14. drunks
It had taken some convincing and a few more drinks, but Lance had succeeded in getting Keith to dance. They were tipsy (passing into drunk territory), so it was less of dancing and more of just letting their bodies fall into the rhythm of those around them. Keith had lost his self-consciousness a while back, realizing that no one really cared what he looked like, that everyone was drunk anyway, that it'd been a rough year and he deserved this one night.
He was trying not to think about the hangover he'd have to suffer through work with the following morning, but it was pretty easy to ignore it when Lance looked at him like that, his eyes like swimming pools filled with molten kyanite, sweat dripping from his hairline, eyeliner smudged a little around his lashline.
Keith leaned his head against Lance's shoulder and closed his eyes, absorbing the music like it was sunlight on his skin, drinking in the smell of Lance's cologne mixed with sweat, reveling in the beauty of the boy before him. His head was spinning in a good way and all that was grounding him was Lance's soft fingertips on his shoulders and the feel of the brunette's breath on the side of his neck. All too soon, he felt a small hand tug on his sleeve. Turning, he saw that it was Pidge, hefting a cardboard box filled with wires and devices on his hip.
Pidge smirked. "Having fun? Come on, it's time to go." Keith made a face. Pidge's outline was a little blurry.
"We just got here," he protested, but his friend was already shaking his head. Pidge held up his free hand toward Keith and the Roman numerals on his watch swam before Keith's eyes. "I'm gonna be honest with you," Keith hiccuped, "I cannot read that." Pidge rolled his eyes.
"We've been here for three hours, buddy. You and I both have work in the morning, come on." Keith mindlessly slipped his hand into Lance's so they wouldn't get separated in the crowd and followed Pidge through the party into the kitchen. He glanced at the bar and noticed that the guy from earlier had disappeared, but wasn't super interested in speculating where he'd gone.
The three boys grabbed their things from behind the front door (thankfully, everything was still there) and slid outside into the warm summer night. Keith couldn't help but smile a little as the breeze skated over his skin and he got a breath of fresh air- he hadn't realized how stuffy and gross it had been inside the frat.
Lance pulled his phone out from his backpack and scrolled through his notifications, stopping when his eyes landed on one in particular. "Oh, no," he stage-whispered, tilting his screen to show Keith, who had a surprisingly difficult time reading the text and walking in a straight line simultaneously.
ur fav sister: moms still up watching tv, b careful coming home dude
Lance's eyes filled with terror. "Mullet, I can't go home. My mom can smell alcohol from a mile away. She'll kill me. No, she'll season and marinate me and then eat me alive. No, she'll-"
"Just crash at my place," Keith slurred dumbly. Lance's eyebrows skyrocketed and Keith realized how suggestively that could come across. "If you want," he added, mumbling under his breath.
"Okay," Lance said, a blush fanning out across his cheeks.
From behind them, someone laughed softly. Keith turned, only to be met with watery blue eyes staring right at him. The guy from the bar was leaning up against the side of the frat house, smoke trailing from his lips as he held a cigarette delicately between his index and middle fingers. His eyes walked over Lance, making Keith step in front of the brunette ever so slightly. He might be drunk, but that didn't mean he was stupid. Well, maybe he was a little bit, but STILL.
"I can't get over how cute you guys are," the man purred, taking another long drag. Smoke blew out of his nose like a dragon when he exhaled. "You make a cute couple."
"We're not a couple," Keith sputtered, turning red. Lotor looked at Lance's reaction to Keith's words and winced.
"Ouch," he murmured before dropping the butt of the cigarette, stepping on it, and heading back into the house.
Keith turned to see what Lotor had meant, but Lance and Pidge had already turned and were heading for the car. Keith hurried to catch up, cursing the man under his breath as he went.
"OooOoOoh, you're kidding me." Keith and Lance stood at the bottom of the staircase in Keith's apartment building, staring up at the 10 flights of stairs above them.
"I'm sorry," Keith said weakly, wincing at Lance's crestfallen expression. Lance glanced at him and attempted a smile.
"Let's get this over with," the brunette sighed finally, holding out his hand to Keith. Something about the way Lance's hand slipped into his felt so right. Lance's fingers were long and lanky, like body they belonged to, and every other fingernail was painted a light baby blue. Sure, Keith's head was spinning and his palm was clammy as hell when the two finally reached the fifth floor, panting and leaning against each other woozily, but it was definitely worth it.
It was even more worth it when Lance didn't let go of Keith's hand until they were safely inside Keith's apartment. The moment the door closed behind them, Lance swiftly turned and pinned Keith against the door with one hand on his chest, the other placed against the door in a fist beside Keith's ear. It happened so suddenly that Keith felt the air leave his lungs in surprise.
Lance didn't meet Keith's eyes at first, his head bowed as his body pressed up against the florist's suggestively. The heat rolling off Lance's body was uncomfortable after their trek up the stairs and Keith became acutely aware of a drop of sweat sliding down the back of his neck.
"Hey, Keith," Lance rumbled in a low, dangerous voice. He moved forward until his lips grazed Keith's ear. At the contact, a sharp shiver ran down Keith's spine and he stiffened, blood warming his cheeks and the tips of his ears. He pinched his lips together and closed his eyes, fireworks going off in his brain as he clenched his fists by his sides. Every nerve ending felt like it had been ignited at how close Lance had gotten.
A dry, dark laugh scratched its way out of Lance's throat and he let his forehead drop to rest on Keith's shoulder. Keith felt his knees go weak. "I'm..." Lance let out a long, slow sigh, "really drunk."
Keith opened his eyes.
"Can I borrow... your shower?"
It took Keith a moment to get his brain to start sending signals to his body again, but he was able to stutter out a "yeah" before taking Lance's wrist in his hand and showing him to the bathroom. "I'll bring you some clothes in a minute."
Lance nodded in appreciation, yawned, and closed the bathroom door behind him. Keith leaned up against the door and slid to the ground, burying his burning cheeks in his hands. He laughed a little, incredulous at how powerless he'd been, how big and warm and hot Lance had seemed, pinning him like a bug.
Forcing his tired, intoxicated body to move, he picked out a t-shirt, some sweatpants, and his least embarrassing pair of boxers to give to Lance, then second-guessed himself and figured Lance probably had his own boxers. Or maybe he was a briefs guy...?
Keith stood in front of the bathroom door with the clothes in his hands, steeling himself before knocking. Tap, tap, tap, he rapped softly on the door. "Yeah?" Lance called over the sound of the shower.
Keith opened the door, keeping his eyes on the tile floor, and set the clothes on the counter for Lance. As he was turning to go, he heard the metallic scrrrrch of the shower curtain and his eyes flicked up to see Lance peeking out from behind the curtain, his hair slicked back with water, droplets running rivulets down his bare chest, grinning at him. "Thanks, man," the brunette said, winking. Keith, too stunned to talk, just nodded and mustered what he hoped looked like a smile in return.
As he closed the door behind him, Keith suddenly felt a sharp pain flare in his head and he flinched. A migrane already? I haven't even slept yet. He went to the kitchen and took several large gulps of water along with three Advils and pinched the bridge of his nose. The shower was still running. Hurrying so that he could lie down as soon as possible, he grabbed a pillow from his bed as well as a mess of blankets from the closet and stripped down to his boxers before practically diving onto the couch, burying his face into the pillow and feeling exhaustion overcome his senses almost immediately.
Some time passed as Keith remained in his half-asleep state, drifting deeper and deeper with every minute, but after what could have been a few seconds or an entire hour, Keith felt a warm palm on his back. He squinted open one eye to see the blurry outline of Lance, silhouetted by the nightlight in the kitchen, crouched beside him.
"You don't seriously think I'm gonna make you sleep on the couch in your own apartment, do you?" Lance's voice was just as low and husky as it had been earlier, but now it smelled like mint instead of booze. Bastard must have stolen my mouthwash.
Keith closed his eye. "I don't mind," he mumbled into his pillow. "I'm sleeping."
He could basically hear Lance rolling his eyes. "Well I do, Mullet. C'mon, I'll take the couch."
"No way," Keith murmured, eyes still closed.
There was a beat of silence. "We could just... sleep in the bed... together." Keith was too tired to have much of a reaction, but he felt his heart skip a beat.
"I snore," he lied half-heartedly.
"You don't want to?" Lance asked innocently. Keith finally gathered the strength to slowly drag his body upright, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands and yawning.
He regarded Lance with a dark expression. "Of course I want to," he said sleepily.
"Then it's settled, Mullet." Before Keith knew what was happening, Lance was scooping him up in his long, warm arms and Keith barely had time to grab his pillow before the brunette, with his hair still damp and messy, carried him into the bedroom, gently setting Keith down in the bed and tucking the pillow beneath his head. Keith wrinkled his nose.
"I can walk, you know," he said moodily, but Lance just smiled and climbed into the bed next to him.
They started off not even facing each other, so Keith wasn't exactly sure how it came to be when he found his face pressed against Lance's bare chest, listening sleepily to the beat of his heart and his heavy breath with Lance's arms wrapped around him protectively, their legs tanged beneath the duvet. Instead, he focused on the feel of Lance's skin on his, blissful and exhausted, and let himself fall asleep at last.
OMFGGGGGGG have u guys been hearing about the Voltron movie as much as I have???? wtf??? I've heard a lot of rumors as well as a lot of people saying it's fake, but it has a wiki page so that's good enough for me for the time being. however,,,, after reading the wiki page, especially the part where keith is STRAIGHT and has been dating ACXA on and off (????) and the eerie realisation that dreamworks is having some third party character completely dissolve lance's trauma just like that (also ???????) I am completely at a loss. not to mention the fact that the score hints at lotor and allura coming back????? if it does end up becoming a thing, I know that I will watch it out of pure spite and hatred, but I am really convinced that the only good thing about it so far is that they've given shiro and curtis a son, which isn't really that great to begin with because they could have just not killed off adam in the first place but,,,, we know the voltron writers are clowns so I guess we'll see what happens. if you haven't seen any of this, just look up voltron movie 2021 and you should find it. I'm not sure what to expect though, it's too early to tell if it's just a joke or not. I'll keep you updated with my findings uwu
qotd: what are you gonna do for Halloween this year?
luv u luvlies <33 thanks for sticking with me through all of this
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