21. sleepover
Keith and Lance slipped past the Mcclains in the living room, who were all gathered around the TV, watching Moana. The dishwasher hummed softly and the kitchen table was clear and clean and smelled of Pine-Sol. Lance led Keith back past the kitchen and office to a closed door in the hall, slipping inside it to pad down the staircase.
The basement, which had been converted into Lance's room, was half furnished. The main room was cozy and carpeted, but the laundry room to the left and a storage room to the right had concrete floors and exposed ceilings. Keith took his time looking around the room. The carpet was a warm beige and it matched the sky blue walls and neutral furniture. There were posters of bands and movies plastered all over the walls and fairy lights crisscrossed across the ceiling, along with LED light strips that lined the room's ceiling and shone a bright lilac.
Everything was neat and tidy, unlike Keith's room back at home. His eyes glided over the books on Lance's bookshelf, recognizing a few but not many. There was a small vanity next to the shelf with a stool and, on it, there were a number of cosmetics and beauty products neatly organized into cups and drawers.
Lance's bed was the only messy part of the room: queen-sized and piled with pillows and soft blankets strewn about it like a nest, a few stuffed animals mixed into the fray as well. Keith noticed Sir Dab leaning up against the vanity. A desk was set up across the room displaying a wide monitor and a headset beside a stack of what was assumably school paperwork.
Lance flopped down onto his bed, a long sigh escaping his lungs. He closed his eyes and folded his hands behind his head, listening to the muffled sounds coming from the TV upstairs. Keith walked over and sat down next to him on the bed, looking down at the brunette.
"Are you okay?" Keith asked softly.
Lance opened one eye and slid his gaze towards Keith. He tipped his chin down once in a nod before closing it again. Keith brushed a stray lock of hair off Lance's face and tucked it back behind his ear, letting his hand come to rest softly on the boy's cheek. Lance leaned into it and turned his face to kiss Keith's palm, opening his eyes. Keith felt his heart skip a beat.
Slowly, Lance pulled himself up to sit beside Keith, their eyes never leaving each other. Lance reached for Keith's hands and intertwined their fingers, rubbing his thumb over Keith's skin. Keith's eyelids were half-closed, his dark eyes looking up at Lance with shy temptation.
Keith couldn't believe that just this morning, he'd been wondering if he'd ever see Lance again, but now he was sitting on his bed, holding his hands, looking at his perfect pink lips... Ever since he'd seen Lance in the flower shop, watching the way his eyes roamed over the flowers, the way he looked up from beneath those long lashes, the way his freckles spread across his cheeks, he'd been waiting for this the whole time. Being alone with him in the warm, dim room, their faces illuminated only by the soft purple glow of the light strips.
"Hey," Lance whispered, freeing one of his hands to bring it up to Keith's face, rubbing the pad of his thumb over Keith's parted lips. Lance tilted his head down and Keith let his eyes close, knowing nothing but the feel of Lance's hand on his cheek, pulling him in. He inhaled slightly, then leaned forward to-
"Lance?" Elena called from the top of the stairs. Keith jumped, startled, and jerked back as Elena came down the stairs. Lance stood, pretending to put a book back into the bookshelf. Elena emerged from the stairs, a basket of laundry on her hip.
"Oh! Hi, Keith! I'm glad you're sleeping over-- it's getting late," Elena commented, walking into the laundry room and setting down the basket. "I'll do that tomorrow," she muttered to herself as she walked out. "Mijo, the air mattress is in the storage room, okay? And extra sheets and blankets are in the closet upstairs."
Lance nodded, kissing his mom on the forehead before saying goodnight and watching her go back upstairs. He turned back to face Keith and gave him a sheepish grin. "Cockblocked by mom," he giggled. Keith blushed and turned away. His eyes landed on the vanity by the bookcase.
"Do you do a lot of self-care stuff?" he asked casually, tilting his head at the various products.
Lance shrugged, sitting down on the stool and sorting through a few different masks and serums. "It's super relaxing and I always feel refreshed after taking good care of my skin." He met Keith's eyes in the vanity mirror and winked, "Gotta take care of this handsome face, right?" Keith rolled his eyes in response.
"Here, do a mask with me," Lance said, tossing a small glass jar at Keith. Keith regarded it dubiously.
"Eucalyptus and hemp?" He quirked an eyebrow. "Weed mask?"
Lance laughed, grabbing two hair ties and a comb from one of the drawers in the vanity and sitting down on the bed next to Keith again. "No, dummy," he laughed. "It's good for you, trust me. And it smells good, too. I call it Space Goo because Nadia and Sylvio think it's what aliens eat."
Keith barely moisturized his skin after washing it and never really paid attention to what it felt or looked like. He guessed that one face mask couldn't be that bad.
Lance held up the comb and a grin spread across his lips. "May I have the absolute honor, Mullet?" Keith scowled, but turned his back to Lance, running a hand through his hair before Lance got to work brushing it out. To his surprise, it actually felt kind of nice. Lance didn't yank or pull on his hair like Keith usually did and he found himself slowly relaxing as Lance worked over his hair.
Finally, Lance put down the comb and started to pull Keith's hair up into a ponytail. However, at the feel of Lance's nails sliding over his scalp, a sharp shiver ran down Keith's back. He closed his eyes blissfully as Lance ran his fingers through his hair before securing it at the top of his head. Keith turned, fixing the brunette with an intense expression. Had he done that on purpose?Lance smiled coyly, pulling his own hair up.
"Okay, close your eyes," Lance instructed, suddenly serious again. He unscrewed the jar and rubbed some of the pale green mud-looking-stuff between his fingers. Keith obeyed, closing his eyes and leaning forward. Lance spread the goop over his face, smoothing it over the bridge of his nose and the planes of his cheeks, his fingers soft and delicate. Again, to Keith's surprise, the mask actually felt kind of good. It was cool and smooth and smelled pleasantly earthy. When Lance was done, he applied it to his own face within a few seconds (show off) and set a timer on his phone.
"What do we do now?" Keith asked, vaguely thinking back to their almost-kiss. Would it ruin the masks if he kissed Lance now? Probably, right?
Lance stood up and stretched, then looked down at his outfit. "We should probably change. Do you want something to wear?" he asked over his shoulder as he walked to his closet, which, upon opening, was packed with clothes. Packed. Keith squinted. How does a person find the time to wear all of that? He looked down at his own outfit- Lance's sweatshirt and his own jeans. He wanted to keep the sweatshirt on forever, but he usually got super hot when he slept and he didn't want the Lance-smell to be replaced by his sweat.
"Um, yeah, if you have anything," Keith replied timidly.
"Anything?" Lance challenged in a mild tone, halfway inside the closet.
Keith shook his head. "I'm not picky." Suddenly, a bright pink projectile was thrown at him with impressive accuracy. Lance smiled, then disappeared back inside the depths of the closet. Keith held out the number in front of him. It was a soft, baby pink crop top with the word "baby" scrawled across the chest in white cursive. Keith scoffed. "I'd rather sleep naked, thanks," he muttered.
Lance poked his head out of the closet, smirking. "Be my guest, Mullet. It's that or nothing."
Keith scoffed, shucking off his sweatshirt and sliding the pink crop top over his head. Maybe it's not as short as it looks... It was, in fact, as short as it looked. Keith looked down at his torso incredulously. "Baby".
Lance finally emerged from the closet, took one look at Keith, and dropped the pile of clothes he was holding on the floor. His eyes scanned over Keith's chest suggestively and walked up to him, taking it all in. "I was joking, but this is priceless," he giggled.
Keith scowled, moving to take off the shirt, but Lance stopped him, holding his arms down and grinning down at Keith. "Baby," he crooned, kissing Keith's scrunched up nose.
Rolling his eyes, Keith pushed Lance off him and pulled off the shirt. He threw it at his boyfriend to stop his oggling at Keith's bare chest. "My boyfriend's a hunk," Lance murmured dreamily, handing him a soft grey shirt and a pair of cotton shorts instead of the crop top, ignoring the florist's lingering glare.
There was a brief awkward silence as the two boys changed. Keith turned away, but he could still see Lance's body in the corner of his eyes. Lance pulled off his clothes like he was dancing-- slow, stretching movements as he peeled his shirt off his body, the muscles in his back shifting and tensing as he lifted it above his head. Lance had broad, toned shoulders and strong arms followed by loose wrists and delicate fingers. He moved gracefully, like water flowing over tumbled rocks, like raindrops dripping down a windowpane.
Keith watched Lance silently, unintentionally entranced. The basement was dark. Warm. Quiet. He felt an odd sense of serenity float over his body, something he wasn't used to. Almost mindlessly, he crept up behind Lance and slid his palms over the brunette's waist. Lance didn't say anything but he leaned back a little, resting his shoulderblades against Keith's chest.
Keith coasted his hands up Lance's sides, across his chest, down his smooth stomach. Lance's skin was warm and soft. He smelled good, that damned sandalwood cologne and coconut conditioner. Keith ran his fingers over Lance's collarbone, up his taut neck, through his cropped, russet hair. "Lance," he whispered as he brought his lips to his boyfriend's ear. Lance shivered, eyes almost closed. "Lance, Lance, Lance..." Keith murmured again gently, placing delicate kisses on the crook of his neck.
"How'd I get so lucky?" Lance breathed, laughing a little. Keith genuinely wondered what he meant. He was the one who got lucky. Lance was stuck with his emo lowlife ass now, but Keith had this gorgeous creature in his arms who wasn't pulling away or regretting it, who was happy to be there. Keith wrapped his arms around Lance's shoulders and hugged him tightly, enveloped in that dark, warm, sandalwood-scented dream. He sighed, shaking his head. You've got it all wrong, Lance...
After a little while, Lance wiggled loose, smiling before pulling on his t-shirt and stripping down to his boxers. Keith suddenly realized how tired he was and he yawned involuntarily as he pulled on his own shirt, discarding the shorts for his boxers as well. Lance led him into the laundry room where there was a small sink and they washed off the clay masks. Keith was surprised to find that his skin did actually feel better, all soft and moist. Lance applied a weird-smelling oil and lotion onto his skin to finish the skin-care, but Keith sat still and stayed silent for the majority of it, mainly just trying to keep his eyes open.
Finally, Lance turned off the lights and slipped under the covers (Keith had made the bed for him while he went upstairs to pee), pulling Keith down with him.
"You sure you don't want me to use the air mattress?" Keith asked jokingly, fumbling with the blankets in the pitch blackness.
Lance giggled, "Yeah, nevermind, let me set it up for you real quick." He reached over and felt for Keith's body, pulling him closer. In the dark, Keith could barely make out Lance's frame. They lay on their sides, facing each other, their breath falling into sync as exhaustion took hold of their bodies.
Lance cuddled closer, bringing their faces mere inches apart. Keith raised a hand to cup Lance's cheek, stroking the smooth skin softly. He found Lance's eyes in the dark, barely. Raising himself onto his forearm just slightly, he tilted Lance's head up and bumped their noses together. Lance's hands found their way up to his face, tucking his hair behind his ear before pulling him down.
Their lips whispered against each other slightly, just like they had in the bathroom that afternoon, but this time, Keith didn't hesitate, pressing further. It was a small, close-lipped, gentle kiss that only lasted a second or two, but Keith felt his heartbeat going crazy against his ribs and, from the way Lance's fingers drifted down to the pulse points on either side of his neck, he could tell that the brunette could feel it too. Lance laughed quietly, making Keith blush.
"Keith," Lance whispered, pulling him down again. "That doesn't count." Keith made an indignant noise in the back of his throat before Lance was kissing him again and, this time, really kissing him. Lance's lips were soft and silky and smooth and Keith felt a little clumsy, but he didn't have time to think about it before Lance's cold fingers were sliding up his stomach and he was being pushed down onto the pillow. Lance's lips drifted down his jaw and all Keith could do was lay there in bliss, running his hands through Lance's hair.
His nerves were on fire and he felt like his whole body was vibrating. After all these years and his first kiss went to Lance Mcclain? The most gorgeous boy he'd ever seen? It was almost a little too much, a little too perfect. He bit his lip, smiled, then guided Lance's lips back up to his, trying to convey everything he was feeling into his kisses.
Lance's tongue slid over Keith's lips, warm and wet, and Keith arched his back in response, wanting to hold him closer and closer, wanting more. Keith felt Lance's hand glide over the soft skin of his inner thigh rewardingly, making Keith's heart nearly stop. Even when Lance did something so little as touch the small of his back or his hair, Keith felt like he would go insane with how goodit all felt. Lance would hesitate to listen to Keith's breathing, observe his movements, all to effortlessly discover a new sweet spot on his body. Kissing the shell of his ear, his sternum, his fingertips; Lance could read him like a book. It was a conversation in its own way. When they finally broke apart, Keith was panting softly and he was sure his cheeks were bright red. Lance hovered over him, one hand still up Keith's shirt, over his heart.
Lance settled down beside Keith, a soft, breathy sigh leaving his lips. Neither knew what to say, but it was okay because they'd both fallen asleep only a minute or so later, curled up next to against other in the soft, warm darkness.
loolllll we made ittttt!! definitely not my best first kiss scene (i think my favorite was probably hnh's (where lance is wine drunk n they're in the hotel)) but not my worst,,,
hehehehehehehe muah <3 kisses for u <33 bc i luv u ,,<3333333
thank u chloe for dealing w me n my antics this week, if any of yall wanna join a gc w us on insta just drop ur @ and i'll add u hehe,,, it'll probably die like all gcs do but it'll b fun while it lasts uwu
ummmm yeah we're approaching angst territory in idk,,, like a few chapters or smth,, uhhh if u want smut at some point just lmk, i'd b happy to write it as a little hurrah for my last klance fic (also i wrote a big long smut scene yesterday while trying to write this ch just to see if i could actually do it lol)
anyways qotd: what's ur fav candy or sweet food? if it's a pastry or confectionery then i might put it in hugs 'n mugs in the future uwuwuwuwuwu
a: i fuckin love pie. like anything w pie crust i like. also puff pastry stuff always slaps ass. luv that stuff.
loooooooovvveeeee uuuuuu muahmuahmuahmuahmuahmuahmuahhhhh
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