty Vans (of which he had 4 pairs, maybe 5 if he could ever find those blue checkered ones that he'd lost a few months ago...) for his white Nike Air Forces, which conveniently granted him another inch to his 5'10" frame.
He also decided that, for Lance's sake, he would "accessorize", though he admitted to himself that he didn't really know what that meant. Eventually, he settled on a belt chain- two delicate silver sets of links that rested against his upper thigh- and a beanie for comfort (and also because his hair was definitely not cooperating). He glanced at the pile of makeup in one of the drawers in his bathroom and hesitated.
Lance's words came rushing back to him. "You're not just straight, right?"
Keith bit his lip. He let his fingers run over the thin wands of eyeliner, pots of dark eyeshadow, the one tube of mascara he'd ever owned... They were from a part of his life that had made him who he was, no matter how difficult it had been. He hadn't worn any makeup since he graduated high school and wondered if he could still remember how to use it.
Gently, he selected a thin, black wand from the pile, testing the weight in his hands. It was unopened, the plastic sticker still intact. Moving slowly, Keith peeled the sticker off before unscrewing the wand from the vial, watching in idle fascination as the thick eyeliner dripped off the end of the wand. Keith looked up at the mirror and used his sleeve to wipe a strip of condensation off the glass. He met his reflection's eyes, mouth set in determination.
Leaning forward, Keith slowly dragged the tip of the eyeliner wand over his eyelid, a line so thin it was barely visible above his lashline. He exhaled a breath of relief after he finished, then steeled himself to repeat the process on his right eye. He was technically ambidextrous, having been a natural lefty but forcing himself to use his right hand as well until he could use both to write, type, etc., but eyeliner had always been difficult for him, regardless of which hand he used. It was rare, actually, that he could get both lines drawn acceptably the first time.
With a determined inhale, Keith held his breath as he brought the wand to his right eyelid, his undivided attention focused on the thin brush. As he exhaled, he drew the thin line above his lashes once more, exhaling as he went. When he finished and pulled back a little, Keith was shocked to find that he'd applied it perfectly. The eyeliner was barely visible, but it still defined his dark eyes prettily. Keith smiled at his reflection, a little happier with what he saw.
He checked his phone- 7:38. To kill time before he left, Keith surprised himself by picking up all the clothes strewn about his room, separating them into Clean and Dirty piles before shoving all the dirty clothes into a suitcase for the laundromat the next day. Before he knew it, it was 7:55 and he was texting Lance for an address.
It took Keith 15 minutes to get to Lance's house, which was kind of in the middle of nowhere. It was on the outskirts of the city in a rural suburban area full of big houses with big lawns. As Keith drove down the endless streets, he glanced at his GPS, tensing up a little as he drew closer and closer to the determined destination. Finally, he arrived.
The house he pulled into the driveway of was just as large as the others around it, but it didn't look like it was meant to be impressively expensive, just that it had a lot of room for a lot of people. It was rustic, with beigey paint, a white wraparound porch with a swing dangling in one of its corners, and a rickety screen door at the front entrance. The porch light was on and the windows, which were covered from the inside with gauzy curtains, emitted a warm, yellow light from within the house.
Keith had to keep himself from sighing- it was a gorgeous home and it reminded him of his own house back in Texas, where his mom, dad, and Kosmo were waiting for his return in August. The sound of the front door opening drew Keith's attention before he could sink too far into memories of his family.
Nervously, Keith pulled his helmet off, thankful he was wearing a beanie beneath it so he wouldn't have what Allura endearingly called "helmet head". Lance stepped outside and Keith's breath caught in his throat at the sight of him. It had only been a day since he'd last seen him, but the butterflies in Keith's stomach immediately went crazy at the sight of the handsome brunette, who donned distressed lightwash jeans and a stripped button-up under an oversized t-shirt. Keith also couldn't help but notice the blue fanny pack slung across Lance's chest. On literally anyone else, he would've been critical of the accessory, but it oddly worked for Lance, who was now excitedly bounding the porch stairs to Keith.
"Hey, you!" Lance said excitedly, a broad grin on his face. He leaned forward and kissed Keith's cheek sweetly, probably feeling how warm Keith's face was in the process. Lance's eyes floated over the motorcycle and Keith could only hope that Lance approved.
Keith stood up and reached behind him for the extra helmet he kept stored in the seat of the bike, handing it to Lance. Out of the corner of his eye, he thought he spotted movement, but when he turned, nothing was out of place. Lance grimaced as he fit the helmet on his head. "Do I still look cute?" he asked sulkily.
Keith blushed and looked away. "You always look cute..." he murmured gently. Lance's sunny smile returned and he straddled the bike behind Keith, wrapping his long tanned arms around Keith's stomach comfortably. Keith became acutely aware of the sensation of Lance's torso pressed to his back... Lance's muscled thighs around Keith's... Lance's hips pressed snug against him...
"Thanks, Mullet," Lance giggled into Keith's shoulder, who was blushing so hard that all he could do was roll his eyes and try not to think about Lance's thighs and hips.
And then, they were off to the fairground.
ahahaha i can't wait for the next chapter!! i hope yall liked this one uwu <3
just a few things!
1) this isn't really important but i just thought it was funny- my laptop, waldo, who's been my one and only laptop and was with me when i first started writing on wattpad (meaning i wrote literally every single fic i've ever published on him) is finally nearing his dying day ahaha,,, he's missing two keys now (i remapped them so it's ok lol) and he barely works as it is, but i think i'm getting a new computer as a graduation gift so enjoy these last few chapers wi (OH MY GOD THE T KEY JUST POPPED OFF AS I'M TYPING THIS DEADASS) th him bc i graduate in 3 weeks!! gonna b a senior uwuwu
2) ap exams are next week for me!! i have my ap language and composition exam tomorrow and my ap environmental studies exam on wednesday, so if the next update is a little late (like a few days late, nothing serious) it's because i'll be studying like crazy until wednesday and then catching up in my other classes on thurs n fri!! hehe help me-- i'm so stressed ):
3) if u've seen hunterxhunter, comment here!! i'm on episode 120 and i'm literally obsessed w it so i need ppl to talk to abt it bc i'm gonna b a wreck when it's finished, i can already tell )); maybe, if enough of u guys like it too, i'll write a little oneshot or smth on it,, i've never seen any hxh stuff on wattpad, but i also don't read very much on here so that may b why,,, hmmm,, idk just lemme know hehe (:
4) keith's outfit for the date is at the top of the chapter!! lance's will b at the top of next chapters ((: if yall have any fanart saved of klance (or any of the characters, rly) with modern clothes, i would appreciate it if u could dm them to me!! i'm struggling to find them on my own )); u can dm me @monsieurdandylion or @c.millsss on instagram if u want, n i have tumblr, twitter, snap, etc if that works better for u uwu <33 thank u bunches!!
ok i think that's it lol thank u for reading if u did <3333
qotd: sincerely, how are u?? how's ur day been? how's ur week been? how're u feeling?
i love yall more than u know <3
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