2. hugs 'n mugs
Those sapphire eyes and that crooked smile stayed in Keith's mind for the rest of the week. Keith had never known the word 'crush'. He'd hid from puberty in his basement playing video games and he'd never been even remotely interested in the girls at school, let alone the boys, so when the word 'crush' popped into his mind after a particularly vivid daydream about a certain someone placing a sprig of forget-me-nots behind his ear, he was automatically confused.
His best idea? Ask Hunk.
It was a Monday night and he was tired, but not tired enough to miss out on some of Hunk's delicious strawberry rhubarb mini-pies that he made weekly. After locking up the floristry, Keith left his motorcycle in its space in front of the shop and jogged over to Hunk's, running his hands through his hair and securing it back in a ponytail.
Because of the need for calm, quiet cafes to study at in college towns, Hunk's cafe was constantly busy, even as the evening rolled over the streets. Teenagers from the nearby high school glided past Keith on the sidewalk, a tall girl with long blond hair in pigtails beside a guy with shaggy brown hair and a small scar up his chin. Keith frowned as they passed- he recognized the boy but didn't know from where.
Keith shook his head and turned up the steps into the warm and bustling cafe. People chatted in booths and worked on laptops, big white mugs of coffee and tea leaving rings on the scruffed tables, crumbs of pastries scattered on saucers and countertops.
Hunk, the tall, chunky owner was grinning at the customer he was serving, and whenever he laughed, the sound filled the room. He was on the bigger side, not that Keith minded, and everything about him was soft and warm and comfortable.
"Enjoy your coffee," Hunk was saying as Keith approached the counter, looking up at the chalkboard menus that hung behind the counter to scan for any new drinks. Hunk also served fresh handmade confectionaries but, by the looks of the bare display case, everything had already sold out.
"Hey Hunk," Keith greeted over the din of the patrons' chatter.
"Keith!" Hunk immediately set to work on his friend's usual coffee, whirling around the small bar with a grace that was disposed of as soon as he left the cafe. Hunk was the epitome of a "bull in a china shop" anywhere other than his store.
"Have time to talk?" Keith asked, this time quieter, and Hunk mock-swooned.
"Anything for you, Keithie-pie!"
After Hunk had finished closing up the bar, he led Keith back to one of the booths away from the crowded tables, setting Keith's coffee before him as he slid into the booth opposite the florist. "Spill the tea," Hunk teased, knowing how much Keith hated the trendy teenage lingo.
Just before Keith was about to explain that it wasn't really tea, per se, a voice interrupted.
"The phrase isn't actually 'Luke, I am your father', it's 'No, I am your father.' It's the Mandela effect. So interesting... Can I join you guys?"
Keith knew that voice.
"Pidge!" Hunk rumbled happily. The short figure looked up from his computer screen and smiled slightly.
Keith had known Pidge nearly as long as he'd known Hunk and had been friends with him before he'd been kicked out of their high school. Pidge was very short, but would now be... a freshman in college, even though he was smart enough to be at least 2 grades higher.
His large circular glasses clung to his nose like usual, even though he didn't need them, and he cradled a heavy-duty black laptop in the crook of his arm, the screen illuminating his elvish face.
"Keith was just about to spill the tea," Hunk explained and Pidge shut his computer, quirking an eyebrow. "Could this be about your taboo love life?"
"He has one?" Pidge snickered.
"Not funny, shorty," Keith grumbled, but they both cracked a smile.
"Sooo?" Hunk prompted. "Is this tea really about your relationship status?"
Keith scoffed at the question. Relationship status? That made it sound like he and Lance were already dating. God... Keith almost sighed aloud just imagining it.
"Who's the lucky boy?" Pidge smirked, sliding into the booth beside Hunk and mimicking his interrogative expression.
Hunk's expression, however, fell into one of shock at Pidge's inquiry. "A boy?" he whisper-yelled, slapping his palms down onto the table.
Pidge raised his other eyebrow. "Jeez, Hunk, you are dense."
"I knew it, I knew it, I called it, I was just kidding," Hunk recovered, smiling nervously. "Anyway, who is he?"
Keith leaned back, crossing his arms over his chest. "Hey now. When did I ever say this was about my love life?"
"Or lack thereof," Pidge inserted, earning himself a frosty glare from Keith.
Hunk's pink cheeks went pinker and he shone Keith a gummy grin, singing, "You get defensive when you lie, Keithie-pie. Now answer my question!"
Looking out the window to the sidewalk, which was illuminated orange from the streetlights overhead, Keith shook his head. He finally gave in. "It doesn't matter anyway. I was a total idiot in front of him- there's no way he'd ever go for me."
"Don't worry, Keith, you're always an idiot," Pidge comforted him helpfully.
"Maybe we can help," Hunk said sympathetically, punching Pidge lightly. "What's his name?"
Keith looked around nervously, making sure Lance wasn't incidentally in the cafe. "...Lance."
"I KNOW HIM!" Hunk bellowed loudly and Keith buried his head in his hands. Boy, he was loving this attention. "He comes by on Tuesdays and Thursdays and always orders an iced caramel macchiato. He's the one with the brown hair, right? And he's super thin but also kinda muscular?"
"Yeah, that's him." Keith was frankly astonished that Hunk knew Lance, though he knew he shouldn't be because the town only had a few coffee shops.
"Keith... Tomorrow is conveniently a Tuesday," Pidge nudged, but Keith shook his head vehemently before Pidge could finish.
"Not happening."
"What? Why?!" Hunk cried, looking genuinely hurt.
"It's too cliche! A coffee date? Are you kidding me?!"
"Express your love over an espresso!" Pidge sang loudly, throwing his hands up in the air.
"Tell him you like him over a latte!" Hunk crooned... and now people were staring at them.
The two boys sat back and looked at Keith expectantly. The florist sighed. There was no way he'd get out of this.
"Kiss him over a cappuccino?" he tried quietly.
"EXACTLY!" Hunk bellowed, and Pidge pretended to wipe tears from his eyes. "Be bold!" He said this as if he was an expert on love advice (he'd never been in a relationship).
Keith winced. He was suddenly regretting telling his friends about Lance.
However, their conversation soon drifted from the topic of Keith's sad love life to one of school and work and all other things mundane and boring. Even though he tried to distract himself with topics of his daily life, thoughts of those sapphire eyes and dark freckles splashed across pink cheeks kept invading Keith's mind.
He knew that if he met Lance tomorrow at the café, he'd probably make a fool out of himself just like last time, but there was a voice in the back of his head that kept telling him that he needed to try at least once more. It hadn't been a coincidence. Lance had put that sprig of forget-me-nots behind his ear because... what else could it mean besides that he didn't want Keith to forget him? Or was Keith just overthinking things as usual?
Soon enough, 8 o'clock rolled around and Hunk had to close up the shop. Pidge went off on his way muttering something about the Monopoly man and more Mandela effect theories while Keith helped Hunk by bringing the dirty dishes to the counter. After they finished, he and Hunk parted ways, and Keith was relieved to return to his motorcycle- he was surprisingly tired.
As Keith raced down the empty, silent street with too many thoughts on his mind, he let the wind in his face brush away his worries and poured his heart out onto the parallel yellow lines beneath his wheels. The night bathed him in a sense of peace, allowing his mind to turn completely barren of anxiety.
He would worry about Lance tomorrow.
ahhh hello fandylions!! im sorry this chapter took sooooo loooong ): it's been a busy month and i haven't had much time between ACT practice and dropping nat off at college and redoing my room (lemme know if you guys wanna see it!! i'm super proud haha) and AP summer work.... ahhhhhhh im so stressed haha. i start school in two days )): not looking forward to it!! i'm going into junior year and i'm really nervous.... anyways
qotd: what was your favorite memory from this summer? and if you weren't on summer break, what was your favorite memory from the summer months in general haha
a: skateboarding and going swimming w nat before she left :(( (ps, for any of yall in new york, nat's at suny binghamton!!
i love you guys sm!! thank you for being patient with me!! <3333
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